FREE Volume 4 Number 6 TAKE ONEJune 1, 2011 VOTE HEIGHTS OBSERVER for the READ LOCAL. SHOP LOCAL. Published by Best of the Heights Serving Cleveland Heights and University Heights • Latest news updates at www.heightsobserver.org pg. 28 INSIDE CH declares four properties nuisances, prepares 6 CureSearch for demolition walk is June 4 Dana Finley Council Member Kenneth Montlack introduced three resolutions at the May 16 city council meeting that declared properties on Coventry Road to be 11 public nuisances. A fourth resolution Local declared a Northcliffe Road property businesses LEY to be a nuisance. All four resolutions, N eligible for A FI which passed unanimously, authorized N A energy efficiency D abatement of the nuisance— likely to 1724 Coventry Road deemed a public nuisance. grant lead to demolition of the houses. Photos of each property were dis- “Most of the problem properties has been removed. A memorandum played at the meeting to illustrate the are on submarket streets or neigh- from Wagner to Robert Downey, city severe structural issues. While three of borhoods,” Montlack said in a later 13-16 manager, regarding the property stated: the properties are located in close prox- interview. “North Coventry has had “The exterior is rapidly deteriorating Black& imity on the same street, Rick Wagner, up-and-down two-family houses. In due to needed roof repair/replacement. manager of housing programs for Cleve- general, streets and parts of streets with The property has been broken into and land Heights, declined to frame it as a up-and-down two-family houses have suffers from serious neglect. The cost of Gold neighborhood issue. weaker housing markets and are less rehabilitation would far exceed the prop- “It’s not so much a north Coventry desirable for people with choices.” erty value.” Foreclosure for the residence issue as it is a local and even national is- All four of the “nuisance” homes are was filed in March 2009. sue,” he said, noting that the foreclosure unoccupied. While Cleveland Heights has The three-family dwelling at 1655 23 crisis has played an integral role in the rehabilitated some such homes for resale, Coventry Road is owned by Yolanda Seitz-Agin demise of these properties. both Wagner and Montlack believe these Collier, of Shaker Heights, but is cur- Hardware Montlack agreed, saying that the four are past the point of no return. rently unoccupied. The property has to close issue isn’t specific to the north Cov- The two-family home at 1633 Coven- been previously posted by Cuyahoga entry neighborhood but rather to any try Road, owned by Caden Development County. It needs lead abatement, major neighborhood with a lot of two-family LLC of South Bend, Indiana, has numer- foundation work and a new roof. In a and rental properties. ous broken windows and the plumbing continued on page 8 Few residents attend school FutureHeights to screen ‘The New Metropolis’ facilities listening session Richard Stewart “The New Metropolis,” a two-part Dana Finley The building assessment subcom- documentary film and community Nonprofit Organization Nonprofit US Postage PAID OH Cleveland, no. 920 Permit mittee concluded that the district’s engagement project, will highlight The school facilities committee for the buildings have significant issues that FutureHeights’s annual meeting on Cleveland Heights-University Heights require constant maintenance. Its sum- Tuesday, June 21, at 7 p.m., at the Cedar City School District held a “public lis- mary also stated that the basic systems Lee Theatre. The screening is free and tening session” on May 12 to get public in the CH-UH schools are “typically open to the public. feedback on its assessment process of inadequate” and in need of replacement. The film documents the implica- the district’s buildings. About 16 com- An assessment of the school district tions of America’s suburban migration Deliver to addressee or current Deliver resident munity members attended. by the State of Ohio concluded that and challenges older suburbs face— During the first hour of the session, the district’s facilities were in need of shrinking populations, property aban- each of four subcommittees briefly pre- significant repair and replacement. donment, a dwindling tax base and sented their findings, and James Seaman The committee compared the limited resources to maintain a good of Fielding Nair International, a school district’s facility situation with that of quality of life—both for the people architectural firm that has worked closely Lakewood, a school district comparable who currently live there and for attract- with the district, presented his opinions in size and composition. Lakewood is ing new residents. An opportunity to via video chat on the district and its po- reportedly spending $205 million on a discuss the issues raised in the film will tential to be restructured for 21st-century districtwide program to construct both FutureHeights FutureHeights #103 Lee Road 2163 Heights, OH 44118 Cleveland follow the screening. learning. new and renovated buildings. “Many of the topics raised in the City of Cleveland Heights receives a high The education subcommittee film will be familiar and particularly sa- focused its brief presentation around lient to Heights residents,” said Deanna volume of applications for vacant council seat the issue of what drives 21st-century Bremer Fisher, executive director of Fu- learning. According to the committee, tureHeights. “The film highlights many Dana Finley plications. He explained that because of 21st-century learning is an approach that of the challenges we, and communities the large number of applicants, it would is highly customizable and adaptable. like us, currently face.” The City of Cleveland Heights has be impossible to interview each one. Ideally, this concept includes creating The annual meeting is one of Fu- received applications from 18 people The application asks potential smaller schools within a larger school. tureHeights’s signature programs, each seeking appointment to fill the seat council members to discuss special The subcommittee implied that of which is designed to revitalize the vacated by former Council Member skills they have that would be valuable by the 2014–15 school year, all state- community through education and en- Mark Tumeo. in serving on city council, along with mandated testing would be based on gagement. According to Bremer Fisher, Tumeo’s last council meeting was their educational and employment 21st-century learning skills. the FutureHeights programs give Cleve- May 16. He left the area to serve as backgrounds; recent community, profes- The facilities options subcommittee land Heights and University Heights dean of engineering at the University sional, and charitable involvements; and estimated that the minimally-required re- citizens the opportunity to directly par- of North Florida. their goals for the community. pairs and replacements will total more than ticipate in making their neighborhoods Cleveland Heights Mayor Ed Kel- The applicants are: Robert L. $40 million, while the cost of renovating better places to live, work and play. ley said that he and the council are Brooks, Jr., Jill R. Cohn, Jeff Coryell, the entire district’s infrastructure, with no “FutureHeights is dedicated to narrowing down the list of applicants Chirstopher Cummings, Shaylawnda change in size or configuration, would total building the future of the Heights,” said to interview based on their written ap- continued on page 7 continued on page 7 continued on page 5 Heights Observer June 1, 2011 1 www.heightsobserver.org OPINION Letters Policy Letters to the Editor Best of the Heights: Nominate your favorite businesses The Heights Observer welcomes letters to the editor. They must be submitted electronically, along with say, in the opening of a new outlet 1,500 from residents and previous nomi- the writer’s name, phone number and OPENING miles away. Local merchants also tend to nees, the business categories have e-mail address, to: THE ObSERvER contribute a larger percentage of their been revised and the nomination form www.heightsobserver.org/members or revenue to local causes. streamlined to make the process easier e-mail: [email protected] That’s why it’s so hard when a store and more interesting. Bob Rosenbaum like Seitz-Agin Hardware closes. Yes, the Please take time to fill out the form store stocked products that 100-year- on page 28. If you prefer, you can find HEIGHTS OBSERVER One reason FutureHeights began pub- old homes need and that Home Depot it online at www.futureheights.org. The Heights Observer is a citizen-based news source lishing the Heights Observer was to can’t be bothered to stock. But just as By participating in this celebration published monthly by FutureHeights, a nonprofit, provide an easy and affordable way important, I’m not sure Seitz-Agin’s of local business, you help to honor the 501(c)3 organization dedicated to civic engage- ment and quality of life. for local businesses to reach potential owner, Joel Borwick, ever said no to merchants who serve you best, and re- 2163 Lee Rd., #103, customers. anyone who asked for financial support mind them why they chose the Heights Cleveland Heights, OH 44118. Why? Local merchants are a big 216.320.1423 for some local cause. as the place to do business. Copyright 2008 FutureHeights, All rights reserved. part of what gives the Heights its unique When you spend money with a local To express your opinion privately, e-mail Bob Any reproduction is forbidden without written
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