Le rtuturai emocrauc KepUDIIc O0 vtrniopia Ethiopian Roads Authority 'I, International Development Association ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS OF THE FIVE ROADS SELECTED FOR REHABILITATION AND/OR Public Disclosure Authorized UPGRADING ALEMGENA-HOSSAINA-SODO ROAD Public Disclosure Authorized !~~ WX ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~.- ...-. *, Public Disclosure Authorized Final Report October 1997 [r5 PLANCENTERLTD Opastinsilta6, FIN-00520HELSINKI, FINLAND Public Disclosure Authorized L X Phone+358 9 15641, Fax+358 9 145150 EA Report for the Alemgena-Hossaina-SodoRoad Final Report TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................. ABBREVIATIONSAND ACRONYMS. ......................... iv GENERALMAP OF THE AREA . ..................... .v V EXECUTIVESUMMARY .... vi l.INTRODUCTION.... I 1.1 Background . .I 1.2 Location of the Study Area ............... I1 1.3 Objectiveof the Study . 1 1.4 Approachand Methodologyof the Study. 2 1.5 Contents of the Report. 3 2. POLICY,LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONALFRAMEWORK... 4 2.1 Policy Framework . 4 2.2 Legal Framework . 6 2.3 InstitutionalFramework. 8 2.4 Compensationand Resettlement . .12 2.5 Public Consultation . .15 3. DESCRIPTIONOF THE PROPOSEDROAD PROJECT.16 4. BASELINEDATA .. 18 4.1 Descriptionof the Road Environment .18 4.2 Physical Environment . .20 4.2.1 Climate and hydrology.20 4.2.2 Physiography.20 4.2.3 Topographyand hydrography.21 4.2.4 Geology .21 4.2.5 Soils and geomorphology.21 4.3 BiologicalEnvironment . .21 4.3.1 Land use .21 4.3.2 Flora .22 4.3.3 Fauna .22 4.4 Human and Social Envirornment.23 4.4.1 Characteristicsof the populationliving by/alongthe road .23 4.4.2 Housingsituation .26 4.4.3 Local economicactivities by the road . 28 4.4.4 Social acceptabilityof the project .30 4.4.5 Constructioncamnps 31 5. POTENTIALENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ... 34 5.1 Physical Environment . .34 5.1.1 Soil and erosion .34 5.1.2 Hydrological conditions and water quality ... 35 5.1.3 Nuisance noise .35 5.1.4 Air quality.35 5.2 Natural Environmentand Biodiversity . .36 5.2.1 Loss of terrestrial vegetation .36 5.2.2 Destructionof wildlife habitat and impediment to movement of wildlife.36 5.2.3 Encroachmentinto ecologicallysensitive areas36 Plancenter Ltd i October 1997 EA Report for the Alemgena-Hossaina-Sodo Road FinalReport 5.3 Humanand Social Environment:Social Issues .36 5.3.1 Social acceptability.36 5.3.2 Resettlement/displacementof people. 36 5.3.3 Demographicchanges .37 5.3.4 Change in way of life 37 5.3.5 Impacts on women .37 5.3.6 Impacts on indigenouspeoples .38 5.3.7 Induced development.38 5.3.8 Conflicts between locals and immigrants 38 5.4 Human and Social Environnent: EconomicIssues .39 5.4.1 Loss of agriculturallands .39 5.4.2 Loss of grazing land .39 5.4.3 Loss of property.39 5.4.4 Employmentopportunities .40 5.4.5 Change in economicactivities .40 5.4.6 Effects on public and privateservices . 40 5.4.7 Impacts on national economy.41 5.5 Humanand Social Envirorunent:Other Issues .41 5.5.1 Cultural,religious and historicalareas . 41 5.5.2 Health and sanitary issues .42 5.5.3 Road safety.42 5.5.4 Public consultation.42 6. ANALYSISOF ALTERNATIVES . .44 7. MITIGATIONMANAGEMENT PLAN ... 45 7.1 PhysicalEnvironent . .45 7.1.1 Soil and erosion .45 7.1.2 Hydrologicalconditions and water quality ... 46 7.1.3 Nuisancenoise . ........... 47 7.1.4 Air quality ............ 47 7.1.5 Constructionspoils ..... ....... 47 7.2 Natural Environmentand Biodiversity ................ 47 7.2.1 Loss of terrestrial vegetation ..... ........ 47 7.2.2 Effects on wildlife and wildlifehabitat ..... 48 7.3 Humanand Social Environment:Social Issues ..... ..... 48 7.3.1 Social acceptability..................... 48 7.3.2 Resettlement/displacementof people ....... 49 7.3.3 Demographicchanges .................. 49 7.3.4 Change in way of life ....... ........ 49 7.3.5 Impacts on women ..................... 50 7.3.6 Impacts on indigenouspeoples ...... ...... 50 7.3.7. Induced development ................... 50 7.3.8 Conflictsbetween locals and immigrants .... 50 7.4 Humanand Social Environment:Economic Issues ....... 50 7.4.1 Loss of agriculturallands ................ 50 7.4.2 Loss of grazing land ................ ...51 7.4.3 Loss of property .............. 51 7.4.4 Employmentopportunities .......... 51 7.4.5 Effects on public and privatesector .... 51 7.5 Human and Social Environment:Other Issues . ......... .52 7.5.1 Cultural, religious and historicalareas ...... 52 PlancenterLtd ii October1997 EA Report for the Alemgena-Hossaina-SodoRoad Final Report 7.5.2 Health and sanitary issues ...... ......... 52 7.5.3 Public consultation ............ 52 8. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ..................... 58 8.1 Soil and Erosion..................... 58 8.2 Terrestrial Vegetation ............................. 58 8.3 Agricultural Land ............................. 58 8.4 Health and Safety ............................. 59 8.5 Nuisance Noise and Dust ........................... 59 8.6 Equipment Fueling and Maintenance ................. 59 8.7 Cleanup ............. ............... 59 8.8 Monitoring of Social and Economic Issues ........ 59 9. TRAINING NEEDS .... ........ 60 APPENDICES Appendix 1. List of Team Members Appendix 2. References/Baseline Documents Appendix 3. List of Organizations, Institutions and Persons Met/ Interviewed during the Work Appendix 4. Field Visit Programme Appendix 5. Minutes of the Public Consultation Appendix 6. NGO Questionnaire Appendix 7. Scoping List for Environmental Impacts Appendix 8. Baseline Data/Physical and Natural Environment Appendix 9. Baseline Data/Human and Social Envirownent PlancenterLtd iii October 1997 EA Report for the Alemgena-Hossaina-Sodo Road Final Report ABBREVIATIONS ADLI Agricultural-Development-Led-Industrialization EA EnvironmentalAssessment EELPA EthiopianElectric and Power Authority EIA EnvironmentalImpact Assessment EIRR EconomicalInternal Rate of Return EPA EnviromnentalProtection Authority EPE EnvironmentalProtection of Ethiopia(Proclamation 1/1995) ERA EthiopianRoads Authority ETCA TransportConstruction Authority EU European Union FA Farmers Association FDRE Federal DemocraticRepublic of Ethiopia m.a.s.l. meters above sea level KAT KembataAlabana Timbaro (Zone) MEDAC Ministry of EconomicDevelopment and Cooperation NGO Non-governmentalOrganization NPV Net Present Value PA Peasants Association RGRRO Regional GovernmentRural Road Organization RSDP Road Sector DevelopmentProgram SNNP SouthernNations and Nationalitiesand Peoples(Region) TCDE Transport ConstructionDesign Enterprise TOR Terms of Reference TFR Total Fertility Rate TGE Transitional Governmentof Ethiopia UNESCO UnitedNations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization Plancenter Ltd iv October 1997 PROPOSED ROAD UNDER RSDR TRUNK ROAD Phase I Phase 2 - APolt Upgraidg Rood AdOflod upgrodi-c Ronc _ 5.orl P9rding Rood Gma OpgmdiNrR-cd Aphoit ROobilotio Rood MAJOR LINK ROAD Phase I Phase 2 - Ao W daop Rood = upa din8 Rood /ME *eodRf.ro G.ood 0050005 dod AOpdOd pgrdig RQau NEW CONSTRUCTIONMAJOR LINK ROAD rNo.0000 ~Phase I _ Phase 2 ALL WEATHER ROADS ME"(flE _ Po.d Rood -_ 008 ? -oei Rd -- Raiivy K.r§<I P OJECT '!ROAQ!,O E R SECTOR '' A -- ;f L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'- i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H ]\T OEREISKOloa ENIOMNA IMAC El 1 ..... ,_ -# s ]6__x z -ZL- - -- ;,;f \ ......................................................OF..THE...ROAD.--E - lC eGg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L$D-- Lkt/ m :,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LCTO"Sh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~igureDaMAP ti~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For. Dat EA Reportfor the Alemgena-Hossaina-SodoRoad Final Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background An Environmental Analysis of the Five Road Projects chosen for rehabilitation and/or upgrading as well as an EnvironmentalAnalysis of the Road Sector of Ethiopia, was commencedin May 1997.The Five Roads includeAlemgena-Hossaina-SodoRoad, Woldiya- Adigrat-ZalambessaRoad, Debre Markos-GondarRoad, Awash-Kulubi-DireDawa-Harar Road and Mojo-Awash-MilleRoad. This report includes the environmentalanalysis of upgradingof the Alemgena-Hossaina-SodoRoad. The environmental analysis study was carried out by an expert team of Plancenter Ltd (Finland)consisting of Finnishand Ethiopianexperts representing various expertise including environmentalimpact assessment (EIA) methodology, road engineering, environmentaland naturalsciences, sociologyand hydrogeology.The consultantteam was complementedby a counterpartperson from the EthiopianRoads Authority (ERA). The objective of this EA study has been to identify and quantify - to the extentpossible -the likely negativeand positivephysical, natural, human and social environmentalimpacts of the proposedroad work as presentlydesigned and suggest and produce cost estimates regarding the required mitigatingmeasures to be implemented to avoid or minimizethese negative impacts. The methodologyused for carryingout the work include(1) collectionand reviewof baseline data and relevantdocuments, including relevant World Bank directives,guidelines and other documents; relevant legislation, policy papers and guidelines of the Ethiopian road and environmental sector, as well as other relevant sectors; designs for the proposed road improvements;maps and literature;(2) interviewingorganizations, institutions and persons relevant to the work; (3) site visits; the whole road section was studied by the team; and (4) carrying out a public consultationinvolving different governmentaland non-governmental organizationsrelevant to the road section,interviews in variousoffices along the road as well as informal road side interviewsduring the above site visit.
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