oanne "Jo" Halde- comfortable to live with J man's husband, a pardon." H.R. Haldeman, was Recently, a friend the second most power- suggested to Jo that she ful man in America MRS. HALDEMAN beseech Jimmy Carter when he served as Pres- for a pardon for her ident Nixon's chief of husband, or at least ask staff. Now Bob Halde- SPEAKS HER MIND for executive clemency. man works in a sewage In an exclusive interview, Jo Haldeman, the She refused. "It would plant at Lompoc Fed- be putting another bur- eral Prison north of San- wife of Richard Nixon's top aide, H.R. Hal- den on this President's ta Barbara, Calif.—a deman, talks for the first time about the shoulders. Why should casualty of the Water- White House years. How did her marriage he go out on a 'political gate scandal that ulti- limb' for the Water- mately forced Nixon to change after Watergate—and who are the gate defendants? Dur- resign. To this day Jo people she can, and cannot, forgive?... ing Bob's absence, each Haldeman says she does day will seem like for- not know exactly what By Thomas Thompson ever to me. But at least caused Watergate, nor the end is in sight. I what the final implications of it will be, She leaves it to can wait." There is, she believes, "more dignity in serv- some future historian to determine who did what to ing time and accepting punishment than in asking for whom. a pardon." Jo Haldeman refuses to say much of anything about That is Jo Haldeman's old-fashioned, almost severely the charges that her husband was part of a conspiracy. .moralistic point of view. "I have tremendous faith and "I have the natural bias of a wife," she says. "I am respect and love for my husband," she says. "He is a good prejudiced toward my husband because I believe in him. and decent man. I think our lives will speak for them- I think it inappropriate for me to comment further at selves. They didn't begin with Nixon and they won't end this point in time." (Yes, she really does use that phrase— with Nixon. But if people want to judge us and remember and often.) us by Watergate, then so be it. I can live with that, too." For the moment, Jo can deal with waiting for her hus- band's release—judge John Sirica, in his last act before Joanne Hortob was a third-generation Californian and retiring, cut Bob Haldeman's sentence to one to four a popular member of the exclusive Marlborough School in years, making him eligible for parole in June. Los Angeles when, at age 15, she met her husband-to-be. Fate deals strange cards to people. By all rights—blood- He was two years older, serious and a little stuffy. Her lines, family tradition of service, social credentials—Jo father was a prominent lawyer; his, the owner of a pros- Haldeman should be in her civic prime as she approaches perous air-conditioning and heating business. Their fam- 50. She is the kind of woman—tanned, tailored, thin—who ilies had the same friends, the same clubs, the same re- does volunteer work through the Junior League. ligion (Christian Science). When Jo and Bob were both at Toward the end, when the Nixon presidency was top- UCLA, they fell in love, and Bob's Beta pin found a place pling, she kept thinking: "This can't be happening to us. next to Jo's Kappa key. We respect tradition and we honor our system of justice." When Bob pressed her to marry him before her gradua- Perhaps these beliefs contributed to the one substantial tion, she agreed. "I was not career-minded," she recalls. disagreement that Jo and Bob had in the final hours of the "I was expected to get married, raise children, keep a nice scandaL Bob told his wife that he was going to ask Presi- home and work in the community. I did exactly that. It dent Nixon for a pardon—for himself, for all the Water- seems so archaic now, particularly compared to what our gate figures, and for the Vietnam dissenters—"to take children believe. For example: our oldest daughter told us she a every albatross off of Gerald Ford's neck." Jo remembers that she intends to keep the Haldeman name when the moment well: gets rnarried." With his customary discipline—the rigid posture that "Bob was and is a pragmatist. Naturally, he didn't want 2 to go to prison. I didn't want him to go to prison, either, would one day have the Washington press referring to asking President Nixon for a him as a Teutonic commander—Bob Haldeman made a g but I was not in favor of even pardon. 1 felt we had to stand on our own record and let thorough survey of the business scene after his mar- the people judge. And to me, it would have been very un- riage and graduation. He wanted a career in (continued) C 46 • ••••.... • ••, what she wanted to do. But Jeanne, who is very gregarious and enthusiastic, kept saying, 'What can we do for Pat?'" HALDEMAN Jeanne came up with the idea of asking her to join some advertising and he finally determined that the top of the of the wives on an outing to a country fair, "just to get her line was J. Walter Thompson, Inc., in New York. He out of the White House, and do something unofficial and applied for work at the agency, was hired and settled into casual." The idea never worked out, though. the executive position that would be his professional home The same fate befell one of Jo's ideas, which at the time for the next 22 years. seemed to have exceptional promise. Jo looked around her The Haldeman family grew in orderly fashion to include and decided there were a dozen or so attractive and bright two sons and two daughters. Their home base was Los An- young women whose husbands worked for Nixon. Why geles—specifically, the very proper section of Hancock couldn't these women be used as guides for certain func- Park. During the years in California, Bob Haldeman be- tions at the White House? They could Seam the history of came interested in, and then committed to, the career of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and dispense it to, say, special Richard Nixon. In 1962, Bob became the campaign chair- visitors from the U.S. or from abroad. "It never got off the man for Nixon's California gubernatorial campaign, and ground," says Jo. Perhaps the administration, being so in the 1968 election, he worked as Nixon's chief of staff. `image conscious,' was afraid to use us. And it was clear On Election Day, 1988, Jo and Bob voted early in Los that somebody was afraid we wouldn't give the Nixons Angeles, then flew with Pat and Dick Nixon to New York's enough credit." Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, where they watched Republicans But no one could stop Jo Haldeman from keeping a me- gain control of the White House. It had been under Dem- ticulous history of her own experiences in Washington. ocratic control since 1960, when John Kennedy shattered She filled thick scrapbooks with the intimate photos she Nixon's dream. The next day, the victorious candidate and took, and included her comments. And later she filled up his entourage flew to Key Bis- hundreds of three-by-five recipe cayne, Fla., on a plane loaned cards with anecdotes of people to Nixon by President Johnson. and events. As their husbands worked with Both as photographer and the new President, organizing a amateur diarist, Jo had a good government, Jo and Jeanne Ehr- eye for minute detail and charac- lichman, wife of Nixon aide John ter: Ehrlichman, took a long walk on "Bob's staff party aboard Se- the beach at Key Biscayne. Both quoia [Presidential yacht]. Met now knew that they would have John Dean first time, 9-16-71. to live in Washington. "Bab had Interesting man. 'Swinging' bach- high hopes about what could be elor. Administration needs more accomplished. He really felt Nix- like him." on would be a great president. As "Camp David. Twenty trips, controversial as his personality spent total of 54 days. Much to was, be had the makings, the po- do there. Bowling, skeet shoot- tential for greatness." ing, volley ball, tennis, bicycle But Jeanne Ehrlichman was paths. We would use all these more hesitant about moving to facilities freely unless we Imew Washington. John had worked the President was coming out- very hard getting his law prac- side. Then we'd scramble to re- tice started in Seattle, Jo sensed move ourselves!" that Jeanne would have pre- "Lompoc Prison has lines that "Presidential helicopters: In ferred to stay there. Bob cannot step across until his Florida, Nixon would often be- The Haldemans took a furn- gin a trip by personally driving ished apartment at first in—of release. But the walls at San his golf cart to the waiting heli- course—the Watergate complex, Clemente are inescapable." copter. And once, in San Cle- and later moved into a colonial mente, we lifted off in a storm. house in Chevy Chase. The Nixon era began. The 'copter shook so fearfully that we put down again, and Jo Haldeman learned quickly that for the wife of a man Henry Kissinger said, 'If it wasn't for the honor, I think who was chief of staff, political life requires a kind of total I'd prefer to take the bus.' " surrender.
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