GRAND SHAFTER OPENING FASHION SHOE & WASCO 252 CENTRAL AVE, SHAFTER, CA. 93263 1001 7TH # A WASCO, CA 93263 (661)630-5324 Periodical Postage UPDATES ONLINE AT THESHAFTERPRESS.COM AND WASCOTRIB.COM PAID Shafter, CA Permit 491700 FREE! Vol. 93 No. 50 • Shafter, California Thursday, June 10, 2021 Vol. 43 No. 50 • Wasco, California Public Works director following Ortiz-Hernandez to Iowa TONI DEROSA WASCO “The city’s revenue outlook won’t get Wasco Tribune better until the economy improves,” Perez- Public Works Director Biridiana Bishop until Aug. 13. Hernandez said. “Economy won’t begin will be leaving Wasco and relocating to Bishop was promoted to Public Works to improve until the public health crisis is Webster City, Iowa to be assistant city man- director in 2019. over.” ager. The Public Works director position will He said on a positive note, while the Bishop will be working under Daniel not be filled until the next mid-year budget- economy is still down from pre-covid-19 Ortiz-Hernandez, who is leaving Wasco as ing process, the mayor said. levels in many cases, key General Fund rev- city manager to go to Webster City. In other council business, Finance Di- enues are performing better than initially Bishop said she has submitted her resig- rector Isarel Perez-Hernandez reviewed the projected; however he said an adverse cir- Current Public Works Director nation letter and will continue with the city 2021-2022 proposed budget. See WASCO Page 3 Biridiana Bishop Dreams come true Wasco, Shafter through mural High seniors complete high school career JAMIE STEWART The Shafter Press It was an unusual year for high school seniors in Shafter and Wasco, but the students made it, graduating from high school and moving onto the next chapter in their REGIONAL lives. Shafter High School will have their seniors walk across the stage at Shafter High for the last time, celebrating their careers with their commencement ceremony. The event will be held on Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. An Shafter High in-person gradua- tion was approved School will be after a year that graduating 361 restricted the events that were students, one of the allowed because of the pandemic. largest classes in Shafter High The ribbon is cut on the mural across from the Shafter Learning Center. SEE STORY ON PAGE 4. will be graduating the school’s history. 361 students this year, one of the largest classes in the school’s history. “We knew that if it was possible, we were going to grad- To see all of the names of the graduates from Wasco High School, Wasco uate in person this year,” said Principal Russell Shipley. Independent High School and Shafter High School, go to page 6 & 10. See WASCO Page 6 Shafter High seniors honored with special service STAN WILSON SHAFTER The Shafter Press A Baccalaureate service was held for the someone to devour.” graduating seniors of Shafter High School He said our culture was full of deception, on June 1 at the high school auditorium. half-truths, innuendos and lies. If one allows The service was sponsored by the high these things to overtake, it is like being de- school’s Fellowship For Christian Athletes voured by a roaring lion. He challenged the Club. The faculty advisor for the club, Jer- graduates to be diligent in the pursuit of truth. ald Perrucci, welcomed the graduates in at- Second, he said, to trust God. Fear just tendance and their families and friends. paralyzes and does not work with faith. Alex Gonzales, Class of 2009, led in Thirdly he challenged them to be thankful the singing of several songs. The speaker for the blessings, the talents, and the gifts was Ken Gross, retired music and band each one has. So as they go forward in life instructor, from Richland School. Gross’s these three things will serve them well: message was based on I Peter 5:8, “Be self seek the truth, trust God, and be thankful controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil whatever the circumstance. Gross closed prowls around like roaring lion looking for the service with a prayer for the graduates. A Baccalaureate service was held for Shafter High School seniors. Te ofrecemos más Trenea Smart geico.com/bakersfield que sólo seguros 661-431-1780 para autos. 2720 Calloway Drive, Bakersfield Aplican limites. Visita geico.com para ver más detalles. GEICO y afiliados. Washington, DC 20076 © 2020 GEICO 20_259643 Page 2 THE SHAFTER PRESS | WASCO TRIBUNE Thursday, June 10, 2021 Community Calendar Mystery history As activities restart and businesses reopen, we will try to update readers on the status of events and activities throughout the area. Please contact Erica Soriano with additions SHAFTER and changes at [email protected] or call 661-292-5100 by Monday at 4 p.m. for that week’s paper. ONGOING 8 p.m. Hosted by Shafter Recreation and Cooling center — There is a cooling Parks District. center in Shafter at the Walker Senior Cen- TUESDAY ter at 505 Sunset Ave. The center is open Senior lunch program — The senior from 1 to 8 p.m. For more information, sack program gives out lunches to seniors call Kern County General Services at 661- every first and third Tuesday of the month 868-1000. at 11 a.m., sponsored by the Golden Glean- Summer food service program — Lost ers. Griffith Avenue Baptist Church, 408 Hills Wonderful Park is sponsoring a Sum- Griffith St., Wasco. mer Food Service Program. Free meals THURSDAY will be provided to all children who are Wasco Recreation & Park Board — Meet- 18 years of age and younger at 14688 ings are on every 3rd Thursday of the month Lost Hills Road, Lost Hills, starting July at 6 p.m. at the Hall at Barker Park, Wasco. 19 through July 30. Breakfast is served at Truth ministries — Truth Ministries: 7:30 to 8 a.m. Lunch is served from 12:30 A Faith Based 12-Step Program providing to 1 p.m. fellowship recovery will be held on Thurs- Shafter Community Vacation Bible day nights from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Shafter School — The Shafter Community Vaca- Mennonite Brethren Church, 400 Kern St. Here’s this week’s challenge, courtesy of the Shafter Historical So- tion Bible School Kingdom Chronicles, The program begins on Feb. 25. Call 661- ciety. If you know the location, circumstances, exact or rough date “Standing Strong in the Battle for Truth” 746-4969 for more information. and/or people in the photo, send your educated (or semieducated) will be held June 21-25 from 9 a.m. to Summer grab bags for kids — On guess to The Press, 455 Kern St., Suite E, Shafter, CA 93263, or e-mail it to mysteryphoto@The ShafterPress.com. Winners will be noon at the Shafter Ford Theater at 1101 Thursday, June 10, New Generation revealed here next week. LAST WEEK: The picture showed the Po- E. Lerdo Highway. Children who are en- Church will be handing out 200 summer tato Festival in 1983. tering kindergarten through sixth grade for grab bags to elementary/middle school the 2021-22 school year are eligible. On- aged kids between 3 and 5 p.m. at 1017 line registration is available for students Central Ave., Wasco. Parents need to have WASCO and volunteers at https://www.eventcreate. their kids present in the car, and it will be com/e/shaftercommunityvbs2021. drive thru style, first come first serve. This Covid-19 testing — There will be free is part of a weeklong event the church is covid-19 testing Wednesdays and Sundays doing called “Loving our City ‘’ where our Here’s this week’s challenge, courtesy at the Wasco Library, 1102 7th St., Wasco. church is doing something each day of the of the Wasco Historical Society. If you If you have insurance, they will be billed. week to bless the community. know the location, circumstances, exact or rough date and/or people in the photo, Appointments can be made at lhi.care/co- FRIDAY send your educated (or semieducated) vidtesting or call 888-634-1123. Donde? Food giveaway — The Impact Program guess to the Tribune, 455 Kern St., Biblioteca de Wasco 1102 7th St, Wasco. is a weekly food giveaway provided to any- Suite E, Shafter, CA 93263, or e-mail it to Si no tiene acceso de internet llame al one in need, Fridays beginning at 7 a.m., [email protected]. Winners will be revealed here next week. LAST (888)634-1123. first come, first serve. Griffith Avenue Bap- WEEK: Mr. L. C. Ketelsen, the principal Reopened — Shafter City Hall has re- tist Church, 408 Griffith St., Wasco. of Thomas Jefferson school in the mid- opened to the public from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY 1960s, was pictured Hours for the finance department are 9 a.m. Juneteenth Celebration—There will be to 5 p.m. Call 661-746-5000. a great celebration of Black History on Sat- Zumba Gold — Register at brandiroot. urday, June 19 for Juneteenth. The Event zumba.comlivestream for class on Mon- will begin at 10 a.m. at the park (The Play- days and Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. Hosted by ground) on 15th and Broadway in Wasco. Shafter Recreation and Parks District. ALL are invited to enjoy food, vendors and Zumba Kids — Register at brandiroot. a good time. This event is free to everyone. zumba.com/livestream for class on Satur- Drive-thru pancake breakfast — The days at 11 a.m. Hosted by Shafter Recre- Wasco VFW are hosting a Drive-Thru Pan- ation and Parks District.
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