CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Provided by DigitalCommons@CalPoly v : . • ■ .. a, . -s__ _ . J / 916—Birthday Number— 1924 Tiie News School and Josh Spirit Box Is Is Poly’s Calling Best You Asset Volume IX , , SAN MMS OMISl'O, APRIL 25. PCI No. 15 ~ eFght y e a r s bu>! I' ROM FIRST POLYGRAM THE SCHOOL PLAY - - JL STAYING ROWER On Tuesday, April 2<r>t Ml HI, the Character Counts After much deliberation, the school (From the Placement Bureau) flnt- Polygram appeared on our cam- That you may develop the power to pus, It was only a small puper, being. Richard Cohden once asked h pluy was finally decided-upon. It Is to con- lie a snappy, Interesting one, entlfM stick, stick, to ydur word, stick to 8 by 11 in slzu, having four pages but ccrn from which he bought Roods, your ideals, stick to the right, stick no advertisements. However, It was "The Seven Keys to Huldpate," having "Why do you extend to me over plenty of action which cannot help but to your job. One of the most out­ a lively edition and the students were hold the audience's attention. It is standing characteristics which must insured that in time a real puper $2(10,000 worth of credit when you know that I urn worth only $10,000 in not a cheap production and must lie be corrected in our American boy* and would represent the school. Every girls is their desire to ehange and my own righ t?” backed by the whole student body. succeeding staff has kept this in mind, Polytechnic Is the first school, hav­ shift from one job to another. This and if the first editor and his assist­ The reply came, "Mr. Ccbden, we ing the high school age, to produce this shifting process has many bud fea­ ant could see the results of their first play and much effort Is being made to tures Hsinc from its effect on charac­ paper there is no doubt they would consider the moral rink more than the financial one. With us, character put It over with'the same pride as.has ter. It is the steady climb to jobs feel that their efforts have hern well been done In previous years. The that count. Do the job you have repaid. counts." cast has been chosen and rehearsals today so good that your employer All this happened eight years ago, Some three years nRo, in Washir.g- are now under way. Those portraying find* it necessary to give you a better when Toly begun pushing forward in ton, J. Pierpont Morgan-told the Pujo the different purts are: job. Do not decide to change until her activities. The Polygram Staff Committee that character is the basis Hubert Patehett—Will. Hallowed you are sure you arc changing to was much smaller thnn what it is > Magee, an author. • -v something better. You cannot Judge now, consisting of only two members, of credit. “Character and not col­ Belle Tomuslnl—Mrs. Rhodes, em a job in a day or a week or even a the editor and associate editor. Ray­ lateral is the basis of makinR loans," gaged to Magee. month, (iivc yourself and your Job mond E. Herr had the honor to be said Mr. MorRan. "Men have come Burton Bundy—Elijah Qulmhy, care­ a fnir trial. Perhaps the job has pos­ the first one to edit Poly’s school pa­ to me and 1 have Riven them checks taker of Inn. sibilities and perhaps you can mnke it per and P. J . Murtlnsen was his as­ for a million dollars on nothing . Margaret Word—Mother Qulmhy, have more possibilities. sistant. Now there are ten members whereas I have refused others no mat­ wife of care-taker. Most successful men and women on the staff, including two to take ter if they would lay down United i Burnt hy Miller—Mary Norton, news­ grow up with a business. They know care of the financing and advertising-' Stutcs-bonds as security." paper reporter. the business from its most unimpor­ end of the work. •Nearly FFiree-ouarters of a century Leslie Oldham—Jim Cargan, Mayor. tant duties to the highest offices it How the Polygram hue grown! In seoarates the time of Cohden from Bernhardt Preuss—John Bland, se­ holds. It is this intimate knowledge spite of the difficulties the school has thut of MorRanl cretary to mayor. nml direct acquaintance with tne gone through in the pust years, the During these years great chanRos Itosullnd Venema—Myra Thornhill, spcrinl needs of the particular busi­ paper has kept up the inherited pep have come about in the "style" of-do- an uocompllce of Hayden. ness firm that makes the employe and has been a credit to this institu­ inR things. But one “style11’ seems to Ernest Patehett—Thomas Hayden, valuable to the employer. The most tion. Two years ago it wus enlarged have remuined static. Honor Is as president of Street-car Co. valuable employe Is tne most indis­ to the present size and much effort becoming today us it was seventy-flve Harold Truesdale— Peters, n hermit. pensable. Tne most Interested em­ has been given toward keeping it so. years ugo—and a great deal more William Corbin—Mr. Rhodes, owner ploye is the most valuable, The one In fart, you will huve to look a long prof! table. of Raldpate. who studies his Job most, always try­ way to find a school with only 110 Also honor today is treated us a George Crowell—la*w Max, |K>llti- ing to find a new angle and a better student* * putting out such a paper a* matter of expediency and not ethic*. clan. way, is most interested In his job. the Polygram. All this leads hack A great muny men are honest because Ernest Hodges—Hakes Kennedy, Because a hoy or girl shows confidence to the beginning, when the bull was it pays best. chief of |>ollce. in hia firm and his job atuf sticks to started rolling. It may be of interest The man who wears the cloak of Walter Burnley—A policeman. it the employer shows confidence in to read the editorial thut was written horfor will always be in style. The play Is directed by Mr. Huddle- the boy or girl, and makes it more when the Ice wus broken. It is us * * * son who has had some experience In worthwhile for the boy or girl to stick follows: thBt line It will he given* the last of to his Job. "A SCHOOL PAPER. What Happened to Jones? May at the Elmo Theatre. Dependability, promptness, accuracy "Well, here It Is. The first issue On Thursday night the Junior Class and neatness grow out of sticking to of the Polygram. We know it is far will present the clever comedy, "What your Job nnd satisfying its need. from perfect and we expect to be criti­ Stick to your Job, and some day a cised; in fact, we wunt to be critl- Happened to Jon es?" It is to be .at better Job will stick to you. .died, that we may improve your the Elmo Theatre and you will “Set Here and There paper. In order to make this puper more than your money’s worth. Show grow and become a success, we must your school spirit by helping the nave the loyalty and cooperation of OAKLAND TECHNICAL HIGH everv student in the school. Why J union.. D o /y // D A bit of the "old country" will be shouldn't we? The Polygram is the Homer Thy|e takes the part of Jones; Art Scarlett will be Kbeneser transferred to the Tech Campus on official organ of the Student Body and May 2, in the form of a Swedish May The members of the Dorm Club are every member should help to boost It. Goodly; M. Martinsen plays the part Festival, with a brilliant and gay wed­ gradually recovering from the F.aster "To be sure, the Polygram Is not of Richard Heatherly; Arthur Mat­ ding aa the setting. The girls are vacation. The main object of every­ n» big as a newspaper and has no cor­ one seems to be to make up lost sleep. thews impersonates the Bishop; Don­ making their own costumes, and the respondents in the big cities or in choral classes are busy practicing on Quite a few of the fellows remained Europe, but show us the puper or ald McMillan will call for a laugh as the folk songs. It is to be a day Well at the Dorm during vacation. Others magazine that didn't start out on a Holder, a policeman; Marvin Andrews remembered at Tech. went to their home* and a few paid small scale, or a man that wus not will enact Bigbee, an Inmate of an visit* to the bright lights of San »t one time a child. Franeisro and Los Angeles. “It Is up to the students to make asylum| A. Muzio will be the super­ SAN PEDRO HIGH this paper h thing to be nroud of, intendent of the asylum, Fuller by Vernon laingcnberk returned after something that will win recognition name; Adu Forbes will be Mrs. Good­ Recently the student body was en­ spending the week in Oceano. He is in town, Bnd something we can send ly; Hazel True, Cissy the Goodly’s tertained by n marionette circus and a sadder and a wiser man a* a result to the big high schools of the state." ward; Marjorie and Minerva, the it is claimed to be the first of its kind of his experiences.
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