13_047291 bindex.qxp 11/10/06 10:44 AM Page 206 GENERAL INDEX Accommodations, 16–41. See also Arlington National Cemetery Accommodations Index (Virginia), 88, 106, 113 Alexandria, 37 Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 97, 113 bed-and-breakfasts, 26–27 Avalon, 184, 189 for big spenders, 25 Capitol Hill, 18, 30, 33, 37 Babysitters, 199 with character, 21–22 Baltimore Washington International for conventioneers, 21 Thurgood Marshall Airport Downtown, 18, 30–36, 38–40 (BWI), 198, 199 Dupont Circle, 18, 30, Bartholdi Park, 130 31, 33–36, 39, 40 Basilica of the National Shrine of the Foggy Bottom/West End, Immaculate Conception, 109, 113 19, 32, 37–40 Beach Drive, 129, 134 foreign-themed, 25–26 Beadazzled, 143–144, 148 Georgetown, 19, 31, 32, 36 Bed-and-breakfasts (B&Bs), 26–27 on a grassroots budget, 24–25 Bedrock Billiards, 162, 168 hip, 23 Biking, 135 historic, 26 Birchmere, 159, 168 location of, 17–18 Bistro Bis, bar at, 157, 168 Penn Quarter, 18, 32, 34 Black Cat, 159, 168 for power-brokers, 20 Blue Bar, 162, 169 reservations, 16–17 Blues Alley, 161, 169 suites, 22 The Boathouse at Fletcher’s Cove, 135 tough-to-categorize, 27 Boating, 135 Upper Northwest, 19, 31, Boat tours and cruises, 133–134 36, 37, 40, 41 Bohemian Caverns, 161–162, 169 with views, 23 Bowling, 162–163 Adams Morgan The Brass Knob, 145, 148 nightlife, 155, 168, 170, 172, 173 The Brickskeller, 158, 169 restaurant, 69 Buffalo Billiards, 162, 169 ADC Map Store, 143, 148 Bullfeathers, 156, 169 A Different Kind of Ladies Night, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 161, 171 94, 105, 113–114 Airports, 197–199 Buses, 199–200 Albert Einstein Memorial, 92 Alexandria Cam, Yannick, 46 accommodations, 37 C&O Canal National Historical nightlife, 168 Park, 134 AMC Loews Dupont, 184, 188 C&O Canal Towpath, 134 AMC Loews Georgetown, 184, 188 The Capitol, 93–94, 114 AMC Loews Wisconsin Avenue, Capitol City Brewing Company, 184, 188 158, 169 GENERAL INDEX AMC Mazza Gallerie, 184, 188 Capitol Hill American Art Museum, accommodations, 18, 30, 33, 37 87,COPYRIGHTED 100, 102, 113 nightlife,MATERIAL 168–175 America’s Spirit, 143, 148 restaurants, 67–69, 75, 76 Amtrak, 204 shopping, 148, 149 Andres, Jose, 46 Capitol Lounge, 157, 170 Apartment Zero, 145, 148 The Capitol Steps, 163, 170 Appalachian Spring, 144, 148 Car rentals, 200 Arena Stage, 180, 188 Carter Barron Amphitheater, 130, 181, 183, 189 WASHINGTON, D.C. 13_047291 bindex.qxp 11/10/06 10:44 AM Page 207 207 Chi Cha Lounge, 158, 170 Emergencies, 200 Chief Ike’s Mambo Room, 160, 170 Entertainment, 178–194 Children, families with ESPN Zone, 163, 171 attractions, 105–106 entertainment, 183–184 Families with children Chinatown restaurants, attractions, 105–106 70, 71, 74, 75, 81 entertainment, 183–184 Chocolate Moose, 145, 149 FBI Headquarters, 95, 105, 115 Christmas Attic, 145, 149 FedEx Field, 189 Cineplex Odeon Uptown, 184, 189 Filmfest DC, 184, 190 Classical music, 181 Flights of Fancy, 145, 149 Club Heaven & Hell, 160, 170 Foggy Bottom/West End Clyde’s, 164, 170 accommodations, 19, 32, 37–40 Congressional Cemetery, 107, 114 restaurants, 66, 69, 74 Congressional VIP Tours, 8 Folger Shakespeare Library, Congressional visitors’ galleries, 7 93, 115, 181 Convention center, 200 Folger Theatre, 181, 190 Corcoran Gallery of Art, 100, 114 Ford’s Theatre, 102, 115, 180, 190 Crime, 12–13 Foundry United Methodist Church, 109, 115 Daingerfield Island, 137 Franciscan Monastery, 109, 115 Dance Place, 181, 189 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, DAR Constitution Hall, 182, 189 90, 116 Daughters of the American Revolution, Frederick Douglass National Historic 103, 114 Site, 103, 116 D.C. Chamber of Commerce, 205 Freer Gallery of Art, 96–97, 116 DC Ducks, 133 The DC Improv, 164, 170 Garrett’s, 164, 171 D.C. United, 185, 189 Gay and lesbian travelers Dean & Deluca Café, 144–145, 149 nightlife, 160–161 Decatur House, 103, 114 resources, 201 Dentists, 200 Georgetown Diamond Cab, 204 accommodations, 19, 31, 32, 36 Dignity/Washington, 201 nightlife, 154, 169–171, 175 Disabilities, travelers with, 204–205 restaurants, 66, 67, 69–72, Discovery Channel Store Destination 75, 76, 78–81 D.C., 145, 149 shopping, 148–151 District of Columbia Dental Society Georgetown Bar and Billiards, 162, 171 Referral Service, 200 Georgetown University Hospital, 200 Doctors, 200 George Washington University Downtown Hospital, 200 GENERAL INDEX accommodations, 18, 30–36, Ginza, 145, 149 38–40 Glover Archbold Park, 132 nightlife, 169–171, 174, 175 Glover Archbold Trail, 132 restaurants, 71–74, 76–81 Golf, 136 shopping, 148–151 Go mama go!, 144, 149 The Dubliner, 158, 171 Grand Slam, 163, 172 Dumbarton Oaks Gardens, 131 Gravelly Point, 137 Dupont Circle accommodations, 18, 30, Habana Village, 158, 172 31, 33–36, 39, 40 Habitat, 144, 150 nightlife, 154, 169, 171–174 Halo, 160, 172 WASHINGTON, D.C. restaurants, 67, 70, 72–80 H&M, 145, 150 shopping, 148–150 Hawk ’n’ Dove, 157, 172 Hillwood Museum and Gardens, Eastern Market, 144, 149 101, 116 East Potomac Golf Course, 136 Hippodrome, 163, 172 Eighteenth Street Lounge, 164, 171 Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture The Ellipse, 134 Garden, 97, 116 13_047291 bindex.qxp 11/10/06 10:44 AM Page 208 208 Holocaust Memorial Museum, Landmark’s E Street Cinema, 190 8, 92, 105, 123 Langston Golf Course, 136 Hotels, 16–41. See also Accommodations Leeds, Jamie, 46 Index Library of Congress, 92–93, 117 Alexandria, 37 Lincoln Memorial, 89, 91, 117 bed-and-breakfasts, 26–27 Lincoln Theatre, 182, 190 for big spenders, 25 Liquor laws, 156 Capitol Hill, 18, 30, 33, 37 Lisner Auditorium, 182, 190 with character, 21–22 Loehmann’s, 145, 150 for conventioneers, 21 Lucky Strike Lanes, 162, 173 Downtown, 18, 30–36, 38–40 Dupont Circle, 18, 30, Madam’s Organ, 165, 173 31, 33–36, 39, 40 Marian Koshland Science Museum, Foggy Bottom/West End, 106, 117 19, 32, 37–40 Mary Pickford Theater, 178, 184, 190 foreign-themed, 25–26 MCCXXIII, 164, 173 Georgetown, 19, 31, 32, 36 Meridian Hill Park, 131–132 on a grassroots budget, 24–25 Merriweather Post Pavilion, 183, 191 hip, 23 Metropolitan African Methodist Epis- historic, 26 copal (A.M.E.) Church, 109, 118 location of, 17–18 Metrorail, 202–203 Penn Quarter, 18, 32, 34 Military concerts, 183, 191 for power-brokers, 20 Millennium Stage, 178, 183, 191 reservations, 16–17 Montrose Park, 129 suites, 22 Mount Vernon Trail, 134 tough-to-categorize, 27 Movies, 184 Upper Northwest, 19, 31, Mr. Henry’s, 161, 173 36, 37, 40, 41 Muléh, 145, 151 with views, 23 Mystery novels, 13 House of Musical Traditions, 143, 150 Human Rights Campaign Store and National Air and Space Museum, Action Center, 143, 150 97–98, 105, 118 National Aquarium, 104, 118 Ice-skating, 136–137 National Arboretum, 133 Indebleu, 165, 172 National Archives, 88, 118 Indian Craft Shop, 144, 150 National Building Museum, In-line skating, 136 101–102, 119 International Spy Museum, 105, 116 National Gallery of Art, 97, 119 National Geographic Museum at Jazz, 161–162 Explorers Hall, 105, 119 Jefferson Memorial, 88, 89, 122 National Law Enforcement Officers Joaquin Miller Cabin, 130 Memorial, 92, 119 JR’s Bar and Grill, 161, 172 The National Mall, 137 National Museum of African Art, Kelly’s Irish Times, 158, 173 97, 119 Kennedy Center for the Performing National Museum of American Arts, 178, 179, 182, 183, 190 History, 88, 98, 105, 119 Kennedy Center Performance National Museum of Natural History, Information, 205 98, 105, 120 GENERAL INDEX Khalil Gibran Memorial, 131 National Museum of the American Korean War Veterans Memorial, Indian, 99, 120 91, 117 National Museum of Women in the Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe, Arts, 103, 120 143, 150 National Portrait Gallery, 87, 102, 120 Kreeger Museum, 101 National Postal Museum, 101, 105, 120 National Symphony Orchestra, Lafayette Square, 131 178, 181, 183, 191 Lambda Rising, 143, 150 National Theatre, 179–180, 184, 191 WASHINGTON, D.C. 13_047291 bindex.qxp 11/10/06 10:44 AM Page 209 209 National Zoological Park, coffee-houses, 59 87, 104, 105, 120 congressional hangouts, 48 Navy Museum, 104–105, 120 Downtown, 71–74, 76–81 Newspapers and magazines, 201 dressing for, 45 New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Dupont Circle, 67, 70, 72–80 108–109, 121 for election winners, 49 Nightlife, 154–175 for first-family sightings, 47 9:30 Club, 159, 173 Foggy Bottom/West End, Nissan Pavilion at Stone Ridge, 66, 69, 74 183, 191 French, 52–53 Georgetown, 58–59, 66, 67, The Occidental, 157, 174 69–72, 75, 76, 78–81 Octagon Museum, 100, 121 gimmicky, 57–58 Old Ebbitt Grill, 157, 174 with historic surroundings, 48–49 Old Post Office Pavilion, 99–100, 121 hours, 45 Old Print Gallery, 143, 151 information sources, 47 The Old Stone House, 131 Italian, 53–54 Omega DC, 161, 174 for kids, 49 Organization of American States’ Art for little dishes, 54–55 Museum of the Americas, 131 Penn Quarter, 66, 68, 70, Outdoor activities, 128–137 73, 74, 78–80, 82 for power-brokers, 48 Pangea Artisan Market and Café, romantic, 56–57 144, 151 seafood, 50–51 Parking, 11, 201–202 smoking in, 45 Penn Quarter soul and Southern-style, 56 accommodations, 18, 32, 34 with top chefs, 46 nightlife, 155, 169, 172–175 Upper Northwest, 66–68, 70, 81 restaurants, 66, 68, 70, U Street Corridor, 67, 68, 71 73, 74, 78–80, 82 vegetarian, 50 shopping, 148 Virginia, 73 Pentagon, 95–96, 121 Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium, Pershing Park, 130–131, 136 182, 185, 192 Peterson House, 103, 115 Rock Creek Golf Course, 129, 136 Phase One, 161, 174 Rock Creek Nature Center, 130 Phillips Collection, 87, 100, 121 Rock Creek Park, 128–129, 134 Phoenix Theatres Union Station, 192 Rock Creek Park Horse Center, 129 Pierce Mill, 129 Rock Creek Parkway, 134 Platinum, 160, 174 Ronald Reagan Washington National Plotkin, Mark, 9 Airport, 197–199 Poison Center, 200 Round Robin Bar, 157, 174 GENERAL INDEX Pool halls, 162 Pulp, 144, 151 Sackler Gallery, 97, 113 St.
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