M 10 Jfas. .'v -£^**t..< **aWS&-A.-_ *- u**u-, jw.j.H&aSiH'iMj^wwif ^ > "M -4XC X y^B^^V.-M" tiiUJicitt ;..4^*^<j«^ii»jje.isai«-*i'-' *S*» y \ Catholic Courlc;- and Journal, Friday, March 15,1929. Telephone Main 1967 Weekly Calendar Most Rep. Edward Joseph Hanna CEREMONY OF CONSEXBAfKit Sunday, March 17^—St. Patrick. Bishop and Aposth) of Ireland, after (Continued from P«se 1) and grace of tine episcopal office mu; a youth spent in captivity and slavery, and pray "That God may vouchsafe be derived from God, who is the so] was called to the task of tonyertlng to hJppfs, and sanctify, to bless, sanc­ porter of all human frail|ies. Tl Ireland to the^Faith. He received tify an<| consecrate this elect here. Cardinal's adrnonition on presehtir the approbation of Pope ©alestlne and Th» litany ended, Cardinal Haye* the erdzier to Bishop O'Hern will h met with marvolous success in hiB ef­ will I'laco the book of j^ospeh? upoii ''Receive the staff t»£ the pastoral' o forts Jo Christianize th© Irish. He Bis(tij|» O'Hcrn'n shoulders, where one (ice, that thou may be piously severe (JiBlcl ne-v«ral councils to setth? the dis­ of "tin cl.aplains will nistain it until the eormtixii <-f \ices, exercising Judf cipline of itht- Church he established ft. i.: .placed !irt lii.-. hanil*. The imAruc ment without wrath,, soothing the thiht in that country. He was buried at Uim .souirlit to be conveyed in thi<? j<|i.f thc-1hr.-»rrrs' in cherishing.virtues " Down in Ulster, thut "The wospi I mu.-t n'ot be a wiled ahaod'iniiiK a ju-t JSCverity in mildness Monday, Mfcr-ch 18~St. Cyril of book to the Bif!>f>p, for woe unto him '1 he nns. .which will be Worn I Jerusalem' wa* Bishop at the tlitie I't.dt .-; be pirac'i the gospel." Tlii> Bishop O'Hern will be emblematic « )--i+tt»->- ancient. all I ullaii the Apostate tried to rebuild the fidelity which a bishop owes tl the Temple of Solomon, The saint A Solemn Moment >lmrch. With the words: •- \. protested and when thy workman Then eomr'x the itnpii.itT(jn"of hands, "Take "'this Hiip; as the seal of faiti tried to begin their y^ork they Were the t.-.-ential rite by which epi ico-pal that hcinK adorned with inviolate faitf 1 prevented- by flames 'which issued ppwr is cohfeiTe>l. Cardinal Hayes thou in.ivest without . stain, gual from the eftrth. The attempt warTo- v ill l.iy Imth his itfiml;; oil Bishojf ih • spi-HM .if Cmd, to wit —His H'o &.'•*£* p«-ated ^evdral £imus but, always O'lle--' head, sayinjj: rimrih.'' failed, Cyril was noted as a teaoher., "HTPi've thou the Hi.ly (Iho.'-t"—' ** Vftrr llet^mt; thr cro/ief and ring c It !•,• at this exact moment that Bislvp O'Hern, the Cardinal will tal He W»H present at tho ftecond General - of Constantinople and died in 386. •Vatli"' O'Hern will become Ritshop the liook of gospels and hand it to tl 0'H'"-n, tliouph the remainder of the TuVfflday. March 19—St. Joseph, IKW l.islmp The latter will touch l&fa •,'•>' ftfeo_*ll04so--0£ the-JSlessjul Vir-gln-,-fos- ervuv has its significance in connee4Wuliuut vpi-mug his hands, whilst tl lion- witlrthe episcopal office..— 5l t*w father of Our Lord and patron of ".CoriVn r.itur VviTf <.a> : * ~~' ' ; '" Aft -r the imposition of hands Car­ ! St*v the Universal Church. "R(i-<.i\c" the gi)spd and go preach dinal flayer will stand up ami pray: Wednesday, March 10 — St. Wul- \he people conunittcd to thee, for Gc "fie propitious, O l/>rd, to our sup­ I-, piiuerful to increase His grace fran, Archbishop, renounced his plication, and, incline over this, Thy place at the Cour£ of King Clotajre thee lie livctli and rcigncst wor servant, the horn of priesUv- grace; v. itliout ttid.° to give, his life to Clod. After being pour out "Upon liipn tho virtue of this e-loeted Arehhlsliop of Sena he gave '1 he assrmtilcd prelates and pries hle-*sing. Thrnuch our J.i.ni Jr •»• Will (I..-in "Amen" up his seo to becomes a missionary to <'hrist, who liyeth ami reirni-th with Frlosland. After converting thou­ Tin ir t'..|k,,vs another inipfcssive Fe^ .*>*+',:-,] 'I'li^e in the unity of the Holy Oio-t, hr. of the ceremony. Cardinal'Hay< sands ho died in 720. (loci." Thursday, March 21—St. Benedict, will unt; the kiss of peace to.Bishc Next Cardinal Hayc- will intnnr a Abbot, when a young boy was sent '-'Hern, -..!%-iii*r "Peace be with ^ou «acred canticle, rc-cmhlinp in its style to Rome to attsrid tho public schools. 'Ihen Cir.linal Hayes will rClurn lo h flie preface used at Mas-*. Thr-typica1 Terrified by the licentiousness of the •hap.I ;:tul Ctshop O'Hern to his. Aft^ •-iirnificaiice of tlie w.vture of ^;h- students he fled to tho mountains of .the new Bish.-p has washed his hantl Uiicieiit pric«tliiiocl is -ct forth and it Subiaco whora ho established twelve r <1 Ins head has. hceri cleansed, Cardin i^ observed, that the splendor vs, the monasteries. Later ho founded tho 11.ixc ami Bishop O'Hern will contin^ oul is the chief ornanier.tath.n or a monastery of Monto Casino where ho •the Ma's, i-aih in his own chapel un Christian bishop. devoted his time to the writing of his thc-ofFcriory. celebrated rule. He died there in (543. Turning; toward the altar, Cardinal Two LiRhted Torches Hayes will 4nvoke the Holy Ghost in Bishop O'Hern, escorted by^ two'oth Friday, MUroh 22—St. Cfttherino of the beautiful language of the "Veni Sweden, virgin, was tlw daughter of I-.shops, will Icux his chapel anilifr»e J Creator, Kpiritus" (Comc^. Holy Leiure 'Cardinal Hayes, to whom lie w*1, TJlphd, Prince of-JSToricla and of St.: OIOl 3HE CXTHOMO AltODTOlQeiiaMO* . **'i<$* Ghost). At the end of the first verse f fTer two lighted torches,, two loaves c Brld|4b "frhen she was given in •AX rRANOHOO. he will seat himself, and, putting on marriage to a nobleman named Er- • Rochester will Rive a cotdiai w, 1 ArctiSiithop Hanna l;as l^ng held bread, and two ornamental small bal f.*-. his miter again, while the bishops and rcls of wine. This latter part Is a rel gardihe persuaded him to Join her conio to us beloved--native son a warm place in the hearts of Un­ priests continue to sing, heywill make in a row o (chastity. She died as people of Rochester. He was educat­ of ancient discipline. Then follows S TholtM P. Hlckey W1U Diocese of Rochester to tho seal, his Grace, the Most Ilev. Edward J the sign of the cross on the head of continuation of the Mass—the, Cardin Abb*« of Vadstena In 1881. ed iK-re and In the American Col- Awrhblshop of San Bishop O'Hern with holy chrism, then celebrating at the gospel side ot the af Pr«Mk th» OonMcntkm Sermon energy and foresight" of Archbishop Saturday, Mardh 2S—SJt. Victorian. Hanna, D. D leu-e at Home, Italy, where he rnado annoint the whole tonsure, saying: tar. Bishop O'Hern at the epistle sidj ' Vki wraaea at th« consecration of Hiekey, All erected during- hla reign Franelaco, when ho arrives i« this the finest record ever made by a and other martyrs. St. Victorian "May thy head be annointed anil At the conclusion of the benctltctlc iWutfOor O'Hern nteXt Tuesday will as Bishop of th Dlocteso. These In­ city to offlcinte as one of Uic co- student from (lis wmntry. Itochr-8- w*s rroconsul at Carthage und,er th& consecrated with a heavenly benedic- Cardinal Hays will scat himself in fro 1* ft«ioh«t by the predecessor and clude the splendid-new Aquinas In­ A»rlati King Hunerlc. He and rnany conseerutors of MontilRtior O'Hern brlans have lone foH-iwc'. his work Itfe-loac friwd of the new Bishop, stitute* high school .for boys; the new tion in the pontifical order, in the of the altar and bless Bishop O'Herr othets wVsre put to death after cruel at St. Patrick's Ciithedi.il next and \\U career with a fine sense of name of the T'athcr, and of the Son> Hii Grace Urn Moat Reverend Thomas Nasareth Academy, high school for loving interest and pride. miter, at the same time intoning: tortures became they recused to givo Tuesday mornlns. and of the Holy Ghost." F« Hlekty, D.D., Archbishop of girls: the new Lady of Mercy High - "VVc place, O Lord, on the head •«•'• up tho Faith. Annointed with Chrism •tBaaadm, .Archbishop Hlckey had School for girls; a new high school this prelate and combatant the helmet i This emphasizes the inferior unction bMB spending a vacation In Florida, at Gvmeva; new hospital at Elmlra; protection and salvation." Catholic Liturgy of the Holy Spirit. It is a rite of much H:: addition to St. Ann's Home for tho QuaM of Rochester Dlbcteso met withVpletlon the extensive program. of The episcopal gloves will then. ,1. •Xf !i>» sWt *• returning In Rochester to do a antiquity in tho Latin Church, accord­ Aged. Tho establishment of tho Roch­ Catholic education started by Bishop Dom Bedi' ticliolz. 0. S. B... blessed and put on.
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