April 12, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E455 I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- for our great nation. May God bless Mathews career in public affairs. In the Harris County cation and character in all of his future accom- County and I hope to see their excellence Attorney’s Office, she served as the Executive plishments. continue into the future. Assistant to the late Mike Driscoll for 12 dedi- f f cated years. In 1994, Dana transitioned to a new career with the Houston Association of RECOGNIZING MRS. MARY NELL RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING Realtors (HAR), where she currently serves as CHEW THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF the Chief Political Strategist. GOOSE CREEK CONSOLIDATED During her 25 years at the HAR, Dana has HON. MIKE BOST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT served the group in a variety of ways, holding OF ILLINOIS diverse positions such as the Director of Prod- ucts and Services and Government Affairs Di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. BRIAN BABIN OF TEXAS rector. In each position she held, Dana led Friday, April 12, 2019 HAR with bold forethought and keen leader- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BOST. Madam Speaker, I rise today to ship. As all who had the privilege of working recognize Mrs. Mary Nell Chew of Friday, April 12, 2019 with her can attest, her tenure at HAR has Carbondale, Illinois, for her significant con- Mr. BABIN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to made the organization the best it can be. tribution to the Veterans Honor Flight of recognize and celebrate the centennial anni- Outside her work with HAR, Dana has been Southern Illinois, a program that honors vet- versary of Goose Creek Consolidated Inde- a prominent figure in the Greater Houston erans with a free trip to Washington, D.C. to pendent School District in Baytown, Harris community. She was the Founding Board visit their monuments and memorials. County, Texas. Chair of the Greater Houston Women’s Cham- As a testament to her dedication to the Goose Creek ISD was created by an act of ber of Commerce and also served as the brave men and women who have served our the Texas Legislature in February 1919. On President of the River Oaks Place Home Own- country, Mrs. Chew made the gracious deci- July 26, 1919, the first Goose Creek School ers Association. As a Mayoral appointee, sion to help fund the travel of many Southern Board was organized and hired John F. Dana currently serves as Director on the Illinois heroes on their trip to Washington. Crawford as the district’s first superintendent. Houston Housing Finance Corporation, a posi- tion that combines her passion for public serv- The daughter and wife of veterans herself, Many of the first students to attend Goose ice and her deep knowledge of real estate fi- she understands what it means for veterans to Creek schools where children of employees of nance. visit the nation’s capital and honor all the the nearby Humble Oil and Refining Company, Dana was awarded the Governmental Af- brave men and women who have served our later known as ExxonMobil. In 1922, the first fairs Outstanding Achievement Award in 2015 country. By sponsoring an entire flight herself, school bond election provided the necessary by the Texas Association of Realtors—an Mrs. Chew has allowed 90 veterans from funding for building Anson Jones Elementary award that is truly well-deserved. Dana was across generations to make this trip. School, Baytown Elementary, and Goose also named one of the 50 most influential Madam Speaker, please join me honoring Creek High School. women in Houston in the Houston Woman Mrs. Mary Nell Chew for her generosity and Goose Creek experienced tremendous Magazine, a title no doubt reflective of her dedication to our nation’s veterans. growth during the mid-twentieth century with years of professional success and personal f the annexation of Highlands in 1936 and the public service. unification of the Tri-Cities of Goose Creek, IN RECOGNITION OF MATHEWS Dana’s genuine love of her peers and dedi- Pelly, and Baytown in 1948. Cedar Bayou ISD cation to making a difference has touched not COUNTY’S HERITAGE 2019 SPRING merged with Goose Creek ISD on March 6, FESTIVAL only her colleagues, friends, and family, but 1954, forming the Goose Creek Consolidated our entire community. I thank you for your Independent School District. years of friendship and dedication to the HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN Today, Goose Creek Consolidated Inde- Greater Houston area, and I wish you all the OF VIRGINIA pendent School District is the largest employer best as I have no doubt you will find new IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the community. With nearly 24,000 students ways to be at service to the community. Friday, April 12, 2019 and twenty-eight schools, Goose Creek is the f fifty-eighth largest school district in the State Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise of Texas. HONORING THE 2019 OHIO MILI- today in recognition of Mathews County’s Her- Madam Speaker, it is my distinct honor to TARY HALL OF FAME INDUCT- itage 2019 Spring Festival. This year’s event recognize and celebrate the 100th anniversary EES will include a ‘‘Salute to the Military,’’ which of Goose Creek Consolidated Independent will feature a daylong tribute to those men and School District. May God continue to bless the HON. JIM JORDAN women of Mathews who served and now students, faculty, and communities the district OF OHIO serve in our nation’s military. The event will serves. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES also honor American Legion Post 83 on its f Friday, April 12, 2019 100th anniversary year. This year’s festival will include military dis- IN HONOR OF DANA KERVIN AND Mr. JORDAN. Madam Speaker, the Ohio plays and memorabilia from each of the serv- HER 25 YEARS OF SERVICE TO Military Hall of Fame will hold a ceremony at ices. Mathews Historical will include displays THE HOUSTON ASSOCIATION OF the Statehouse in Columbus on May 3 to mark of the USS Mathews, which served time in REALTORS the induction of its 2019 class. Selection for World War II and the Vietnam War. In addition the Hall of Fame is a high honor that has to the many great displays, the festival will been accorded to only a few hundred Ohioans HON. KEVIN BRADY since 2000. To be considered for induction, in- also include musical tributes to our military, OF TEXAS arts and crafts competitions, and the tradi- dividuals must have been decorated for heroic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES actions in a combat situation. tional May Pole Dance. I am honored to commend to the House this I am extremely proud to say that this year’s Friday, April 12, 2019 year’s 23 inductees: festival will have six Mathews’ World War II Mr. BRADY. Madam Speaker, I rise in rec- Corporal William J. Archinal (posthumously), veterans, who will share their memories and ognition of Dana Kervin and her 25 years of recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, experiences during the war. A Wall of Re- service to the Houston Association of Real- Army veteran of the Civil War. membrance will also be present at the Mat- tors. Over the past quarter of a century, Dana Corporal Milton A. Blickensderfer (post- hews Historical Museum, which includes over has spent countless hours serving and improv- humously), recipient of the Congressional 400 photographs of local residents who have ing our community. Medal of Honor, Army veteran of the Civil served and currently serve in our nation’s mili- Though not a native Texan, Dana made her War. tary. way to Houston as soon as possible. Dana Corporal William Campbell (posthumously), Madam Speaker, I ask you to join me in grew up in Rayville, Louisiana, and later at- recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, recognition of the Mathews County Heritage tended University of Louisiana at Monroe, Army veteran of the Civil War. 2019 Spring Festival. Words cannot express earning a bachelor’s degree in Business Ad- Sergeant Freeman Davis (posthumously), our gratitude for our military men and women, ministration and Management. After gradua- recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, as they have made immeasurable sacrifices tion, Dana moved to Houston to embark on a Army veteran of the Civil War. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 Apr 13, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12AP8.008 E12APPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 12, 2019 Major Thomas R. Butz, currently living in 40-year member of the Navajo County Upper Peninsula of Michigan will be held on Marietta, Georgia, recipient of the Silver Star, Hashknife Sheriff’s Posse. Reynolds has aided May 15th at Munising High School. Army veteran of the Vietnam War. in rescue operations on horseback for dec- Madam Speaker, on behalf of Michigan’s E–8 Howard Grady Deel of Delaware, re- ades and has been on 60 annual Hashknife First Congressional District, I ask you to join cipient of the Silver Star, Army veteran of the Pony Express rides. This year, the Navajo me in honoring the lives and service of our po- Vietnam War. County Sheriff’s Hashknife Posse Board has lice officers, especially those who have given Corporal Ernest G. Madden (posthumously), decided to dedicate the 61st ride to Reynolds. their lives in service to their country and com- recipient of the Silver Star, Marine Corps vet- Moving to Holbrook, Arizona with his father munities. We can never repay our debt to eran of the Vietnam War.
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