SAINT BRIDGET OF SWEDEN PARISH Where Christ is Our Light ———–——————— SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021 ————-—————— sions! As we do every Saturday from 3PM until heard, so Father Federico and I will be present in front of the Letter from the Pastor school building for you to drive-up and The Reverend Jeffrey V. Romans, KCHS celebrate the Sacrament of Reconcilia- tion! What a great way to experience God’s mercy during this holy season! you choose). Your posts may help JOIN US on Sunday, February 21st someone else realize that they are made for another opportunity for Drive- for more too! Thru Communion! DRIVE-THRU LENT 2021: HOLY COMMUNION will be of- JOIN US THIS LENT: fered to our Virtual Family, once ASH WEDNESDAY will be a little again, NEXT SUNDAY, February different this year! THIS 21st from 1-2PM. We are pleased to WEDNESDAY, we will begin Lent be offering another opportunity for with Ash Wednesday, and we will our parishioners who have yet to have Masses with the Distribution return to “in-person” Mass to come of Ashes at 7AM, 9AM by and receive Holy Communion (LIVESTREAMED), and 5:30PM. without even leaving your car! As I announced last weekend, the We will also have the distribution of theme for our Lenten journey this ashes from 11AM until 1PM, and year speaks to the longings of our 3:30PM until 5:15PM in Saint Brid- hearts. We have all struggled dur- get Church. Last year we offered ing the past eleven months in one this opportunity and it was very well way or another with this pandemic received! You are invited to come and that feeling that there has to be during these hours, say a few prayers in These opportunities have been so well more. There has to be more for those quiet, then approach to have ashes ad- received, and we know that many long who lost a loved one and couldn’t be ministered to you. to be able to receive Holy Commun- with them at their time of passing. ion, so we are doing our best to offer it There has to be more than watching Please note that we will be distrib- at least once a month. Holy Mass from our lazy boy chair on uting ashes using Q-tips cotton our smartphone. We want more than swabs in order to avoid any contact It is as safe as we can possibly make it. just staying home all the time. We and make this as safe as possible You don’t even need to leave the want to go out in public, visit our fa- during this time of pandemic. A car! Enter the Church Campus vorite restaurant, go bowling, and have new Q-tips swab will be used for from the Main Street entrance and friends over for dinner. each person, discarded, and buried follow the signs around the Church. in sacred ground in the following These signs will guide you through IF you have had thoughts like these days. This may take a little longer some preparation prayers, then to a during these past months you are than just using our thumbs so station where Father Federico and I NOT alone! That is the longing in please be patient. Thank you! will be, one on each side of the car. our hearts. That longing tells us Roll down the windows and receive that WE WANT MORE because the Holy Eucharist. Please be sure WE ARE MADE FOR MORE! to consume Holy Communion be- Lent is a perfect time to reflect on that fore pulling away from us…then pull reality! In this holy season when we forward to do your prayer of thanks- are called to Turn to Christ we recognize giving and be on your way! the longings of our hearts. We increase JOIN US on Tuesday, February 23rd JOIN US on March 21st from 2-4PM our spiritual disciplines of prayer, fast- for another spectacular afternoon of ing, and almsgiving as a means to a at 6PM, for a Lenten Evening of Kelly Henderschedt, CONFESSION and COMMUN- deepening awareness of our need for Reflection. Archdiocesan Director of Catechesis, ION like we did in Advent! We will Christ in our lives. will be with us to reflect on The Valley have FOUR additional priests here We want you to share with us on Face- of the Dry Bones: what to do when your spirit- to help us celebrate the Sacrament book, Instagram, or Twitter how this uality has gone dry! Kelly has been a pre- of Reconciliation NO MATTER pandemic has helped you realize that senter here before for some of our Par- what the weather is! This time the longing in your heart. What have you enting Circle Ministry evenings and she priests will all be in the parking lot longed for these past months? Share it is a dynamic and inspiring speaker. in front of the school! THIS IS with us using the hashtags on the ban- Don’t miss out! OPEN TO EVERYONE! Enter ner above or email your thoughts to us through Cherry Street and follow the and we can post them for you (with JOIN US EVERY Tuesday of Lent directions of the Knights of Columbus your name or anonymous, whichever from 5-6PM for Drive-Up Confes- who will be directing traffic! 2 If you are alone in the car you will be able to do a drive-up confession Weekend of February 20 & 21—Feed the Hungry - without leaving your car non-perishable food items for the Cheshire Community Food Pantry Weekend of February 27 & 28—Give drink to the Thirsty If you have more than one in your - beverages (water, juice, coffee, etc.) for the Cheshire Community Food car you will be directed where to Pantry park to enable you to do a walk-up Weekend of March 6 & 7—Clothe the naked confession (please make sure you - new (WHITE) socks for the Saint Vincent DePaul Shelter in Waterbury or onesies for use at Carolyn’s Place remain socially distant for your Weekend of March 13 & 14—Shelter the Homeless safety and that of your confessor). - a monetary collection for the Saint Vincent DePaul Shelter in Waterbury After you have experienced God’s Weekend of March 20 & 21—Visit the Sick mercy on your way out of the - homemade Easter cards to be given to those in skilled nursing facilities or parking lot we will have volunteers our homebound parishioners Weekend of March 27 & 28—Palm Sunday—Visit the imprisoned present who will be able to distrib- - Father Villa, who works with the prisoners in the Cheshire Prison, asked ute Holy Communion to you while for us to purchase a book by Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan called The you stay in the car and after your Road of Hope. He was a Cardinal in the Church who was imprisoned in Prayer of Thanksgiving you can Vietnam for thirteen years and instead of giving in to despair and self-pity, exit on Main Street! Please be he found God in the darkness and remembered that his life had purpose. sure to consume Holy Com- It is a story of hope for those Father Villa serves. The book is $24, so we will have a special basket to collect funds in order to purchase some of munion before pulling away! these books for his ministry. The whole experience will be as Weekend of April 3 & 4—Easter Sunday—Bury the Dead safe as we can possibly make it. - as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, we remember our loved ones You don’t even need to leave the who have gone before us in faith. May they share in His Resurrection! car! JOIN US ON FRIDAYS DURING love of God and to fulfill the call of 2020 proved to me that the faith of our LENT FOR STATIONS OF THE Pope Francis to be instruments of mer- parishioners is STRONG! 2020 CROSS! Signup through our website cy in the lives of others. IT’s COVID, proved to me that our pastoral staff to join us each Friday of Lent for Sta- so things will be a little different. It and parish staff have the abilities, the tions of the Cross at 7PM. The Sta- is our hope that each weekend our pa- desire, and the courage to step out of tions of the Cross are a beautiful way rishioners will bring the items and leave the box and try new things! 2020 to reflect on the Passion and Death of them at the entrances to make it easier proved to me that we can proclaim the our Savior Jesus Christ and to come to for our volunteers to collect them after Gospel and live out our parish mission appreciate the great suffering He en- all the Masses. We will not bring them even in the midst of a pandemic! to the altar this year. (see insert above dured for our salvation! You are AMAZING! Thank you for for list of items) JOIN US on our Social Media on your deep faith in the Lord. Wednesdays and Fridays during 2020 Annual Report… Thank you for your trust in Lent as your pastoral staff and fel- Finally, this weekend I am me as your Pastor. Thank low parishioners share with us their pleased to present to you the you for your support of all own little desert experience. During 2020 Annual Report for Saint of us who work and minis- the Lenten journey as we reflect on Bridget of Sweden Parish and ter in this awesome parish how we WANT MORE in life, and we to provide you with a high- each and every day! Thank come to recognize our need to TURN light booklet as you leave the you for your patience, un- TO CHRIST, finding that place in our Mass for you to take home derstanding, and coopera- lives where we can have a desert expe- and read.
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