Rifle PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE Season PAID Holiday Happenings POSTAL CUSTOMER RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER PERMIT #2 Early Holiday Deadlines Opens N. HAVERHILL, NH See Page 3B ECRWSSEDDMECRWSS See Bottom of Page Nov. 16 FREE Your Local Community Newspaper THE NOVEMBERVermont 13, 2019 | WWW.VERMONTJOURNAL.COM JournaVOLUME 19, ISSUEl 46 Area schools welcome Gov. Scott and community to Veterans Day Assembly BY SHARON HUNTLEY to thank someone for their ser- tell his stories and meet gover- The program, celebrating its The Vermont Journal vice. “You should take the time nors. Scott was the 24th gov- seventh year, is due to the vi- to thank a vet or any member ernor that Walton visited. “It sion and hard work of BRHS LUDLOW, Vt. – The seventh of the military, every chance we was a special day for me,” he Booster Club President An- annual Veterans Day Assem- get, every single day,” he said. said. “It’s so important for you, drea Sanford of Ludlow. Ac- bly, Friday, Nov. 8, at Ludlow He then asked all veterans and the younger generation, to do cording to an introduction Elementary School welcomed those serving in the Military to whatever you can to thank our by Color Guard Commander Gov. Phil Scott as part of their stand to be recognized. vets and listen to their stories of American Legion Post 36, moving program to honoring Scott also paid special at- because they truly are heroes Ned Bowen, Sanford went to veterans and active military tention to those of “the great- that set an example for all of the School Board over seven members. est generation” who served in u s .” years ago, asking why Veterans Students from Black River World War II and Korea. He In addition to Scott’s speech, Day was an in-service day and Middle High School, LES, spoke about his own father who the program included several didn’t honor veterans. Since Ludlow American Legion Color Guard with Gov. Phil Scott. PHOTO BY SHARON HUNTLEY Mount Holly Elementary served and was injured during student choral pieces; a pre- then, Sanford has worked with School, and Cavendish Town WWII and died when he was sentation to honor Prisoners of the American Legion, stu- Elementary School were all in 11. War and those Missing in Ac- dents, and teachers to develop ly about people who fought for School set to close at the end of attendance, as were the Bal- Scott also spoke about the tion; a presentation of the flags the program, which takes over their freedom. the 2020 school year, this will lard-Hobart Post 36 American importance of listening to the of each of the branches of the three months to plan. Sanford grew up during the be Sanford’s last assembly, al- Legion color guard, local deco- stories of veterans while they military; and a moving final According to Sanford, it all Vietnam War and saw many though she is willing to work as rated veterans, and other mem- are still among us. He spoke number with a recording of started with an idea to bring friends go off to war and nev- a consultant in future years. “It’s bers of the community. specifically about a 100-year- Celine Dion singing “God Bless more awareness to the kids that er return. Her dad was also in never too young to teach them Gov. Scott began by remind- old WWII veteran, Sidney America” accompanied by the Veterans Day stood for some- Military service. “It’s something to honor and respect people ing students that they don’t Walton, who is traveling the LES fourth grade class using thing, and that they should that’s in my heart,” she said. who have died for their free- have to wait until Veterans Day country visiting all 50 states to American Sign Language. have a day to think more deep- With Black River High dom… They get it,” she said. Chester residents approve Ludlow bids EMS building project farewell to BY SHARON HUNTLEY The Vermont Journal Rodney Cole CHESTER, Vt. – Residents of Chester approved the 30-year LUDLOW, Vt. – On Nov. 5, the town and bond for the EMS/Town Ga- village of Ludlow bid farewell to Rodney rage project for $4.78 million Cole, a long-time truck driver and grader by a healthy margin during operator for the Highway Department. EMS building project passes. the special town vote Tuesday, PHOTO PROVIDED Rodney joined the team in July of 2005 and Nov. 5. The count was 315 “yes” was known for his expertise with trucks votes versus 183 “no” votes, ac- ambulance services for Chester Member Lee Gustafson, and equipment. A staff luncheon was held cording to the Chester town and completely renovate the along with other Build- in Rodney’s honor to thank him for his Facebook page. existing Town Garage. ing Committee members, years of service and for the contributions The project will construct a There were three informa- presented costs, schemat- he has made to Ludlow. Rodney plans to new EMS Services building, lo- tional meetings leading up ics, and an overview of the kick-off his retirement with the start of cated on Pleasant Street, which to the vote, Sept. 25, Oct. 23, project to help garner town hunting season. Congratulations to Rod- Rodney Cole retires. will house the fire, police, and and Nov. 4, where Selectboard support. ney Cole! PHOTO PROVIDED Police Troopers overloaded with donations WINDHAM,Vt. – When into camp on Friday, the be the only Christmas and gives fresh produce to lo- you’re talking about the back- day before the toy drive. present that some children cal food banks. The sign raffle seat of a police cruiser, most Participants were encour- would be getting at all. raised $350. folks immediately conjure up a aged to camp out for the Many of the toys would be Smokey House director Jesse negative image. That’s why it is entire weekend if they so delivered to local agencies Pyles expressed his gratitude particularly heartwarming to wished, and there were to be distributed, while to NEF and the off-road com- see the same police car stuffed quite a few trucks and some toys would be hand- munity, stating that a donation to its roofline with Christmas tents scattered around the delivered personally by like this pays for a local child toys. property. Some were NEF the Vermont State Police. to attend summer camp for On the morning of Oct. members, but there were A line formed, and the three weeks or will pay for the 26, that’s exactly what hap- also a lot of new faces! gifts were passed across seeds needed to grow thou- pened in picturesque town of Bright and early Sat- the parking lot. It was sands of fresh produce for the Windham, Vt. The Northeast urday morning, a small quite a sight to behold, food banks. Flatlanders, a club of off-road crew of volunteers sprung seeing all three cruisers As the 2019 Overland Ren- enthusiasts based out of Con- into action. Campfires filled to capacity with new dezvous wrapped up, some necticut, made the trek up to were reignited, coffee was toys for children. friends stayed for the remain- Vermont to host their second brewed, and the griddle In addition to the un- der of the weekend, while a annual Toys for Tots charity was fired up to start cook- wrapped toys, NEF mem- few ventured out to explore event. ing breakfast sandwiches ber Jake Kalnenieks do- the beautiful backroads. Over- Pete’s Camp in Windham for the drivers enroute. The Northeast Flatlanders donate toys to Vermont State Police for Toys for Tots. nated his artistic talents all, the event was a great suc- served as homebase for the For 2019, the Flatland- PHOTO PROVIDED to the cause. Jake created cess, and we are already look- gathering of off-roaders again ers teamed up with Dut- a unique hand-painted ing forward to new adventures this year. With over 80 acres ton’s Berry Farm in Newfane vehicles of all types were in crowd to thank them for the sign with an “Overland” theme in 2020. for camping, Pete’s Camp con- for all of the homemade muf- attendance from all over New donations, as well as let every- just for this event. The sign The Northeast Flatlanders tinues to be the perfect ven- fins, breads, and other baked England – all turned up car- one know how they go about was raffled off with 100% of would like to thank all of the ue for this wonderful event. goods, along with River Bend rying toys. Right behind them distributing the toys to lo- proceeds going to the Smokey volunteers, Pete’s Camp, Dut- Known for his friendly conver- Farm Market in Townshend were the Vermont State Troop- cal Vermont families in need. House Center, located in Dan- ton’s Berry Farm, and River sation and always having the for breakfast meats. ers who pulled up in three The crowd seemed particu- by, Vt. Smokey House manages Bend Farm Market & Smoke- campfires stoked and hot cof- By 9 a.m., there was a steady police SUVs to collect the do- larly moved when Sgt. Buckley 5,000 acres of scenic Vermont house. fee on the ready, Pete was all stream of off-road vehicles nated toys. pointed out that, in some cases, farmland and forests, provides smiles as the first trucks rolled pulling into camp. Overland Sgt. Buckley addressed the the toys from this drive would educational classes and camps, Written by Jake Kalnenieks.
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