"The Risen (Jeneration" Cowl's Straw Ballot Cuild Hall—Hope St. On Page Four Oct. 28, 29. 30 Vote Today It's here because it's true not true because it's here. Vol. 2. No. 4. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE. PROVIDENCE, R. I., OCTOBER 23, 1936 5c a Copy. Arranging Dance DRAMATIC CLUB Get Student Tickets at PLANS FOR NEW the Athletic Office O'MARA, WALSH, TO HOLD FIRST Today MUSICAL COMEDY HUGHES ELECTED Student.* wishing to attend the SEASONMEETING Boston College game Saturday on a student-price ticket should ob• NOW UNDERWAY BY SENIOR CLASS tain their tickets today at the Ath• Blackfriars to Present letic Office. After 6 p.m. no studen; "Soup and Fish" Sched• Slate Completed in Short Three-act Play. Nugent tickets will he Issued. From pres• uled for Production Session with Two Receives Appointment ent indications a banner number ul in Early April students is making the trip to Reelections The Pyramid Players, the dramatic Newton. However the athletic office That there will be a successor to trganliation of the College, issues Its < wishes to emphasize the fact that Tbe senior class met yesterday last year's highly successful and well innual call to arms and will hold a all students must enter by the stu• during the 11:30 period for the elec• received musical comedy. "The Stu• neetlng tonight in the Auditorium at dent Rare a: the Newlnn Heights tion Of the remainder of the senior dent Quints." was assured this week ":30 o'clock. Plans will be discussed, field. Only one ticket is being is• officers for the coming year. Joseph with the announcement that such a or the coming season which will sued to each student at the fifty- F. Carew. who was elected president project will be undertaken by the mil.ilily consist of two major pro- five cent rate, but leserved seats of the class at a special meeting a Pyramid Players again this year. It short time ago. presided over the actions and a series of laboratory < may he purchased at the Office for Is planned to present an entertain• meeting. The results of the election 'lays. Tentative plans are being one dollar and ten cents. ment on the same gigantic scale as showed Raymond J. O'Mara of Staten ..!']•• tor a musical comedy sometime Go to the athletic office now to that of last year, and to call upon RAYMOND C. BAKER Island. N. V., winning over Michael :uring the second semester and some- procure your ticket. You will not student co-operation for acting, writ• j F. Donahue of Providence for the hing of a more serious nature early be able to obtain one at the special ing music, stage work, and member• office of Vice-president, and Lawrence n the year. price tomorrow. The team needs ship in the chorus. Specialty singers J. Walsh of Providence, over Carl S. All the students of the College are your support in its game against 1 and dancers will also find spots in Angelica of Thompsonvllle for Treas• nvited to attend this meeting whether Boston College. the new production. JUNIORS SEECT urer. Edward R. Hughes of New heir interest be in acting, playwrit- , Haven was chosen as secretary of E. Riley Hughes. '37. author of "The •iv directing, set design, set con• the class by acclamation. Student Quints." Is at present en• structing, stage work, electrical work, i DANCE BAND gaged in writing the new play which make-up. publicity, dancing, singing, Nominations Come Fast he is going to call "Soup and Fish." or any or the various activities con- At 11:35 Chairman Carew rapped SOCIOLOGY GROUP He refuses to divulge any details con• Jimmy Walsh Chosen Tofo r order, and after a preliminary rected with the theatre. cerning the plot other than to hint Father Nagle is anxious to have It Play at Hallowe'en discussion, announced that nomina• that there will be Indians in it. The tions for the office of Vice-president mderstood that only those who Eve Frolic HOLDS JJEMINAR plot, he admitted when Interviewed, were in order. Immediately John i ill be considered when the casting will not be In any way a sequel to Doris or the Arts division arose to Hason begins. It will be necessary Jimmy Walsh and his orchestra last year's play, nor will a college nominate Michael F. Donahue. Doris therefore for those who hope to play Course for Advanced Sen• will feature the inaugural Junior setting be used this year. The script was followed by Gerald H. Duffy, who •t any time during tbe year to notify iors Meets On Dance of the year to be held at should be finished by Thanksgiving placed tbe name of O'Mara in the tie officials of the Pyramid Players Harkins Hall. October 30. This occa• Mondays week. Mr. Hughes is Inclined to field. John H. Fairbrother and Wal• i it bin tbe next two weeks. sion will introduce a new band maes• think that it probably won't be. ter E. Campbell were also named, be• Special rates for season subscrip- tro to the Providence devotees of A series of weekly Sociology Semi- fore the nominations were closed. Although no definite date for the the terpsichorean art. But college tons to Tbe Blackfriars' Guild may The count showed O'Mara polling 26 nais to be conducted by Rev, Vincent presentation of "Soup and Fish" has men are not strangers to this re• r; secured by members of the Pyra- votes, Donahue 19. Fairbrother 7, and C. Dore. O.P., was opened at Harkins been selected, it is the intention of nown baton swinger. Mr. Walsh en• i id Players through Walter Glb- Campbell 6. There were 63 seniors Hall last Monday evening, with twen• the Pyramid Players to schedule the tertained last year at the LaSalle l .ns. '39. present at the meeting. musical comedy for late in March or At tbe next meeting of the Play- ty students attending. Father Dore Alumni Ball, and also at social func• early in April. tions at the Dartmouth College Win• - s elections will be held. announced Wednesday that five addi• The name of E. Riley Hughes for Last years production of the "Stu• ter Carnival, and at Colby College. Secretary was presented to the group Blackfriars' Present Play tional applicants have been accepted, dent Quints" was the first of its kind If experience is any instructor, and by Richard P. Boucher of Providence. "The Risen Generation." a three- but no more can be accommodated in the past ten years. The success of precedence any criterion. Mr. Walsh After John I. McCabe of Pawtucket i I play, written by the Rev. Urban The procedure to be followed, he ex• the affair staged last year was so .-liould make his debut at Providence and Francis J. McCarthy of Brighton ( igle. O.P.. National Director of the plained, makes it necessary to have a a most successful one Featured with great that it has revived the musical had refused to run for office, a mo• I ackfriars Guild and Director of very small group. .Membership is re• the orchestra, composed of twelve comedy as a form of entertainment tion was passed to close the nomina• i amatics at Providence College, will stricted to Senior Sociology students members, will be two individual vo• tions. This left Hughes without op• at the College. o presented in Guildhall, Hope in the regular college courses. calists, a trio, and many novel or• position, and automatically placed During the next few months those 3 reet, on October 28, 29. 30. at chestral arrangements. 1 him in the office of secretary, a posi• The specific subjects for discussion, in charge of the coming production • 30 p. m. This is a post-col- tion which he has held since his one for each week, are as follows: will give much of their time In order The Junior Social Committee de- *^e play dealing with people Sophomore year. to insure its success. (Continued on Page 4. Col. 3) v if. have been left floundering by 1. The Meaning. Scope, and His• Walsh Re-elected Treasurer Hanging standards and a depression tory of Social Work. Lawrence J. Walsh who has n>- .. —a thought-provoking social comedy 2. Social Case Work and the treasurer of the class of '37 for the U a mad setting of football cheers Family. Cowl Sponsors Straw Ballot on Coming past three years was elected again 3. Dependent and Neglected Child• kjd racoon coats. I'ncle Pete, ac• to that office by a 27-16 vote over his ren. knowledged cynic, attacks the bard Elections and Pertinent Subjects nearest opponent. Walsh's name was •irface sophistication Of the young 4. The Adult Dependent. placed In nomination by George J. 5. Family Welfare Work. r* with unexpected results. It Is What with predictions of the presi• printed beside the name of each. All Kelly of Providence. Kelly was presi• |*>dern and smart to the point of be- 6. Organization for Publi.- Health. dential elections filling many lines of that Is necessary to vote, is to mark dent of the class In his sophomore 7. Medical and Psychiatric Social type in the newspapers and clutter• a check In the box aside of the name year. Work. Nugent Appointed ing up ether waves. It would seem no of your choice. Also included on this Following the nomination of Walsh, 8. Group and Associatiunal Activi• more than proper to give the stu• ballot are questions of timely inter• Ur. Harry Nugent, President of the the names of Francis J.
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