Planning Committee Tuesday, 13th July 2021, 6.30 pm The Lancastrian, Town Hall, Chorley and Microsoft Teams I am now able to enclose, for consideration at the above meeting of the Planning Committee, the following reports that were unavailable when the agenda was published. Agenda No Item 3 Planning applications to be determined The Director (Planning and Development) has submitted eleven items for planning applications to be determined (enclosed). Plans to be considered will be displayed at the meeting or may be viewed in advance by following the links to the current planning applications on our website. https://planning.chorley.gov.uk/online- applications/search.do?action=simple&searchType=Application a 20/01149/FUL - Land 60M West Of No. 3 Castle Walks (Pages 9 - 26) b 20/01053/FULMAJ - Land South Of Mercer Court And East Of Westhoughton Road, Adlington This item has been withdrawn from the agenda. c 21/01255/FULMAJ - Parklands High School, Southport Road, (Pages 27 - 48) Chorley, PR7 1LL d 20/01379/FUL - Buckshaw Hall, Knight Avenue, Buckshaw (Pages 49 - 62) Village, Chorley, PR7 7HW e 20/00987/FUL - Mediterranean At Robin Hood, Blue Stone Lane, Mawdesley This item has been withdrawn from the agenda. i 20/01087/FUL - Roecroft Farmhouse, Ulnes Walton Lane, (Pages 63 - 74) Ulnes Walton, Leyland, PR26 8LT j 21/00622/LBC - Roecroft Farmhouse, Ulnes Walton Lane, (Pages 75 - 80) Ulnes Walton, Leyland, PR26 8LT Meeting contact Nina Neisser on 01257 515140 or email [email protected] k 21/00601/CB3 - King Georges Field Play Area, Chorley Road, Adlington This item has been withdrawn from the agenda. 4 Appeals Report (Pages 81 - 82) Report of the Director of Planning and Development (enclosed). Gary Hall Chief Executive Electronic agendas sent to Members of the Planning Committee. If you need this information in a different format, such as larger print or translation, please get in touch on 515151 or chorley.gov.uk To view the procedure for public questions/ speaking click here and scroll to page 119 Agenda Page 9 Agenda Item 3a APPLICATION REPORT – 20/01149/FUL Validation Date: 27 October 2020 Ward: Croston, Mawdesley And Euxton South Type of Application: Full Planning Proposal: Erection of 1no. detached dwellinghouse Location: Land 60M West Of No. 3 Castle Walks Croston Case Officer: Amy Aspinall Applicant: Mr Philip Davidson Agent: Mr Chris Weetman, CW Planning Solutions Ltd Consultation expiry: 14 May 2021 Decision due by: 25 March 2020 UPDATE 1. The recommendation remains to refuse the application. 2. Members will recall that consideration of the application was deferred at Planning Committee on 15 June 2021 to give members the opportunity to visit the site. The original committee report follows on below. 3. Members will also recall that the following was included on the addendum: ITEM 3b - 20/00149/FUL – Land 60M West Of No. 3 Castle Walks, Croston The recommendation remains as per the original report. The report is updated as follows: 2no. further objections have been received as below: - Considerable work has already been carried out on this site, comprising: - Clearing of trees not included in notification 20/00992/TCON. - Considerable reprofiling by excavation and the laying of a large area of hardstanding. - Storage of heavy plant machinery on the site. - Considerable disruption to local residents moving heavy plant over the unadopted section of Yarrow Close. - Amendments to the plans dated 26/1/21 were not notified to residents - The accompanying case officer report clearly sets out the reasons why the application is contrary to local and national policies and why it should be refused. I repeat my previous objection for the reasons ably set out in your officer report. - Members are of course not bound to follow your recommendation; after all the reasons why more sensitive planning applications are determined by committee is so that they can be debated properly. Were the planning committee to go against your recommendation there must be good reason to do so and those reasons clearly identified and articulated (see for example Agenda Page 10 Agenda Item 3a The Lawyers in Local Government Model Council Planning Code and Protocol). This must especially be the case here, as little weight can be given to the benefits deriving from the delivery of a single "high end" dwelling. - Additionally, if members of the Planning Committee were minded to approve the application I would ask that their attention be especially drawn to the potential for significant archaeological remains and the lack of appropriate field evaluation (contrary to NPPF 189). Therefore if Members do not agree with your recommendation for refusal, then clearly the decision should, at the very least, be deferred (see again The Lawyers in Local Government Model Council Planning Code and Protocol) until such field evaluation works have been carried out. Officer comment: Site clearance /excavations / hardstanding – An objection states that a number of works have recently been carried out at the site. This has been reported to reported to planning enforcement to investigate. Amended plans and no re-notification to neighbours – as the revisions to the plans were relatively minor in the context of the scheme as a whole it was not necessary to re-notify to neighbours. Impact on ecological interests Policy BNE9 (Biodiversity and Nature Conservation) of the Chorley Local Plan 2012 – 2026 stipulates that Biodiversity and Ecological Network resources will be protected, conserved, restored and enhanced in a number of ways which includes protecting, safeguarding and enhancing habitats for European, nationally and locally important species. In their original comments the Council’s appointed ecologist at Greater Manchester Ecology Unit (GMEU) advised that the submitted ecological survey provided not no assessment of the impacts of the proposal on the habitats present. GMEU have clarified that this is in relation to the site supporting swap and scrub, which are potentially valuable habitats and no mitigation is proposed for its loss. In addition, a landscaping scheme has not been submitted as part of the planning application and it would, therefore, appear that the scheme would result in a net loss in biodiversity. It is, however, considered that mitigation and biodiversity gains could be addressed by way of condition. The landscaping scheme would also need to incorporate native species and a number of suitable species for the site has been identified in the ecological report at Appendix III The submitted ecological report identifies that the proposed development would not harm protected species interests. In particular the surveyed trees have been identified as having negligible bat roost potential and suggested bat enhancements have been provided at Appendix II of the ecological survey. Such details could be controlled by way of a suitably worded condition. In respect of Great Crested Newts the report identifies that given the isolation of pond within the contiguous landscape, coupled with poor connectivity to extending areas of suitable habitat, it is considered to be highly unlikely that this development will impact upon great crested newts. The Rapid Risk Assessment provides that an offence is highly unlikely. Himalayan Balsam is an invasive species and this has been identified at the site and measures for its control /eradication could be controlled by way of a suitably worded condition The report identifies no evidence of use of the site by barn owl or kingfisher, however, the habitat supports nesting birds. An appropriate condition could control clearance or vegetation removal to avoid the main nesting season. The ecological report suggests a number of enhancement measures for birds and such details could be controlled by way of a suitably worded condition. Subject to various conditions, the proposed development would not be detrimental to nature conservation intertest and would accord with Chorley Local Plan 2012 -2026 policy BNE9. ORIGINAL COMMITTEE REPORT Agenda Page 11 Agenda Item 3a RECOMMENDATION 1. It is recommended that planning permission is refused for the following reasons: 1. The proposed development would result in the loss of protected open space which is identified of high value and makes a significant contribution to the character of the area in terms of visual amenity. There is currently a deficit of amenity greenspace in the ward and the loss of this site would exacerbate this deficit. The proposal is, therefore, contrary to policy HW2 (Protection of Existing Open Space, Sport and Recreational Facilities) of the Chorley Local Plan 2012 -2026. 2. The proposed development would fail to meet the statutory test to preserve and would cause harm to both the character and appearance of the conservation area and the visual amenities of the area. The proposed development is, therefore, contrary to policies BNE1 and BNE8 of the Chorley Local Plan 2-12 -2026, policy 16 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy (2012) and the National Planning Policy Framework at Chapter 16. 3. Insufficient information has been submitted to assess the archaeological value of the site which has significant potential as the site of castle, moat or other fortified structure. The proposed development is, therefore, contrary to policy BNE8 of the Chorley Local Plan 2012 -2026, policy 16 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy (2012) and the National Planning Policy Framework at Chapter 16. 4. The application site falls within flood zone 3 and the Exception Test of paragraph 160 (a) of the Framework is failed as it is not considered that the wider sustainability benefits to the community have been demonstrated. SITE DESCRIPTION 2. The application site is comprised of a large parcel of land situated between the River Yarrow and the houses of Yarrow Close. The land is situated within the settlement boundary of Croston and falls within flood zone 3. It is designated as existing open space and falls within the defined Croston Conservation Area.
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