1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ON ““SSUURRUUBBAALLIIJJOORREE SSAANNDD QQUUAARRRRYY”” UUNNDDEERR BBIIRRMMAAHHAARRAAJJPPUURR TTAAHHAASSIILL OOFF SSUUBBAARRNNAAPPUURR DDIISSTTRRIICCTT,,,OODDIISSHHAA LLeeaassee AArreeaa:: 2222...660000AAccrreess // 99...114466 HHaa... On behalf of SRI JAYAPRAKASH HOTA BIRMAHARAJPUR SUBARNAPUR, ODISHA 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION Sand is nothing but the important ingredient of concrete for the development of infrastructure and it can be effectively the vagaries of nature. Fine-grained granite particle the ingredient of sand is employed for ornamental and monumental work as well as for inscription purposes. The mineral-rich colors, hardness and density make it useful for many applications. It is also known as the backbone of construction. The proposed mining project will fulfill its end uses in buildings and construction, bridges, paving, monuments and many other exterior products. The lease area of SURUBALIJORE Sand Quarry over an area of 22.600Acres/ 9.146hectares in village - Subalaya, Tahasil – Birmaharajpur in Subarnapur district of Odisha. The area under reference was granted in the favour of Sri Jayaprakash Hota ,At-Krushnapali Ps- Birmaharajpur, District- Subarnapur, State- Odisha, by the order of competent authority for 5 (five) years from 2016-17 to 2020-21 vide letter no. 2149 dated-16.06.2016. (Copy of letter of Tahasildar order is attached as annexure). Occurrence of workable deposit of sand within the area has been proved by studying the exposed litho- units present within the lease area. The lessee proposes to supply the river sand to the public as per demand. The Environment Management Plan is being prepared for SURUBALIJORE 3 Sand Quarry to mitigate adverse impacts of mining activities. An EMP is an implementation plan to mitigate and offset the adverse environmental impacts of the project and to protect and where possible, enhance the environment. EMP will be viewed as a legal commitment on the part of the proponent to minimize environmental impacts. This Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be an integral part of the project for minimizing the adverse impacts and to ensure the sustainable development of the area. 2.0 OBJECTIVES The EMP has been worked out with the following objectives: Reclamation of the mined out area where ever and whenever possible. Restoration of landscape consistent with the economy of mining operations, keeping in view the drainage pattern, geological stability, vegetation etc. Minimization, mitigation and where possible elimination of degradation in land, quality of air and water. Making least disturbance to water regime and water quality. Least disruption to the existing basic ecological status in the mining area during mining. Improvement of the overall flora scenario of the area. 4 3.1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT AND PROJECT PROPONENT: The project for winning/raising of river sand (minor minerals) from SURUBALIJORE Sand Quarry has been proposed a Monthly production of 379.50 cum considering 240 working days per annum on an average by open cast manual method. The ML area is completely barren without crops and rock exposures. The leasehold has an altitude variation from 0.5m to 0.6m AMSL. The area is devoid of any forest land and comes under Govt. Waste Land kissam. Description of the Project Sl. No. Particulars Details 1. Nature of the Project SURUBALIJORE Sand Quarry 2. Lessee Sri Jayaprakash Hota ,At-Krushnapali Ps- Birmaharajpur, District- Subarnapur,ODISHA 3. Mining Lease Area 22.600 Acres/9.146Ha. 4. Production Capacity 379.50 cum/month(sand) 5. Period of Mining Five years from the date of Execution. 6. Village Subalaya. 7. Tahasil Birmaharajpur. 8. District Subarnapur. 9. Toposheet No. 73-D/1 10. Latitude Latitude-N 20° 54’ 08.48” – N 20 ° 54’ 55.24” Longitude and longitude E 84° 08’ 33.44” - E 84° 09’ 06.25” 5 INDEX MAP OF LEASE AREA 6 3.2 Planning to maintain better environment in the area: The following broad categories of environmental factors have been taken into consideration in order to prepare sustainable environmental management plan. These impacts include: Degradation of land/soil Disposal & management of Solid waste Degradation of natural vegetation cover/forest Water pollution Air pollution Noise pollution Forest & Vegetation cover Socio-economic measures Occupational safety and health. 3.3 Reserve Geology of the area: SURUBALIJORE Sand Quarry is the granted Lease area over SURUBALIJORE river showing an undulating topographical features having ground elevation difference of 1 to 2m above MSL respectively. Size of the sand grain is small and shape is mostly rounded because of long transportation from the source. These deposits are renewable unlike other mineral deposits. It is mostly difficult to assess the deposit of a specific stretch with certainty as every year sand gets deposited there in various patches along the river course. Unlike other mineral resources sand is formed and gets deposited through majorly physical action. However, the assessment has been made based on prevailing 7 surface conditions. Estimation of Geological Reserve The reserve has been estimated based on surface exposure of river bed by surface area method. The total area covered under sand deposit of 34251.11m3. Category Quantity (m3) Proved 34251.11 Total 34251.11 Estimation of Mineable Reserve :- The mineable reserve has been calculated by excluding the reserve blocked under the pit slope of 7.5m safety all along the lease boundary. The mineable reserve estimated as follows: Category Quantity (m3) Proved 28326.11 Total 28326.11 As estimated, geological reserve of sand is 34251.11 cum and mineable reserve is 15180 cum during the plan period, a total of 15180m3 by replenish method sand will be produced. The proposed mined out areas will gradually get filled up by river sands transported with water from upstream direction. 3.4 Mining Details The SURUBALIJORE Sand Quarry is in a river bed from where the sand will be excavated. The lessee has planned to work in open cast manual method. The height of benches had been proposed 0.5m . No drilling & blasting will be performed for production requirement. Extent of Mechanization No machines are proposed to be deployed to carry out wining of sand in SURUBALIJORE Sand Quarry. Excavation The sand are excavated by open cast manual method. Keeping in view the market demand and resource availability in respect of reserve, proposed Sand Quarry is scheduled to produce sand @ 379.50 cum as monthly production on average of 240 working days per annum during the 8 plan period as per the following table: Year of Financial Surface Area Depth Volume of sand Plan Year (m2) (m) 1st 2016-17 5400.00 0.5 2700.00 2nd 2017-18 5400.00 0.5 2700.00 3rd 2018-19 6480.00 0.5 3240.00 4th 2019-20 6480.00 0.5 3240.00 5th 2020-21 6600.00 0.5 3300.00 TOTAL 15180.00 Transportation The Lessee has a proposal to transport the sand to local domestic market for sale. Loading will be done manually. Sand will be exclusively used for 9 different construction, building work etc. Further, the material can also be used for non- industrial purposes. 4.1 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MANAGEMENT PLAN In order to minimize impacts of mining on environmental parameters and to maintain it within the prescribed limits of CPCB /SPCB, an Environment Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared. This will help in resolving all environmental and ecological issues likely to cause due to mining in the area. Environment Management Plan, which is to be implemented in the project has detailed under the following heads: □ Land use pattern □ Air Environment □ Water Environment □ Noise Environment □ Solid waste Management` □ Soil Environment □ Biological Environment including Plantation Development □ Occupational Safety and Health 4.2 Land Use Pattern The mining activity at SURUBALIJORE Sand Quarry will be limited to core zone only. The proposed lease area is Govt. waste land kissam. Hence no impact on agriculture, vegetation or wildlife is expected due to the proposed sand mining activity. No waste will be generated from the mine, so no dump is required. Detail of land use has been given below; Description End of Plan Period Area under Excavation 5.00 ha Waste Dumping area Nil Mineral stack Nil 10 Road 0.2 ha Area for Plantation Nil Safety Zone 1.6 ha Sub Total 6.8 ha. Undisturbed 2.346 ha Total 9.146ha. 4.3 Air Environment The major cause of air pollution in the open cast mining is mainly caused due to generation of dust arising from mining activities. In case of this opencast mining operations mining extraction, loading and unloading, movement of vehicles on haul roads, etc are expected to generate airborne fugitive dusts. The mining operation of SURUBALIJORE Sand Quarry involves mostly manual method without drilling & blasting, hence the generation of dust will be the main pollutants. The generation of SO2 and NOx is mainly contributed by the vehicular traffic and only 1 tipper & 1 tractor will be involved in transportation. There are more chances of spreading of dust particles to the nearby residential areas; since these operations will be carried out at about 2 Km from the village Subalaya . Hence the impact of dust pollution on human population will be more. It can be predicted that the dust nuisance will be localized only. 4.4 Dumping: Not required. 4.5 Proposal for Stacking of Sub-grade Ore: There will be no generation of the sub grade material in the area and the entire sand will be dispatched for domestic use. (i) Water Quality Management Work will continue only during summer months when there is no water in the leasehold. Mining will be restricted to water level only. Hence there would not be any requirement of water handling. Drinking water source for the area is from tube wells. 11 (ii) Air Quality Management Since the proposed i s a s and mining project, there will be no emission of noxious gas to the air during the mining operation.
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