JOHNB. WILLIAMSDEMANDED FORQAKLANO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POSTSSE PAGE J. INTERCDMMUNAL NEWS SERVICE PUBLI- S HED W EE KLY BY T H E BLACK PANT H ER PA RT Y ~ <C 197 .. by ~ P Newt.en VOL XUNO. 19 SATUIIDAY,1' 0\ 'E!>fB£11JO , 1974 25C OP-SECRET DOCUMENTSRELEASED TA AGENCY SPYING ON ACTIVISTS PROVED ' HUE1' P. NEIVTON. leader a,1d chic'l::;s,liician a/ the Block Panther Party, ,ra& targ <'d for harassment by the IRS r-- - ---------::--i NSIDE ---- -- -­ PAGE ,AGE ,JNSTITUTll\OUTII STAGE " A CIIILDR£N'S NO\'L'l1BER" ll • . • . • 2 •CUBANVIEW OF PUERTOlUCO RALLY· • •OAKIANDIGNORES UNE'\1PLO\'llfE!'IT PROBLEM •S.A.F.E. UNCOVERS BAD SENIOR C1T1Z£NHOUSING . ••• •U.l'I. ArFlRMS PA1£S11NlAJ'ISEl.f ,DETEIIMll'IATIO!\ . .s •llALLYSUPPOJlTS P RISONERFURLOUGHS , • "PJIOBI.E.'15 IN fOOTIIAJ.L" • 21 ' .. 9 •P,B.I. SUGGESTS REVl\'!I. COU(JELPRO • ;.~ "' YA r l,O'lllVT!:> Ceruu.l 0 1,t,1IMlh.on li.u..a.~.t..A 10 AWO , so, ( 141h SIINI XU\18Sn :nvnMI 0 .. ,_,1Cel ,1 '14 1>7I IHWln'I HVH!l..'1l'!V MEYER LANSK\' SH boG1ire•ie w, P"I~ 19, : ntE. BL\Cl{ PA.,'TllER, SAT\/RDA\, N0\'EMll£R 30,1974 EdiToRiAl • COMMENT • A CUBANVIEW : DR. JEKYLL PUERTORI CO RALLY AND VICTORYOVER IMPERIALISM MR. HYDE The Cuban uiew of the massive Puerto Rican Solidarity Day rally A mindless and wasteful action held in New York's J.fadiaon undertaken a few months ago by Square Oarde11 October 27 i4 the Oakland cily Government, presented in the following article can be turned around lo haunL reprinted from the Cuban ncw, ­ those same adminslrators for a poper Granma. long time to come. For although the hiring of In the las t decade, feelings of Floyd Hyde was a biller slap in solidarity have laken on truly lhe face for this cily · s Black and important dimensions . Demon­ poor minority communilies !see Rich and poor: Too n1any words, not enou gli deeds? strations, rallies, speeche s , de­ £lame Brown's comments, page nunciations, productive work ses­ 3) his findings, combined wilh lbe sions, elc., in support of the recent disclosure of housing cause of the peoples are everyday problems (see page 7), un­ occurrence s in today' s world. employment slat isti.cs and pop­ The fact that 25,000 people ulation shifts lseo centerfold), gathered to demand the indepen­ confirm whal we have long dence of a country might see m to suspected . Dnr Editor, n,., Pu,rto Rlc,u, Solidarity Doy Co.mm.ltlee wllhN to llsank yvu for your be jusL one more of those daily Thal is, that the majority or the c:adonemt.1n of the October 27th ci, r.nl u an act of aoUdarhy (o:r the occurrences. But when those members of the Oak.land City lndc,pc-ndentt of Pueno Rloo. 25,000 people have gath ered in Council, Mayor Reading, and We belle•• that the Odobcr 27th R.UyWU a lttmendoas ........ In .., • .,,.. the heart of Yankee imperi nlism particularly City Manager Cecil wa,.,In New Yon mon, llsan 20,000 people auended the Madison Squaro G,,rclen l!ally. Ill the Say Ana, ovu a lhouund people d!Jfflly partldpa~ lo demand recognition for the Riley, don't give a good god­ ihn>uJhaUeadanee at tbt, 1-1 on nt, a.od many more b.....t the program independence of a colony of damn aboul lhe Black and poor lhn>ugh the toOpffllll<>nor 1ta1lo .. KPFAand KPOO. rapacious imperialism, then the residenl.S or lhis city AD toactb,o the adhltl .. have b,,&un to ral,•• lho gencnu OONidou.rn..,of imporlance or that event becomes tbe -lal !llal,a ol foc,rto Rlooa.od the 1trauJ•for lta llberaton bt,auue Thal their own boy, t,fr. Hyde, PwertoRico 1t!D ,-,nu,).,.. a colorty or the United Slat..-, Tho pwinlog and clear; it can no longer be viewed lttmed into a Dr. Jekyll and "'llanlutlon ol the Oetobc,r 27th Solidarity . Day have In..-..-! our as a commonplace occurrence . It exposed lhem, is ironic. coau:n1tmcn1to condn:uc the •bll&ale to btt Puerto Rico u wr.Uu co C!Oo.lJ:nae Lakes on it.s true dimension s. world:oa,u • t'Oalldon on olhe.-r lu:uec or oppru1lon. Hyde reports lhal "'The city You, c:UoN to M"htc,e poUOcaJunlly •arc recognlttd and apprtdAled. This happened on Sunday, government or Oakland (council QUE VIVA PUERTO RICOUBRE ! October 27. in Madison Square lllldstafO have historically le.oded TIie Pueno Rlain Solidarity DaJ' Commluee Garden in New York. lo avoid direct involvement in More than 26,000 Puer to Ri­ lxe A Cuban View of the Putno Rk:anSollcwltr Day Rall1 ln the Comm<nt federal social-orientated ■-loo on this l>&&O.) cans, Blacks, Chicanos , Jndians programs adding , "This lack of and other progressive U.S. cit!• direct involvement has created zens gathered lo express U,e1r support for the liberation stru ggle serlolll impediments to 000 res:poll8ive and effective govern­ which has bee_n waged by the ment in Oakland . (Hyde even Puerto Rican people over I.be lost underlined Lhe word "serious" in To the Panther Pape,, • 76 years, from Lhe moment that his report .) I realu.c what 1hc drht for power. money. ere.., c:an do to people bu1 your the Yankee invaders first s et fool short an,clc (Oct. 26 l>,ue) on the wt.consin nn <hcrs slaughtering calve$ i.< on lhe island and transform ed it But after creating a veritable Just too slmplinc.d aod tht'.fdorc I believe distoncd. The.re att loo many . ghost Lown in West Oakland additional clements prHCnl dcm.11.ndingso me anions by these men: such as in LO a Yankee colony . while allowing East Oakland 1pprm c:hlng winier, cost of reed and don ' 1 rorge:t the .. devouring middleman .'' The rally al Madison Square housing to degenerate as un­ I ••=with your view• lh11 while people In our country go hw,gty 11 is Garden, New York, marks a high madness to dcsi-roy poccnllaJ food. Nevertheless, rd like to sec an an.aly-sh point in the history or Lhe Puerto employment in lhal area soared, more: lo keeping wi1b your praa.ioe of thoroughness on the ac:tion.s of those the local government "crisis" of n.nchcts For I'm cooOdcnt t.hc major blame would rut cls.ewhcre and I fcc.1It Rican struggle for independ ence, who will control the new federal 1, lmponan1 ror-1hc people In our country suugg1ing with their budgc-15to know because iL atlracled the supp ort · the full story , funda is a mockery and a sham. of anti-imperialist elements in t~e In support of the struggles of opp=$Cd peoples and your work In It. I n,maln heart of U.S. society. Their City Manager Cecil Riley has Rita M. Wring bitten hilt fingemai)a LOtho quick ValleyCity, Ohio presence once again indicated _the in paranoic fear Lhat his lovely need lo support, Lhe Puerto R,can atatuaquo might dissolve. Mayor struggle £or independence. Readiog has conaislanUy lashed The rally demonstrated ~ out in contempt and hatred at the Puerto Ricans in the Uru r 0 very idea of change. Yet, Hyde - - - - - - 'kiwi. 'II•-=- =- ~ States are increasingly aware repo,1,s that Brother John B. THE BL/\CK.PANTFIER the (net that the slruggle is one W'tllunn, 1s your nc.w1p1pcr and the same, be it in San Juan ~r and his Redevelopmenl So le:I u, knQ"lfll New York, because the enemy IS mff have "demonstrated an v.h11 you lhirtk tJUtstanding record'' In revil.alizing about the opinion, the same. portilln, of lhia dty. apre1.kd in our column.-. CONTINUED ON PACE 20 John B. WlllillmJI Is obviously Wrilc: U'\. The Edilnr Ind 11atr •~ eager 10 know your the IJCllltqualified lo head up lho rcactionJ . A1 ,pa..ccpermh1 we wmmunlty developmen~ program ~II 11harc your lc:UcD whh our MORE LET!'IU!S readcn .. ... ju•t look a( hi• comJ)(:ti­ ON rACE 22 tir,n ... c,r u•. thl, communily. r TIT£ BLACK PANTHER, SA'llJRDAY, NOVE~ B1!130, 1974 3 JOHNB. WILLIAMSDEMANDED 10P-SICIITDOCUllNTS IUIASlD FOROAKLAND COMMUNITY TAXAGENCY SPYING DEVELOPMENTPOST ELAINEBROWN LENDS SUPPORT AT CITYCOUNCIL ONACTIVISTS PROVED (Oakland, Calif. )-Speaker after speaker al last Tuesday's City (Washingto n , D.C.) - Forty-one Council work session-inc .lading memorandums, letters and or­ Ms. Elaine Brown of lhe Black ders released by the Internal Panther Party-alternately urged Revenue Service (IRS) last week cajoled and demanded that th~ revealed for the firsl time in local city go vernment appoint concrete documents the existence Brother John B. Williams, ex­ o_fa special top-secret investiga­ ecutive director of lhe Oakland tive group functioning within that federal agency designed by the Redevelopment Agency, to head> Nixon adminisl.ralion "to move up the new, fede rally legislated against leftist organizations'· in­ community development pro­ cluding the Black Panther Party. gram. The documents, made public The community development by Ralph Nader's Tax Reform program is a new federal program Ms. ELAINE BROWN addres• Research Group, which sued the created by the enactment of the £RS for them under the Freedom sing Cay Council work session. Housing and Community Devel­ of Information Act, make clear opment Act of 1974, which was Panther Party, but, as she noted that starting in July, 1969, en signed into law on August 22. The in her presentation , the large '' Activist Organizations Commit­ program replaces the previous constituency she gathered in her tee" (AOC)-o name later "categorial" grants allocated to 1973 bid for Oakland City changed to' 'Special Services Staff cities by the U.S.
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