- ^ . ' 1 r. x f ■■ ■ ■ A f) / . ^ ; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1970 PAGE THIRTY-SIX M ost Manchester Storeis Op^n Tonight Until 9 O ’Clock ^ iEu^mug \ Manchester l^ids Asked foFEquipment '\ MEN'S AND BOYS' Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather Hospital Notes, For The Week Ended ■ MosUy cloudy through Friday For Police Training Course FALL, 1970 August 29, 1970 night with scattered showers — BACK-TO-CLASS ' thundershowers;/ tonight’s low visrfiNo HocfiS / HOUSE Manchester has Invited bids criminal law. The hand outs about 60. Saturday clearing, Intennedlate Caro ^Seml-\ \^r a total copying -.and duplicat- will serve as reference material 15,367 warmer. LOOK-AHEAD FASHIONS AT SAVINGS • . ’i fMvate, noQH-2 p.m., and 4 p.m. for the individual policemen af­ Manchester— City of Village Charm . ^ S p .m .; private rooms, I0.a.m .- irtg systChi .and a video tape re­ ter the course has -been com­ 1^ . < p.m ., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. corder and accessories to -be pleted. new long collofs Pediatrics:' Parents allowed used for the in-service training The equipment will be pur­ and bold stripes VOL. L X X X IX , NO. 285 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1970 (Cky»lfled AdveiHsing on Page 21) PRICE TEN CENTS any time except noon-2 p.m .; programX for policemen from chased with part of a 813,000 f ■ others, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. Manchester Jmd five surround­ federal fund Manchester has Self Service: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., ing towns. been granted for the training « M^’n 'S FASHION 4 p.m.-8 p.m. The bids will\be opened Sept. project. The Board of Directors Intensive Care and Coronary 11 at 11.:.30 a.m. at the Municipai appropriated the $10,000 Man­ Care: Immediate family only, Building. \ chester has already received anytime, . limited to five min- ' Manchester Poltce\jeutenant under the grant to the police Mexico, U;S. Plan U.S. Accuses Egypt ntea. Robert Lannan said that the budget at last night’s meeting. Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m.- video tape equipment wfil be' In addition to.M|,anchester, the * U:4S p .m .,. and 6:80 p.m .-8 used' to tape talks givefK by program will involve policemen Friendship Display p.m.; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., and visiting Instructors so ' that ^ e from Glastonbury, East Hart­ ford, South Windsor, Vernon and Of Breaking Truce 0:80 p.m.-8 p.m. material may be used in more.;^ CX>RONADO, Calif, (AP) —A come out for the dinner at the Age Limits: 16 in maternity, than one training session. The. 'Coventry. 'tThe program should' begin in | yb lg parade, pickets And a crowd 82-year-old, Vlctpiian-style, 400- WASHINGTON (A P )— The United States announced 12 in other areas, no limit in equipment will also be used to officials predict will reach room Hotel del Coronado here. tape accident investigations. November. It is dsigned to im­ ^ ^ self-service. 100,000 are expected to greet Diaz Ordaz, with a party of today it has evidence of violations of the Mideast stand­ These tapes will be shown and prove the skill’s and efficiency President Nixon and Merican 25, including his daughter, was still cease-fire and is taking the issue up with 'the Soidet Ib e administration reminds discussed during some sessions, of the pollcem ^. The course reg vta rly $ 6 ■President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz flying in from Mexico City for a Union and Egypt. visitors that with construction will Include the areas of crimi­ Lannan said. in this seaside city today. reunion with Nixon, ■whom hd “ We want the vlolaUons ties under (U.N.) ' Ambassador under way, - parking ispace is The duplicating equipment nal law, arrest procedure, war­ Made ir^m permanent press da- The two presidents and' 700 met at Puerto-VaJlarta, Mexico, stopped,” ' State Department jarring’s auspices proceed limited. Vlsltoie are ashed tn will be used to produce hand out rant application, rules of evi­ press officer Robert J. Mc­ dence, report writing, human | ViP guests including former two weeks ago. forthwith.’ ’ bear with the hospital while the material on some of the more croiy-’polyester and cotton in the Closkey said after making the relations and traffic control. l i , President Lyndon B. Johnson Preparations were- made for parking problem exl8ts>> complex changes and aspects of L'i new long 3% pointed collar. New announcement. McCloskey declined to say A.- ...Z. were gathering for a White an elaborate four-course meal, whether the United States was u '^ I d striped patterns or deep-tone House-style state dinner Nixon with three wipes to be served in U.S. officials said U.S. .intelli­ Patients Today: 2ST trying to get the Sovleto-^who solid coiors in blue, gold, green, Is giving Diaz Ordaz tonight in a the hotel’s^elegant Crown Room, gence has determiried that there supply ’ the Egyptians wlh siir- AIDMTrTBD YESTERDAY: ™ I display of Mexican-Amerlcan The U.S, Marine Band from have been an increased number face-to-^r” missiles and help Richard W. Baker, 19 Lewis St.; Hospital Phone Maj. Deptula brown. Sizes 14Vi to 17.- friend^p. Washington and the 56-member of antiaircraft missile sites in- . .1 ... T-. .. .J . ®i®® them—and the Egyptians Mrs. Kathleen S. Barry, Glas­ The telephone number for H \\\s DecoraUons, bleachers and student “ Grupo Folklorico” stalled on the Egyptian side of ^ „^remove the mlssUes-em­ tonbury; Mrs. Sophie T. Benzel, permanent press — never Manchester Memorial Hospi­ To Command welcoming signs were up and 65 If'® University of Guadala- the Suez truce line, in violation placed in violation of the U.S.- Stafford Springs; William Bou- . need ironing of the standstill agreement. tal was changed a few marching imlts were poised for Mexico were to enter- sponsored cease-fire which be­ sa, Glastonbury; Mrs. Irene A. There Is also evidence of pre­ months ago, but too late to BOYS NEW COLLAR STYLE the parade, along with beauty f®*®- gan Aug. 8. Oioma, Stafford; Clinton A. be listed correctly in the new Guard Unit —queens and horse riders. Members of an antiwar Mexi- viously unoccupied sites now Church, Old Stafford Rd., Tol­ phone books. The hospital sport shirts Clty officials Lic^ve been work- can-Americah activist group having weapons installed and of Other U.S. sources said the 3 land; James A. Cole, Northfield Maj. Raymond V. Deptula of American ambassador in Mos­ number is 846-1222. ing hard to make this a warm and an organization of “ Ylp- - movement of equipment Into the Rd., Coventry; Mrs. Elizabeth Muddy Brook Rd., Ellington, .has j welcome with a big turnout and Pl®®” announced they planned standstill zone, they said. cow, Jacob Beam, and Minister D. Cone, 28 View St.; Patricia Donald Bergus have been In­ been appointed to the position of all the. Ceremonial trappings to to picket outside while the presi­ McCloskey declined to make a G. Dankel, 30 McGrath Rd., garmo, 115 Walriiit St.; Karl structed to call for a halt to the coriimander of the Connecticut celebrate California’s Bicenten­ dential guests dined. judgment as to whether the vio­ South Windsor. Wederstrom, 315 Lakb-Rd., And­ Nixon will spend 12 hours here violations but are not . demand­ Army National Guai^to 1st Bat­ nial as weU as the visit of the lations had been serious enough Also, Elizabeth Davidson, 189 over; Mrs. Irene J. Poliansky, ‘T* with much of the afteVnoon free ing a rollback. W. Middle Tpke.; Denise De- Cassidy .Hill Rd.. Coventry; talion, 169th Infantiy at Man­ presidents. • to swing the Mideast military 1.99 In his hotel suite. Instructions to make repre­ Veau, 322 Oakland St.; Florian Patrick F. Griffin, 257 Tolland regularly 2.49 Hundreds of free buses were balance against Israel. But he chester. Previous to this assign- There were rumors Diaz Or­ sentations to the Soviets and the J. Fay, Glastonbury; Jaimes L. Tpke.; Steven C. Plsch, East put into service all over the made plain the United States m’ent he served as executive of­ Huge assortment at savings daz might go out for some after­ Egyptians against truce ■viola­ Fracchla, RED 1, Hebron; Mrs. Hartford; Joseph A. Florentlno, ./ county and down to the border wants to prevent the cease-fire ■ of 25% on every shirt. Per­ noon sightseeing, possibly in­ tions were said to have been Grace G. Garbarini, 52 Bissell Box Mountain Dr., Vemon; ficer with this unit. Maj. Deptula | town of ’lijuana to bring 'visitors from breaking down and to manent press polyester and cluding a 35-minute ride do'wn sent from Washington Wednes­ St.; William H. Glode, East Wayne A. Grotton; 70 W. Main is 'also a full-time supervisory I 1 - cotton blends. New long point to this commimlty of 16,(KX). promote the lagging Arab-Israe- the freeway to ’Tijuana. day night to Ambassador Jacob Hartford; Darin C. Hanna, 196 St., Rockville; Mrs. Mary E. ’Die normal 60-cent toil on the 11 peace settlement talks. examiner with the U.S. Property or button-down collars. Solids, Beam In Moscow and to Minis­ Brookfield Rd., Bolton; Walter Creelan, Miami, Flordla. WASHING’TON (AP) — It and Fiscal Office at Hartford. fanci/es, stripes, plaids, pais­ new $47 mUlion Coronado Bay The U.S. statement said: ter Donald Bergus in Cairo. T. Kelly, im South St., Rock- Also, Mrs. Rachel P. Casa- leys. Sizes 8 to 18. Bridge was cut to 10/cents or took the riot death of an artlcu-- A native of Rockville, Maj.
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