Reconciliation Action Plan August 2018 – August 2020 Our vision for reconciliation Our business Lara McKay Master Our vision for reconciliation is to foster a living and working environment that embraces diversity and equal opportunity in a Ormond College was established in 1881 on the land of the Wurundjeri People. In the spirit of its As the new Master of FXOWXUDOO\FRQVLGHUDWHDQGVDIHPDQQHU6SHFLȴFDOO\2UPRQG&ROOHJHDLPVWRSURPRWHDZHOFRPLQJDQGHQULFKLQJOLYLQJDQGOHDUQLQJ benefactor, Francis Ormond, and the philosophies of the Presbyterian Scottish Enlightenment, the Ormond, I am delighted College was open to People of ‘all faiths and none’ and was a place to develop not only the skills but to see that Ormond environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students that allows students to achieve academic and personal success. also the incentive, to contribute to the broader community in vocational and academic pursuits. Today, is launching its third $GGLWLRQDOO\2UPRQG&ROOHJHDLPVWRSURYLGHOHDUQLQJH[SHULHQFHVWKDWHPERG\WKHRQJRLQJSURFHVVRIWUXWKWHOOLQJIRUDOORXU Ormond’s community continues to embody a sense of social responsibility and academic integrity for Reconciliation Action Plan. VWXGHQWVVWDDQGDOXPQLDOLNH This Innovate RAP builds FRPPXQLW\PHPEHUVVRWKDWZHFDQHPEUDFHUHFRQFLOLDWLRQLQDQLQIRUPHGDQGHGXFDWHGPDQQHU RQWKHSUHYLRXV5HȵHFW5$3DQGGHPRQVWUDWHV Our core business is as a residential university college that is home to 359 undergraduate students, the College’s commitment to support the national 64 graduate students and 202 non-residents, as well as residential and non-residential academics reconciliation movement. It outlines our joint vision DQGWXWRUV7KHFRPPXQLW\DOVRLQFOXGHVDODUJHDOXPQLFRKRUWDQGVWDPHPEHUV&XUUHQWO\WKLV and the tangible actions we will undertake to create includes three Aboriginal tutors, one Aboriginal student employed as Indigenous Student Liaison and strong and meaningful relationships, enhance one Aboriginal student employed as Aboriginal Culture Awareness and Volunteering Program Leader respect and understanding, and generate sustainable $&$93/ 2UPRQG&ROOHJHKDVDVLQJOHRɝFHORFDWLRQLQ3DUNYLOOHLQ9LFWRULDEXWWKHFRPPXQLW\ opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander also includes alumni and students residing in all states and territories of Australia and countries Peoples. throughout the world. As an organisation with learning at its heart, we VWULYHWRPDNHDVLJQLȴFDQWFRQWULEXWLRQWRLPSURYLQJ Ormond College also includes the Centre for Ethical Leadership (CEL), a research institute concerned higher-education and employment outcomes for ZLWKWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRIEXVLQHVVDQGHWKLFDOSUDFWLFHV7KH&(/FRQGXFWVUHVHDUFKRHUVHGXFDWLRQ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and to SURJUDPVDQGLVLQYROYHGLQVLJQLȴFDQWFRPPXQLW\HQJDJHPHQW7KH&ROOHJHKDVDOVRIRXQGHGWKH ensure they have equal access to education. Just as :DGHΖQVWLWXWHRI(QWUHSUHQHXUVKLSDIDFXOW\WKDWRHUVDQHGXFDWLRQSURJUDPRQVLWHLQ3DUNYLOOH important is fostering a learning community that Students graduate with a Master of Entrepreneurship from the University of Melbourne and are promotes historical truth-telling, pride in the cultures integrated members of the Ormond community. and histories of this land and provides opportunities to learn from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples about the past, the present and their vision for the future. As a community at Ormond, built on the land of the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nations, it is the responsibility of all who live, work and study here to contribute to realising the ambition set out in this RAP. While it is imperative we have ‘champions’ to lead this work, it is the contribution Current and former members of the OCIP Student Body that each individual makes that will ensure we meet the deliverables set out in this plan, deepen our understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and traditions, and work toward a truly 6WDDQGVWXGHQWVJDWKHUHGRQWKH&ROOHJHJURXQGVDIWHUDQ2&Ζ3:*0HHWLQJ reconciled Australia. All photos used in this document are the property of Ormond College 2 3 Our RAP Dr Rob Leach Di Bambra Vice Master Vice Master This Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) follows on from the initial RAP (2013-2015) and subsequent Those of us who are not DQGDSRWHQWLDO([WHUQDO$GYLVRU\*URXSLVLQSURJUHVV&XUUHQWO\WKHUHLVQRIRUPDOH[WHUQDO The Ormond College 5HȵHFW5$3 :KHQ2UPRQG&ROOHJHGHYHORSHGLWVȴUVW5$3LWZDVPRWLYDWHGE\WKH $ERULJLQDODQGRU7RUUHV LQYROYHPHQWLQRXU5$3:RUNLQJ*URXS Indigenous Program was determination of the student body to promote equality and reconciliation within the College. Our third Strait Islander Peoples have developed 10 years ago, our origins in all parts of the beginning our reconciliation RAP is being developed as a response to the success of the previous RAPs in supporting our Ormond ΖQDVWUDWHJLFSODQZDVGHYHORSHGLQFRQVXOWDWLRQZLWKWKHȴYHFRPPXQLWLHVRI2UPRQG globe. Though our ancestors journey and providing a College Indigenous* Program (OCIP) and consists of two core aims. Firstly, it is designed to support College and the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, to guide the inception of may have lived far away, pathway for all College the recruitment, retention and success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students coming an Indigenous Program to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students undertaking the many of us feel intensely connected to Australia. members to follow. Since then, the program has to Ormond College. Secondly, it is designed to educate and inform all members of our community We are deeply touched by the russet and rugged Bachelor of Arts Extended and mainstream courses at the University of Melbourne. This program expanded and gained momentum and direction about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ histories, cultures and contemporary narratives. landscapes, the sight of a mob of kangaroos moving came to be known as the Ormond College Indigenous Program and was the instigator of the 1st to not only support Aboriginal and Torres Strait The OCIP is inextricably linked to our RAP and our community’s commitment to reconciliation. The across the plains, the scent of eucalypts and the RAP. The subsequent RAPs have been developed in tandem with the growth of the OCIP. The OCIP Islander members of our community, but provide Ormond College Indigenous Program is overseen by the Freemantle Fellow, an employed position carolling of magpies. We can only imagine how much continues to be an integral program within the College. Our OCIP now also includes graduate and educational and developmental opportunities for HVWDEOLVKHGLQDVDQRXWFRPHRIWKHȴUVW5$3ZKLFKVHUYHVDVWKHFHQWUDOSRLQWRIFRQWDFWIRUWKH more profound the connection to Country is for those undergraduate resident and non-resident students undertaking a wide range of courses at the all members of our community to engage with OCIP. The Freemantle Fellow, currently a residential position, works in tandem with the Indigenous whose forebears were here for tens of millennia. 8QLYHUVLW\RI0HOERXUQH7KH2&Ζ3EHQHȴWVIURPVWURQJOHDGHUVKLSDQGVXSSRUWIURPWKH&ROOHJHDW reconciliation. Our recently developed third RAP Student Liaison and the Indigenous Subcommittee, a student led group with Aboriginal and Torres As proud as we are of Australia, we can only be all levels and is overseen by the Freemantle Fellow and the Indigenous Subcommittee. The Freemantle provides us further vision and practical steps for Strait Islander and non-Indigenous membership that organises events for the whole community and a whole and healthy nation if we accept the truth Fellow is a permanent position established in 2014, through an endowment provided by College the next part of our journey. for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, to promote reconciliation at Ormond. of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ benefactors, Jane and Jim Freemantle. This position provides the central point of contact for the OCIP. The development of this RAP is important as terrible experience of colonisation and dispossession. The Indigenous Subcommittee is a student led group with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and it has been generated deep in our community by $ERULJLQDODQG7RUUHV6WUDLWΖVODQGHU3HRSOHVȇRHU VWXGHQWVDQGVWDZRUNLQJFORVHO\WRJHWKHU7KLV Internally, the Master and Vice Master of the College and the Freemantle Fellow champion our non-Indigenous membership that organises events for the community and for Aboriginal and Torres of reconciliation, in Ormond sometimes symbolised document is shared by the entire community and 5$37KH5$3KDVEHHQUHFRJQLVHGDQGUDWLȴHGE\WKH&ROOHJH&RXQFLOWKH([HFXWLYH%RG\DQGDOO Strait Islander students. by the gift of a manna gum leaf at a smoking welcomes the engagement and contributions WKUHH&RPPRQ5RRPVUHSUHVHQWLQJWKHVWXGHQWVWDDQGDFDGHPLFPHPEHUVKLSRIWKH&ROOHJH ceremony, is an act of breathtaking magnanimity. It of all members. We are committed to working respectively. The RAP working group, known internally as the Ormond College Indigenous Program LVDQRHUWKDWLVDFFHSWHGZLWKJUHDWKXPLOLW\7KH ΖQWKHȴUVW5$3ZDVODXQFKHGDIWHUDWKUHH\HDUFRQVXOWDWLRQSHULRGWKDWZDVVXSSRUWHGE\ closely with the community to continue to create :RUNLQJ*URXS 2&Ζ3:* LQFOXGHVSDUWLFLSDWLRQIURPWKH)UHHPDQWOH)HOORZWKH0DVWHURIWKH past cannot be unwritten, but the future is ours a motion passed by the Ormond College Students’ Club to ‘recognise and support the Australian DGLHUHQWIXWXUHΖZRXOGOLNHWRDFNQRZOHGJHDQG College, the Vice Master of the College, members of the Leading Tutor Team, members of the to compose. Together,
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