Persian Heri tage Persian Heritage Vol. 23, No. 91 Fall 2018 www.persian-heritage.com Persian Heritage, Inc. FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK 6 110 Passaic Avenue LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 8 Passaic, NJ 07055 NEWS E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (973) 471-4283 The Silver Life Award 9 Fax: 973 471 8534 Climbers for Peace 11 COMMENTARY EDITOR US Immigration 12 SHAHROKH AHKAMI (Davood Rahni) EDITORIAL BOARD Why Did Mirzakhani and Birkar Emigrate? (G. Kasraei) 15 Dr. Mehdi Abusaidi, Shirin Ahkami Raiszadeh, Dr. Mahvash Alavi Naini, Use of Misleading Terminology for “Convenience”? 16 Mohammad Bagher Alavi, Dr. Talat Bassari, Mohammad H. Hakami, (Kaveh Farrokh) Ardeshir Lotfalian, K. B. Navi, Dr. Kamshad Raiszadeh, Farhang A. Drink Russian, Wear Italian, Drive German, Be Persian 17 Sadeghpour, Mohammad K. Sadigh, M. A. Dowlatshahi. THE ARTS & CULTURE MANAGING EDITOR REVIEWS 18 HALLEH NIA Ava 19 ADVERTISING HALLEH NIA Meet Dr. Asghar Chubak 19 The Sakas (Michael McClain) 20 * The contents of the articles and ad ver­ tisements in this journal, with the ex ception If (poem by R. Kipling, translated by A. Arianpour) 21 of the edi torial, are the sole works of each in di vidual writers and contributors. This maga­ When You Think About Fashion 22 zine does not have any confirmed knowledge as to the truth and ve racity of these articles. Meet the Woman Behind Sofreh 25 all contributors agree to hold harmless and In Tribute to a Great Scientist 26 indemnify Persian Heri tage (Mirass-e Iran), Persian Heritage Inc., its editors, staff, board Islam and Judaism 27 of directors, and all those in di viduals di rectly associated with the publishing of this maga­ Vida Ghaffari in the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame 29 zine. The opinions ex pressed in these articles are the sole opinions of the writers and not the Howard Baskervill (Hooshang Guilak) 30 journal. No article or pic ture submitted will be Open-Air Museum of Ancient Watermills 31 returned to the writer or contributor. All articles submitted in English must be typed. Farewell to Entezami, Legendary Actor 32 * The appearance of advertising in this maga­ zine does not constitute a guaran tee or en­ dorsement of the products by Persian Heri tage. In addition, articles and letters published do not reflect the views of this publication. Important Notice * Letters to the Editor should be mailed, faxed or e­mailed to the above addresses and num bers. All written sub missions to The journal reserves the right to edit same for space and clarity or as deemed appro priate. Persian Heritage with the ex­ Special * All requests for permissions and reprints must pec tation of publication in the be made in writing to the managing editor. maga zine must include the announcement: PUBLISHED BY PERSIAN HERITAGE, INC. writer’s name, address and tele­ Contact our A corporation organized for cultural and phone num ber. When an article lit erary purposes is submitted we assume the au­ California based Advertising Cover Price: $6.00 Subscriptions: $24.00/year (domestic); thor has complete ownership of Agent for your ads. $30.00 & 50.00/year (International) the article and the right to grant Typesetting & Layout permission for publication. (973) 471-4283 TALIEH PUBLICATIONS Fall 2018 5 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK Over the past three months there have been rumors circulat- Adding to this undeserving plight of the Iranians are the ing regarding a change to the forty-year reign of Iran’s present West’s new harsh sanctions, in fact the sanctions have been la- regime. Along with the rumors came several individuals, with beled to be the harshest ever to be placed on a country. Everyone different agendas and political views, hoping to return to Iran knows that these sanctions will not remotely affect the leadership and be given a leadership position. They have aspirations of of that country but will continue to devastate its citizens. Poverty, returning to a country, rich in human and natural resources, and starvation, homelessness and complete despair plagues them. It saving it. These individuals prematurely are celebrating amongst is the hope of the West and its’ allies that by demoralizing and themselves and at gatherings attended by American leaders. They squeezing every ounce of life from the citizens of Iran that they anticipated that within a short period of time Iranians would be will fight against this regime. What the West has not learned holding these same celebrations on Iran’s soil, lifting their glasses about Iranians is that they are a proud people who love their and toasting the new regime and leadership. history and its soil under its feet. Doesn’t the West remember Their actions, aspirations and promises were heard by the that the sanctions and the devastation it caused on the people people of Iran who are desperate for a legitimate change. The of Iran during the eight-year war with Iraq, did not weaken the people in Iran also heard many threats being made against Iran, people’s loyalty to their soil and country? They will fight to the by US leasdership and the Secretary of State. None of the threats, finish not to have Iran cut up like other nations around them. Does however, included a regime change. Soon the bubbles in their the West not understand that the eight-year war did not weaken celebrating Champaign toasts fizzled along with their dreams. the power of the regime but rather strengthened it? When will Demonstrations began throughout the country. During these the West learn that placing sanctions effects only the citizens demonstrations there were lives lost, each one precious, and once and results in more suffering for them. Factories and businesses again prisons were being filled with “so called” political prison- are shutting down and livelihoods eliminated. Out of frustration ers. The people of Iran’s patience with current regime and its Iranians are taking to the streets in demonstration of their severe corruption, inflation and broken promises are wearing thin. They hardships. Instead of being listened to by their own government are frustrated that once again, their dreams of the world seeing the or that of the West they are being met with the guns and knives truth about Iran, a country that throughout history was founded of this present regime. They are caught between the rejection of and led by wisdom, is again facing the possibility of becoming the West and the brutality of their own government. Children are a target of war. They are afraid that they and the country they becoming orphans and couples’ widowers and widows. Survival so love will never become part of the modern world. They are is found in prostitution. saddened that Iran and Iranians are being driven further away Sadly, Mashhad, the holy city in Iran, a symbol of purity from respect by the outside world. They hate that admiration for and religious value, is now the city with the highest number of their achievements is being replaced by hatred. They are troubled prostitutes, unethical and moral behavior. The religious leaders that their status in the outside world of being peaceful, intelligent (Mullahs) in the City are using rhetoric to promote purity to sell and achievers is being changed to “terrorists.” They fear that the their virginity and to sell them off as prostitutes. They price their arms that use to greet them in friendship and acceptance are now purity and their navelless based on their chastity. They entertain cold, shutting them out. They are sickened by the fact that they their Iraqi guests and promote the idea that by sleeping with these and Iran, because of its leadership are being called terrorists and individuals they are giving back to Islam. a terrorist supporting nation. Instead of using all the donations and the Razavi Funds After the Revolution many Iranians were fortunate to save that encompass a large amount of wealth development to fix themselves and their families by escaping Iran. Their journey the infrastructure of the city and contribute to state government was treacherous taking them over dangerous mountains. They taxes, they lock up the boxes of donations and go about their disguised themselves as sheep to avoid being beaten and robbed corrupt ways of pimping and prostituting. I wonder Ayatollah by thugs and thieves. They made their way across the borders of Alamolhoda, Mashad’s religious leader and Friday prayer bristler Turkey and Pakistan thinking they would find a new life. Little (who was the head of this clan and should be prosecuted for his did they know that they would be confronted with a different actions), would be willing to sell, to their Iraqi guests, their own kind of threat; they were met with resentment and animosity. daughters, wives, sisters or granddaughters for the good of God This same story plagued those who continue to leave Iran. Some and advancement of Islam. Listening to this man speak with his find themselves in the refugee prisons of Australia, some show projective voice makes me and should make everyone shiver in up on the shores of Turkey, Greece and England. Some arrive disgust. It should make us weep and feel regret and sorrow for with their mouths sewn to demonstrate the atrocities committed these helpless victims. How have Iranians gone from holding against them. Others drowned because of boating accidents. All degrees and employment selling their personal belongings, their of them suffering the journey, the elements, the humiliation to assets and now their bodies and the integrity of their sisters, taste a freedom absent from their own country. daughters and granddaughters to put food on the table to survive.
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