British Propaganda to France, 1940—1944 Machinery, Method and Message Annexe Two Black Propaganda Leaflets and Rumours Part III: Rumours for France Tim Brooks © Timothy William Brooks, 2007 2 PART III: RUMOURS FOR FRANCE Part III: Rumours for France A. Rumours Date Code Rumour, Sib Directive or Comeback Approved, by? Notes 28.9.40 The reason for M. Laval’s sucking up to the For the credulous, this may have an effect; for the Germans is that they have told him that they are incredulous, it will at least provide a laugh at going to make the Comte de Paris King. Laval is to Laval’s expense. Passed to SIS [the Secret become Duc du Savoie. Intelligence Service, also known as MI6. Pierre Laval (1883­1945) was Pétain’s deputy prime minister and was the dominant figure in the Vichy government at this time. Henri, Comte de Paris (b. 1908), had succeeded his father, Jean III, Duc de Guise, a month earlier, as the fifth pretender to the throne of France]. 1 28.9.40 The pilot in charge of the aeroplane in which Passed to SIS. Weygand was travelling when he had his [See below, 5.10.40. Maxime Weygand (1867­ ‘accident’ has been under the close arrest of the 1965) had replaced General Gamelin as Gestapo ever since. The Germans demanded that commander­in­chief of the French Army on 19 he should be handed over. Strange revelations May 1940, and had presided over the military concerning the ‘accident’ may be expected. defeat of France. An “acerbic anti­German”, he was “banished” to become High Commissioner in Algiers]. 2 28.9.40 The Germans are going to take down the Eiffel Passed to SIS. tower to use the metal for munitions. 28.9.40 The subject of the discussion which Suñer has been Passed to SIS and Agency X [See below, 5.10.40, having in Berlin recently is the handing over of and for discussion of Agency X. This rumour was French Morocco to Spain. This handing over partly true. Ramon Serrano Suñer, Franco’s implies Germany completely ignoring US negotiator, attended talks in Berlin in September capitulatory rights in Morocco. 1940 at which the future of French Morocco was discussed]. 3 3 BRITISH PROPAGANDA TO FRANCE, 1940—1944: ANNEXE TWO Late ‘40 Hitler is planning to settle large numbers of The aim of this whisper is to induce peasants not to German peasants in France, which the Germans do any winter sowing. say is depopulated. [Document undated. Date arrived at through internal evidence]. 5.10.40 There are already 300,000 Germans in unoccupied territory in France. These are spread out in main centres like Marseilles, Perpignan, Toulouse, and Montpellier, preparing for the invasion of the whole of France. The Vichy Government knows and just isn’t trying. 5.10.40 10,000 Germans soldiers and officers are on the Spanish frontier with the Spanish troops ready to invade French Morocco. 5.10.40 The Vichy Government have given Pierre Mas 10,000,000 frs. So that the Press he controls prepares the ground for German occupation of Morocco. 5.10.40 The Germans are preparing to assassinate Marshal Passed to SIS. [See below, same date]. Pétain so as to have a pretext to invade the whole of France. An ex­convict from La Guyane has been given a large sum of money to carry out this foul deed. 5.10.40 The Germans are demanding French planes. Passed to SIS and Agency X. [Agency X may have French pilots will be forced to fly and to attack been Section X of SOE, which was responsible for Syria and Tunisia with the Italian Army. Pétain Germany and ran SOE Missions in the important Government giving in. neutral countries]. 4 4 PART III: RUMOURS FOR FRANCE 5.10.40 Revolt against the Germans in Paris is decided for Passed to SIS. the 6 February. Weygand will lead the movement as he wants to take his revenge against the Germans who had ordered the pilot to kill him in a ‘crash’ when pretending to fly him over to Africa. Weygand will be supported by the ‘Anciens Croix de Feu’. 5.10.40 The Germans are going to seize at least one million Passed to SIS and Agency X. [See below 8.11.40. motor cars from France so as to recuperate rubber Because of a shortage of rubber, the Germans did from the tyres and the metal from the cars. confiscate tyres in large numbers. Vercors’ novel The Silence of the Sea describes a man declaring tyres, in the summer of 1941]. 5 5.10.40 Convicts from La Guyane have been released and Passed to SIS. [La Guyane, or French Guyana, sent back to unoccupied France by the Germans South America, had been a penal colony including with instructions to commit murders and outrages the infamous Devil’s Island – but only until 1935.].6 which will justify German intervention and pretext to occupy the whole of France. 5.10.40 The recent census of livestock in France was a Passed to SIS. forerunner of a confiscation of 50% of stock for the benefit of Germany. 12.10.40 In order to pay the 12 milliard [billion] francs Passed to SIS. [The terms of the Armistice did which the Vichy Government has agreed to give require the French to pay Occupation costs, the Germans every month for the troops of estimated in August 1940 to be 20 million occupation, the gold reserve of the Banque d’Etat Reichsmarks a day, with an exchange rate set at 20 du Maroc has been sold through Portugal. The marks to 1 franc, or 400,000,000 francs daily, a Banque d’Etat du Maroc has no security to cover figure used in British white propaganda].7 bills in circulation. 8.11.40 The Germans are about to requisition rubber and Dissemination by Agency X. copper in France including tyres off cars. 5 BRITISH PROPAGANDA TO FRANCE, 1940—1944: ANNEXE TWO 28.11.40 In the Occupied Territory in France the Germans Yes, by JIC, Germans known to be in urgent need of gold; large are preparing to requisition all gold held by private subject to quantities of gold held by French peasants who individuals and in unoccupied territory, by redrafting as this is would strenuously resist its seizure. Suggest arrangement with the Vichy Government, all gold already the redrafted version magnifies penalties e.g. death is to be requisitioned and exchanged for notes. situation in sentence. There are severe penalties for the concealment of occupied France. gold. 6.12.40 Laval is secretly preparing to amalgamate the Yes, by UP Dissemination by Agency X. Compagnie Fermiere of Vichy with the other Committee. mineral water companies of central France and his own private mineral water company, to salvage that bankrupt concern. 6.12.40 The reports of pig disease in Styria are being Yes, by UP Dissemination by Agency X. [See below, undated spread to justify seizing more French pigs. Committee sib S/1015, and comeback report]. 6.12.40 The Germans intend to nominate Doriot Gauleiter Yes, by UP Dissemination by Agency X. of France. Himmler is financing him; he is training Committee. [Jacques Doriot (1898­1945) had founded the anti­ an SS of his own in the South of France; his Communist Parti Populaire Française (PPF)in intention is – with German permission – to import 1936. In 1941 he would found the Lègion des it into Paris to beat up the workers. Volontaires Françaises contre le Bolchevisme (LVF), many of whose survivors joined the SS. Heinrich Himmler (1900­1945) was head of the SS and German police services]. 8 6.12.40 The Germans have told Laval that they want to Yes, by UP Dissemination by Agency X. reopen the St. Denis coal scandal in order to prove Committee. [Doriot had been mayor of St.­Denis in the early Doriot innocent. 1930s]. 9 6.12.40 Laval intends to withdraw Weygand and send Yes, by UP Dissemination by Agency X and CD. [‘CD’ was the Bergery to North Africa. Committee. executive director of SO2, later of SOE as a whole. Gaston Bergery (1892­1974) had been the only deputy to vote against war credits in September 1939 and supported the ideas for a German­ dominated New Order].1 0 6 PART III: RUMOURS FOR FRANCE 6.12.40 In Marseilles 50 people have been arrested. They Yes, by UP Dissemination by Agency X. founded a committee with the view of protesting Committee. against the commandeering of food arriving in Marseilles from Northern Africa by Germans and Italians. 16.12.40 Germans are more and more determined not to let No, by FO and JIC; Any suggestion that the Germans would not let prisoners of war come back because they are now advised redrafting. French POWs return would make the French dislike more than ever convinced that most of the the Germans more, but the reason for continued assassinations of German soldiers and sentinels can detention would give the logical French an be traced back to escaped prisoners of war, adequate reason for this action. French to be recently returned. Though many are not strong discouraged from active revolt at present. enough to kill, they are forming groups to avenge their fellow prisoners. The movement is organised on the principle of the FEME. 1.1.41 DIR As before, with the following addition:­ To convey, if possible, the fact that Roosevelt’s attitude to France is conditional upon France’s own resistance to Germany and refusal to turn against Great Britain.
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