USOO8623.386B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,623,386 B2 Schlossman et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 7, 2014 (54) NATURAL ESTER, WAXOR OIL TREATED (58) Field of Classification Search PIGMENT, PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION USPC ....................... 424/400, 401, 70.12, 725 757 THEREOF, AND COSMETIC MADE See application file for complete search history. THEREWITH (56) References Cited (75) Inventors: David Schlossman, Short Hills, NJ (US); Yun Shao, Belle Mead, NJ (US) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,747,049 A * 5/1998 Tominaga ..................... 424/401 (73) Assignee: Kobo Products, Inc., South Plainfield, 2003/0161801 A1* 8, 2003 Yamasaki et al. ............... 424,65 NJ (US) 2005/0265943 A1* 12/2005 Geffroy-Hyland et al. .......................... 424.70.12 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS U.S.C. 154(b) by 1006 days. JP O7-173044 7, 1995 JP 2001-064117 3, 2001 (21) Appl. No.: 12/420,498 JP 2001 64117 A * 3, 2001 JP 2001-64117 A * 3, 2001 (22) Filed: Apr. 8, 2009 JP 2002-363O32 12/2002 (65) Prior Publication Data * cited by examiner US 2010/O136.065A1 Jun. 3, 2010 Primary Examiner — Michael G. Hartley Assistant Examiner — Micah-Paul Young Related U.S. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Handal & Morofsky, LLC (60) Provisional application No. 61/044,458, filed on Apr. 11, 2008. (57) ABSTRACT The present invention provides compositions for natural cos (51) Int. Cl. metic products and, more particularly, to natural ester, wax or A6 IK 8/02 (2006.01) oil treated pigments, the products of such treated pigments A6 IK 8/19 (2006.01) and cosmetic products incorporating pigments treated with (52) U.S. Cl. natural ingredients. USPC ........... 424/401; 424/489: 424/490; 424/496; 424/725 52 Claims, No Drawings US 8,623,386 B2 1. 2 NATURAL ESTER, WAXOR OIL TREATED contemplated that a variety of products may incorporate the PIGMENT, PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION formulation and processes provided herein. For example, THEREOF, AND COSMETIC MADE emulsions such as makeup, foundation and mascara; anhy THEREWITH drous hotpours such as lipsticks and blush; and powders such as pressed and loose powders may be made. CROSS REFERENCE TO PROVISIONAL In an embodiment of the present invention, there is pro APPLICATION vided a cosmetic composition comprising a pigment treated with a natural Surface modifying agent. Suitable natural Sur The present application claims priority to U.S. Provisional face modifying agents according to the present invention Application No. 61/044,458, filed Apr. 11, 2008, which is 10 include, without limitation, jojoba ester, hydrogenatedjojoba incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. oil and mixtures thereof. Suitable pigments according to the present invention TECHNICAL FIELD include, without limitation, minerals such as talc, mica and sericite; metal oxides such as titanium dioxide, Zinc oxide and The present invention relates to compositions for natural 15 iron oxides; thermal plastic powders; and organic pigments cosmetic products and more particularly to natural ester, wax Such as starch and cellulose. or oil treated pigments, the products of such treated pigments In another embodiment of the present invention, there is and cosmetic products incorporating pigments treated with provided a cosmetic composition comprising at least one natural ingredients. hydrophobic natural Surface modified pigment selected from the group comprising titanium dioxide, yellow iron oxide, red BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION iron oxide, black iron oxide, mica and silica, the pigment being incorporated into a cosmetic product selected from Minerals such as talc, mica and sericite, metal oxides such lipstick, loose or pressed powder, foundation, blush and Sun as titanium dioxide, Zinc oxide and iron oxides, thermoplastic SCC. powders, organic pigments such as starch and cellulose, and 25 In an exemplary embodiment, the cosmetic composition is other inorganic pigments are widely used in cosmetic prod an oil in water liquid make-up having between about 0.5 wt. ucts. Although they can be used without treatment, their per % to about 15 wt.%, preferably about 1 wt.% to about 7 wt. formance can be significantly improved through surface treat % and more preferably about 4.5 wt.% of a hydrophobic ment. Special properties such as water-proofness, low oil natural Surface modified pigment selected from the group absorption, higher solids loading, softness, enhanced dispers 30 comprising titanium dioxide, yellow iron oxide and red iron ibility, and resistance to low pH can be enhanced through oxide. surface treatment. In another exemplary embodiment, the cosmetic composi Most common Surface modifying agents, such as methi tion is a hotpour creating a liquid compact foundation having cone, silane, dimethicone, titanate, magnesium myristate and between about 15% to about 75%, preferably about 25% to perfluoroalcohol phosphate are all synthetic compounds and 35 about 50% and more preferably about 40% of a natural sur may involve undesirable complications. face modified pigment selected from the group comprising titanium dioxide, red iron oxide, yellow iron oxide, black SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION yellow oxide, mica and silica. In another exemplary embodiment, the cosmetic composi In accordance with the present invention, plant derived 40 tion is a lipstick having between about 0.5% and about 20%, esters and wax Such as jojoba ester andjojoba wax in particu preferably about 2% to about 10% and more preferably about lar, are used to surface treat pigments and fillers. The treated 6% of a natural surface modified pigment selected from the pigments may be hydrophobic and have a nice skin feel and group comprising D&C Red No. 6 Barium Lake, D&C Red good adhesion. It is envisioned that the treated pigments in No. 7 Calcium Lake and iron oxides. accordance with the present invention may be used in a wide 45 In another exemplary embodiment, the cosmetic composi range of cosmetic compositions. tion is a pressed powder having between about 30% to about In an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a 85%, preferably between about 50% to about 80% and more cosmetic composition comprising a pigment treated with a preferably about 72% of a natural surface modified pigment natural Surface modifying agent. selected from the group comprising sericite, yellow iron In another aspect of the present invention, there is provided 50 oxide, red iron oxide and black iron oxide. a cosmetic composition comprising at least one hydrophobic In another exemplary embodiment, the cosmetic composi natural Surface modified pigment selected from titanium tion is an emollient loose powder having between about 0.1% dioxide, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide, black iron oxide, to about 10%, preferably between about 0.5% to about 2% mica and silica, the pigment being incorporated into a cos and more preferably about 0.78% of a natural surface modi metic product such as lipstick, loose or pressed powder, foun 55 fied pigment selected from the group comprising yellow iron dation, blush and Sunscreen. oxide, red iron oxide and black iron oxide. In a further aspect of the present invention, there is pro In a further embodiment of the present invention, there is vided a process for making a natural Surface treated pigment, provided a process for making a natural Surface treated pig comprising providing a pigment, blending the pigment with a ment comprising providing a pigment; blending the pigment natural Surface modifying agent to produce a blend; heating 60 with a natural Surface modifying agent to produce a blend; the blend to approximately 100 degrees C. to 110 degrees C.; heating the blend to between about 80 degrees C. to about 150 and allowing the blend to cool to approximately 18 degrees C. degrees C., preferably between about 100 degrees C. to about The material may then be milled. 110 degrees C.; and allowing the blend to cool to approxi Natural products are believed to be more compatible with mately 18 degrees C. the human body and more environmentally friendly. The cos 65 A variety of pigments may be used to make casted pig metic products contemplated by the present invention include ments in accordance with the present invention. For example, natural products with a Smooth feel and good adhesion. It is minerals such as talc, mica and sericite; metal oxides such as US 8,623,386 B2 3 4 titanium dioxide, Zinc oxide and iron oxides; thermoplastic treated pigment and Substantially more Smooth than the pig powders; organic pigments such as starch and cellulose; and ment treated with lauroyl lysine or lecithin. other inorganic pigments may be used. Materials having a Pigments treated with jojoba ester are almost completely large range of sizes, for example from about 5 nm to 300 nm odorless, as compared to other treatments such as carnauba or larger, as Well as Various shapes, for example, without 5 wax which have relatively strong odors. Likewise, when sub limitation, spherical and acicular, may be treated. For jected to high temperatures, such as 90° C., for a relatively example, materials that may be advantageously treated in long time, such as six hours, pigments, such as titanium accordance with the present invention include microparticles dioxide and seracite exhibit virtually no odor change, of the metal oxide titanium dioxide (TiO) (micro TiO) whereas pigments treated with Such materials as carnauba having a primary particle size of less than about 200 nm and 10 a pigmentary grade size (i.e., larger particle size) of greater and lauroyl lysine exhibit odor increases in the range of about than about 200 nm, with an alumina coating such as that sold 30 to 90%. Thus, pigments treated with these other materials by ISK under the trade name TTO-S-3. TTO-S-3 has a pri have odor levels dozens of times greater than pigments treated mary particle size of about 15 nm and has an acicular shape.
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