JOINER, DICKEY AND SHEEHAN: BOUGAINVILLIA STUDIES 447 5. Post, Kenneth. 1959. Florist Crop Production and 9. Steffensen, Dale. 1958. Chromosome aberrations in Marketing. Orange Judd Publishing Co., Inc. New York. calcium deficient Tradescantia produced by irradiation. Na 6. Sax, K. 1955. The effect of ionizing radiation on ture 182:1750-1751. plant growth. Amer. Jour, of Bot. 42:360-364. 10. Storer, J. B. and L. H. Hempelmann. 1952. Hypo 7. Shear, C. D., H. L. Crane and A. T. Myers. 1946. thermia and increased survival rate of infant mice. Am Nutrient element balance: A fundamental concept in plant Jour. Physiol. 171:341-348. nutrition. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 47:239-248. •11. Stubbe, H. and H. Doring. 1938. Untersuchungen 8. Stapleton, G. E., D. Billen, and A. Hollaender. 1953. uber experimentalle Auslosung von Mutationen bei Antir Recovery of X irradiated bacteria at suboptimal incubation rhinum majus. Biol. Abs. 14:88. temperatures. J. Cell Comp. Physiology 41:345-357. GROWTH AND FLOWERING OF BOUGAINVILLEA GLABRA 'SANDER' AS AFFECTED BY PHOTOPERIOD AND LEVELS OF NITROGEN AND POTASSIUM Jasper N. Joiner, R. D. Dickey and established to investigate some cultural and en T. J. Sheehan vironmental conditions that affect bougainvillea flowering. Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Methods and Materials Gainesville A 3x3x2 factorial experiment using a split- Erratic flowering habits of bougainvilleas in plot design was initiated to test effects of three Florida have been credited largely to their nitro levels each of N and K2O and two photoperiods gen sensitivity. Amateur and professional horti on the growth and flowering of Bougainvillea culturists for many years have recommended low glabra 'Sander/ Main plot treatments consisted nitrogen and generally high potassium fertiliza of two photoperiods—9 and 18 hours. Subplot tion for best flowering response. The general treatments included randomly placed factorial belief has been that high nitrogen applications combinations of N and K. N was provided from produced luxuriant growth with sparse to no ammonium nitrate at rates of 0 (N,), 100 (N2) flowering. Many nurserymen have discontinued and 300 (N3) pounds of N per acre per year. growing this tropical plant due to their inability K2SO4 was used to provide 0 (Kx), 50 (K2) and to control flowering. 100 (K3) pounds of K2O equivalent per acre per As early as 1935 Allard (1) found that Bou- year. Two 8-inch pots containing one plant each gainvillea glabra was a short day plant, forming constituted the experimental unit and treatments flower buds at 12 or fewer hours of. light at were replicated 4 times. temperatures from 70 to 75° F. Plants given Rooted cuttings were planted October 10, 1961, 12 hour photoperiods in Washington, D. C, begin in a potting soil composed of two parts sand, one ning in May flowered in 110 days. Those receiv part peat and one part perlite. Three pounds of ing 10 hour photoperiods produced more flowers superphosphate per cubic yard was mixed to sup and bloomed in 54 days. Post (3) found (in ply phosphorus. All plants were placed under Ithaca, N. Y.) normal flower budding period for long day conditions until variable photoperiod B. glabra 'Crimson Lake' under greenhouse con treatments were begun October 23. Plants re ditions was from September 20 to October 1. ceiving short day treatments were covered with Good Christmas bloom was obtained by shading black sateen cloth from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. nightly, from August 15. He credited the long blooming- and long day plants received supplemental light period of this plant in Florida to high tempera from incandescent bulbs from 5 p.m. until 1 a.m. tures and long periods of short days for flower Terminal buds were pinched October 28, and all bud formation. plots watered twice weekly. Fertilizer applica The ability to control flowering of this plant tions were started November 6 and repeated at and grow it in a compact vigorous condition would one month intervals. provide a potentially profitable flowering pot This phase of the experiment was terminated plant to the nursery trade. This experiment was January 10, 1962. Growth index measurements (height + width -^ 2) were taken October 27, Acknowledgment: This experiment was a special project 1961, and subtracted from the growth index at of Mrs. Marcia Metz while a senior student in the Depart ment of Ornamental Horticulture. termination of the experiment. Quality was Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 1570. graded to standards scaled from 1 to 5 (1—poor 448 FLORIDA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1962 and 5—superior). At weekly intervals counts effect. Mean bract count per plant receiving Nlf .were made of bracts which had reached % inch N2 and N3 was 29.1, 35.2 and 61.6, respectively. or longer since the preceding count. Weekly LSD required for significance was 19.3 at the counts were tallied to give a final total number .05 level of probability and 26.2 at the .01 level. of flowers per treatment. Figure 1 shows the weekly bract counts. Plant quality was affected by N levels only. Results Average grade for plants getting low, medium and Vegetative growth of the plants was unaffec high N levels was 2.1, 2.5 and 3.5, respectively. ted by photoperiods, but there was an interaction LSD required for significance was 0.5 at the effect between N and K (Table 1). At the 1% level of probability. low K level the high level of N increased Discussion growth significantly as compared with the other two levels. N3 produced more growth than r^ at Photoperiod had no effect on. growth, due the medium K level; but when high potassium probably to the indeterminate flowering habit of was provided, each increment of N resulted in bougainvillea. Flowering bracts are borne singly a highly significant increase in growth. or in panicles on peduncles which arise at the Only plants receiving short day treatments axil of leaf petioles and stem. Apparently there flowered during this experiment, and on these is no separation of growth and flowering response plants nitrogen produced a significant flowering due to photoperiod, which is in general agreement with responses of tuberous-rooted begonias (3). TABLE I. EFFECTS OF N AND K ON TOTAL GROWTH IN CENTIMETER When nitrogen was raised from Na to N3 at OF POTTED BOUGAINVILLEA GLABRA 'SANDER'. ' JANUARY 10, 1962 all levels of K more growth occurred, with the most significant increases and largest total growth K Levels N Levels - PF Means ppa Per Year Hi occur ing at K3. This generally agrees with work 3 0 100 by Joiner and Smith (2) on chrysanthemums in -~3J 10.5 Kt - 0 T-5 10.6 dicating that as N supply is increased demand for K2 - 50 8.1 10.3 13 • 5 .3 13.0 K3 - 100 •4.9 10.9 23 K by plants is increased. .1 N Level Means 6.8 10.3 IT .05 .01 This work confirms the work of Allard (1) LSD .9 •3 and Post (4) that B. glabra is photoperiodically sensitive and within restrictions of temperature 70 interactions can be flowered at any time during the year. -N-3 The fact that increased nitrogen very sig 60 ■ nificantly increased flowering on this plant— which refutes most of the previous literature on this subject—is logical when the flowering char 50 acteristics of this plant is considered. B. glabra blooms from leaf axils of new growth only; therefore, higher nitrogen levels which promote 40 more vegetative growth would provide more po tential flowering surface. ^ 30 N-l One group of plants receiving the various fertilizer treatments were placed under natural daylengths for observation. Since this photo / ,.'''n-I= 0 lbs. N per acre per year period treatment was not replicated, statistical 's' N-2=IOOIbs.N per acre per year comparisons could not be made with the experi *N-3=300 Ibs.N per acre per year mental results. However, those under natural I- daylengths did not begin to flower until about four months after treatment initiation or ap proximately four weeks after beginning of peak DEC.I2 DEC.I9 DEC.26 JAN.3 JAN.IO flowering of the short day plants, and maximum DATES OF BRACT COUNT flowering occurred during late March and early FIGURE I. Effects of nitrogen levels on average April. As with plants in the other photoperiod weekly bract count on Bougainvillea glabra, treatments, those receiving the highest rates of 'Sander'.from December 12,1961,to January 10, nitrogen flowered the most profusely. 1962. JOINER AND POOLE: GARDENIA STUDIES 449 For this report terminal data were taken but growth increases occurred at all levels of January 10, 1962. At time of this writing the K as N was increased to N3—the most significant experiment is continuing with higher levels of increase occurring at K3. nitrogen, and final data will not be taken for Flowering buds on plants receiving long day several weeks. During summer months, however, treatments abscissed, while plants under short those plants receiving short day treatments con days flowered abundantly. More flowering bracts tinued to flower profusely (high N treatments), developed at the high N level than at the lower whereas those under long and natural days did levels, and K had no effect. Increasing N im not produce more than an occasional flowering proved quality grade. bract. LITERATURE CITED Summary »x.LV Allard' H- A- 1935. Response of the wood plants Hibiscus syriacus, Malvaviscus conzatti, and Bougainvillea A 3x3x2 factorial experiment with a split- glabra to length of day. Jour. Agr. Res. 51:27-34 2. Joiner, J. N. and T. C. Smith. 1962.
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