Georgia College Knowledge Box Colonnade Special Collections 12-5-1933 Colonnade December 5, 1933 Colonnade Follow this and additional works at: https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Colonnade, "Colonnade December 5, 1933" (1933). Colonnade. 146. https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade/146 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Knowledge Box. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colonnade by an authorized administrator of Knowledge Box. :.e: VOLUME IX. GEORGIA STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, MJLLEDGEVILLE, GA., MONDAY.DECEMBER 5, 1933 c-\H :?''.fla«vi*«j-"^a£»iiSi& i Literary Coiles Plans Complete For Dr. Guy Ss Speaker lumiiae l resi I Class Broadcast At.Chemistry Banquet Tanner Announces Program For Club Hears Talk on Leadership Harvin, Herndon, Todd, Chen- Senior Broadcast December 7. Letters Will Be Awarded by Emory Professor. Miss Virginia McMichael, ey, Mincey, and Green On Basis of Point Sys- President Atlanta Alumnae Write Best Selections. Thursday morning, ' December Club, Is Speaker. the seventh, three buses will car- tem- The Honor Circle of the Chem- >,' ; The winners of the annual Cor- ry approximately . seventy-five istry Club entertained , at .a ban- The Athletic Pageantry Guild The Alumnae Association of -^-5- inthian contest were announced seniors to Atlanta to broadcast a Point System quet at the Baldwin Hotel, Wed- the. Georgia State College for Wo- in. chapel on. Tuesday, Novemb'er radio program ' for G: S. C. W. 1. Each physical education maj- nesday evening at seven o'clock. men, formally welcomed the. for- . .• 28, by Miss Helen Ennis, editor The. program will come from the or and minor is urged to have an Among those present were.': Dr. mer graduates ancl. students of of the magazine. Presbyterian church at 3:15 o'- the institution .Friday, December : clock central time, and will last annual medical and physical ex- Samuel L. Guy, head of the chem- Each year the Corinthian spon amination by the school physician 1, -1933. The program was • pre- for thirty..minutes.. itsy department at Emory Uni- ' ' sors two contests on the writing and faculty ol: the department. sented in the' Richard B. Russell A delightful program has been '"of poetry, essay, and short story 'J. Sports versity; President and Mrs. J. L. Auditorium at- eleven o'clock. arranged by the class .assisted by —one among the freshmen, and The sport:; on the campus are Beeson,. Mr. Burg in Dunn, a stu- Evelyn Wheat, a student, • play- 'one among the upper-classmen. members of the faculty: ed an organ prelude and Miss Lot- divided into , major, and minor dent at Emory; Dr. L. C. Linds- The winning selections arc; pub- 1. Chorus—"Recessional" by R. sports, which may be either spo- tie Moring Curl, second vice-pres- lished in the Corinthian, and books ley, Miss Lillas Myriek, Miss ident at large, led the devotional. De Koven—Class Directed by Miss sored or unsponsored .hctivities. are awarded as first prizes. Lena Martin, Miss Jessie Trawick, A quartet composed of Miss Hal- Alice Lenora Tucker—Head of the 1'iy sponsored is meant that the lie Smith, Miss Louise Albert, The judges of the short story Department of Music. iK'nd ol' thai, activity is present two old members of the Circle, Mrs. Wilson Mason, IVM\ Miss were Mrs. Frank Quillian. Col. 2. Introduction—Miss Virginia and administers instructions, or 'Miss Katherine Owen, and Miss Louis'e Jeanes rendered "An Al- Erwin Sibley, and Mrs. W. 11. Tanner, President of the Senior that a member of the physical Sarah Bunch, and- the new mem- umnae ilynui," .written! by 'Mrs. Salley; those of the poetry were Class. ' "',''' (Continued on Back Page) bers, Miss India Brown, Miss Hines. Mrs/l-ovis Hall, Miss Susie Dell 3. Violin Solo---''Alla Zingares- Dorothy Konnington, Miss Harriet President Beeson, as host of Kearny, and Major Sam What- ca" by Tschetschulir.-—Miss Nut a - j Trapnell, arid Miss Anna Everett the college, welcomed all the 'vis- le; and those of the essay were lie Purdom. •Dr. H. B. Webb Makes ' Mr. Jere Moore, Mrs. T. Ii. Rentz, Miss Mary Jones is also a mem- itor's. Virginia Tanner, senior 4. Vocal Solo—"The Answer" class president, extended to th:j and Dr. Euri Bell Bolton. Address In Chapel ber of the circle. by Terry—Miss Louise Jeanes. alumnae the college key in behalf The short stories winning first 5. Pi ana Solo—"Moment Mus- "Give me history that is the Immediately following the ban- of the present G. S. C. W. stu- , place were "Sympathy Speaks" icale" Moskowski—Miss Dor- truth or give me nothing." Thus quet, Dr. Guy gave an interesting dents. 'b: Margaret Harvin and "A Scrap v othy Ellis. Dr. H. B. Webb, head of the chem- The speaker, Miss Virginia Mc- ofCloth" by Rose Herndon. Sec- talk on "A. Young Leader in a (i. Sextette—"Trees" by Ras- istry department at Peabody Col- Michael, president of the Atlan- World of Science" to the Chem- ond places were awarded Sara back—Misses Sue Mansfield, lege concluded his humerous but ta G. S. C. W. Alumnae Club, was istry Club members of the faculty Jane Deck's "Postal Clerk" and Louise Jeanes, Ruth Wilson, Mil- educational address before the introduced by Miss Katherine Louise Williams' "The Key to dred Brinson, Betty Watt, Evelyn faculty and student body Tuesday in the biology lecture room. Scott, of the college English fac- Happiness." Turner. morning in the Richard B. Rus- "The task of leadership in the ulty. "G. S. C. W. Memories" was In the upperclassmen essay 7. A Message from President sell auditorium. world of science is not going to Miss iVIclVliehael's topic. group Betty Todd won first place Beeson and the Faculty—Dr. Wil- Dr. Webb spoke on agriculture be an easy one," stated Dr. Guy. Tributes of sincere appreciation with "Color of Moods" and Eliza- liam T. Wynn, Head of the De- as he discussed the four greatest to the college presidents were He continued by saying "To be a beth Smith, second, with "My partment of English. farmers in American agricultural made. Mrs. Dixon Williams, to World Fair."'"Poet of the Beau- 8. Faculty Number—"Menuet history. "George Washington was leader one must know how, to Dr. J. Harris Chappell; Miss tiful" by Martha Cheney and Propora" by Krieslar—Miss Bea- first in war, first in peace, and where, and from where to pro- Blanche Tait, to Dr. M. M. Parks; "Movies and the World" by Sara trice Horsborough, Head of the first in the heart of the American ceed." and, Miss Annie Joe Moye, to Dr. Vane placed second. Department of Violin and Mrs. mule," stated Dr. Webb. Benja- Jasper Luther Beeson. Harriet Mincey's "In Line" and Wiles Homer Allen, Plead of the min Franklin was the first farmer Miss Louise Smith, Vice-Presi- Grace E. Greene's "Understand- Department of Piano. to use manufactured fertilizer Students Entertained dent of the Alumnae Association, ing" were the best poems submit- At seven-thirty in the evening brought over from Paris. Daniel introduced' the visiting alumnae to ted. Second places among the up- a banquet will be given at the Webster imported the first red At Dance Friday the audience. perclassmen were given "Even- Frances Virginia Tea Room, for hog that ever "breathed Ameri- After announcements were made the seniors making the trip. can soil," stated Dr. Webb. Henry ing" by Claudia Keith, "Vision" On Friday night, December 1, by Miss Alary Lee Anderson, by Betty Todd, "And You Were Clay was known the world over president of the Alumnae Associa- at 8:30, Ennis, Mansion, Terrell, in It" by Frances X. Profumo. Miss Terrell Wins for his enormous farm. He intro- tion, the program was concluded Second place in the freshman duced bigger and better cows and Atkinson halls were joint by the singing of the Alma Ma- group was awarded the poem, "In- Beauty Contest from England. hostesses at a THanksgiving ter, in which all participated. significant" by Katherine Mal- In summing up his speech, Dr. dance held in Terrell Recreation The election of Miss Elizabeth lory. Webb said, "Whenever I see a hall and the gymnasiums. The prizes have been ordered Jamison, ,Miss Terrell B and C, mule, I think of George Washing- Students and Faculty The rooms were beautifully and will be presented at a tea in beauty queen of G. S. C, climaxed ton; whenever I see a red pig, I Pay Tribute To honor of the winners. the World Fair Saturday, Novem- think of Benjamin Franklin; when- decorated with fall leaves, orange ber 26, A gayly decorated float ever I smell or see fertilizer, I crepe-paper and vari-colored bal- Former Presidents brought the delegates representing think of Daniel Webster; whenever loons. A. booth in each at which Journalism Class each dormtiory to the fair. I see a white faced cow, day or On November 20, the eve of punch and cakes were served Visits Times Office Miss Carolyn Wilder, Miss night, I think of Henry Clay. Thanksgiving, at 5:30 in the af- Mansion, won second place; and was likewise decorated with leaves. ternoon, G. S. C. W. payed trib- The journalism class visited the Miss Polly Suttonfield, Miss En- Y. W. C. A. Representatives Serving girls were dressed as ute to its former beloved presi- •office of the "Milledgeville Times" nis, was named as the third most Puritan maids. dents, Dr. Marvin M. Park's and Attend Conference Dr. J. Harris Chappell.
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