— MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuegdav. Aug. 1M 7 Rial Estate I W R W i CARS Automotiv8 RRI8ALE LoCova built Garrison AM?TTTorneTTIoTr5n Candidate: Vibberts Colonial on agorgeous CARS lot In o highly desired To the top; Bond appeal goes higher / page 3 area. 4 large bedrooms i H N t t A L t may start as QB at All rM Mtat* o«vtrtlMd In MlA£iiAV Lyiix tw .'e ttM ^CtlM tw HtroM It Including master suite with dressing area and FORD Fairmont 1980. 4 do o r w agon, 38,000 Ma w Iihi -* • 7 # Bre- MASTER MwiSir. no door, 6 cylinder. Excel­ miles, stereo. $2200. UConn / page 9 m®* •noktt It 4 double closets. For­ aBV/ithoel aged lllwal to adv^iM onv prof- mal dining room, spa­ job td big. SpedalttMd lent condition. $980. _E3fjjyj)rornlng: Ice house to install alarm / psge 8 in fn r iy borne. n rasldi^git Quality VINYl.ISnNAL 643M9044. ••'*••♦ ••♦ 100 ordlterlm- cious kitchen and brick ^JiBebaol district.' VW Doshw 1978. A-T con­ Inmion bcnod on roco, color, flreploced family Is main Mneern. Fully Swwhy Waj^sUii^liMllMad- M iRduRV Robcoi il*»6. dition. $1500. 6474741. rojlplon, MX or notional room. 16 X 30 deck, _______ _________ — ..... Insured. Free estl- vsnUgs. F tm EMlmatsi. Csll Running condition. FTTM ^TJTTTTfn origin, or on Intention to central voc, 2V6 baths, 2 BBGliripDdavcer* rndtH; SMMR> citizen Rest offer. 646-3957. "•otio onv tveh prtforonco, with OMRlna for 4 vt- discount. Call 647-3838. SIDINGPLUSst Chomp. Good condi­ limitation or discrimination. car garage. Morel D. n d v a , Red 1970. 2 d o o r tion. New rubber. Ask­ W. Rsh Reolty. 643- qr$ oiNI oMm -. Meals T l» Herald will not know- 643^198 »*“ • **■ ing 81900 or best offer, inglv accept any odvertlte- 1591.0 WNr enbeks provldeil. 5017. Dinner time and 87M337 after 5ptn. • m e n ^ lc t i it In violation of Beierenees. 647-0515. evenings. E x c e l l e n t . Manches­ B b lta n .: FAIRMONT wagon 78. ter. $231,900. Ansaldl SUUTHbRN New Eno- PLVMOUtH Rellanf ^Ml V-8, automatic. Very built raised Ranch with ODD lobs. Trucking. Bwkei,tnnhtoMppof. 2 door, 4 speed, excel­ land claetifleld adt Stump ramoval. Free good condition. 82000/ rtcicfi nearly 3 nice bedrooms In- _ D A Y CARE Home repairs. You lent condition. $1900 best offer. 646-3998 af- a0O,00O Home has openings for full JOHN Oeerr Pointing ♦lomee in Connecticut Icudlng o 12 x 17 mos- name It, we don. Free twraSerly 6464298. ter4. ___________ ter, 3 X 21 flreploced time toddleni 8H to a. Seven Contrandor. Residen­ estimates, insured. 643- and Rhode Island. The living room and 12 x 36 years lloenead, first sWoertt- tial, commercial. Inte­ 0304s C h r y s l e r N e w p o rt price for o basic 25 custom 1967. 73k origi­ flreploced family lled. Modter of two. FSwidod rior exterior, jrawer U laiifhrfitrr H rraIJi word od Is only $90 and TK u t kiN d such as loom •47-7883 ^RANfON In book yard. washing. Quality work nal miles. Must be room, dining room, .fill, wood, stone, trash iaaoeaee,eeeaeea will appear In 75 news­ la u n d ry room, 216 at reasonable price. aeen. 6494)543. ) Manchfistfir — A City o( Village Charm papers. For ntore In­ .asgfLjajfmANO SSLBCT USSO OMW.. baths, patio, shed, 2car 649-0262 649-334B. 6 0 D G E O M n I U . id o o o f formation coll Classi­ sous saa fimanonq on Lisai garoge. Good location. • a a a a e e e a e a a e a a a EDWMIO TQTH hatchback, two tone, fied, 643-2711 and ask O. W. Fish Realty. 643^ 0 air. Excellent condi­ fordetolls.o__________ EXCAVATHIS 87 FIFTH AVE. 'KaOS Wednesday, Aug. 19. 1987 1591.0 ________________ DELIVERING GIMQMWIS ROfEpWllll 87 LaBARON tion $6600 firm . 24651|1 t^VERNMENT Homes Rich farm loam, 5 yards, for hka. Ohsasasi wav •rsTMks tkiYs 643-7W evenings. from $1 (u repair). COVENTRY, ilanch, 3 $75 plus tax. Sand, gravel, taiaevadbt 87 RAIDER 4x4 30 Cents Dellnouent tax prop­ bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 and decorative atone. 87 PLY VOYAGER erty. Repossessions. car garage, to be built. rUMRS 8 7 5 -8 0 5 6 TAKE A LOOK B u y nowi Lovely Lot US do your Hardwood 87 RAMCHARQER Call S05^-6000 exten- llooral We win ramova the 443-9504 Sl4 Sion 6 H 9965._________ wooded lot. $154,900. 86 Pont. Grand Am ‘N o th in g 87 ARIES 4 Sr. im s m Klernon Real Estate. tumHura from the working FIREPLACE. Remodel ^AST Hartford 6 5 du- area at no extra oharga. Free 87 DODGE RAM lusio,. *680S 649-1147. Exclusive Ing and chimney re- plex. Needs cosmetics. aatimaiaa. Placing an ad In Closslfled MINI VAN Camp malies agents. bulldlng. The OSToyota^llc^j- Great Investment. Is aosv. Just call 643-2711. vs Mr. AM* We'll help you wHh the posslblltlas are end­ Scott 721-1221._________ $154,900.7 room L shaped S48-2348 • Podro less. After 6pm vfeek- 87 DAKOTA ru wording of your ad. 87 SHADOW 1 86 Mazda RX7 OSL'SE' M A N C H E S TE R 9129,900. ranch In quiet nelgbor- days, 643-8209. n jle d o u f Cape, 7 rooms, 3 or 4 hood. Country kitchen 87 SUNDANCE Tvraa *^886 Loaded *11,900 kids turn on bedrooms, llvlnp and master bedroom 67 DODGE au___ •16,888 01 Mazda R)(7 *4495 room, fireplace, dinine with private <6 both. 66 DAYTONA TMba •13,806 Call for details. Sentry 66 GTS T«ee LraSiar •11,206 79Zephry Sedan [eoiiQ' room, 1'/i boths, fin­ HOMES I APARTMENTS ished room In base­ Real Estate. 643-4060.O IZi I forsale PETS AND 66 LeBARON oom; •13,400 86 Line. Town Car to Computers ment. Phllbrick FOR RENT l H FURNITURE 66 LaBARON tar. •0,006 in c ra s h EAST Hartford. Over- SUPPLIES 2 to Choose $ A V Ib- Agency 646-4200. slzed 7 room raised 66 DODGE rnt Laaai •11,406 MELLOW & Minted. A MANCHESTER. Quality SOFA ond choir. Off 86 RELIANT 8.W. •0,706 04 Mercury Marquis .?. B y Andrew J. Davis MANCHESTER. 5^,900. Ranch near Long Hill tart full blend of old D E S P E R A TE . Forced to Country Club. 3 bed­ one bedroom, heat, hot white crushed velvet. 86 DODGE mtmmm •UOOO Herald Reporter Impeccable, spacious and new combine to find new loving home Brougham *4995 iVi year old LoCova 4 rooms, large family water and all applian­ Very good condition. for our 2 mole cats 86 DODGE ~ Controllers had switched room, 3 boMs, 2 car create this clean 3 bed­ ces Included. A ir condi­ $150. 646-6904._________ 06 Mustang j bo lpQ Northwest Flight 255 to another runway to avoid bedroom Colonial. Ex- room Colonial Cape on (brothers) 2 years old, 04ARGER *7,600 HEBRON — Craig Wright has come a long way. garage. Treed lot with tioned. Quiet. On bus potentially dangerous wind shears, and pilots reported aulslte master bed­ North Elm street..Clas­ SOFA and choir. Autumn fixed and well man­ 86 CELEBRITY *7,700 85 Gran Marq Bm. *0895 Since becoming a member of the Computer 0 view. $179,000. U 8, R line. Ideal for middle- nered. Please help us I 66 PLY. HORIZON •6,800 me jet climbed at an unusually steep angle before room suite with walk-ln sic oak wood work, colors. $50. Green Her- Camp at the Hemlocks Outdoor Education closet, 1st floor family Realty 643-2692.0 aged and senior cltl- culon sofo bed $200. 649-0778. 86 CHY. GTS Turn. •laZOO OOTownCUir *17,900 crashing, an investigator says. stenciled walls, plush zens. $540. 247-5030. Center, sponsored by Easter Seals and Newing­ and laundry rooms, ZONED for office In ho- 647-7397. 88 NISSAN 4x4 PU *7,800 80 Cougar 8“ *^* vor of Sunday night’s crash, carpeting and a 2 car sad *6800 ton’s Children’s HospitBI, the 14-year-old Man­ tastefully decorated mellEast Hartford. garage. 1 year home ■ MISCELLANEOUS OS VOYAGER <0,206 which killed upto ISSpeopleinthenation’ssecond-worst throughout. Century 21 $162,900. Spacious, well warranty Inicuded. IGONOOMINIUMS 84 TOY. CELICA GTS 84 Mazda Pickup *4598 air disaster. remained hospitalized in serious condition chester teen-ager has become a computer wizard Epstein Realty. 647- kept 4 bedroom Colon­ ITV/STEREO/ __I FOR SALE rrauiMia a. mowot *0,400 And the knowledge he has learned during his three Blanchard 6 Rossetto ____ J FOR RENT 83 Lynx Wg., al ao *3995 today, authorities said. 8S95.a ial on q large corner 64 LaBARON 4*, ran •8,800 Realtors. "We Guaran­ __I APPLIANCES TEE Shirt transfers. Ap­ National Transportation Safety Board investigators years at the camp have helped open up his world, M A N C H E S TE R . $124,900. lot. Located on the tee O ur Hom es". 646- MANCHESTERTuixurrS S3 TOYOTA CELICA ____ 80 Mazda SE6 IVU *5495 said his instructor, Terri Beck. proximately 3000, also or. avet ate. toaera *7,880 ~ ' are ruling out no- Charming older 3 bed­ East Hartford/Soufh 2482.P_________________ bedroom, all applian­ UPRIGH^eorscoIds^ "H e’s made some gains,” Beck said. "A t first, Windsor town line. 14 cubic foot freezer. 50 to 100k numerals and 82 PONTIAC J2000 •2,780 82 Buick Skylark thing as a possible room Colonial with ces, next to golf club, letters for shirts, cops, 81 PLY TURISMO MO •2,200 he was not able to talk.
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