LEDGER Odds nnd Ends ENTRIES m Here find There and AI/TO SOLO Pithy Pointa Picked Up and B«ing a Collection of Various Patly Put By Our Peripa- Topics of Local and LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1933 NO. 10 tetic Pencil Pusher General Intereat FORTY-FIRST YEAR If it is only an empty tobacca NO GARDENS NO RELIEF can, carry sometliing in the So Many Good Names for car to receive cigarette and cigar iRK federal relief adminis- ashes and butts, Ihe Conservation tration at WuHhiiiKlun n Showboat Days Flower Show Department is urging vacation- T (|iioted as declnring that Pond, Judges Beg More Time; ists who go to the northern part "subsistence Kurdens" operated of the state. Careless smokers by unemployed wcu'kors on state Names Show Thoughtfulness are causing half of Michigan's relief rolls are in progress forest fires. throughout the country, to eut Are Almost Here To Surpass All down the cost of relief. The in- formation is given out by Hurry There's nothing monotonous Mtich interest has been mani- first trader and trapper has been L. Hopkins, administrator. about Michigan's weather. Suit fested by Ledger readers in the thought of and the name of a One state relief administrator, day noon here thermometers Second Annual Production Will Provide Finest campaign to choose a more lil- noted Indian Chieftain, promin- SirdM LonClub lepertt Entries Pouriit In—lutes, let- he said, has adopted the slogan, hovered around the 100 mark. ting name for the body of water ent in this section, has been re "No garden—no relief" to stimu- Monday night light frosts were in Minstrelsy and Vaudeville a short distance north of Ix)W- called. The name Lowell has late interest in the plan. uliliwis and List of Prins—Citjr Hilt, k»t. 1,4 nd S reported in some local gardens. •II, eommonly called "the pond." also been used, sometimes with Many names were submitted and Some of the biographies of uniaue versions. One version At a meeting of the State Board il will be seen from the list be- the departed great, now on expectation! are to be realized. of the word Uiwell comes from of Pharmacy held at Luising on 'Hear the beat of dancing low that each name suggested a Ledger reader in England. Here Flower and garden lovers of Mrs. N. E. Borgerson is presi- aale in the book stores, suggest Mr. Hunciman will be the In- Monday, M. N. Henry of tawell, feet? That is the final prepara- showed thoughtful reasoning. In are the names suggested: this community are manifesting dent of the L)w-ell Garden Lore (hat the writers got their in- terlocutor and much luughtei- was honored by being chosen tion for the coming extrava- fact when the judges met to de- much intensi in the Annual Club and Mrs. P. C. Peckham is formation from campaign will be forthcoming from the E Waba Vek, water with sup- vice-president for the ensuing ganza of the Show Boat which cide by vote as to the most ap- Flower Show, of the tawell Gar- the general chairman of the speeches of the opposition. deep and serious questions that ernatural power. Lake Ahoy, year. Karl Durham of Owosso, promises to be even more suc- propriate name from among those den Lore Club, which will be Flower Show. Those entering he will propound to the end men Slender take, U»ch Lady, Eden, was chosen president. Some cessful and entertaining than submitted, they were unable to held in the City Hall, Lowell, on special features requiring space who are—Dr. Stryker, Frank Lac Adam. Lac La Belle, Tarry- twenty years ago, Mr. Durham, COIN OK THE REALM last season's great exhibit. agree and will hold another the afternoons and evenings of are requested to phone Mrs. Peck- Newell, Walter Kropf, Bruce Mc- flow, Drowsy Waters. Shadow fresh from a school of pharmacy, To those who want to get an meeting In the near future, when Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ham so that necessary arrange- AKSAJt caused the Homan Mahon, I). MaoDuflTy and Bol- take. Lake Ampere. Elfin Lake, began his career as a druggist in money to be stamped with eyeful of the latest and best in il is hoped a decision will be Aug. 3, 4 and 5. Members of ttie ments can be made. land Crane. Pixey Pond, Arc Lake, Bent Lowell in the employ of Mr. Chis likeness, thereby includ- the form of entertainment Low reached The judges are v. E. Lowell club put forth great et- Holland Crane, who sang "Boil Bow, Archer take. Like Low- Explanation Henry. ing it among "the things that ell extends a cordial invitation Ashley, B. E. Springett, W. W. forts for the success of this an- on Mississippi" in last year's ella. Lake Conlow, Sunset Lake. Every class has a 1st and 2nd are ^'aesnrV In ancient times to attend the 1»33 presentation Gumser. Mrs N. E. Borgerson nual undertaking which each of the Show Boat. Show Boat, has written a number Lake MdMa-ho, Fiat take, Scenic year draws attention and interesj prize. Seldom in the state's history the emperor owned not only the and Mrs. Allen Bennett. When Beauty take. The Pond. Sunset Nightly, over fifty persons are entitled "•Heading Home," which from an increasing circle of gar- In sections A. B and C, where the has any legislature, at its final money but all the substance of the name is decided upon the View, Like Walleye, bike Lucid, putting forth their efforts to- he will introduce at this year's den lovers. 2nd is not named, it will consist adjournment session, enacted his realm, including the lives of next procedure will be to pre- Rod and Gun Like. Placid Luke. his subjects. The same is true wards making the play u suc- performance. sent the matter before the Kent The entries embrace every of a 2Sc onler in trade given by new- legislation. Yet this was There will also.be numerous Hooker take. Pou Lie, Lake Low today in all those countries iu cess. New and surprising no\- County Board of Supervisors foi flow-er and shrub native to this the Gals Rustic Gardens at Hei- done by the 1933 legislature in elties are being rehearsed, new specialties and vuudville acts, all Echo, Like Aloha. Lake Gam- section of Michigan and the man- di ng. adopting a bill providing that which the government is still an recommendation to the Michigan holier, Couzen's take. King and songs are being sung and new working hard to outdo lust sea- ner of display and arrangement The 2iid prize in Sections 1), E, all delinquent 1932 taxes could absolute monarchy. The coin Society on Geographical Names. Quick Like, Silver take, McDan- of the realm has peculiar inter- jokes are being fomiuliited. son's performance. It should be borne in mind at the show is a feature in itself G and J where they are not be paid without penalty, interest It is also said that there will nell Like, IMoye Like, Lowell est in that it bears the likeness Many familiar faces will be seen that a lake is a lake, whether well worth seeing. Lowell Gar- named will be one named Iris or collection fees until Novem- be celebrities present at the pluy Lake. taw(Iev)ell Waters, Pion- of the ruler of the nation. in the cast as well as many new natural or artificial, and to den Lore members hope for a big Rhizome. ber 1. 1933. The bill, which and it is rumored that certain eer Lake. Roosevelt Lake, take The coin of the United States is ones. The costumes and ef- change the name from "pond" to uttendunce this year from those now awaits the governor's sig- things will take place that even Lowell, Sunset Like. Fisherman's There will be a telephone, desk not a departure from this rule, fects will be all ditTerent and the lake with a fitting name provides interested. All are invited to nature or veto, also provides that the cast has not an inkling of us Like, Satellite Lake, Echo Like. and chair—Klingman Co., Grand although all the iigure.s depicted Show Boat itself will be bigger another opportunity for Lowell make entries. Polled plants and registers of deeds may accept for yet. Sunset take. Power Like, Lake Bapids, given and all winners will thereon are symbolic. Upon most and more gorgeously decorated to arouse additional interest in shrubs must be entered by Aug. recording deeds or land con- So with the boat about ready Mursac, Bainbow take. Lake be requested to put their names of tlu' coins is the Hoddcss of lib- than last season. another of its natural resources. 2. ('ul flowers by 10 a. m. Aug. 3. tracts. bearing certificates from for its final decorating and the Francis, Liughing Waters. Blue- on their tickets and drop them in erty. The eagle, symbol of Mr. MoGowan. the director, is The Kent County Boad Commis- Kxhibits of miniature rock gar- the auditor general or county show an assured success don't gill Waters. Gunclub Waters, a box for the draw ing. The draw- treasurers, showing that 1932 or strength and courage, is also up- trying his best to make the show sion has already made a good dens. pools, etc., will be welcome. ing will be held at ihe same time bigger and better than u year forget the flutes, 3rd. 4th, and 6th Like of Glory.
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