3. A spirit of Audacity: Gideon (Jg 6), the young Jewish servant girl Archbishop Speaks.... (2 Kings 5) and young Ruth (Ru 4) symbolise the courage of the youth, their frankness and their valour in questioning, in intervening and in accepting challenges. Their audacity bears fruit not just for them but Biblical Inspirations for a Relevant Youth Spirituality also for their families and their communities. While the scripture insists on a spirit of obedience and respect for the elders and the traditions, it Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, does not advocate a spirit of slavery. When our youth question, critique and evaluate existing norms, dogmas, doctrines and values, they enter As 2020 dawns, I extend my prayerful greetings and blessings to into a dialogue between our past and their present. The result of this each of you and your families for a grace-filled and prosperous year dialogue will become evident in their faith and in the fruitfulness of ahead. In the light of the reflections of Christus vivit, the Post-Synodal their discipleship. The courage of the youth is not a threat to our Apostolic Exhortation published by our Holy Father Pope Francis on traditions but a fruitful process of continued dialogue. 25th March 2019, the Church in Tamil Nadu has consecrated the year 2020 as the Year of the Youth. As mentioned in my message last month, The challenges facing the children and youth of our country I propose to reflect with you on the youth. are truly alarming. Political ideologies that seek to divide, exclude and polarise threaten the secular fabric of our nation. Recent legislations The first chapter of Christus vivit invites us to consider a few biblical like the National Register of Citizens (NRC) and the Citizenship models and passages that can help us draw the basic elements of the Amendment Act (CAA) have evoked serious concerns and widespread spirituality of youth today. In this regard, we can identify three major protests across the nation. We, the members of the Archdiocesan elements from the reflections of the Holy Father: family, reiterate our stand against divisive politics and the exclusion of any human person in the name of religion, race, etc., In this context, 1. A Radical Openness to God: Joseph the young dreamer the message of Christus vivit inspires the youth and each of us to muster (Gen 37), King David (1 Sam 16), the eager young man (Matt 19) and in us a spirit of audacity in defending the constitution, a strong will for the group of wise young women (Matt 25) demonstrate an active a fresh narrative of inclusive politics and a radical openness to God in interest in responding to the Call of God. When God chose to reveal midst of our struggle for a united and secular India. Himself to them, they open their hearts and lives to a profound experience with the one who chooses them. In an age when the young May Child Jesus and the Blessed Mother inspire us to march people were not highly regarded, God sets out in search for them. He ahead in this struggle with a fervent hope in God’s promises and a chooses them to make of them signs of his love, his power and his strong faith in His providential presence. plan. This is an important element that we need to focus on in our mission for the youth today. Our mission is to help them encounter With prayerful wishes, God. In their radical openness to His call, the youth of our age, shall discover their real identity, their true value and their mission. 2. A strong will to start anew: The examples of Solomon + Most Rev Dr George Antonysamy (1 Sam 6), Jeremiah (Jer 1), the younger son (Luke 15), the rich young Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore man (Mark 10), St Paul (Col 3), St Augustin and the son of the widow (Luk 7) witness to the strong will of youngsters in taking up God’s Announcement challenge for a new start. God effects in them a change of heart and a transformation in their lifestyle from their ‘older selves’ to their ‘younger selves’. God liberates them from fear, inferiority feelings, sins of their Dear Priests and Religious, past, weaknesses and distractions. The power of God’s love manifests As per the letter dated 29th December 2019 from the Bishop of in the phenomenal change that they experience in their lives. This grace Thanjavur, Rev Fr Anthony Balthasar, a priest of the Diocese of of conversion enables our youth to embrace a new beginning. It is Thanjavur has been suspended from exercising his rights and functions important to revive in our youth, a spirit of vitality, a desire for change attached to the office of the Priesthood. You are requested not to and an interest in effecting true change in their lives. entertain him for any priestly ministry. ¨û\YôrÜ 1 ¨û\YôrÜ 2 January 2020 January 2020 Vw;gLj;Jk; mrhjhuzkhd khw;wj;jpd; gydhf mtuJ md;G tptpypa ghHitapy; ,d;iwa ,isQhpd; Md;kPfk; Gyg;gLfpd;wJ. ,iwtdpd; kdkhw;wj;jpd; mUs; ek; ,isQHfSf;F xU Gjpa Jtf;fj;jpw;fhd tha;g;ghf mikfpd;wJ. vdNt ,d;W ek;Kila ,isQHfSila tho;tpy; khw;wj;jpw;fhd jhfj;ijAk;> ,iw ,NaRtpy; md;ghHe;j rNfhju> rNfhjhpfNs> GJ tho;tpw;fhd kdjplj;ijAk; Vw;gLj;JtJ Kf;fpakhFk;. Gj;jhz;L GyHe;jpUf;Fk; ,e;j ,dpikahd Ntisapy; cq;fs; midtUf;Fk;> cq;fs; FLk;gq;fSf;Fk; vdJ kdkhHe;j Gj;jhz;L 3. ijhpaj;jpd; rf;jp: fpjpNahd; (ePj.6)> ,sk; A+jg; gzpg;ngz; ey;tho;j;Jf;fisAk;> nrgq;fisAk; njhptpj;Jf; nfhs;fpNwd;. (2mu.5)> ,sk; &j; (&j;.4) ,k;%tUk; ,isQHfspd; ijhpaj;ijAk;> mth;fSila Nfs;tpfspd; rf;jpiaAk;> rthy;fis Vw;W ntw;wp fle;j 2019-k; Mz;L khHr; khjk; 25-k; Njjp ekJ jpUj;je;ij fhZk; kNdhghtj;ijAk; ntspg;gLj;Jfpd;wdH. ,isQHfspd; ‘ ’ gpuhd;rp]; mtHfs; ntspapl;l fpwp];J tho;fpwhH vd;Dk; jpUj;J}Jt ijhpak; mtHfSf;F kl;Lky;yhky; mtHfSila FLk;gq;fSf;Fk;> Cf;fklypy; mlq;fpa rpe;jidfis jOtp jkpof jpUmitahdJ mtUila r%fq;fSf;Fk; gad; tpistpf;fpd;wJ. 2020-k; Mz;bid ,isQHfspd; Mz;lhf mwptpj;jpUf;fpwJ. fle;j nghpNahHfsplj;jpYk;> ngw;NwhHfsplj;jpYk; khpahij nfhs;sTk;> khj rpe;jidapy; ehd; Fwpg;gpl;lJ Nghy> ,j;jpUtopg;ghl;L fPo;gbaTk;> kuGfis filg;gpbf;fTk;> kiwE}y; fw;gpj;jhYk; Mz;bid ,isQHfisg; gw;wpa rpe;jidfSf;Fk;> nray;Kiw fz;%bj;jdkhd ek;gpf;ifia tptpypak; ,isQHfsplkpUe;J fSf;Fk; mHg;gzpf;f ehk; tpiofpd;Nwhk;. jpUj;je;ijapd; vjpHghHg;gjpy;iy. vdNt ek;Kila ,isQHfs; r%f kw;Wk; kj Cf;fklypy; Kjy; gphpT tptpypa ,isQHfs; kw;Wk; ,sk; epakq;fisAk; Nfhl;ghLfisAk;> mwpf;iffisAk; Fwpj;j ngz;fis Fwpj;Jk;> ,d;iwa ,isQHfSf;fhd Md;kPfj;jpw;F Nfs;tpfis vOg;Gk; NghJk;> mtw;iw kjpg;gPL nra;Ak; NghJk;> ,t;tptpypa khjphpfs; toq;Fk; ghlj;jpidg; gw;wp rpe;jpf;fTk; ek;ik cz;ikapy; goikf;Fk; epfo;fhyj;jpw;FkpilNa xU ciuahly; miof;fpd;wJ. ,g;gphptpy; jpUj;je;ijapd; %d;W fUj;Jfis ehk; cwit Vw;gLj;Jfpd;wdH. fhz Kbfpd;wJ. ,e;j ciuahlypd; gad; mtHfSila tpRthrj;jpYk;> 1. ,iwtDf;fhd ,isQHfspd; GJ jhfk;: fdtpd; kfd; vd;W rPlj;Jtj;jpYk; ntspg;gLfpd;wd. goikia Nfs;tpf;Fs;shf;Fk; miof;fg;gLk; NahNrg;G (njh.E}.37)> jhtPJ murH (1rhK.16)> ,isQHfspd; ijhpak;> ekJ kuGfSf;F vjpuhdJ my;y. khwhf ,NaRit gpd;gw;w MHtk; fhl;ba ,isQd; (kj;.19) kw;Wk; kuGfis ,d;iwa fhyr;#o;epiyf;F nkhop ngaHf;Fk; gaDs;s mwpthHe;j ,sk; ngz;fs; (kj;.25) Mfpa tptpypa fjhg;ghj;jpuq;fs; njhlUk; ciuahly; ,d;W ek; ehl;bd; ,isQHfSk;> Foe;ijfSk; midj;Jk; jq;fs; ,sik gUtj;jpy; ,iwmioj;jYf;F vjpHNehf;fpapUf;Fk; rthy;fs; cz;ikahfNt kpfg; nghpait. MHtj;Jld; nrtpkLf;Fk; ,ay;ig ehk; ghHf;fpd;Nwhk;. ,iwtd; Fbkf;fis gphpj;J $WNghl;L gifikf;F cs;shf;f tpisfpd;w mtHfSf;F jd;idNa ntspg;gLj;Jk;NghJ jq;fs; ,jaq;fis murpay; jj;Jtq;fs; ekJ ehl;bd; kjrhHgw;w jd;ikia jpwe;J> Mo;e;j ,iwmDgtj;ij ,tHfs; midtUk; ngWfpd;wdH. Nfs;tpf;Fs;shf;fpf; nfhz;bUf;fpd;wJ. mz;ikapy; epiwNtw;wg;gl;l ,isQHfSf;F ngUk; Kf;fpaj;Jk; nfhLf;fg;glhj fhyf;fl;lj;jpy; FbAhpik jpUj;j rl;lk; kw;Wk; Njrpa Fbkf;fs; gjpNtL Mfpa ,iwtd; ,tHfis Njb nry;Yfpd;whH. jdJ md;gpw;Fk;> rl;lq;fs; ehL KOtJk; ngUk; vjpHg;igAk;> Nfs;tpfisAk; re;jpj;J ty;yikf;Fk;> jpl;lj;jpw;Fkhd rpwe;j milahsq;fshf ,tHfis nfhz;L ,Uf;fpd;wd. ,iwtd; NjHe;J nfhs;fpd;whH. ,e;j Njly; ,isQHfSf;fhd ekJ kiwg;gzpapy; xU Kf;fpa mq;fkhf khw Ntz;Lk;. ,isQHfs; ,e;epiyapy; ek;Kila caHkiwkhtl;l FLk;gk; gpsTg;gLj;Jk; ,iwtid mDgtpf;f cjtp nra;tNj ek;Kila kiwg;gzp. murpay; KiwfSf;Fk; kjj;jpd; ngauhy; kdpjHfis $WNghLk; ,t;thW ,iwmioj;jYf;F jq;fs; cs;sq;fis jpwf;Fk;NghJ rpj;jhe;jj;jpw;Fk;> ek;Kila tYthd vjpHg;ig mUjpapl;L typAWj;j ekJ ,isQHfSk; jq;fs; cz;ikahd tho;tpd; tpisfpd;wJ. ,e;epiyapy; jpUj;je;ijapd; ‘fpwp];J tho;fpwhH’ milahsj;ijAk;> kjpg;igAk;> tho;tpd; gaidAk; fz;lwpthHfs;. vd;Dk; Cf;fkly; ek;Kila ,isQHfspd; kdjpYk;> ek; midthpd; kdq;fspYk;> ekJ ehl;bd; ,iwahz;ikia ghJfhf;Fk; 2. Gjpa Jtf;fq;fis NjLk; kdjplk;: rhyNkhd; (1rhK.6)> vNukpah Jzpr;rYf;Fk;> xUikg;ghl;il tsHf;Fk; murpaYf;Fk; xd;Wgl;l (vNu.1)> ,sk; kfd; (Y}f;.15)> gzf;fhu ,isQd; (khw;.10)> gTy; kjrhHgw;w ,e;jpahtpw;fhd ekJ Nghuhl;lj;jpy; ek;Kld; cld; (nfhNy.3) Gdpj mf];jpdH kw;Wk; ifk;ngz;zpd; ,sk; kfd; elf;Fk; ,iwg;gpurd;dj;jpw;Fk; ek;ik top elj;Jfpd;wJ.
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