1896. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 3533 ciation of Machinists, of Parsons, Kans., for an investigation into The bill was read, as follows: the treatment of the members of the association employed in the Be i t enacted, etc., That the consent of Congress is hereby given to the East St. Louis and St. Louis Bridge and Construction Company, of the city Brooklyn Navy-Yard-to the Committee on Labor. of East St. Louis, of the county of St. Clair and State of illinois, a corpora­ Also, memorial of Eggleston Post, No. 244, Grand Army of the ti.on organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, its assigns, successors, Republic, of Wichita, Kans., praying for the passage of a service­ grantees, mortgagees, representatives, and successors in interest, to build, own, operate, and maintain a bridge and approaches thereto, as hereinafte!" pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. described, across the Mississippi River, from some point suitable to the in­ Also, memorial of the White Ribbon Women of Pomona, Kans., t er ests of navigation b etween the north line of St. Clair County, lll.• and the praying for the appointment of a commission of arbitration to southwest line of said county, to the city of St. Louis, t:ltate of Missouri: Provided, That the plan and location of the said bridge, so far as the inter­ adjust all troubles between the United States and England-to ests of navigation are concerned, shall be recommended by a board of three the Committee on Foreign Affairs. United States engineers appointed by the Secretary of War and shall be ap­ By Mr. LEIGHTY: Resolutions of De Long Post, No. 67, of proved by the Secret-ary of War. And it shall be the duty of t.he said board Auburn; also of Sion S. Bass Post, No. 40, of Fort Wayne, Grand to give a public hearin~ in the city of St. Louis to all parties interested in the const ruction of sa1d bridge whenever the design and drawings of said Army of the Republic, Department of Indiana, in favor of a serv­ bridge and maps of location shall have been submitt ed to the Secretary of ice-pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions_. War as herein provided. Said board to give reasonable notice of time and Also. petition of citizens of Lagrange, Ind., favormg House place of such hearing and report its recommendations to the Secretary of War as soon thereafter as may be expedient. Said bridge shall be constructed bill No. 5729, for the protection of game, birdS, and fish- to the !or the purpose of providing for the passage of wagons, vehicles, street cars, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. animals, and foot passengers, and shall be deemed and taken as a public high­ By 1\Ir. LINTON: Resolutions adopted by the Trades League of way for the purposes named only, subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth: Provtded, That street-railway companies desiring the use of said Philadelphia, Pa., asking for favorable action on House bills Nos. bridge shall have and be entitled to equal rights and privileges relative to 838 4566, and 5560, to provide 1-cent letter postage per half ounce the passage of cars over the same and over the approaches thereto, and in and to amend the postal laws relating to second-class and free case the owner or owners of said bridge and the street-railway companies or any one of them, desiring such use shall fail to agree upon the rules and matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. conditions to which each shall conform in using said bridge, all matters at By Mr. LONG: Petition of John Goldy Post, No. 90, of Milan, issue between them shall be decided by the Secretary of War, upon hearing Department of K~nsas, praying for the passage of a service-pen­ the allegations and proofs of the parties in question. SEC. 2. That anv bridge built under this act and subject to its limitations sion bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. shall be a lawful structure and shall be recognized and known as a post route, By Mr. LOUDENSLAGER: Petitions of the Liquor Dealers' upon which also no charge shall be made for the transmission over the same Association of Phillipsburg, N. J.; also of Retail Liquor Dealers' of the mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States, and it shall enjoy the ri~hts and privileges of other post roads in the United Association of Mercer County, N. J.; also 'of Hudson County Stat es; and equal privileges in the use of said bridge shall be granted to all Liquor Dealers' Association, New Jersey; also of Hunterdon telegraph and telephone companies, and the United States shall have the County Hotel Keepers' Association, New Jersey; also of R etail right of way across said bridge and its approaches for postal telegraphic pur­ Liquor Dealers' Association of South Amboy, N.J., against the poses. SEc. 3. That in case the said bridge shall be built below the bridge hereto­ passage of House bill No. 6668, amending an act regulating sale fore constructed and known as the Eads Bridge, it shall be built with un­ of intoxicating liquors in the District of Columbia-to the Com­ broken and continuous spans, and shall have at least two channel spans of mittee on the District of Columbia. not less than 750 feet clear width, each measured at right angles to the cur­ r ent at any and all stages of water; and the lowest part of said spans shall By Mr. MORSE: P etition of the Brockton Central Labor Union, not be of less elevation in any case than 75 feet above the St. Louis city direc­ of Brockton, Mass., asking for the unlimited coinage of silver at trix; and in case the said bridge shall be built above the said Eads Bridge there the ratio of 16 to 1- to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and shall be at least three channel spans of not less than 500 feet clear width, each measured at right angles to the current at any and all stages of water; and Measures. the lowest part of said span shall not be of less elevation in anr case than 50 By Mr. SNOVER: Petitions of Typographical Union , Trades feet above the St. Louis city directrix plus the slope of the river from the and Labor Council, Cigarmakers' Uruon, Journeymen Barbers' foot of Walnut street, in the city of St. Louisl.tothe point where the bridge shall be built; and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current Union, Longshoremen's Union, and Eddison Union, all of Port of the river. Huron, Mich., for a law restricting immigration-to the Com­ SEc. 4. That the piers of all high-channel spans shall be built parallel with mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. the current of the river at the stage of water which is most important for navigation, and riprapping or other protection for imperfect foundations By 1Ir. SORG: Petition of Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce which will materially lessen the waterway or which may injure navigation and Merchants' Exchange, of Cincinnati, Ohio, indorsing a bill to shall not be employed in the channel ways of the high spans, and piers which create a department of commerce and manufactures as a branch will produce cross currents or bars dangerous to navigation shall not be constructed; and if, after construction, any piers or protection walls are of the exacutive department of the Government, signed by Fred found to produce the above-mentioned effects the nuisance shall be abated Guckenberger, secretary-to the Committee on the Judiciary. or corrected by or at the expense of the persons owning sai<l bridge, and the By Mr. STEWART of Wisconsin: Remonstrance and petition approaches to the channel spans mentioned in this act shall provide sufficient waterway for the passage of floods. of A. E . Montgomery and 77 others, of Bay Shore Council, No. 48, SEC. 5. That the persons owning, controlling, or operating the bridge au­ of Marinette, Wis., against the continuance of the statue of Mar­ thorized by this act shall maintain, at their own expense, from sunset t<> quette in Statuary Hall-to the Committee on the Library. sunrise, throughout the year, and during heavy fogs, such lights or other By Mr. WILLIAM A. STONE: Resolution of Council No. 92, signals as the Light-House Board shall prescribe, and shall also each day dm·ing the season of navigation have posted in a conspicuous place the clear Daughters of Liberty, of Allegheny, Pa.; also resolution of Lodge headroom under the channel span on that day, the figures expressing this No. 397, Order of St. George, of Washington, D. C., unanimously height to be readily visible to the naked eye from any point in thE.\ channel ind0rsing the Stone immigration bill-to the Committee on Immi­ of the river for a stretch of 4,000 feet, of which 3,000 feet shall be above and 1,000 feet shall be below the channel span of the bridge. gration and Naturalization. SEc. 6. That no bridge shall be erected or maintained under the authority By Mr. THOMAS: Petitio14of David~andshaw and 106 other of this act which shall at any time substantially or materially obstruct the citizens of Parkville, St. Joseph County, Mich., favoring the pas­ free navigation of said river; and if any bridge erected under such authority shall, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, obstruct such navigation, be is sage of H ouse bill No.
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