ilJll 11411 lJ-tl5 D!GlT ~2?Gw 2 3Q l 30/9 ~i 17 ~ .. J£W ~ Hl TJqICAL ASSCC!A 13 S[SS NS S PR VIDEN RI 02~06 Rhode Island Jewish School beat HERALD PAGES 10 & 11 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXV, NUMBER 45 TISHRI 4, 5756 /THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1995 35t PER COPY Beth Din Has Expansion Plans 'We're User Friendly' "Our aim is to provide Dramaticplansforexpansion friendly, courteous and efficient - including the establishment assistance to all men and women of national registries for conver­ seeking to avail themselves of sion and divorce - were an­ ourservices," Lindenbaum said, nounced by the newly reconsti­ adding: tuted Beth Din of America, "There's a new ambiance to which celebrated its first anni­ the Beth Din. We have bright versary last week. and spacious new quarters. We The Beth Din (rabbinical have a new cadre of competent court), which serves affi liated and courteous witnesses. Our and unaffiliated Jews as well as judges offer a fair and equitable the entire spectrum of the Or­ interpretation of halacha for all thodox community - modern parties that has earned the re­ j to haredi - was originally spect and confidence of all seg­ founded in 1960 by the Rabbini­ ments of the Jewish commu­ cal Council of America to adju­ nity." dicate monetary, interpersonal Noting that the Beth Din of and communal disputes, to is­ America is community spon­ sue divorce decrees and to reg­ sored and supported, Schwartz A Mansionful of Mayors Celebrate ister conversions. said: "Wearereachingout.toall From the left, Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert; former mayor of New York, Ed Koch; Hillary It was reconstituted in the segments of the Jewish comm u­ Charap, representing the Israel Government Tourist Office; and Mayor Rudolph Guiliani and fall of1994 under the leadership ni ty to make use of our services Donna Giuliani preside at a gala reception at Gracie Mansion recently in celebration of the of a joint lay-rabbinic board, as needed. As a result of this 3,000th anniversary of the City of Jerusalem. Charap presented a gold and silver sculpture of headed by noted industrialist concerted effort, we have adju­ Jerusalem to Guiliani, from Israel with appreciation. and Jewish communal leader, dicated more dinei Torah and I Marcel Lindenbaum, with a issued more gittin (divorce de­ mandate to serve the entire crees) in the last 12 months than Jewish community in "user in many previous years. Rush to Judgment in the West Bank friend Iy " fashion. · "For those who are unable to ,..,, Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz, afford our modest fees," JERUSALEM (JT A) - Sal­ assailants spoke Hebrew, and Jewish extremist groups did chairman of the halachic com­ Sc.hwartz added, "the Beth Din man Zamareh, 22, was shot dead after two small Jewish extrem­ claim responsibility for the at­ mission of the Rabbinic~'. Coun­ offers gittin at free or reduced three weeks ago in his home in ist groups, Eyal and the Sword tack, "this should not direct the cil of America, a position for­ rates. lnfact,otherbateidin(rab­ Halhoul by unidentified gun­ of David, each claimed respon­ prime minister and members of merly held by Rabbi Joseph B. binical courts) refer such hard­ men who were wearing Israeli sibility for the attack . the Cabinet to put a blemish on Soloveitchik, of blessed memory, ship cases to the Beth Din of army uniforms. A coordinated effort by Is­ the entire settler population." is rosh beth din. Carmi Schwartz, America." Speculation that Jewish ex­ raeli security and army forces The Kiryat Arba Council, former executive vice president Since it was reconstituted, tremists might be involved in led to the arrests of three Pales­ which represents settlers living of the Council of Jewisli Federa­ Lindenbaum said, the Rosh Beth the killing surfaced after Hal­ tinians suspected of involve­ near Hebron, said it was consid­ tions, serves as director. (Continued on Page 14) haul residents said some of the ment in the killing. ering filing a libel suit, Israel The arrests prompted Presi­ Radio reported. dent Ezer Weizman to call for Peres said recently that he apologies from those who had was relieved that the killers were said the killing was carried out not Jews." A load has been lifted . by Jewish extremists. from my heart." "All those that feel a need to Before the suspects were ap­ apologize should doso," he said prehended, members of Israel's recently, noting that people government had expressed the should wait until all the facts fea r that if the killers were Jew­ are in before making generali­ ish, the Palestinian Authority zations. would have added reason to The YeshaCouncil, which rep­ demand an increased Palestin­ resents settlers in the West Bank ian security presence in the area and Gaza Strip, said in a state­ surrounding Hebron. ment thateven though twosmall (Continued on Page 14) Senate Passes Foreign Aid Bill Funding for Palestinian billion for Israel, $2.1 billion for Egypt, $100 million in military Authority Included assistance for Jordan and $75 by Matthew Dorf million for the Palestinian Au­ WASHINGTON (JT A) - Is­ thority. The legislation also ex­ rael and the Palesti nian Author­ tends for 12 months the Middle ity are one step closer to receiv­ East Peace Facilitation Act, ing U.S. f_oreign aid. which allows U.S. aid to flow to The Senate passed the $12.3 the Palestinians. billion foreign operatipnsappro­ A House and Senate confer­ Side By Side priations bill Sept. 21 by a near ence committee will meet in the From thP left, MarkRoss,Justine Dion and Myrth York,smileas they look forward to the Sixth record margin, 91-9. coming weeks lo hammer out Biennial Auction Gala for the Meeting Street Center. Dion is the poster child for the center, this Known widely as the foreign differences between each year. Story on Page JO . aid bill, the measure includes$3 chamber's version of the bill. 2 - THE RHO DE ISLAN D JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1995 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Free DeplrdessiBon s, creHenin_g I panel d iscussion fro m 7 to 8:30 DeVillars Praises Rhode to be He at ut er osp1ta p.m.Thepanelwillincludepsy- chiatrists and community men­ Island Conservationists Bu tl er Hospital will hold its place from 3 to 6:30 p.m. on a tal health advocates who wi ll annual free depression screen­ first-come, fi rst-served basis, discuss d ifferent aspects of de­ At the Rhode Island Nature DeVillars focused on the need to ing and public information pro­ with noappoint.mentnecessary. pression and answer questions Conservancy's 1995 annual continue to preserve open space gram on Oct. 5, at the Ray Con­ The process consists of fi lling fro m the audience. meeting, Sept. 23, in Richmond, and to re-open closed shellfishing ference Center on the hospital out a short questionnaire which Both the screening and the Enviromental Protection areas. grou nds at 345 Blackstone Bou­ will then be interpreted confi­ information program are free. Agency Regional Administra­ He praised the Nature '<1 levard in Providence. The pro0 dentially by a member of the However, seating is limited for tor John DeVillars praised ef­ Conservancy's leadership, hand gram is offered as part of Na­ Butler Hospital staff. the public forum in the evening, forts by local environmentalists, in hand with the Rhode Island tional Mental Illness Awareness The results are based on a and advance reservations are celebrated the progress Department of Environmental Week (Oct. 1 to 7). Depression scale ranging from "no depres­ necessary. For reservations or achieved over the past quarter­ Management, in protecting 500 screenings will be available in sion" to "severe depression." more information, call 455-6456 century, and warned of the con­ acresofland and a working trout every state in the country dur­ Those who test positive for de­ weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 sequences of the environmental hatchery in Richmond in the past ing that week. pression wi ll be advised of the p.m. budget cuts under consideration year. This year, for the first time, a resources available to them in in the Congress. "The people of Rhode Island depression screening will be the community. The full Senate is expected to should not have to rely solely available for children as well as The screening will be fol­ The voteonEPA's budget this week. upon the stellar work of the Na­ adults. All screening will take lowed by a presentation and DeVillars believes that if the ture Conservancy, Save the Bay, Toastmasters current versions of the U.S. the Audubon Society, and their House and the Senate budget colleagues to protect this state's Comprehensive Women's Are Coming proposals for environmental precious environment," DeVillars A new Toastmasters club is and public health spending be­ said. "Federal taxes, deducted Health Opens Its Doors forming in Lincoln, R.I. come law, Rhode Island's citi­ every week from the paychecks The group will have its first zens would not be able to count of hard-working Rhode Island Rhode Island's first compre­ plastic surgery, comprehensive meeting on Sept. 30 at 9:30 a.m. on EPA to provide safe drink­ citizens,should translate into sub­ hensive women's health care breast health care, female imag­ in the Louisquissett Room of ing water, fishable and swim­ stantial environmental and pub­ facility has opened its doors. ing; psychiatry, sex therapy, en­ the Lincoln Public Library. mable rivers, lakes and streams, lic health protection for this area. CompreheMive Wome~s docrinology, chronic fatiguesyn­ All are invited to attend and healthy air quality and timely Neither the House nor the Senate Health will treat the needs of a drome, menopause, osteoporosis, no pre-registration is necessary.
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