WMCA. 57a WNBC, 66t MOVIE TIME SCHEDULE BROOKLYN EAGLE, SUN., OCT. 2, 1949 27 Roland Petit's WOR, 710. WJZ, 770 BROOKLYN WNYC. 830. WCBS, 880 ALBKE—"I YV»J s M»le War •Bride," RADIO PROGRAMS WAAT. 970. WINS. 1010 1:30. 4:30/7:35. 10:35; "Tutaon," H:i0, Ballets de Paris :<:«. 6:«. 8:25. WMGM, 1050. WHU.nO0.WNEW. 1130. WL1B. 1190. WOV. 1280. WEVD. WBBR FOX^-"Whlte Heat." 1:3!. 4:37. 7:13. 1330 WBNX. B80-WNJR. 1430. WHOM. 14fti WQXR. 1">60 WWRL 1600 10:58: "Kaisn." 14:18. 3:31. «:37. »:43. METROPOLITAN—"In the Oood Old Yale Faces Lions At Winter Garden Suram.erU.-nt." 1»:«6. S:4f,•«:$«, 10:11; 1 "Post Office Invrslli»tor," 3:!i7, 5:53.1 Roland Petit's Les Ballets de TODAY'S RADIO BEST BETS 9:09. 12:30—People's Platform, "Russia and the Atom Bomb," A. A. Berle PARAMOUNT—"Ton O' lb* Mornlnr." j Paris, a company of 20 youthful Jr.. George Fielding Eliot, Prof. Hugh C. Wolfe, WCBS. 1:88. 4:50, 7:54. 11:06: "rortotttn I dancers who have been success­ Women," 12:33, 3:45. fl: 16. 10:01. Here Saturday 1:55—Baseball, Dodgers vs. Philadelphia Phillies, Red Barber. Con­ STRAND—"Stampede." 1:33, 4:33. 7:33, ful in. London and Paris this 10:S3: "An*t|j In Dl»rul»c," If.iO, 3:20. By BEN GOULD *&~ nie Desmond, Ernie Harwell, WMGM; Giants vs. Boston 8:20, 9:20. past Summer, are flying direct Braves, Russ Hodges, Al Heifer, WMCA; 2:00, Yankees vs. MANHATTAN With Eli Yale invading Baker Field to meet Columbia, and from Paris this weekend, to Boston Red Sox, Mel Allen, Curt Gowdy, WINS. ASTOR—"Loit Boundaries;" I *: 18. 2:18. Army traveling to Ann Arbar to face Michigan while Penn make their first appearance in 4:00—United Nations Project—1949, "Junction in Europe," W. Gibson 1:18. 6:18, 8:18. 10:18. 12:18. CAPITOL— "That Midnight Kiss. ' 12, bumps up against Princeton, next Saturday's grid schedule the U. S. next week. Under the Parker, Narrator, Documentary-Drama, WNBC. 2:41, 5:26,. 8:20. 11:18; state. 1:41, .4:24. 7:24, 10:09. auspices of Lee & J. J. Shubert, 5:00—Radio City Playhouse. "Conqueror's Island," Bernard Grant, CRITERION—"Sword In the Desert," 12. comes mighty ^close to proving a World Series distraction. .. WNBC; The Shadow, WOR. 1:50, 3:45. 5:10. 7:35, 9:25. Il:>(), 1:15. One of the boro's blue-ribbon attractions finds X. Y. U. by arrangement with Arthur OLOBE—"The Blur Latoon." 12:28. 2:37, Lesser, the French ballet troupe 5:30—Harvest of Stars. Genevieve Rowe, Guest, WNBC. 1:40, 6:55.. 9:IM. 11:13. 1:11. battling Brooklyn College tin-i —- -;••." "; - will open an engagement at the 6:00—Family Hour of Stars, "Love Affair," Irene Dunne, WCBS. MAYFAIR—"The Flthtlnr 'Kentucklan." der the Ebbets Held lights against Harvard, Rutgers and 6:30—Cabrlllo Days, Program Commemorating the Discovery of Cali­ (2:82. 3:39, 4:46, 6:53, 9, 11:07,. 1:11. Winter Garden, at Broadway fornia by Juan Rodrigez CabriUo; Gov. Earl Warren of Cali­ MUSIC HALL—"I'nder Capricorn." 12.57.J while Kordham travels to Kings; Lehigh in their time-homered and 50th St. It will open next 8:58, 6:57, 9:58; tUte, 12, 2:54, 6:55,jPoint and Citv College hits the fornia, WJZ; Hollywood Calling, WNBC. 9:05. feud, Vilanova and St. Mary's Thursday evening. PARAMOUNT—"My Friend lrma," 12:10, trail to the New Haven Teach­ 7:00—Jack Benny Show. WCBS; Adventures of the Falcon, Les Tre- 3:01, 6:05. 9:03, 12; atare, 2. 4:54, (on Friday night in Phillv), Les Ballets de Paris will fea­ mayne, WOR; Today's Baseball, Bert Lee, Marty Glickman, 8:U2, 10:56.' » ers backyard. !Colgate-Boston University, and RIVOLI—"Pinky," 12:39. 2:48. 4:57 , 7:06. The Penn State-Boston Col: ture a dance version of "Car­ WMGM. 9:15. 11:26. [•Navy-Duke. men," which captivated Ameri­ 7:30—Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show, WNBC; Amos n' Andv (Premiere),! ROXY—"fhiere* Hlrhway." j; 2:25. lege' tiff will hold the atten­ Below the Mason-Dixon line, WCBS. 5:15, 8:05, 11:15: atagre. 1:20. 4. 7. 10. tion of all New England with can visitors abroad during the STRAND—"Task Force." 2:44, 5:55 9:00, Arkansas takes on BayitJr. No. company's four-month capacity 8:00—Adventures of Sam Spade, Howard Duff, WNBC; Edgar Bergen 12:32: stace. 1:36, 4:47, 7:58 11:09. the Holy Cross-Dartmouth Show (Premiere). WCBS. VICTORIA—"The Window." 12 -1:42, ; Carolina encounters So. Caro run at the Marigny Theater, 3:25. 6:08, 6:51, 8:34. 10:17, 11:42 jounst in the hills of Hanover 8:30—Theater Guild on the Air, "Counsellor-at-Law." James Cagney, [liha and Texas battles Okla- Paris, just ended. Choreo­ a close second. Other interest- [JvoVn Meg Mundy and Doris Dalton, WNBC; Red Skelton Show'Jan e Cowl Signed graphed in five scenes by Ro­ (Premiere), WCBS. inK engagements along the land Petit, the 25-year-old direc Eastern seaboard pit Qornell Notre Dame continues to hit 9:00—Meet Corliss Archer, Janet Waldo, WCBS; Sylvan Levin's OperaTAs'Cotbert S*Aunt the road, facing Purdue's Boil­ tor-choreographer -principal Concert, Rosalia Maresca. Hugh Thompson, Guests, WOR. Jane Cowl has been signed ermakers as Minnesota bumps dancer of the* company, "Car­ 9:30—Chance of a Lifetime. John Reed King, M. C. WJ.Z; American by producers Jack H. Skirball men" is based on the Prosper Album of Familiar Music, Donald Dame, WNBC; Horace and Bruce Manning lo play Long Runs Mark tip against Northwestern and Merimee story, uses the opera Heldt Show, WCBS. , ' Ckiudette Colbert's aunt in Wisconsin is host to California. score by Georges Bizet, and has 10:00—Take It or Leave It, Eddie Cantor, M. C. WNBC; Buddy^lark Blind Spot." suspense drama 21-0 Penn Victory Ohio' State crosses the Rock- decor and costumes by the Show, Doris.Day. Guest (Premiere), WCBS. ; to be distributed by RKO. 'ies for its tiff with So. Californ­ Spanish painter Antoine Clave. 10:30—Kay Armen Show, Lanny Ross, Guest, WNBC. Con tin ued from Page 22 ia While:the Stanford-U.C.L.A. Casting, of Miss Cowl, one of an(1 . "Carmen" will introduce to 3:30 WNBC— Qui* Kidt II :I0 WCBS—Colllngwood. ntwi pyramid 6f Penn power cracked' Wiishington-Oregon State 8 A.M. TO 12 M. WJZ—Lutheran Hour. 11:15 WCBS— U. N. In Action America's leading stage stars, American audiences R e n e e WOR—"Juvenile Jury.' WNBC —Utley. newt. up the -defense. Starting from contests also feature the Far 1:00 WCBS—Ntwa. will mark her-third appearance Jeanmaire, a young French WILLIAM WYLER'S "THE HEIRESS," opening Thursday WJZ—Thought* In I'mni. before the sound cameras. She Dartmouth's 31—where Herb West slate. ballerina. Petit will have the WNBC—Praytrt; Xewa tit a, 4 P.M. TO 7 P.M. WOR—Newt. Flandart. The New York Bulldogs at Radio City Music Hall, finds Olivia de Havilland WJZ—Old-fa»hlon,d Rivival II :25 WOR—Weather Reporti. played Robert Montgomery's Agocs' deflection of John Chap­ con- Hour. 11:30 WNBC—LtWInttr Oreh. role of Don Jose and the Torea­ 4:00 WNBC—UN Project—1949 man's attempted punt went out tinue to show under the pleading with, her father, Ralph Richardson. In the WOR— "Blue Cratby Slatt." WCBS-^Phillipt Orch. mother in "Once More, My Fri- dor is danced by Serge Perrault. WJZ—Vuieti That Live. WOR—Waner Orch. WMCA—ittwt: "Mutlctl R»- Darling"' and was recently fea-. of bounds—Penn pounded over day night lights at the background is Montgomery Gift, the cause of the argu­ WMCA—Muiieal Scoreboard WJZ—Weather rteport rolo fltetiant." WNYC—Chamber Muile Time WINS—Cku.-eh tf God In lured in "The Lie." in eight plays. In the drive Grounds against mighty"Green ment. WMGM —Davt Rett Orth. WOR—Route •» Mytterj Chrltt. Herb Graham, 22-year-old sen­ Ray .while the Brooklyn-New Morgan and Drake WN-YC— Qumdrtp Pltyhejtt. 4:15 WMCA—Grandttand and 11:35 WJZ—Neighbor Or. Miss Colbert co-stars with WINS— Htlpint Hand Army. Banditand. 11:45 WCBS— Jeromt Orch. ior, carried the ball all but York Yanks are seeing action :5S Robert Ryan in '-Blind Spot." Teamed by 'Pretty Baby' 1:15 WINS—Billy Bible. 4:30 WNBC—Volett and Event! " WINS-Ntwt. once. The target was Dart­ against the Chi Hornets in Chi- WNBC —Religion ill h'lvl. WJZ—Milton Crojf 0per, 11:00 WNBC—Newi Mr. Smith Crosby's 'Mr. Music' watttaaaaaaa a Dennis Morgan and Betsy TELEVISION WCBS—Chariot Whetli. Album. Show mouth's mid section. CrahamK' g°- The Giants play at Wash- WMGM—Al Goodman Orrh. WMGM—Sportt Extra. WC8!>— Newt; Black Orch. Drake will co-star in "Pretty Ready to Begin WCBS-TV, Channel 2 WINS— Ray Bloch. , WOR —Barry Gray Show. carried the ball over from thei»'8ton on Sunday in their NFL 1:30 WCBS— Tht QartltR Gate. WNYC—Oora Pearl-Mann. WJZ—Ntwt: Mutle Shop. one-yard line. Baby," forthcoming Warner Work on Paramdunt's new WNBT, Chonnel 4 WNBC—Chriitlan Stltnee WCBS—Sunday at the Chate.
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