-2 T tli 5 u . O U ♦ *• f N O « l : m & i >PS 680020 Thursday, June 2d. 2001 Publish**! K > fn T hunutai (908 ) 2.12-4407 E i m CENTS OlJR tilth YEAR - ISSUE NO. 42-111 j«f Paid al WmtfkM. N J. Sin,.- ISO,I Schundler Defeats Franks To Win GOP Nomination B> STEPHEN CHIGER AND Director of the Eagleton New Jersey The need for unity seemed to be on LAUREN PASS Project at Rutgers University. "The both candidates’ minds Tuesday Fireworks to Fly re SfiKtall* W natn fir Hu W m fitU Luufir (typically moderate) Republican night. Jersey City Mayor and native Party has taken a lot of lumps lately; “ I did not w in this (election), you In Communities Westlielder Brel Schundler overcame it's a little shaky." she said, referring did," said M r. Schundler in his ac­ widespread skepticism and a lack of to the budget deficit, racial profiling ceptance speech in front of hundreds By CAROL K. DAVIS AND MICHELLE II. LePOIDEVIN support to become the Repub­ issues, the departure of former G o v ­ of supporters, "This has to become Spti uMh Written few The Westfield leihln K s' gubernatorial candidate oi. ernor Christine Whitman, and M r. one party. Join me in bringing the Westfield Symphony Orchestra, (Republican) party together." Mr. Tuesday night. DiFrancesco's withdrawal from the Cranford, Wednesday, July J, 7: Ml The conservative candidate de­ governor’s race. CONTtNUCD ON PAQE 12 p.m. Nomahegan Park in Cranford feated moderate and party favorite will be the setting for this free con­ Bob Franks by a decisive 14 percent cert celebrating America’s indepen­ margin, a victory which some have Take Two: WHS Grads dence. Conducted by Music Direc­ speculated w ill lead the party to the tor David Wroe, Ihe program will right. Mr. Franks had represented the feature seleetions from Star Wars. local area in Congress for eight years Westside Story, and classics such us and served 13 years in the Assembly Celebrate At 2nd Event Berlin's "G od Bless America," and prior to that. the “Baltic Hymn of the Republic." "They said it couldn't be done. Fireworks will top off the evening. Th e y said we couldn't win. But you After Initial Rain Out ***** proved (them) otherwise," Mr. Schundler told a crowd of over 300 By hour after the outdoor event began. The Cranford Jaycees' 22nd An­ supporters in his acceptance speech. S/m tails Written for Ihe Westfield l eader Students were sent from the Gary nual Firecracker Four Miter, A Four With 95.9 percent of the vote tal­ If at first you don’t succeed, try. try Kehler Stadium across the street to Mile Race and One Mile Fun Run, lied. Mr. Schundler had 183,430 again. That's what Westfield High Edison Intermediate School’s gym­ July 4, 9 a.m. and 9:M) a.m. The race votes,or57 percent, while Mr. Franks School (W H S ) did, after graduation nasium, where they were handed their day will include entertainment with earned 43 percent, with 135,821. ceremonies were cut short by a pass­ diplomas without the traditional fan­ a clown, disc jockey, balloons and face paintings. Admission is free. All To m Basta. assistant to the politi­ ing thunderstorm last week. fare. cal director for Franks’ campaign, O n Monday, close to 150 students According to Westfield Superin­ pre-entrants will receive a T-shirt. said the group was surprised by the — nearly half of the class — gath­ tendent of Schools Dr. W illiam J. For more information, including race margin with which Mr. Schundler ered with their families in the high Foley, the school didn’t shorten its registration forms and contacts, please visit blip:// won. He said that Franks' campaign school auditorium as part of a com­ ceremony, as did neighboring www4.ewebcity.com/firecrackcr4/, thought the Republican Primary was memorative ceremony held in lieu o f Cranford, because it believed it could "going to be a close race." the rained-out graduation exercises. complete exercises before the rain # * * * * But whether the victory w ill signal The second ceremony came after arrived. Mountainside Fireworks, July 4, a change in N ew Jersey’s Republican an outcry from parents w ho felt their "What we wanted to give them The Borough of Mountainside will Party remains to be seen. Acting children were cheated out of the was the full deal," he said. “ We light up the sky al Deerfield School, Governor Donald T. DiFrancesco, a chance to walk across the platform, thought we could get through and Central Avenue and School Drive in Scotch Plains resident w ho would typically seen as a milestone for unfortunately we were wrong." Mountainside at dusk. not immediately endorse Mr. students and their families. In some ways, the mishap served ***** Schundler, said Tuesday night, "I “The re’s no question that thunder­ as a strange reminder of what gradu­ Festival and Fireworks in Berke­ don’t think it’s going to be any differ­ storms robbed students o f the com ­ ation meant to students, who tended ley Heights, II p.m. on Monday, ent than its been." plete pleasure o f the high school to be fairly forgiving of the incident. July 16. Berkeley Heighls will com Mr. DiFrancesco dropped out of graduation ceremony, said WHS Kerri AnnesS, who will attend bine its fireworks celebration with a the race in A p ril because of increased Principal Dr. Robert G . Petix. He Monmouth University next fall, said festival sponsored by Our 1-ady ol scrutiny in the press over his past said that a final decision about she didn’t think there was too much Mount Carmel Church. The festival, business dealings and was replaced whether to hold the ceremony out­ that could have been done, save for which begins on Thursday, July 12, by Mr. Franks. doors had to be made by noon o f perhaps a faster reaction by the school will end with a spectacular fireworks Still, some have suggested that graduation day. to growing storm clouds. display on July 16 al Mount Carmel there was more at stake in this con­ Dr. Petix told The Westfield Leader “ It was disappointing because I Field on Springfield Avenue. test than the gubernatorial candi­ that he had been assured by a New just got my diploma from a box,” she ***** dacy. York weather forecaster that the said. Annual Fourth o f July Celebra­ "Th is is really a contest between storms were unlikely and that any “ Personally, I wasn’t (upset)," said tion, Springfield, 5p.m. Cost: Adults two different philosophies within the rain would miss Westfield. Michelle Meglaughlin, who will at- $5, Children $3, Fireworks al Meisel Rains came at about 7:10 p.m., an Republican Party,” said Ingrid Reed, CONTINUEO ON PAQE 12 Cherl Rogowsky lor The Weatfiold Leader Field w ill end Ihe day ol family fun, H A R D W O R K P A Y S OFF...Westfield Hit'll School seniors gathered at Gary rides and entertainment, including Kehler Stadium before gray skies burst with rain during last Wednesday’s clowns, a dunk lank, prizes, and a graduation ceremony. gianl 50/50 raffle. Admission in­ cludes food from Outback Sleakhouse. Legislation to Change ***** Fireworks in Clark, Sunday, July I, 9 p.m. at Arthur I- Johnson Re­ Mayor, Council Terms gional High School Field, 365 Westfield Avenue, Clark. The streets will be blocked off. Early arrival is recommended. The raindate is Tues­ Sits on Governor’s Desk day, July 3, at 9 p.m. ***** lation. By PAUL J. PEYTON Specially Written fo r The Westfield Leader Mr. DiFrancesco, Westfield's State Sensational Soul Cruisers and Senator for the past decade, voted to Fireworks in New Providence, Tues­ The Slate Legislature quietly, yet change Westfield’s terms, asdid Sena­ day, July 3. The public is invited to overwhelmingly, passed legislation tor Nicholas J. Sacco (D-32nd), come to the football field at New two weeks ago which, if signed by whose district includes Secaucus and Providence High School for a con­ Acting Governor and State Senate Harrison. Harrison passed a resolu­ cert with the Sensational Soul Cruis­ President Donald T. DiFrancesco, tion favoring the legislation. ers at 7:30 p.m. A t 9 p.m,, fireworks will change the terms of the Westfield Senators William P. McNamara will fill the sky. mayor and council members from (R-40th, Bergen and Passaic) and ***** two to four years by the 2003 elec­ Norman M . Robertson (R-34th, Essex tion year. Orchestra, Jazz and Fireworks, and Passaic) did not cast votes. Under the proposal, the 2002 elec­ Wednesday, July 4, Summit. The The Assembly version was sup­ tion w ill include terms of three years New Jersey Intergeneralional Orches­ ported by Republican Assemblymen each with four-year termcouncil seats tra and jazz legend Rio Clemente Richard H. Bagger and Tom Kean, up for election in 2003. will perform in Summit at 7:30 p.m. Jr. in the 22nd District, which covers Once established, elections under Fireworks will begin between 9 and Westfield, as well as Assemblyman the new system would be held lo­ 9:15 p.m. I— — ■ — ernmmmm. ----------------------------------- David q Corbin for The Westfield Leader Anthony lmpreveduto and Assem­ cally every other year with the mayor ***** EACEFUL PROTEST...East Saturday, Westfield residents and their families protested plans for a 600- to 800-space blywoman Joan M. Quigley (both chosen every four years. 78th Annual Central New Jersey arldng deck at Elm and Prospect Streets in Westfield.
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