l!IREC I ORY, J BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. ETON, with paintings, executEd between 1479 and 1487 and in­ Sir Henry E. Roscoe P.C., D.C.L., F.R.S., LL.D tended to exemplify the gracious protsction afforded by The Viscount Cobham M.A the Blessed Virgin, the patroness of the college, to lHJr Francis Warre Cornish M.A. vice-provost vo~aries in all ages and countries; the upper portion of The Earl of Halsbury P.C., F.S.A. these, declared by the late G. E. Street esq. lLA.. to be Hon. W. F. D. Smith the finest frescoes yet discovered in England, was almost Mr. Justice J. Eldon Bankes wholly destroyed and the remainder is now hidden behind The Earl of Rosebery K.G., K.T., P.C the s-talls. The chapel was further rest<Jred at a later Alfred J. Butler D.Litt. Fellow & Bursar of Brasenose date under the direction of H. Wood:rer esq.; all the College, Oxford windows are stained; the great east window was pre­ Waiter Durnford ~ . .A.. Vice-Provost of King's College, sented by the boys in 1847 at a cost of £2,ooo; two Cambridge others in the ante-chapel are memorials to Et<mians who The Governing Body are the Provost, Bursar & Fellows_ fell in the Crimean War and 14 memorial windows were Conducts, Rev. George Sevier Davies M.A. & Rev_ contributed by the Rev. John Wilder M.A. fellow of Harold Sydney Vining M . .A. Ei,on College, who also caused the reredos and the whole Precentor & Musical Instructor, Charles Harford Lloyd east cud to be decorated; the two easternmost windows M . .A.., Mus.Doc on either side of the choir were contributed by the assist­ Steward of the Courts, Sir F. Albt. Bosanquet M.A.,K.C ant masters and Mr. W. A. Carter; ano~her window was Deputy Steward of the Courts, H. A. Carter given by the Yen. Edward Balston D.D. head master Bursar, H. C. Hollway-Calthrop 1862-8, and Mrs. Balston; at the west end of the chapel Junior Bursar & School .Fund Accountant, P. A. is a memorial screen of Caen stone, designed by the late Macindoe C ..A. G. E. Street esq. R.A.. richly carved with coats of arms Auditor, W. Plender F.C . .A. and adorned with memorial brasses to those officers who Clerk to the Provost & Fellows, H. B. Dyke, Eton were killed during the Afghan and South African cam­ College paigns, and unveiled on Commemoration Day (June 5, Head Master, Rev. the Hon. Edward Lyttelton M . .A.,B.D r882) by His late Majesty King Edw. VII. then Prince Lower Master, Francis Hay Rawlins M . .A. of Wales. In Jan. 1895, an inscribed brass was placed Keeper of the Museum, Matthew Davenport Hill M.A., near the organ screen by his brother officers to Lieut. F.Z.S. Science F. Hervey, who fell 23 Feb. 1894, at Medina Creek, West Africa, during the Gambia Expedition; there are also Assistant Masters, Henry Elford Luxmoore :M.A. brasses to Sir J oseph Barn by, precentor of Eton College, Classics; Rev. Raymond Coxe Radcliffe M.A. Mathe­ 1875-gz, d. 18g6 ; to Harry Martin Sandbach, who died matics & Classics; Henry Broaibent M.A. Classics; in Africa, and to Lieut. Grenfell, 21st Lancers, who fell Edward Littleton Vaughan .M.A. Classics; Philip in the cavalry charge at Omdurman in 18g8. The colours Williarns ~LA. :\fa thematics & German; Edward of the 14th (Prince of Wales' Own) regiment were de­ [rnpey M.A. Classics; Annesley Ashworth Somerville posited here in 1877. In the ante-chapel are marble M. A. Mathematics & French; John Hugh Montague statues of King Henry VI. by Bacon, and .Provost Goodall, Hare ~I. A. Classics; Thomas Cunninj!ham Porter by Weekes; that of Provost Thomas Murray is in the M.A., D.Sc., F.C.S., F.R.A.S., F.Ph.S., M.R.I., chapel; there is also a black marble ,slab with singular F.R.P.S. Science; Hugh ~1acnaghten M . .A. Classics; inscription to Sir Henry Wotton, ambassador to Venice Hubert Brinton ~I.A. Classics; .Arthur Conolly Gage and provoot of Eton ( 1639) ; a memorial to Sir Henry Heygate ~I.A. Classics; Robt. Penrice Lee Buoker M.A .• Savile, provost, and warden of Merton Colle"ge, Oxford, F.S.A. Classics; John Maximilian Dver• M. A. Mathe- ob. 19 February, 16zz, and a cenotaph with recumbent matics; Richard Stephen Kindersley :M ..A. Classics; marble figure of the Rev. Edward Craven Hawtrey, pro­ Re!!inald Saurnarez de Havilland M.A. Mathematics; vost from 1853, who died January 27• 1862; in 1893 Arthnr Murray Goodha.rt M. A., Mus.B. Classics; a monument was erected by old Etonians to the late Lionel Stanley Rice Byrne M . .A.. German & French; Ven. Archdeacon Balston D.D. who died in 1891, con­ ELl wanl Wellingt-on Stone YI.A. Cla~~ic~ ; Pbilip V ere sisting of a recumbent marble effigy on an altar tomb Brol;e B.A. Mathematics; Cyril Mowhray Wells B.A. of stone and alabaster. The ante-chapel and other Classics; Ernest L. Churchill B . .A.. Class1cs; William parts of the building contain a large number of brasses Douglas Eggar M.A. Science ; Allen Beville Ramsay of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, including those M.A. Classics; :Matthew Davenport Hill M.A., F.Z.S. of Dr. Thomas Barker, elected provost in 1489; Hem·y Science & Keeper of the :Museum ; Clarence Henry Bost, provost 1503 ; Roger Lupton, provost 1536, and Kennett Marten M . .A.. Histon; Hngh de Havilland founder of Sedburgh school, N. W. Yorks; and Richard, M . .A.., F.L.S. Science; Alfred Edward Conybeare M.A. Lord Grey, 1521; there is also a three-quarter effigy of Mathematics; Vivian Le Keve Foster M . .A.. Mathe­ Thomas Edgcomb, fellow and vice-provost of Eton, matics ; },J!.("ernon Cock burn Rayner-Wood ?\L.A. French, 1545, in academical dress with inscription in Latin German & Cla!'sics; .Frederick Eden Robeson M . .A.. vtrse : the figure is palimpsest, the reverse showing Classics, French & German; Thos. Frank Cattley M. A. portions of an earlier inscription : the brass, with effigy Classic3; Paul Scoones M . .A.. Mathematics; Reymond and inscription to Elizabeth, wife of Robert Stokys, 156o, Hervey de ~fontmorency M.A. French, German & is also, as regards the inscription, a palimpsest, the Spanish; Leonard Todd M.A. Mathematics; Francis reverse having an inscription to Waiter Haugh, r_so_s, Wellesley Dobbs M A. Mathematics; Aymer William and his wives, Margaret and Isabel; in November, Whit worth M . .A.. Classics; William Theodore Douglas 1894, a memorial tabl~t was erected on the wall of the Bodkin :\I. A. :\fathematics; Hugh :Michael Bland M.A. porch to the south-west door of the ante-chapel to the Rt. French; Rev. George J ameson Chitty M. A. Classics; Rev. Henry John Chitty Harper D. D. Bishop of Christ­ John Foster Crace M. A. Classics; Archibald M a gee church, New Zealand, who died at Christchurch on McNeile M . .A.. Mathematics; Edward V ere Slate!' Dec. 28, 1893; a small statue of William of W;ynflete, M . .A.. Classics; Rev. Francis Granville Channon M . .A. placed in a niche on the outside of the west wall, and Mathcm.1tics; Geoffrey Wycliffe Headlam B.A. erected by Sussex Etonians, was unveiled June 5, 1893: Classics & History; Cuthbert Harold Blakiston M . .A. the chapel will seat about 700. In r89r a new supple­ Clas~ics; Rev. Charles OliveT Bevan M. A. Cla~sics; mentary chapel was erected in Keat€'s lane; it is of Clement James Mellish Adie M.A. French & Gei"lllan; stone in the Perpendicular style, and consists of an em­ Rev. Lionel Bethell Trenchard Chaffey M.A. French battled nave or choir with pinnacles and a small & German; John Chaloner Chute B.A. Mathematics; octagonal turret at each angle, and will seat 450. John Christie B. A. Science; .A.rthur James Sheep­ shanks M.A. Classics; Williarn Hope-Jones E.A. Eton :Montem.-This aru;ient and singular annual cere­ Mathematics; Francis Robinson Gladstone Duck­ mony was abolished in 1847; the 4th of June, George worth ".\LA. Cla~sics; Hon. George William Lyttel­ ffi.'s birthday, is now the great gathering-day of ·old ton B.A. Classics; Richard Selby Durnford B. A. Etonians and is marked by a procession of boats to Classics ; W illiarn Douglas Penneck Hill M.A. Surlev. Classics; Eric Waiter Powell B. A. French & German;­ • - Richard Edward Young D.A. Mathematics; Will'iam Governing Body of Eton College. Donald Campbell Laidlaw Purves B.A. French & German Provost, Rev. Edmond Warre DD., D.C.L., C.B., C.V.O. chairman FrPnch Masters, Jean Philippe Auguste Cuveller & Vice-Provost, Francis \Varrc Cornish M . .A. Philippe Cosme Henri de Satge, B. es L Drawing, William Sidney Vernon Evans F ello.}"f s. Musical Instructor, C'harles Harford Lloyd M . .A.., l\Ius. The Provost of King's College, CamhridgP Doe. ; Gustav Morsch, assistant instructor Sir William R. Anson bart. P.C., D.C.L., :M.P. warden Gymnastics Instructors, Lieut. Bernard Trotter Coot& of All Souls Colle!!e, Oxford RN. (retired) & Reginald Edward Raper M.A. ~ .
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