H6500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 15, 2008 the gentleman from New York (Mr. Whereas the Fresno State Bulldogs opened also Western Athletic Conference All-Aca- BISHOP) that the House suspend the the College World Series with a victory over demic performers; rules and agree to the resolution, H. sixth-seeded Rice University and had two Whereas Tommy Mendonca was named the Res. 1259, as amended. wins over number-two national seed Univer- College World Series Most Outstanding Play- The question was taken. sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; er and was named to the 2008 National Colle- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Whereas the Bulldogs hit 14 home runs, the giate Team; second most in College World Series history, Whereas Erik Wetzel, Steve Susdorf, Steve opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being and set the record for the most extra-base Detwiler, and Justin Wilson were named to in the affirmative, the ayes have it. hits, runs batted in, and total bases in a the 2008 College World Series All-Tour- Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- championship game; nament Team; er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. Whereas the Bulldogs became the first Whereas, in addition to the players who The yeas and nays were ordered. team in College World Series history to earned all-conference honors, the Bulldogs The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- score at least 17 runs more than once in the saw outstanding play from Danny Muno, Jor- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the same College World Series; dan Ribera, Gavin Hedstrom, and Ryan Over- Chair’s prior announcement, further Whereas the Bulldogs became the first land; proceedings on this motion will be number-four regional seed to reach the Col- Whereas Bulldog coaches Mike Batesole, postponed. lege World Series since the tournament ex- Matt Curtis, Mike Mayne, and Pat Waer and panded in 1999; the entire Bulldog roster and staff have f Whereas all 10 of the Bulldogs’ postseason earned a special place in Fresno State sports CONGRATULATING 2008 NCAA wins have come against teams ranked in the history; BASEBALL CHAMPION FRESNO top 15, including its final 7 wins over na- Whereas many members of the Bulldog tional seeds; STATE BULLDOGS team will never play professional baseball Whereas the Bulldogs played on the road and truly give meaning to the term ‘‘stu- Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- for over 40 days; dent-athlete’’; and er, I move to suspend the rules and Whereas, throughout the College World Se- Whereas Fresno State’s competition for agree to the resolution (H. Res. 1327) ries, the Bulldogs won 6 elimination games, the national championship has been exciting congratulating the 2008 National Colle- including a 19–10 victory over the University to watch for all those who have an attach- of Georgia Bulldogs in the championship se- giate Athletic Association (NCAA) Di- ment to the University, the San Joaquin ries; Valley, and the game we call our national vision I Baseball Champions, the Fres- Whereas, for the third consecutive season, no State Bulldogs, on an outstanding pastime: Now, therefore, be it the Bulldogs earned a preseason ranking in Resolved, That the House of Representa- and historic season, as amended. Collegiate Baseball Newspaper’s Fabulous 40 tives— The Clerk read the title of the resolu- and an 18th-place ranking from Baseball (1) congratulates the 2008 National Colle- tion. America Magazine; giate Athletic Association (NCAA) Baseball The text of the resolution is as fol- Whereas the Bulldogs won 47 games and Champions, the Fresno State Bulldogs, on an lows: lost 31 games during the 2008 season; outstanding and historic season; and Whereas 7 members of the Bulldog team H. RES. 1327 (2) recognizes that the Bulldogs, in winning were named to the Preseason All-Western Whereas California State University, Fres- their first College World Series, concluded Athletic Conference Team; an unprecedented season and championship no, better known as Fresno State, was found- Whereas on May 17, 2008, the Bulldogs won ed in 1911 and has offered advanced degrees that captivated baseball fans across Amer- their third straight Western Athletic Con- ica. since 1949; ference championship; Whereas Fresno State has one of the top Whereas on May 25, 2008, the Bulldogs won The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Agriculture Sciences and Technology pro- their third straight Western Athletic Con- ant to the rule, the gentleman from grams in the California State University sys- ference tournament after beating the Univer- New York (Mr. BISHOP) and the gen- tem, with a worldwide reputation in water sity of Nevada; tleman from Delaware (Mr. CASTLE) technology, more than 200 awards for stu- Whereas the Bulldogs had not played in a each will control 20 minutes. dent-produced wines, and research having College World Series since 1991; The Chair recognizes the gentleman global impact in the areas of food produc- Whereas the Bulldogs won the Long Beach tion, land preservation, and irrigation; Regional and Tempe Super Regional tour- from New York. Whereas Fresno State’s Craig School of naments, and beat 3rd-ranked Arizona State GENERAL LEAVE Business has been recognized in the Prince- University, 6th-ranked San Diego Univer- Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- ton Review’s top business schools and is na- sity, and 11th-ranked Long Beach State Uni- er, I request 5 legislative days during tionally acclaimed for its Lyles Center for versity; which Members may revise and extend Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Whereas head coach Mike Batesole was and insert extraneous material on H. Whereas Fresno State also offers well-re- named the 2008 National Coach of the Year, garded programs in schools or colleges de- the second time in 10 years he has won the Res. 1327 into the RECORD. voted to arts and humanities, health and award; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there human services, education and human devel- Whereas Steve Susdorf was named the objection to the request of the gen- opment, social sciences, physical sciences, Western Athletic Conference Player of the tleman from New York? and mathematics and engineering; Year, Tanner Scheppers was named the There was no objection. Whereas Fresno State is home to approxi- Western Athletic Conference Pitcher of the Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- mately 19,000 undergraduate students, 2,200 Year, Danny Muno was named the Western er, I yield myself such time as I may graduate students, and nearly 1,000 post-bac- Athletic Conference Freshman of the Year, consume. calaureate students; and head coach Mike Batesole was named Whereas in the recent Western Association the Western Athletic Conference Co-Coach of Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- of Schools and Colleges accreditation proc- the Year; gratulate the California State Univer- ess, Fresno State was commended as a ‘‘na- Whereas Steve Susdorf, Tanner Scheppers, sity Fresno State men’s baseball team tional model for institutions interested in Erik Wetzel, Alan Ahmady, and Brandon for winning the 2008 Division I College becoming generators of social mobility, eco- Burke earned First-Team All-Western Ath- World Series. nomic development, and student success’’; letic Conference honors; Since June 14, the first day of the Whereas Fresno State prepares its students Whereas seniors Clayton Allison, Blake College World Series, Fresno State to prosper in their chosen careers by being Amador, Jason Breckley, Brandon Burke, made an improbable run at the cham- responsible citizens in their communities, as Jacob Hower, Ryan Overland, and Steve pionship. As a fourth seed, they fought well as in the State, Nation, and world; Susdorf and junior Kris Tomlinson have Whereas all Fresno State athletic pro- graduated or will graduate within 9 semes- and clawed their way into the College grams pride themselves on recruiting male ters, having managed their time well enough World Series. Just to make the College and female athletes from local high schools to keep up with studies and play champion- Word Series, Fresno State had to win and junior colleges; ship baseball over 78 games and hundreds of the Western Athletic Conference. Whereas every member of this year’s practice sessions; Though they edged their way into the championship baseball team is from Cali- Whereas Steve Susdorf was a Western Ath- CWS, their presence was definitely felt. fornia, with many players hailing from such letic Conference All-Academic awardee for They gave college baseball fans across San Joaquin Valley towns as Fresno, Clovis, the fourth year and also won ESPN The Mag- the country special treat with their Bakersfield, Visalia, Hanford, and Turlock; azine Academic All-District and second team Whereas the Fresno State Bulldogs base- Academic All-America honors; amazing play. ball team beat the University of Georgia Whereas senior Clayton Allison, juniors The Bulldogs belted their way Bulldogs two games to one to win the 2008 Kris Tomlinson and Erik Wetzel, and fresh- through their matchup with Rice Uni- College World Series; men Trent Soares and Jake Floethe were versity. This lopsided affair ended with VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:34 Jul 16, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15JY7.039 H15JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE July 15, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6501 the final score being 17–5. The Bulldog many other student athletes that excel the Bulldogs of the West, on their vic- team had a pair of home runs and eight both on and off the field. tory over the University of Georgia out of the nine starters had a hit. The The story of the Fresno State Bull- last month to claim the 2008 NCAA Di- team steamed forward to play the sec- dogs in the College World Series is one vision I baseball championship of the ond-seeded University of North Caro- of outstanding achievement.
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