bizmap.ca EAST VILLAGE KERRISDALEVancouver Neighborhoods VILLAGE Vancouver Neighbourhoods BIZMAP.CA KERRISDALE VILLAGE KERRISDALEVILLAGE.COM DOMINANT AGE RANGE DOMINANT EDUCATION LEVEL FAST FACTS % 50-54 28 BIA SIZE RESIDENTIAL MARKET SIZE YEARS BACHELOR’S DEGREE average age is 43.6 8 BLOCKS 8 SQ. KM. BUSINESS SIZE RESIDENTIAL CATCHMENT AREA POPULATION % RESIDENTS 366 BUSINESSES; 59 22,314 OF WHICH HAVE FEWER THAN FIVE EMPLOYEES with a population density of 2,800 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL PEOPLE PER SQ. KM. THE NEW ARBUTUS GREENWAY KERRYDALE PASS OPEN PLAZA COMMERCIAL SIZE MAY SPUR NEW DEVELOPMENT 156 PROPERTIES with an assessed commercial value of almost ATTRACTIONS $736 MILLION DOMINANT HOUSEHOLD INCOME $ Arbutus Greenway Cyclone Taylor Kerrisdale 200,000+ Arena Community Centre BIZMAP.CA Updated August 2018 % % 22,314 PEOPLE 21 21 LIVE IN THE AREA YOUNG RESIDENTS CHILDREN AGED 65+ THE TOP 3 % % % LANGUAGES 64 16 7 SPOKEN AT HOME ARE ENGLISH MANDARIN CANTONESE % % 53 REPORTED 42 REPORTED WESTERN EUROPEAN HERITAGE CHINESE HERITAGE particularly English (20%), Scottish (14%), Irish (11%), and German (8%) more than Vancouver (28%) and Metro Vancouver (21%) 26% OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVE A TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME THAT EXCEEDS $150,000 % % 21 HAVE PURSUED 52 HAVE POSTGRADUATE SOME LEVEL OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY EDUCATION MOST OTHER LEADING OCCUPATIONS ARE: COMMON OCCUPATIONS » Sales & service (19%) FOR RESIDENTS ARE IN BUSINESS, FINANCE, % » Management (17%) & ADMINISTRATION 20 » Education, law, social, community & government (14%) % OF HOUSEHOLDS AVERAGE PERSONS 69 ARE WITH FAMILIES 2.7 PER HOUSEHOLD $ KERRISDALE AVERAGE ANNUAL 135,833 EXPENDITURE PER HOUSEHOLD significantly higher than both Vancouver ($84,710) and Metro Vancouver ($87,106) %OF DWELLINGS ARE % OF DWELLINGS 44 SINGLE-DETACHED HOMES 54 ARE APARTMENTS 34% 62% OF HOUSING IN THE AREA RESIDENTS ARE WAS BUILT BEFORE 1960 HOME OWNERS 99% OF COMMERCIAL SPACE IS ZONED AS C-2 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE OF PROPERTIES IS $763 MILLION NEARBY PARKS INCLUDE: HOME TO THE » Elm Park KERRISDALE » Kerrisdale Park COMMUNITY CENTRE as well as the Cyclone Taylor Arena » Kerrisdale Centennial Park and the Kerrisdale Library » Arbutus Greenway 164 METERED SPOTS NEARBY in addition, the Kerrisdale Parkade oers 200 free two-hour parking spots CONSIDERED 1,800-3,000 7 PEDESTRIANS PER CYCLING FRIENDLY SCHOOLS DAY IN KERRISDALE WITH A BIKE SCORE OF 100 NEARBY BUSINESSES 29% RETAIL OPERATE IN 366 KERRISDALE 20% HEALTH CARE & SOCIAL ASSISTANCE 59% MICRO BUSINESSES with fewer than five employees BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BASED ON MARKET DEMAND, COULD INCLUDE: RETAIL LEASE RATES ARE AROUND $ 48 PER SQ. FT. » Grocery store » Restaurants KERRISDALE VILLAGE KERRISDALEVILLAGE.COM DOMINANT AGE RANGE DOMINANT EDUCATION LEVEL FASTOverview FACTS People % POPULATION:50-54 28 The Kerrisdale Village BIA is an eight-block YEARS BACHELOR’S DEGREE BIA SIZE RESIDENTIAL MARKET SIZE » A total of 22,314 people live within the BIA catchment area. section of West 41st Avenue between Larch Street average age is 43.6 and BLOCKSMaple Street, extendingSQ. one KM.block to the » A popular area for families and for seniors, the Kerrisdale 8north and south on either8 side of West and East catchment area has proportionately more young children (21%) Boulevard. Cafés, boutique shops and galleries and residents aged 65+ (21%) than Vancouver (see Figure 1). BUSINESS SIZE RESIDENTIALline the streets CATCHMENT of this quaint AREA POPULATIONand enchanting » The area has seen a reduction in its population of 2.6% since village, offering something for everyone. 2011, in contrast to the positive growth rates of Vancouver BUSINESSES; % 22,314 RESIDENTS 366(4.6%) and Metro Vancouver (6.5%). 59 Known as the most charming community OF WHICH HAVE FEWER THAN Figure 1: Population by Age in Vancouver, the Kerrisdale Village market Figure 1: Population by AgeFIVE EMPLOYEES withcatchment a population area, density bounded of by West 33rd Avenue 35% (north), Blenheim Street (west), Fraser River, 30% 2,800and Granville Street (east) is tucked away from COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL PEOPLEthe hustle and PER bustle SQ. of city KM. life. It has a diverse 25% housing mix of single family homes, low-rise (less 20%THE NEW ARBUTUS GREENWAY than five storeys) and mid-rise (up to 11-storey) 15% OPEN PLAZA apartments, and plenty of recreation and population % of total KERRYDALE PASS COMMERCIAL SIZE MAY SPUR NEW DEVELOPMENT community activities within easy access. 10% 156 PROPERTIES 5% withCity an zoning assessed within commercial the valueBIA ofallows almost for up to four Under 20 20 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 or Older storeys with ground floor commercial. The new ATTRACTIONS $ Kerrisdale Vancouver Metro Vancouver Arbutus Greenway and future plans for the 736 MILLION Source: Statistics Canada 2016 Census Kerrydale Pass (open plaza) along Arbutus Street between West 37th Avenue and West 49th Avenue DOMINANTwill help spur HOUSEHOLD the next INCOME wave of development in Figure 3: Ethnic Origin $the area. The plaza will be a vibrant place for Arbutus Greenway Cyclone Taylor Kerrisdale performances,200,000+ programming, entertaining, and Arena Community Centre celebration that will draw residents from the local 50% area and across Vancouver. 40% 30% % % 20% 22,314 PEOPLE % of population 21 21 YOUNG RESIDENTS LIVE IN THE AREA 10% CHILDREN AGED 65+ 0% Chinese English Scottish Irish Canadian BIZMAP.CA Kerrisdale Vancouver Metro Vancouver3 Updated August 2018 THE TOP 3 % % % LANGUAGES 64 16 7 SPOKEN AT HOME ARE ENGLISHFigure 4: AverageMANDARIN Household Income CANTONESE 30% 25% 20% % % 53 REPORTED 15% 42 REPORTED WESTERN EUROPEAN HERITAGE % of households 10% CHINESE HERITAGE particularly English (20%), Scottish (14%), Irish (11%), and German (8%) 5% more than Vancouver (28%) and Metro Vancouver (21%) 0% Less than $20K $20-$39K $40-$59K $60-$79K $80-$99K $100-$149K $150K + Kerrisdale Vancouver Metro Vancouver 26% Figure 9: DwellingsOF by Major HOUSEHOLDS Structural Type HAVE A KerrisdaleTOTAL ANNUALVancouver INCOMEMetro Vancouver Single-Detached Single-Detached Semi-Detached Single-Detached THAT EXCEEDS/Row $ 44% 15% 150,000 29% 5% 58% 12% 54% 80% 1% Apartment Semi-Detached Apartment Apartment Semi-Detached /Row /Row % % 21 HAVE PURSUED 52 HAVE POSTGRADUATE SOME LEVEL OF EDUCATIONSemi-Detached/Row Figure 10: Age of Housing Stock UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 35% 30% MOST OTHER25% LEADING OCCUPATIONS ARE: COMMON OCCUPATIONS 20% » Sales &15% service (19%) FOR RESIDENTS ARE IN % of dwellings BUSINESS, FINANCE, % » Management10% (17%) 5% & ADMINISTRATION » Education, law, social, community & government (14%) 20 0% Pre-1960 1961 to 1980 1981 to 1990 1991 to 2000 2001 and newer Kerrisdale Vancouver Metro Vancouver % OF HOUSEHOLDS AVERAGE PERSONS 69 ARE WITH FAMILIES 2.7 PER HOUSEHOLD Figure 13: Fastest Growing Commercial Sub-sectors Real Estate Dealers Health Services $ KERRISDALE AVERAGEHealth & Beauty ANNUAL 135,833 EXPENDITUREESL PER Instruction HOUSEHOLD significantly higher thanProperty both Management Vancouver ($84,710) and Metro Vancouver ($87,106) Real Estate Development / Investment Referal Services 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # of new businesses (2011-2016) %OF DWELLINGS ARE % OF DWELLINGS 44 SINGLE-DETACHED HOMES 54 ARE APARTMENTS Figure 13: Commercial Business Size Small - Medium (21-50 employees) Small (5-20 5% 2% Large (more than 34% employees) 62% 50 employees) OF HOUSING IN THE AREA RESIDENTS ARE WAS BUILT BEFORE 1960 34% HOME OWNERS 59% Micro (under 5 99% employees) OF COMMERCIAL SPACE IS ZONED AS C-2 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE OF PROPERTIES IS $763 MILLION NEARBY PARKS INCLUDE: HOME TO THE » Elm Park KERRISDALE » Kerrisdale Park COMMUNITY CENTRE as well as the Cyclone Taylor Arena » Kerrisdale Centennial Park and the Kerrisdale Library » Arbutus Greenway 164 METERED SPOTS NEARBY in addition, the Kerrisdale Parkade oers 200 free two-hour parking spots CONSIDERED 1,800-3,000 7 PEDESTRIANS PER CYCLING FRIENDLY SCHOOLS DAY IN KERRISDALE WITH A BIKE SCORE OF 100 NEARBY BUSINESSES 29% RETAIL OPERATE IN 366 KERRISDALE 20% HEALTH CARE & SOCIAL ASSISTANCE 59% MICRO BUSINESSES with fewer than five employees BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BASED ON MARKET DEMAND, COULD INCLUDE: RETAIL LEASE RATES ARE AROUND $ 48 PER SQ. FT. » Grocery store » Restaurants DOMINANT AGE RANGE DOMINANT EDUCATION LEVEL FAST FACTS % 50-54 28 BIA SIZE RESIDENTIAL MARKET SIZE YEARS BACHELOR’S DEGREE average age is 43.6 8 BLOCKS 8 SQ. KM. BUSINESS SIZE RESIDENTIAL CATCHMENT AREA POPULATION % RESIDENTS 366 BUSINESSES; 59 22,314 OF WHICH HAVE FEWER THAN FIVE EMPLOYEES with a population density of 2,800 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL PEOPLE PER SQ. KM. THE NEW ARBUTUS GREENWAY KERRYDALE PASS OPEN PLAZA COMMERCIAL SIZE MAY SPUR NEW DEVELOPMENT 156 PROPERTIES with an assessed commercial value of almost ATTRACTIONS $736 MILLION DOMINANT HOUSEHOLD INCOME $ Arbutus Greenway Cyclone Taylor Kerrisdale 200,000+ Arena Community Centre DOMINANT% AGE RANGE DOMINANT% EDUCATION LEVEL 22,314 PEOPLE 21 21 FAST FACTS YOUNG RESIDENTS% LIVE IN THE AREA 50-54 28 CHILDREN AGED 65+ BIAKERRISDALE SIZE RESIDENTIAL MARKETVILLAGE SIZE YEARS BACHELOR’S DEGREE KERRISDALEVILLAGE.COM average age is 43.6 8 BLOCKS 8 SQ. KM. BUSINESS SIZE RESIDENTIAL CATCHMENTTHE TOP AREA 3 POPULATION % % % % LANGUAGES RESIDENTS64 36616 BUSINESSES;7 59 SPOKEN22,314 AT HOME ARE ENGLISH MANDARINOF WHICH HAVECANTONESE FEWER THAN FIVE EMPLOYEES with a population density of 2,800HOME LANGUAGE: ETHNICFigure 1: Population ORIGIN: by Age The most common household language for
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