PORTLAND Established June 23, 1H62. Vol. 10. PORTLAND, TUESDAY ■ rwniHHH imuy urwis LET. WANTED. L CELEBRATION. published every clay (Sundays excepted) bj _TO _PROPOSALS. BU8INESS DIRECTORY the j MISCELLANEOUS. '! wo Oood Tenements to Let Girl Wanted. iPortland i*Hbfishinff Co,9 DAILY EW House, very convenient lor two families; IKTi wanted to do Talde work at Proposals Advertising Agcu<;}i PRESS. ]V street. Fourth of At Bebago and gas. Location on Smith ( 241 CONGRESS ST. For the Al’W CM A CO.. Middle 109 Exchange Street, Portland. Rent Improvement of Boston Harbor, July. 171) Street, Advertise- $275 and $225. Will lei lor two years. mekis _jun«»lw Inserted in isif-ers in Maine and FOBTLAJNl). Dollar* a Year to W. H. JERRI8. ut through- Tkrmh:—Eight in ndvauce Apply Hass. the country at the publisher’s lores rates. -- June 26-dl w * Wanted! will be "JUNE. received at this office, until 3 JUNE 27, 1871. The Hiatus Htate Prem SITUATION as or assistant Book Proposalso’clock P. M.on the 22d ot .July AgriciiMtii'iii TUESDAY, To Let. Book-keeper Saturday, day inipii'tneiitii & gpeth. A keeper, or any light employment. Salary no next, tor extending the sea walls on “Long Island” SAWVKR & so much an ns WOODFORD, No. 118 Exchange St. Is published every Thursday Morning al Tenement on Congress oposite Chesnut St. object employment. Good references and “Point Allerton,” and lor Dredging on the “Up- at H. Woodside’s Address A. B. 15 For. Street. Middle.” iu Bosion harbor. 1N7X. $2.50 a year; if in at $2.00 a Key Missjl. per paid advance, Ko 244 juu22-lw* The wall on Stale ConvenlioB. year. Congress Street. “Long Island” is to he extended 450 Auctioneer. Ucpublicin jun2G-lw* linehl feet, more or and that on “Point Allerton” HOLM less; KS, No 33T Congress St. Auction Sales 2<;0 lineal feet, more or and both are to be Th»’ Republicans of Mrune and Rates cf Advertising.—One inch of less; they every Evening, Private Sales the al! others who sup- space, WANTED. built ot granite and concrete laid in ce- during day. in of First-Class House to hydraulic port thp present National and State Administrations leugtli column constitutes a Bent ment upon a concrete in man- “square.” foundation, the same are lor invited to wml to $1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents localeJ on lieerbig street, FIRST-CLASS Carriage-smith at. ner and ol the same dimensions as the walls already Agencies Sewing nncliiues, FITZGERALD &Co. delegates a Stale Convention A handsome,v to be per week after; three or less, $1.00; Furnished. A E. K. LKMONT & CO. finished. The granite must be as in as W S.L’V KR, 15k Middle St holden in insertions, W' goed quality user h. 11. May’s. All other after first week, 50 J1EBR1S> Estate junl3lt 22 Preble St., Portland. that heretofore turnished; the cement aud other ma- kinds ■>! Machines lor sale continuing every day 23 Agent, and lo let. Ilr'pauiag, cents. A,S*une 1 w terial* of the bast quality; the concrete of satisfac- Respectfully submit list of Prices for the balance 01TY tory proportions in its the ol this HALL, PORTLAND, Half square, three insertions or less, 75cents; component parts; and Bilkers.. month. Trusting that parties who are strao- IP wlJVTE n. workmanship and materials must be in accordance one week, 50 cents per week after. To Let. w. O. No. gt-rs to our store (it there are will uo Thursday, June $1.00; with the drawings; and the whole to the satisfaction CORit, 12 Pearl Street. any such) have l*»tb, 1871, Special one third additional. A Notices, neat and desirable No. 88 ot tho tr. S. Engineer in charge ot the work. hesitation ia torwaril our and tenement, L lGHTorten good Shook makers, immediately coming pricing goods at •» en Under head of Amusements,’’ $2.00 Springs A small without bids must be o’clock, a. m., per lairily children VJ Apply to A.P. MORSE & CO, Separate made ior ea<h sea wall; ami Booksellers Judging tor themselves. We will three insertions or «««* Stationers. begin by quoting -quare per week; less $1.50. preiercd. jun22tf 50 in dia street, Boston must be lor all the five following items, viz: _juni0d&w4w 1. For POOP prices in or the purpose ol nominating a .candidate for Gov- Advertisements inserted in the Maine WaM (granite facing aud copiug) finished— HOYT, a BREED, 92 Middle Street. ernor and other State Press” (which has a large circulation To Kent. Boarders Wanted. per running toot; tranaacting any business that may 2. tor in ol the for ROOMS wilh first-class board, to le Concrete, foundation and wall—per cubic come before the convention. every part State) $1.00 per square 4 Nice new tenement in the Western of the Book-Binders. properly for first and 50 part PLEASANTat 02 Froe street. ap27tt yard; “Tlie insertion, cents per square for ciiy. Will be let only to a small neat family. 3. 11 Utile Store The basis of representation will be as fallows:— Flagging laid—per superficial yard; printei’s 6 each subsequent insertion. June 17 tfM. G. PALMER. 4. No. illM'iHPnnCy' Street.5.00,u. exchange, Excavation for foundation—per cubic yard; Exchange Each city, town and plantation will be entitled to Address all communications to 5. Back cubic •i Ct JE jy T S filling—per yard. SMALL & SH AORFOKI), No. 3t Plum Street. one delegate and an additional lor every 75 votes lor To It is to be understood that each of the above five Around Corner.” PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Let, E thk the candidate test Inducements ever offered. Address H includes all the materials Kcpublican tor Governor in in IMS, A ROOM next door to New Custom items, and workmanship CELEBRATION THA. Me Kenney &> Co., No. 2. Elm street, Port- tor the Bonnet mid Hat radio not 40 COUNTINGHome, 65 Commercial st. required completion thereof, tl e use of ma- ttleueherj. Oesiring to be votes, additional to the full namber land, Me. inr31tt aud all H. E. understood that every garment is for ot ABEL chinery, teams, carts, other expenses what- Congress Street. a delegate is also entitled to a Enquire SAWYER, UNDERWOOD,No. 310) perfectly made and will bear delegate. BUS I NESS CARDS. soever incident thereto, as well as a general and S. the CImmI Iumikc- je2M4w 65 Commercial st. SAWYER & CO., 131 Middle street. Delegates are authorized to till vacancies with It* *A JY T E I). faithful supervision of the same. -OF- Bleachers, tion. only As all the rail tracks connecting the wharves with actual resident- of the county to which the towu J. JEL. the workmen’s sand sta- HOOPER, TO LET. Wanted. walls, quarters, wells, pits, Carpenters and Builder*. belougs, bles Arc., the wharf also at Long Island,have been con- WHITNEY A MEANS, Pearl st, opposite the Park. Ladies’ The Slate Committee will be In session at the Bo Busine-s Men with small capital in a structed and built by the former Contractors at their Drawers, LARGE ROOM, with steam ligli Room UPHOL STE RER power. Enquire GOODManufacturing Business. Call or address own expense, the Contractors lor the sea walls, will Ninet caption of the Hall, at 9 o’clock the morn- A at this office. j -FiIK It Anni versarv Irani 55 cts. to F. DANBURY, be required to purchase such private property, or Dye House. 2.75. ng ot the convention lor the reception of credentials. Nos, HI tP HH Free Street, juu?3*lw 227 Congress st., Portland. else the right to use the same, ou such terms as may F. India l To Let or SYMONDS, St., adies Cloaks cleansed or JAMES O. BLAINE, Kennebec, Chairman. Lease. be determined by three disinterested persons, one of dyed for one dollar. MANUFACTURER OF desirable lot of I and Ladies’ WM. P. PR on Congress st, oppo- whom shall be the Engineer in charge, or such per- Chemises, YE, Androscoggin. site mouth THE PI} Church, containing ovor 10,000 son as he mav designate. EBBN Aroostook. Parlor Suits, Spring it Dentists, WOODBURY, Lounges, Beds, square Separate proposals will be received tor a trom 75 cts. to 3.50 ot JOHN o Dredging -OF THE- DRS. FREDERICK ROBIE, Cumberland. Inquire PROCTER, tiros tirain channel the “Upper Middle” so as to obtain EVANS A STROUT, 8 Clapp Con. Mattresses, Real Estate 93 through Block, WILLIAM F. Broker, Exchange st. Ribbons, a of 23 feet at mean low water. cubic JOSIAH LOWELL, Franklin. McDouoagh Patent Bed En- _Jel0-3w depth 50,0C0 HEARD, No. 108 Middle Street. Lonugen, yards, more or less, of dredging will be required,and Ladies’ Skirts, JOHN D. HOPKINS, co'ors and also French boiled and DR. W. R. JOHNSON, No, Free Hancock, ameled Chain, Ac. TO L SI. widths, plain the material excavated is to be deposited iu such lo- 13J, Street. PAUL Ribbons, all at prices at LATNEBS, PACKARD A STEVENS, IKnox. kinds of Repairing neatly done. Furni- astonishing cality as the Engineer in charge may direct—the dis- ffAUPY, Fluent Block,Corner Con- from 05 cts. to 3.50. gress and EDWIN FLYE, Lincoln. are boxed and malted. oc25-'69r,T*stt three and a halt story house No 6 Hampshire taneejnot to exceed three miles. AMERICAN Exchange Sts. THEstreet known as ihe Acadia house; contains 33 All the work must be commenced not later than K. C. FARRINGTON, Oxford. Gros Grain Dress Silks the 15th ol the sea wall.* to be finished rooms,and is well fitted for a hotel or board- August next; complet- Furniture—Wholesale and Retail.
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