ODISHAPOLICE STATEHEADQUARTERS CIITTACK. poLtcEctRcuLAR oRDER No.339/2013 Dated.12.06.2013. $ub:- PRE$CRIBEDUNIFORM ITEM$, IHBL l.lFE-PEBlqlL A.NB RANKSOF POLICE ,.1 SCATEOF TSSUEFOR DIFFERENT " .,i '_-l PERSONNEL IN ONISHA-POLICE. ,'I ..:i I I 1i lifeperiod & scaleof issueare il The followingunifornr items along with their - I tn :. , .i herelryprescribed for different ranks irl OdishaPofice after unification & rationalizationof all i ..,1 existingRules / Ordersissued earlier. L UflJFptsMKIT$ FglR TNSPE:CrPR-& EQ.UIVALEIIT RAN-K$ (Rl/QIISUEEPAF):- (A) NosnalQjolhing Kit- '$I --- I Namedfma-elolnins Tfem T--tiG period;Eaiieof NoI.i i I PeakCap I 1 No.in 2 years i (forlnspector & all equivalent I ranksas ahove) I | - z. I NruvEiue Wooien Berei c--p 1 1 N;-in i year I (Onlv.ranksfor lnspector& all equiyalentI | asabove including 5"'[Jn. i i OSAPexcept SOG/ DVF as workingi 3 J--_ ---#Hi%gb'- ---r*-J--, Nrrrrar- | (Ontyfor Inspector& all equivalenti iarrlisposted in SOG/DVF/ lR Bn / SSBn) BlackWciolen Feiet eaii- 2 Nos.In 2 years DisContinueo (Onlyfor Subedarof 5*nBn. OSAP) l'--' I Eiacksiouch iraf- 1 No.In 1 year I (onlyfor Subeclar of str'Bn.osAP) I I ---"-- I Kh?kireshlrt ils- Tif"TT[it]ri f ye'dr | (Onty' for Inspector& all equivalent {Onlyfor Inspector& all | ranksas aboveexcePt soc/ DvF) equivalentranks as above I .except SS BnllRBn) I I (ii) 3 Nos.in 5 years I I (Onlyfor Inspector& all t equivalent ranksposted I in SS Bn /lR Bn) tl.t \t -/ Y_- Page 1 of 22 7. KhakiT.c stack (i) 1 No.in 1 year (Onlyfor Inspector& all equivalent (Onlyfor Inspector& all ranksas aboveexcept SOG/ DVF) equivalentranks as above exceptSS Bn/lRBn) (ii)3Nos. in 5 years (Only for Inspector & all equivalent ranks posted in SS Bn/lR Bn) 8. Junglepatch Gabardine Uniform {i} SOG-2 Nos.in 1 year (Slack& Fullsleeve Shid) (ii) DVF-1 No.in 1 year (Onlyfor Inspector& all (iii) lR Bnl SS Bn- 2 Nos. equivalent ranks as above in 5 years posted in SOG/ DVF I lR Bn.l (iv) OSAPeh.lzno to Bth) Sl.No.(iv) is SSn Bn.) only for one coy.-2 Nos. discontinued in 5 vears o Khal(Terry Cotton Tunic 1 No.in 5 years (Onlyfor lnspector& all equivalent ranksas aboveexcept SOGIDVF) 10.I KhakiCotton Socks 2 prs.ln 1 year | (ForInspector & all equivalent I ranksas above) 11 Brown Boot (Officer) 1 pairin 5 years (For Inspector& all equivafent ranksas aboveincluding 5'n Bn. OSAP except SOG/DVF) 12. JungleBoot (PU Sole) (i)1pair in 1 year (Onlyfor Inspector& all equivalent (Onlyfor Inspector& all ranks posted in SOG/DVF/OSAP/IR equivalent ranks posted Bn./SSBn.) in SOG/DVF) (ii)1pair in 3 years (Only for Inspector & all equivalent ranks posted in O$AP/IRBn./SS Bn.) 13. Shoe brown officer f-fit pairin 1 year (Onlyfor Inspector& all equi.valent (Onlyfor Inspector& all ranksas aboveincluding 5'n Bn. equivalentranks posted in OSAP except SOGIDVF) District) (ii)2pairs in 3 years (Onlyfor lnspector& all equivalentranks posted in Bn.includins Sth Bn. OSAP| 14. BootLace (Brown) nite nued:- (ForInspector & atleqriivalent ranksas aboveexcept S'n Bn. OSAP} 15. Shoe Lace{Brown) w nueo. (For lnspector& all equivalent ranks as above except 5'nBn. OSAP 16. BootBrush (Hard) 4 Nos.in 1 year Discontinued. (ForInspector & all equivalent rankgas above) 17. BootBrush (Soft) tn 1 year ( Onlyfor Inspector& all equivalent ranksas aboveexcept officers postedin SOG/DVF) Page2 of 22 18 tsootPolish (D/T) tinsin 1 year (Onlyfor Inspector& atl equivalent ranks as above including SthBn. OSAP e4cept officers posted in SOG/DVF) 19 l;ttvoPotlsn n 1 year (Onlyfor lnspector& a!l equivalent ranksas above incluciinqStn Bn. OSAPexcept officers pdsted in SOG/DVF) 20. SambrownBelt o. In u years (Onlyfor Inspector& all equivalent ranks as above except officers posted in SOGIDVF) -_lndefinftt 21. >wororrog (For Inspector& atlbquivalent ranks as above) 22. ue te nite (ForInspector & all equivalent ranksas above) zJ. I vvntsileMetro i lndefinite I lForInspector & all equivalentrankd ' as above_includgltr{ Br!._OSAp)_l 24. vvntsueInunder Indefinite Discontinued. (Only for SthBn. oSAp) --l 25. NavyBlue Lanyard Braided (ForInspector & all equivalent I ranksas aboveincluding 5'n -lBn. : 26, 1 No.in 1 year Discontinued. ( Ontyfor-Sth Bn. OSAp) r I -InA-tftnlle - 27. o.w (For Inspector& equivalentranks posted to District) 28. O.S.A.P./IRB/ SSB shoulde]-Lefter- I nite _(l/Vhite)with the nameof Unit i (For tnspeclor all equivaten!- rankso'"ra1:b3l.r,T',"oins ! 5thi i 29. ).S.A, P. ShoukieiBEdgelElecf-- ite E"lscontinueil (ontyt r?FJg)".osAp) i 30i \.r.r. L/ctp oduge lVVIIltg/ (ForInspector & atiequivdtent ranksposted tc District) ----l_--_ 31. c.S.A.P.lIRB/ SSB Cap Badge I IndeflnitE {White) i For lnspector I & all equivalent I ranks postedto Bn") l 32. re--_--1- lndefinite (For Inspector& all equivalent I ranks j - as above) 33. Arms traoCIe i o. In 1 year (ForInspector & aliequivalent I ranksas above) l Page3 of 22 34. NamePlate with Designation te (For Inspector& all equivalent ranksas above) 35. Hrassspare Ring (Large) nite nuecl. (ForInspector & all equivalent ranksas above) 36, HrassSpare Ring (Small) inite scon (Forlnspector & all equivalent ranksas above) 37 RatnSutt n 3 years (Onlyfor Inspector& equivalent rank as above except SOG/DVF) 38 Hancnu o. in 3 years {Onlyfor Inspector& all equivalent ranks posted in SOG/DVF) 39. ShortGreat Coat (Winter Jacket) o Inu years {ForInspector & equivalentrank as above) 44. Blackshoes with rubbersole(OTlCerSJ 1 pairin 1 year Discontinued. (Onlyfor Subedarposted td SthBn' OSAP) 41. BlackBoot with rubber sole(Officers) ursconUnued. (Onlyfor Subedarposted to Sthgn OSAPI UnssaPollce 42. 'COMMANDO'Insigniawith word 1 No.in 3 years Discontinued. ( Maroonbase with yellow embroidery)with lamination. (Onlyfor Sub6dar posted to SthBn osAP.} -Dlseoniinued] 43. naroonScarf with OSAPcrest printe< .tn r in white [Onlyfor Subedar posted to SthBn OSAP) 44, Khukriwith Black Scabbard te nued. (Onlyfor Subedarposted to 5thBn OSAP) 45. Hoorpottsn (Hlack) 2 Nos.in 1 year Dlsconilnued. Only for Subbdarpbsted'to Sth Bn OSAP) 46. Blanco( Black) 4 Nos.in 1 year Discontinued (Onlyfor SubedaiposteO to SthBn OSAP} NB:- Since the Commandoof 5th Bn. OSAP is no more performingspecialized Commandoduty, its uniform patternare same as that of otherOSAP Bn's and the PCO-280/SDtd.15.06.95 stands amended hereby. Page4 of 22 (B) ---'Neme oTThF-item - -Klieki Bn. OSAP) --Tnii-efini Ntrbil-Polvbio AmmunitionPouch (For Inspector& all equivalent rankg is abov'eincluding thb officersof Sth Bn. OSAP it lndefinite ( only for Sthen. osRp) -Ntl -- - oirA-nkle-l-( BlacTt- ; lndetinne ( On'lyfor Sth en. osAP) i -Tylon -T-fI - - -lnilefinile Nylon-H-olsterlH-olster(Black)_-----Blaak)--- (For' Revolver"i Sten Guni AK-47) i ( Only for sthBn. os,qP) i Haversack{Black) | scontinue ( onty for SthBn. osAF) i @ ,--lndefinite ( only for SthBh. osAP) i Discontinued rap (Black) inite { Only for Bn. OSAP) rckSupporting Stt'ap (Black) lnd inite (onli ior s'rBn.osAP) Discontinued BracesNoimal (Black) ( only for Sthen. osne; NB:-Since the Commando of sthBn. OSAP is nomCIreperforming specialized Commando duty, its uniformpattern are same as that of other OSAP Bn's and the PCO-280/S Dtd.15.06.95 stands amended hereby. Page5 of 22 (c) item od of issue fixed WhiteT.C. Short 2 Nos. (ForInspector & all equivalent ranksas above) ---Khaki Nylonsocks 2 pairs (For Inspector& all equivalent ranks as above) BrownBoot (Office0 (ForInspector & alt equivalentranks as above) T-Shid l- 1 No. (For Inspector& all equivalent ranks as I above) I I F.fSnoE6rvnitel (For Inspector& all equivaient ranks as above) --i --_---i-*-_-- un s |e-F"@ffi lrorinsfleciora ianksas . i above)"riequivatent i l *--_-J ungle Boot(PUSole) (ForInspector & all equivalent ranksas above Page6 of 22 2, UNIFORMKITS FORSUB-INSPECTOR / ARMED SUB- INSPECTOR(SERGEANT / DSt I DY.SUBEDAR):- (A) Nornal CfgthintKit:: The normalClothing kit for S.l & equivalentranks as aboveare sameas lnspector& equivalent ranksas notedearlier except the following changes. UnifoimTiGb-flnspector & eqiivatent-- I j UUniformkits of $.1& equivalentrank with e$_y"llblilqjglled---f? i life period PeakCap No.r12 years ForageCap -1 No. in 3 years ; Red& BlueRibbon Bluelanyard Braided BlueNeck Tie (B) NormalNylon / Poly PropvleneWeb Equipment for Sub- fnspector/ Armed Sub-lrfspector(Sergdant / DSII Dy. Subedar):- The normalNylonl Poly propyleneWeb equipmentfor S.l & equivalentranks as above are samea$ lnspector& equivaientranks as notedearlier. (C) lg1ftsic courseJf Traininq:- e or tne - AnklePulty Discontinued. {For Sub-lnspector& all equivalent Discontinued. Inspector& all equivalent ranksas above) (For Sub-lnspector& all equivalent ranks as above) Page7 of22 -_--- Brownuoot (Officer) I pair (ForSub-lnspector & all equivalent ranks as above) -T:Shirt 2 Nos. (ForSub-lnspector & all equivalent ranksas above) -FT-SEe,e - " L^r[ief_------ z Pt* (ForSub-lnspector & all equivalentranks as above) 2 Nos {ForSub- Inspector & all equivalent ranks i as above) _.- fnaki CellularShirts 2 Nos. Discontinued (ForSub-lnspector & all equivalentranks as above) ll r-----l----- : | ln'" ' KhakiT.c. slacks I I (ForSub-lnspector & all equivalentranks I I I as above)'l I rtlt '--- i --_-- -siiirts-:-='F-- -- i-TTl- Khaki-T.e (nS) 2 Nos. j vsv-r'rl & all e'quivalentranks i1 ll(For Vl Sub-lnspector i i as above) ii ii-f--wooen : n- "terseYfolCrffiiers 7 i I (ForSub'lnspector & all equivalentranks as above) lil _*-@ f-1***"o-f.----*] l(rl &cI al!6ll equivalentsvvr v qrEt rr ranks ! (ForSub-lnspector i | i| asabove) I i I lrlrll ll --+-! above Ho*euer they will be entitledfcr normalClothing kits besidesthe additionalbasic training kits (D) For iali Trai urse Tra Forthe saidtraining, the uniformkits aresame as lnsPector& equivalent ranksas notedearlier. Page8 af 22 3. (A) No rcl are same as Sub- The normal Clothingkit ior ASI & equivalentranks as above of ASI & equivalentranks Inspector& equivalentranks as notedearlier.
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