-- <;( 9 ' 9) I!NGEP HEH ORIAL LIBRAP.Y 325 AUS T I N ST Abernathy PLAit!VIEW TX 7907"> 721"> Weekly Review .., " 1"" VOLUMl<: 71, NUMBER l6 FRIDAY, JULY l , 1993, ABERNATHY, TEXAS SERVING HALE & LUBBOCK COUNTIES Fun, food, frivolity featured for festive Fourth Abernathy Chamber of Com­ There wUl be other food and game Amesson and Ruth Naron. Association's Womanless Wedding. able for children of allqes. cipal Steve Burleson will take a tum merce president Frank Russell is booths outside. Jimmy SancbezJr.ls scheduled to The preview will be on the stage on The Women's Division Chamber on the dunking board. Basketball scartingblstermlnofficewithoneof Bootbsfortic-dyedclotbing, face perform bis impressions of Elvis Main Street. Tbe wedding will take of Commerce wiU bold a drawing for coach Pat Mouser bas also commit­ tile chamber's biggest events of tile painting, wood crafts, ceramics and Presley at 11 a.m. He won last year's place in the Abernathy Hlgb School a nigbt out In Abernathy. The winner ted to bouncing around. The Lions year. bomemade ice cream will be open. Elvis' impersonating contest. auditorium at 7:30p.m. Tickets can will receive a free night's stay at the Club will allow three free !brows for 1be4thannualCbamberofCom­ Vendors will begin hawking tbeir Market booths can be rented. Tbe be purchased from Abernathy ex ­ Abernathy Inn, a dozen red roses anyone donating eyeglasses to the merce Rea Market kicks off at 9 wares immediately after tbe fl38 ·10 by 10 booths are $25 for Inside students. from Abernathy Aoral and Gifts and Lions. a.m. tomorrow with a Cub Scout­ ceremony. and $20 for outside. To rent an inside The Abernathy Friends of the Fire­ a dinner for twoatCano' sSteakbouse. Roundball athletes can sbow their cooducted flag ceremony at Aber­ Music will be provided tbrougb­ boothcallPeggyBurgerat298-2581; fighters Auxiliary will be selling re­ The Abernathy Lions Club is spon­ stuff in the slam-dunk contesL An nathy City Hall. out tbe day. Tonya Taylor wiU be to rent an outside booth call Carol freshments inside the fire hall begin­ soring a dunking booth. Among those egg toss contest will begin at 9:30 A new and more comfortable performing at 9:45 a.m. and fiddler Dillinger at 298-2316. nillg at 10:30 a.m. They wiU also be sitting In the seat of honor will be a.m. Other games include darts, bas­ twist totbis year'sevent is inside, air 1'im Zuber will begin at 10:30 a.m. At II :45 a.m. there will be a pre­ selling chances for a family pack of Abernathy elementary principal ketball toss, bean bag toss and pony conditioned shopping In city ball. Local talent includes Barbara view of the Abernathy Ex-Student ftreworks. More games will be avail- Larry Aldridge. Middle school prin- rides. Taxes fuel speq.ding Spell relief from energy t-a-x By Coopessman Larry Combest Clinton's Btu is d-e-a-d. In Its place, tbe Senate, this week, The state and federal gas tax bite passed a $243 billion tax bill tbat Includes a 4.3-cent a gallon gasoline now totals 34.1 cents and that's before tax. The Senate also backtracked on promises to let the current 2-and-a­ the new 4.3-cent a gallon tax. balf-cent gas tax expire in 1995. Federal gasoline taxes add 14.1 The President signals be wants a An energy tax fails to consider cents to every gallon purchased. The '.'broad-based" energy tax tbat bits several unique aspects of America's State of Texas' gas tax adds another most types of energy- electricity, economic engine. Japan and the Eu­ 20 cents to the gallon paid at the natural gas, gasoline, etc. A broad­ ropeans do not have to ship veg­ pump. The state and federal gas tax based energy tax would cause U.S. etables 3,000 miles to market, nor bite now totals 34.1 cents and that's industries to reduce their number of routinely use airplanes. as we do, for before the new 4.3-cent a gallon tax workers just as the nation is strug­ domestic travel, nor face the air con­ tile Senate voted for last week. gling to recover from recession. ditioning requirements of Texas and It appears many members of Con­ Reduced employment means that Florida in the summer. gress conveniently forgot last year's tbe government's sbare of PliYI'Pil I do not believe our competitive warning tbata gas tax increase would taxes decreases. On one page of the economy should pattem itself after "grind the middle class and lower budget ledger, an energy tax brings tbe stifling, government-run Euro­ middle class into tbe dirt". The quote in $7.6 billion per year. pean economies. The non-profit Institute for Re­ was not from "Big Oil" but made last Americans pay less than Europe­ search on tbe&onomics of Taxation year by Bill Clinton. ans for gasoline but the difference in estimates tbat tbe roouced payrQU lax Wbetber it is Btu, transportaiion tbe U.S. price average of $1.13 and paid to the government will end up or broad-based. it Is still spelled t-a­ tbe $3.71 paid by the Germans is due, actually offsetting one-third of the x. almost entirely, to the energy taxes expected· revenue from tbe energy The Clinton budget writers tar· imposed by each government. In­ tax. In not-so-complicated terms, The Boys of Summer geted energy for tax Increases be­ stead of 100 percent increases in their budgeters are robbing Peter to pay cause tbey felt it would meet two energy laxcs forcing the European John Flores (foreground) is cut down at the plate by a Petersburg Pirate trying to steal home Paul. goals. People would use less energy drivers to conserve fuel, gasoline during summer baseball action Tuesday in Abernathy. The runner scored. Flores was the I believe tbat by keeping taxes if it were made artifiCially more ex­ consumption has surged by 31 per­ low, businesses will be more effi­ starting pitcher for the Abernathy Braves. The Braves rallied from an 8-0 deficit for a 9-8 pensive with government taxes. The cent or more in the past 13 years in increased tax revenues would belp cient and will produce more jobs. league win. Randy Lopez came on in relief of Flores midway through the contest. Italy, Japan and England. reduce the deficiL The job Income of employees and Tbe bard fact is tbat low-cost en­ increased sales to customers, In tum, -Energy taxes do not reduce con­ ND council seeks credit union affiliation ergy fuels tbe great American eco­ provides a sbare of tax revenue to the sumption. They fill govcmment cof­ nomic engine of industry. government-witboutraising 1axes. fers and fuel more spending. Abernathy Weekly Review wins award for advertising Land purchase eyed The Abernathy Weekly Re­ The newspaper entered the culation under 2,000. By Scott Luce is the deadline for submitting a grclllt Police Chief Sam Butler said that view received a third place in largest division in the contest. TheNewDealCityCouncilunani­ to the Texas Department of Com­ tbe Texas Municipal League bas ad­ advertising from the Texas There were .53 newspapers The award was given at the mously approved a motion to pur­ merce (TDOC) for water improve­ vised police departments to discon­ Press Association last week­ competing in the division for annual TP A convention in San chase land immediately adjacent to ments. tinue unlocking cars and conducting end. weekly newspapers with cir- Antonio. tbe city hall. Bigham also said city water sup­ house watches. Butler said their are The area for sale is one acre square pliesarelimitedandsomewaterwclls cases were municipalities were held and includes 408 and 406 S. Monroe. are off line. lbe New Deal school has liable for damage and loss. The city will be buying the land in had service disconnected and two In non-agenda items, Bigham said conjunction with a purchase by Coun­ construction companies were denied the City of New Deal would host a cilwoman Maria Gonzales and her sales of water. quarterly area mayors' meeting at husband Miguel. Sewerdcpartmentemployeescon­ Northrup King Aug. 6. Northrup King The Gonzales will buy the south tinue work on ftxing original con­ will sponsor a meal and tour of their one-halfoftbeacre (406S. Monroe). struction of Miguel and Maria Gon­ facilities beginning at noon . The city will purchase the north onc­ zales' sewer service. The sewer line Phillips asked the council to con­ half(408 S. Monroe).lftbeGonz.ales was improperly installed during origi­ sider helping tbe fire department buy fail to buy their half, the city will also nal construction. The city is assum­ a water tank to replace an irreparable purchase 406 S. Monroe. ing repair responsibilities until the one currently in usc. lbe council Councilman Harry Ford made the line is properly installed and clean. called a special meeting July 1 at 7 motion to purchase the land. Coun­ The customers will then assume fu­ p.m. to discuss helping with the pur· cilman C.L. "Red" Phillips seconded ture repair responsibilities. chase. tbe motion. In other council business, Vicki Love, president of the City of Lub­ Ex-stu president receives bock Federal Employees Credit Union, explained affiliation proce­ holiday inquiry from singer dures. The City of New Deal employees, The manager of a famous singer has contacted Abernathy ex­ city council and volunteer ftrefigbt­ student president Diana Phillips, inquiring about the Womanless ers will be allowed to join the credit Wedc' ..1g tomorrow night.
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