Barn Order List Barn Session Consignor Hip No. Sex Sire 1 SEP 21 Blandford Stud 2451 C Practical Joke 1 SEP 21 Blandford Stud 2455 C Astern (AUS) 1 SEP 21 Blandford Stud 2499 F Creative Cause 1 SEP 21 Blandford Stud 2500 F Cupid 1 SEP 21 Blandford Stud 2513 C Maclean's Music 1 SEP 21 Burleson Farms 2433 C Unified 1 SEP 21 Burleson Farms 2502 F Classic Empire 1 SEP 21 Burleson Farms 2638 C Practical Joke 1 SEP 21 Burleson Farms 2717 C Astern (AUS) 1 SEP 21 Burleson Farms 2753 F Violence 1 SEP 21 Small Batch Sales 2416 C Carpe Diem 1 SEP 21 Small Batch Sales 2432 F Jimmy Creed 1 SEP 21 Small Batch Sales 2463 F Liam's Map 1 SEP 21 Small Batch Sales 2670 C Frosted 1 SEP 21 Small Batch Sales 2672 F Frosted 1 SEP 21 Small Batch Sales 2738 C Liam's Map 1 SEP 21 Small Batch Sales 2754 C Dialed In 1 SEP 21 Trackside Farm 2525 F Mohaymen 1 SEP 21 Trackside Farm 2802 C Get Stormy 1 SEP 21 Trackside Farm 2809 C Blame 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2442 F Mucho Macho Man 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2462 F Exaggerator 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2476 F Midnight Lute 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2478 F Exaggerator 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2493 C Klimt 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2494 F Karakontie (JPN) 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2543 C Tapiture 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2552 C American Freedom 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2562 C First Samurai 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2573 C Goldencents 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2577 C Tiznow 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2597 F Point of Entry 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2629 C Classic Empire 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2656 C Tapiture 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2702 C Mohaymen 1 SEP 21 Vinery Sales 2718 C Cupid 1 SEP 21 War Horse Place LLC 2690 F American Freedom 1 SEP 21 War Horse Place LLC 2729 F Classic Empire 2 SEP 21 Anderson Farms 2467 C Caravaggio 2 SEP 21 Anderson Farms 2561 C Honor Code 2 SEP 21 Anderson Farms 2803 F Distorted Humor 2 SEP 21 Threave Main Stud LLC 2458 C Goldencents 2 SEP 21 Threave Main Stud LLC 2514 F Exaggerator 2 SEP 21 Threave Main Stud LLC 2517 C Goldencents 2 SEP 21 Lisa and Tim Turney 2466 F Connect 2 SEP 21 Lisa and Tim Turney 2504 F Palace Malice 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2032 C Malibu Moon 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2059 F Kitten's Joy 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2076 F Maclean's Music 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2090 F Violence 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2114 F Violence 4-i73 Barn Order List Barn Session Consignor Hip No. Sex Sire 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2151 C Honor Code 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2193 C Violence 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2194 F Violence 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2212 C Bayern 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2243 F Maclean's Music 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2249 F Kantharos 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2327 C Kantharos 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2379 F Flintshire (GB) 27 SEP 20 Hill 'n' Dale Sales Agency 2415 C Congrats 27 SEP 20 Timber Town 2099 C Frosted 27 SEP 20 Timber Town 2221 F Midnight Storm 27 SEP 20 Timber Town 2246 C Hard Spun 27 SEP 20 Wynnstay Sales 2052 F Cross Traffic 27 SEP 20 Wynnstay Sales 2057 F Keen Ice 27 SEP 20 Wynnstay Sales 2063 C Connect 27 SEP 20 Wynnstay Sales 2198 F Bernardini 27 SEP 20 Wynnstay Sales 2296 C Cross Traffic 27 SEP 20 Wynnstay Sales 2369 F Tourist 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2049 C Blame 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2071 F Runhappy 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2129 F Orb 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2199 F Blame 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2274 F Quality Road 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2282 F Runhappy 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2316 C Maclean's Music 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2321 C Lea 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2365 F Astern (AUS) 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2375 C Lea 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2392 F Quality Road 28 SEP 20 Claiborne Farm 2410 C Pioneerof the Nile 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2037 C Gormley 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2058 F Twirling Candy 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2087 C American Freedom 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2122 C Klimt 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2134 C Midnight Storm 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2158 F Maclean's Music 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2250 F Street Boss 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2262 F Hard Spun 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2280 C Lord Nelson 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2286 C Lord Nelson 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2319 F Cairo Prince 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2336 C Vancouver (AUS) 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2346 F Honor Code 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2353 C Cupid 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2357 C Daredevil 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2367 C Unified 28 SEP 20 Legacy Bloodstock 2405 F Goldencents 28 SEP 20 Winter Quarter Farm 2105 F Honor Code 28 SEP 20 Winter Quarter Farm 2326 C Point of Entry 28 SEP 20 Winter Quarter Farm 2337 F Broken Vow 29 SEP 20 Clarkland Farm 2156 C Blame 4-i74 Barn Order List Barn Session Consignor Hip No. Sex Sire 29 SEP 20 Clarkland Farm 2260 F Tonalist 29 SEP 20 Darby Dan Farm 2024 C Hard Spun 29 SEP 20 Darby Dan Farm 2092 C Daredevil 29 SEP 20 Darby Dan Farm 2124 C Classic Empire 29 SEP 20 Darby Dan Farm 2128 C Malibu Moon 29 SEP 20 Darby Dan Farm 2152 F Goldencents 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2050 C Klimt 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2065 C Twirling Candy 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2079 F Astern (AUS) 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2084 F Empire Maker 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2103 F Runhappy 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2145 C Unified 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2232 F Practical Joke 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2255 C Upstart 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2307 F Kantharos 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2360 F Street Boss 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2382 F Klimt 29 SEP 20 Pope McLean 2398 F Palace Malice 29 SEP 20 Moreau Bloodstock Int'l Inc. 2064 C Tiznow 29 SEP 20 Moreau Bloodstock Int'l Inc. 2085 F Classic Empire 29 SEP 20 Moreau Bloodstock Int'l Inc. 2192 F Connect 29 SEP 20 Nursery Place 2077 C Lemon Drop Kid 29 SEP 20 Nursery Place 2216 C Mastery 29 SEP 20 Nursery Place 2270 F Lookin At Lucky 29 SEP 20 Nursery Place 2292 C Hard Spun 29 SEP 20 Nursery Place 2387 C Street Sense 29 SEP 20 Nursery Place 2400 C Kitten's Joy 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2028 F Honor Code 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2029 C Cairo Prince 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2044 F Honor Code 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2045 F Tonalist 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2060 F Maclean's Music 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2061 C Liam's Map 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2069 C Lemon Drop Kid 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2075 C Honor Code 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2101 C Twirling Candy 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2108 F Union Rags 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2111 F Liam's Map 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2121 F Ghostzapper 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2138 C Keen Ice 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2142 C More Than Ready 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2150 C More Than Ready 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2154 C Union Rags 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2162 C Honor Code 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2171 C Kantharos 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2186 C Blame 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2200 C Union Rags 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2225 F Tonalist 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2233 C Union Rags 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2237 F Twirling Candy 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2240 C Liam's Map 4-i75 Barn Order List Barn Session Consignor Hip No. Sex Sire 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2242 F Honor Code 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2244 C Connect 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2245 F Hard Spun 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2289 F Tonalist 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2302 F Connect 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2314 C Honor Code 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2317 F Honor Code 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2349 F Dialed In 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2372 C Unified 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2394 C Frosted 30 SEP 20 Lane's End 2397 C Flatter 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2023 C Midnight Lute 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2040 F Battle of Midway 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2047 C Mohaymen 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2048 F Union Rags 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2066 C Empire Maker 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2078 F More Than Ready 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2094 C Honor Code 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2098 F Mastery 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2112 C Point of Entry 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2113 C Violence 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2136 C Street Sense 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2137 F Classic Empire 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2169 F Anchor Down 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2197 F Anchor Down 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2202 C Classic Empire 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2206 C Point of Entry 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2222 F Battle of Midway 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2226 C Blame 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2227 C Palace Malice 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2235 F Liam's Map 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2252 C Union Rags 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2263 F Bernardini 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2278 F Liam's Map 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2279 C Gormley 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2291 C Pioneerof the Nile 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2293 F Goldencents 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2308 F Dialed In 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2329 C Klimt 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2335 C Distorted Humor 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2348 C Classic Empire 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2371 C American Pharoah 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2386 C First Samurai 31 SEP 20 Gainesway 2414 C Hard Spun 32 SEP 20 Baccari Bloodstock 2088 F Practical Joke 32 SEP 20 Baccari Bloodstock 2115 C Classic Empire 32 SEP 20 Baccari Bloodstock 2131 C Connect 32 SEP 20 Baccari Bloodstock 2146 C Classic Empire 32 SEP 20 Baccari Bloodstock 2328 C Connect 32 SEP 20 Baccari Bloodstock 2389 C Into Mischief 32&33 SEP 20 Taylor Made Sales Agency 2041 C Street Boss 4-i76 Barn Order List Barn Session Consignor Hip No.
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