Villa CHS Sombreros Diary of Anne students impresses Frank takes dress for in style and the stage success FASHION flavor REVIEW PREVIEW the CarmelA CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PUBLICATION Sandpiper VOLUME XXXVIII NOVEMBER 2018 thesandpiper.org TECHNOLOGY Increased screen time HOMECOMING overwhelming for today’s teens BY ELLAH FOSTER When CHS junior Natalia Miller found out through her settings that she had spent 38 hours on her phone in the past 10 days, she expressed nothing but shock for that exces- sive screen time. However, she’s not alone in her time-consuming technology use. American teenagers spend an average of nine hours online every day, roughly three hours more than adults daily, according to a study released by Common Sense Media. As the first generation to grow up with technol- ogy at their fingertips, the mesmerizing pull of the screen might possibly be too difficult to ignore. This supposed “addiction” began with the creation of the first iPhone in 2007, fol- lowing the craze of flip phones from the de- HOMECOMING PHOTOS cade prior. Within the span of a few short Page 12 photo by CLEMENTINE CHAMBERLAIN years, the global use of tablets, cell phones and iPods exploded. By 2014-2015, Pew Research Center reported that 95 percent of ACADEMICS teens had access to a smartphone. Along with personal devices, students in Carmel Unified School District receive Content overhaul in order for AP World Chromebook laptops in sixth grade for aca- demic reasons, although many game and en- tertainment websites are not blocked. History curriculum; CHS accommodates In an average day at Carmel High, stu- BY KYLIE YEATMAN them for the course is heavily in dis- are going to take that over a Pre-AP,” dents use their computers in almost every cussions, as explained by AP U.S. Silva remarks. “If you’re starting a class. That alone adds up to five or six hours After 16 years of offering AP History teacher and social studies class with the Age of Exploration [in of screen time solely for educational pur- World History as a cohesive global chair Marc Stafford. 1450,] you’re going to be missing out poses. Lunch, passing periods and time after course centered on teaching the en- “Changes are in discussions or on a lot of key information.” school are free for students to spend on their tire history of the Earth in only eight the current college-preparation ge- Of course, AP World will not be cell phones, mostly unrestricted by other ac- months, the College Board will be ography and AP Human Geography the only course altered by this sudden tivities. The nightly amount of time spent on implementing a brand new course en- courses offered [to freshman,]” Staf- shift in curriculum. Freshman social homework can take anywhere from an hour titled AP World History: Modern in ford explains. “If any class is going to studies courses, encompassing every- to four times that, meaning even more hours September 2019. see a major change, it’d be the non- thing from world geography to world can be spent online. Focusing on history dated after AP freshman geography course.” government courses, too will reap the Time spent on homework, videos, mes- the year 1250—a noted change from Casting doubt on whether in- effects of this shift, not to the content- saging and everything else the internet en- its proposed start date of 1450, which coming freshmen will have the fore- ment of the department. compasses quickly adds up in a day. And incited a controversy of its own due to thought or motivation to dedicate two Reflecting on the aforementioned what about social media? Platforms such as the noticeable removal of African and years of their high school education controversy over starting the course Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter are large Asian history from the curriculum— to taking one AP course—or even the in 1450, the College Board released components of the problem, with software the College Board has elected to of- desire to sacrifice a summer in order a statement expressing their intent to designed to keep users online for as long fer a preamble to the course, similarly to enroll in Pre-AP—Carmel High’s include 200 prior years into the cur- and as frequently as possible. The “infinite titled “Pre-AP World History and Ge- current AP World’s teacher, Brent riculum: “This change will ensure scroll” algorithm, used on almost all social ography.” Silva, asserts that offering Pre-AP teachers and students can begin the media apps, including Twitter, Facebook and While CHS will not be offering will be ineffective for giving students course with a study of the civilizations Instagram, was created by technology engi- a Pre-AP course as a precursor to the a pivotal understanding of certain his- in Africa, the Americas, and Asia that neer Aza Raskin. The algorithm loads con- traditional sophomore year AP World torical concepts dating prior to 1250. are foundational to the modern era,” tent continuously, causing the user to scroll History class, the implementation “If you’re going to a school reads the statement, additionally re- further down the page rather than select posts of changes to freshman social stud- that’s offering the AP Human Geog- porting on the board’s intent to make ies courses in order to better prepare raphy course, then naturally students the class less dense and therefore eas- SCREEN ADDICTION AP WORLD CONT. ON 5 CONT. ON 3 2 LETTERS thesandpiper.org NOVEMBER 2018 Letters to the Editor THE SANDPIPER Diverse Opinions Needed Rallies Lack School Spirit It’s wonderful to read everyone’s opinions As I write this letter, I ho pe to draw at- STAFF in the Sandpiper. However, it appears to me tention to the rapidly diminishing amount of that the ideas portrayed almost always take the school spirit and hype at our rallies. These Editor-in-chief: Ellah Foster same sides. Less popular views on Evolution, gatherings are meant to bring our school to- politics (i.e. Trump), abortion, and gun control gether and show our Carmel pride, yet most of (to name a few) are never expressed in the pa- the students dread attending them. Leadership Layout Editors: Kylie Yeatman, Athena per. I, for one, have a rather unique opinion puts a great amount of time, energy, and ef- Fosler-Brazil on many topics, but don’t want to reveal them fort into running these rallies, but our students for fear that I will be judged as close-minded need to bring their own hype and school spirit or stupid. It is critically important to hear both to these assemblies. Web Editor: Taylor Desmond sides of an issue to find the most accurate, un- Olivia Randazzo biased truth. Since we can’t legally study other Carmel opinions in school materials, the Sandpiper is Copy Editors: Grace Dean, Peter Ellison a great way to display all sides of an issue and Equal Representation allow students to confidently express their own Each and every day, I am thankful for all Staff Reporters: Jordi Faxon, Alicia diverse views. of the opportunities presented to the students Rachel Seuss of Carmel High. However, after a year on cam- Krueger, Dilan Patel, Miles Prekoski Carmel pus, I have noticed a difference in the represen- tation of male sports versus female sports. On Faculty Adviser: Mike Palshaw the first day of the 2018 to 2019 school year, Student Drivers: Pedestrians Be- the entire student body gathered in the gym to ware! celebrate the start of a year. We remembered Views expressed in The Carmel Sandpiper At three o’clock the races begin. Students a beautiful life taken from the world far too are solely those of authors and are not intend- bolt out of the CHS parking lots and down soon. We welcomed new teachers. We even Hatton Road. This poses a great threat to pe- had a video to give us a glimpse of the sports ed to be viewed as those of the Carmel Unified destrians, cyclists, and other cars on the road. that are offered on campus. While watch- School District administration, the Carmel They loudly honk their horns and speed. In the ing this video, I noticed that not one female sport was represented. All of the clips were of High School administration or the adviser. parking lots, students are careless, and it is be- coming unsafe. While this is typical rowdy be- our talented male athletes, but none of them havior for high school students, could it actu- showed our female athletes. It was an extreme- WANT TO SEND US A ally be dangerous? Should something be done? ly minor event in the way of gender inequality, I say yes. It is important for students to respect but it only presented one half of the hard work LETTER? the road and be conscious of those around and effort that goes into the sports that we have them, but this also brings up the bigger issue of at our school. We have some amazing athletes The Sandpiper staff welcomes contribu- student drivers in general at CHS. We should and scholars and artists and thinkers. They all have a driver’s education program because for deserve to be recognized. tions from the student body in the form of let- a school that claims to be well-rounded in tra- Grace Craig ters to the editor to sandpiper@carmelunified. ditional and social education, we are extreme- Carmel org. The Carmel Sandpiper staff reserves the ly lacking in this essential life-skill. Madison Hart right to edit all letters for clarity, length, libel Carmel About Don Perry and taste.
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