PRESS & DAKOTAN I WINTER SPORTS 2011 PAGE 13B p.m., KVTK-AM) YHS (5:45 p.m.) ley Conf. Tourn. (Niobrara-Verdigre, Santee); WRESTLING, PREP Lewis & Clark Conf. brara-Verdigre, Santee); Northeast Neb. Activi- BASKETBALL, WOMEN’S Western Illinois BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ 9TH Mitchell at YHS Northeast Neb. Activities Conf. Tourn. at Crofton Quad at Osmond (Ponca); Gregory/Marion- ties Conf. Tourn. at Crofton (Creighton, Crofton, Calendar at USD (5 p.m., KYBB-FM); MMC at Midland (2 (DH, 4 p.m.) (Creighton, Crofton, Laurel-Concord-Coleridge, Freeman at Bon Homme Laurel-Concord-Coleridge, Randolph); Alcester- p.m., KVTK-AM) WRESTLING, PREP YHS/S.F. Roosevelt at Randolph) Hudson at Beresford; Andes Central at Wagner; From Page 12B BASKETBALL, BOYS’ YHS at R.C. Central Madison (5:30 p.m.); Lincoln Quad (Parkston); BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ Big East Conf. Bon Homme at Avon; Elk Point-Jefferson at (4:30 p.m., KYNT-AM); All-Indian Tourn. at Win- Alcester-Hudson/Dakota Valley/Marion-Free- Tourn. at Volga (Parker); Cornbelt Classic at February Dakota Valley; Gregory at Parkston; Irene- nebago (Santee); Dakota Valley Classic (Dakota man at McCook Central-Montrose; Elk Point- Freeman (Freeman, Marion, Menno); Dakota Thursday, February 2 Wakonda at Baltic; Madison at Vermillion; Valley); Hanson Classic (Platte-Geddes, Tripp- Jefferson at Canton; Oyate Challenge at Huron (Marty); Lewis & BASKETBALL, BOYS’ Lewis & Clark Conf. Menno at Mount Vernon; Tripp-Delmont-Armour HOCKEY, BANTAM Yankton A at Aberdeen Delmont-Armour, Viborg-Hurley); Creighton at Laurel-Concord-Coleridge/Ponca at Randolph Clark Conf. Tourn. (Allen, Bloomfield, Harting- Tourn. (Allen, Bloomfield, Hartington, Newcas- vs. Marty; Viborg-Hurley at Freeman Academy (10 a.m.); Yankton B at Mitchell (4:30 p.m.) Niobrara-Verdigre; Freeman at St. Francis In- WRESTLING, PREP JV YHS/S.F. Roosevelt ton, Newcastle, Ponca, Wausa, Wynot); Nio- tle, Ponca, Wausa, Wynot); Mid-State Conf. at BASKETBALL, BOYS’ JV Brandon Valley HOCKEY, PEEWEE Yankton A at Watertown dian; Guardian Angels Central Catholic at Hart- at Madison (5:30 p.m.) brara-Valley Conf. Tourn. (Niobrara-Verdigre, Norfolk and Wayne (Hartington Cedar Catholic); at YHS (4 p.m.) (noon); Yankton B at Watertown (10 a.m.) Wednesday, January 25 BASKETBALL, BOYS’ SOPH Monday, January 16 ington Cedar Catholic; Menno at Centerville; Santee); Northeast Neb. Activities Conf. Tourn. Niobrara-Valley Conf. Tourn. (Niobrara-Verdigre, Brandon Val- Mitchell Christian vs. Irene-Wakonda at Irene; BASKETBALL, MEN’S Dakota Wesleyan at at Atkinson (Creighton, Crofton, Laurel-Con- Santee); Gayville-Volin at Freeman Academy; ley at YHS (5:45 p.m.) BASKETBALL, WOMEN’S USD at South Parker at Flandreau; Wakefield at Randolph MMC (8 p.m., KVHT-FM) cord-Coleridge, Randolph); Tri-Valley Classic at Marty at South Central at Burke; Scotland at BASKETBALL, BOYS’ 9TH Brandon Valley Dakota State (7 p.m., KYBB-FM, Midco Sports BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ YHS at R.C. Cen- BASKETBALL, WOMEN’S Dakota Wes- Freeman (Alcester-Hudson, Centerville, Free- Ethan; Tea Area at Parker at YHS (DH, 4 p.m.) Network) tral (3 p.m., KYNT-AM); All-Indian Tourn. at Win- leyan at MMC (6 p.m., KVHT-FM) man Academy, Gayville-Volin, Irene-Wakonda, BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ Brandon Valley at BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ Lewis & Clark Conf. BASKETBALL, BOYS’ Ethan at Menno; nebago (Santee); Dakota Valley Classic (Dakota Thursday, January 26 Scotland, Viborg-Hurley); Lennox at Dakota Val- YHS (7:30 p.m.); Mid-State Conf. at Norfolk and Tourn. (Allen, Bloomfield, Hartington, Newcas- Parkston at Andes Central Valley); Alcester-Hudson at Canistota; Creighton BASKETBALL, MEN’S USD at Oral ley; Platte-Geddes at West Central Wayne (Hartington Cedar Catholic); Niobrara- tle, Ponca, Wausa, Wynot); Mid-State Conf. at BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ Andes Central vs. at Niobrara-Verdigre; Freeman at St. Francis; Roberts (7:05 p.m., KYBB-FM) HOCKEY, BOYS’ Yankton at Rushmore (8 Valley Conf. Tourn. (Niobrara-Verdigre, Santee); Norfolk and Wayne (Hartington Cedar Catholic); Tripp-Delmont-Armour at Tripp; Ethan at Menno; Guardian Angels Central Catholic at Hartington BASKETBALL, BOYS’ YHS at S.F. O’Gor- p.m.) Northeast Neb. Activities Conf. Tourn. at Atkin- Niobrara-Valley Conf. Tourn. (Niobrara-Verdigre, Freeman vs. Viborg-Hurley at Viborg Cedar Catholic; Parker at Flandreau; Wakefield man (7:30 p.m., KYNT-AM); Dakota Oyate Chal- HOCKEY, BOYS’ JV Yankton at Rushmore son (Creighton, Crofton, Laurel-Concord-Co- Santee) GYMNASTICS, PREP S.F. Washington at at Randolph lenge at Huron (Marty); Andes Central at Bon (5:30 p.m.) leridge, Randolph); Bon Homme at Avon; Elk HOCKEY, GIRLS’ JV Yankton at Rushmore YHS (6:30 p.m.) HOCKEY, BOYS’ HOCKEY, PEEWEE Tuesday, January 17 Oahe at Yankton (8 p.m.) Homme; Bloomfield at Gayville-Volin; Bridgewa- Yankton B at Sioux Point-Jefferson at Lennox; Freeman at Alcester- (7:30 p.m.); Alcester-Hudson at Beresford; Cen- HOCKEY, BOYS’ JV Oahe at Yankton (6 ter-Emery at Alcester-Hudson; Corsica-Stickney Center (3 p.m.) Hudson; Gayville-Volin at Freeman Academy; terville at Parker; Elk Point-Jefferson at Dakota BASKETBALL, BOYS’ Alcester-Hudson at p.m.) at Menno; Crofton at Pierce; Dell Rapids at Ver- SWIMMING-DIVING, COLLEGE USD at Marion at Menno; Wagner at Andes Central Valley; Gregory at Parkston; Irene-Wakonda at West Sioux; Allen at Wynot; Bloomfield at Os- HOCKEY, GIRLS’ JV Yankton at Watertown million; Freeman at Dakota Christian; Freeman North Dakota (1 p.m.) BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ JV Brandon Valley Baltic; Tripp-Delmont-Armour at Marty; Vermil- mond; Bon Homme at Tripp-Delmont-Armour at (6 p.m.) Academy vs. Irene-Wakonda at Wakonda; Gre- SWIMMING-DIVING, YOUTH Sioux City at YHS (4 p.m.) lion at Sergeant Bluff-Luton; Viborg-Hurley at Tripp; Canistota at Freeman Academy; Center- HOCKEY, BANTAM Rushmore at Yankton A gory at Avon; Niobrara-Verdigre at Santee; Mariners Meet (Yankton) BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ SOPH Brandon Val- Freeman Academy ville at Freeman; Colome at Andes Central; (4 p.m.) Parkston at Lennox; Randolph at Plainview; TRACK & FIELD, COLLEGE INDOOR Bill ley at YHS (5:45 p.m.) HOCKEY, BANTAM Mitchell at Yankton B (8 Creighton at Hartington Cedar Catholic; Elk HOCKEY, PEEWEE Oahe at Yankton A Scotland at Wagner; Viborg-Hurley at Center- Bergan Inv. at Ames, Iowa (USD); Dennis Young BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ 9TH Brandon Val- p.m.) Point-Jefferson at Vermillion; Gayville-Volin at (2:30 p.m.); Oahe at Yankton B (1 p.m.) ville; Wakefield at Laurel-Concord-Coleridge; Classic at Storm Lake, Iowa (MMC) ley at YHS (DH, 4 p.m.) HOCKEY, PEEWEE Huron at Yankton B Parker; Irene-Wakonda at Scotland; Laurel- SWIMMING-DIVING, COLLEGE USD at Wausa at Clearwater-Orchard; Winside at Hart- (6:15 p.m.) Concord-Coleridge at Hartington; Mitchell Chris- SWIMMING-DIVING, COLLEGE Minnesota tian at Avon; Newcastle at Wausa; Ponca at Challenge (USD) Winnebago; Santee at St. Mary's; Tri-Valley at SWIMMING-DIVING, YOUTH Brookings Inv. Beresford; Wayne at Crofton BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ (Yankton) YHS at S.F. Roo- TRACK & FIELD, COLLEGE INDOOR sevelt (7:30 p.m.); Alcester-Hudson at West Frank Sevigne-UNL Inv. at Lincoln, Neb. (USD) Sioux; Allen at Wynot; Beresford at Tea; Bloom- WRESTLING, PREP YHS/Tea Area at Bran- field at Osmond; Creighton at Hartington Cedar don Valley (5:30 p.m.); Alcester-Hudson Double- Catholic; Elk Point-Jefferson at Vermillion; Dual (Alcester-Hudson) Gayville-Volin at Parker; Irene-Wakonda at WRESTLING, PREP JV YHS/Tea Area at Scotland; Laurel-Concord-Coleridge at Harting- Brandon Valley (5:30 p.m.) ton; Menno at Centerville; Mitchell Christian at Saturday, February 4 Avon; Newcastle at Wausa; Ponca at Win- BASKETBALL, MEN’S UMKC at USD (7:30 nebago; Santee at St. Mary’s; South Central at p.m., KYBB-FM); MMC at Briar Cliff (4 p.m., Platte-Geddes; Wayne at Crofton KVTK-AM) BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ JV YHS at S.F. BASKETBALL, WOMEN’S UMKC at USD Roosevelt (4 p.m.) (5 p.m., KYBB-FM); MMC at Briar Cliff (2 p.m., BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ SOPH YHS at S.F. KVTK-AM) Roosevelt (5:45 p.m.) BASKETBALL, BOYS’ Dakota Schoolers BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ 9TH YHS at S.F. Classic at Sioux Falls (Dakota Valley, Viborg- Roosevelt (DH, 4 p.m.) Hurley); Niobrara-Valley Conf. Tourn. at Atkin- WRESTLING, PREP Akron-Westfield Dou- son (Niobrara-Verdigre, Santee); Centerville vs. ble-Dual (Alcester-Hudson); Lennox Tri. Oldham-Ramona-Rutland at Rutland; Platte- (Parker); Lyman/Wagner vs. Kimball-White Geddes at Miller; Wagner vs. McCook Central- Lake-Platte-Geddes at White Lake; Parkston at Montrose at Salem Bon Homme BASKETBALL, GIRLS’ Wednesday, January 18 Niobrara-Valley Conf. Tourn. at Atkinson (Niobrara-Verdigre, BASKETBALL, MEN’S MMC at Dordt (8 Santee); Avon at Ethan; Platte-Geddes at Miller; p.m., KVHT-FM) Wagner vs. McCook Central-Montrose at Salem BASKETBALL, WOMEN’S MMC at Dordt GYMNASTICS, PREP Eastern South (6 p.m., KVHT-FM) Thursday, January 19 Dakota Conf. Championships at Brookings (YHS, 1:30 p.m.) BASKETBALL, MEN’S IUPUI at USD (7 HOCKEY, BOYS’ Huron at Yankton (7 p.m.) p.m., KYBB-FM) HOCKEY, BOYS’ Huron at Yankton (5 p.m.) BASKETBALL, BOYS’ All-Indian Tourn. at JANUARY 28 | The ‘A’ and ‘B’ Dual Tournaments are no more, but they have spawned big-time wrestling showdowns in Brookings and HOCKEY, GIRLS’ JV Yankton at Rushmore Winnebago (Santee); Alcester-Hudson at Akron- Wagner, held right before the post-season. (1:30 p.m.) Westfield; Avon at Andes Central; Baltic at Free- HOCKEY, BANTAM Huron at Yankton A (3 man Academy; Bloomfield at Humphrey St. p.m.); Mitchell at Yankton B (1 p.m.) Francis; Irene-Wakonda at Parker; Laurel-Con- S.D. State (1 p.m.) ington WRESTLING, PREP Brookings Inv. (YHS, 9 TRACK & FIELD, COLLEGE INDOOR John SWIMMING-DIVING, COLLEGE Minnesota cord-Coleridge at Battle Creek; Menno at Free- TRACK & FIELD, COLLEGE INDOOR Jack BASKETBALL, BOYS’ JV YHS at S.F.
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