Lion , PS I Parti es Ann ounce Slates ¦ ¦ * « 3 Seek Clas s Posts PSI Nomina tes Shall By PAT DYBLf E commission would be created includes the support of such lighting The plank also By ALLAN YODER a party's nomination will try to nomination and then h e Shall said the USG elections within the party to decide if in- programs as includes the establishment of a Collegian Staff Writer Colloquy , the ex- Collegian Staff Writer get all of his supporters to nominated Stilletano. '' We this year arc " much too im- dependent candidates for the pansion of the present pass-fai! committee to investigate "un- come to the convention." need someone who has not portant mid too crucial not to Three candidates for class nominees of the Party for Stu- system, expansion of the ex- fair " practices by town Don Shall won the Party for "T he fact is, there has been been tied to the past, but who vote. " He said a strong and presidential posts became the dent Interest would be endors- perimental college and the businessmen in the areas of Student Interest (PSI) a table set up on the ground looks to the future." Stimeling well-supixirted president 1 s nominees of the Lion Party at ed for USG executive positions. establishmen t of a tutorial pro- student employment and stu- nomination for Undergraduate floor of the Hetzel Union Bu'ld- said. "Wc need someone who necdeci next year, "whether its convention last night. Tom Zwickl, Party vice gram ' to bring the un- dent services." Student Government president ing for any student who wanted can be a communicator be- it 's me or somebody else." Jeff Grove (3rd-liberal arts- chairman, presented the plat- derprivileged up to the Brad Lawrence. Interfrater- last night in a surprising and to sisn up with PSI. Now hnw tween the students and the Ad- The only oilier candidate York) is the party's nominee form of the recently reorganiz- academic standards of the nity Council treasurer, tense battle for the PSI could this be stacked unfair- ministration ." he ndded. running against Shall is Ted for sophomore class president. ed party to more than 75 mem- University. delivered the nominating nomination. ly?" Alexander asked. After the hassling ior the Thompson. USG vice president, Mike K 1 e e m a n , sophomore bers at the convention. The establishment of the speech for Grove. He said that Shall, who earlier this week Alexander also asked why nomination was completed , who is running as an in- class president, was nominated The platform states: Univerity as a "solely Grove "can provide the type of had declared himself a can- StimcUng needed the PSI balloting was conducted Shall dependent. for the junior class presidency. "The Lion Party of 1969 has academic community" and the leadership Penn State needs." didate for the party ' s nomination when he could have won by a vote of 115 to 57. Im- Shall nominated the PSI can- Tony Clifford, who is junior a modern platform which will provision for law enforcement Lawrence commented, "When nomination, was the only stu- had the nomination of the Stu- mediately after the results didates for USG vice president class vice president and a allow for progressive change "by the agencies normally he speaks, what he says is dent whom spectators an- dent Party on which Stimeling were announced, more than 50 and treasurer. "The two people member of the Undergraduate meaningful, well thought ticipated would be nominated. originally said he was going to people, mostly Stilletano and I choose had to be juniors , .so while preventing hasty, recognized for such a purpose out , Student -Government Ad- destructive action. The plat- in society" are the major and researched." Instead Dennis Stimeling, run. There was no answer, but Stimeling supporters, walked that they would not be suspect West Halls congressman, also, later, Alexander speculated out. of greater political ambitions ministrative Action Com- form can be divided into the points of the legal affairs plank Acceptance Speech mission, received the was nominated for the USG that the reason was that the Shall Accepts Nomination on this campus." Shall said. three major areas of academic of the platform. presidency. Then he nominated Aron Ar- nomination for senior class affairs, legal affairs, and Programs under University- In his acceptance speech , Student Party did not get In accepting the nomination . president. Grove said. "I am pledged Stimeling had declared enough people to join its ranks. Shall told the convention. "I bittier. East Halls con- Unive rsity-community af- community a ffairs include to a himself a candidate for the gressman for vice president Tony Berosh, Lion Party fairs." "making the University a safer platform dedicated to closing After Stimeling was need your help. I need you to the communications Student Party nomination , and nominated, he went to the vote for me and need 3 011 to and Ted Itzkowitz for Chairman, announced - that a The academic , affairs- area place by increasing campus gap." until Monday night, had stated Grove was nominated by ac- podium and made two state- get other students to vote. treasurer. Both were he was going to run for presi- ments. First, he declined the Hopefully, for me." nominated by acclamation. clamation. dent and campaign actively for Grove's platform states: the Student Party nomination. "Following a disappointing Last night, however , freshman year, the Class of '72 Stimeling told The Daily Col- must succeeed in achieving a legian he had no intention of prominent position in student going through with his plans to affairs." His platform contains seek the Student Party specific programs in the areas nomination. rfT ixR of academics and student af- Womer Nominates Shall fairs. Shall s name was placed in In his nominating speech for nomination by Jim Womer. Mike Kleeman, Chad Sension USG president. Instead of (12th-business logistics- praising Shall and listing his Havertown. cited a largely in- qualifications for office, as was creased class budget as an ex- expected. Womer told the con- ample of Kleeman's successful vention that there is "a group accomplishments in office. on this campus which believes Kleeman, accepting the student government is a game unanimous nomination, said , played between classes and "I'll try as much for success jammies." next year as this year." He added that the group Kleeman's proposals for next "has begun a calculated cam- year include having Mark paign to slander and malign Lane, author of "Rush to the candidate whom I am Judgement," speak at the nominating (Shall)." Sources Class Forum , a S1000 donation close to the party indicated from the class treasury that Womer was referring to for the for class gift, guest speakers for Stimeling's belated bid commencement and a class PSI's nomination. newspaper. Stimeling's name was placed in nomination by Tom North Nominates StiUetano, former chairman ot Party and Jerry North , administrative the Student vice president Stimeling' s ca mpaign 'of IFC, named manager. Stilletano said he Tony Clifford for the was nominating Stimeling "to nomination. North said , "He is keep the convention open." He —Collegian Photo by Ron Marshal! shown to be a prominent class that leader. said he resents the fact " PSI's convention is "not open" Hums! Accepting the nomination. people at the Collflgiin Photo by Ron Marshall Conventions . • • STUDENTS in audience in 121 Sparks applaud as Don Clifford said and that "the . "I know I'm the head.of this party are trying to Shall is selected as the Party of Student Interest nominee. best qualified and am sure I'll DON SHALL (right), nommea ot the PSI party, accepts the stack the convention for I 9\*r W Mj %tt %^ | • • • do a good job nexfr«year." Shall." The Victor party'i nomination as his opponent, Tom Stilletano »»">ff )efr5ofire Clifford's platform is divided Stilletano asserted that PSI (center), looks on. into three areas. Concerning tried to get as many of Snail's the first area , spirit, he said supporters as possible to join Vanquished that the Class of '70 lacks a the party, so that there would "unifying force" In the second be no contest at the con- area, government. Clifford vention. "If it weren't for my Recent Attacks Prom pt said that he will "work ac- placing Stimeling's name in tively to increase the power of nomination, there wouldn ' t USG as well as that of the even be a need for balloting." 'Amer ican Racism' Speaker senior class." He proposes to Mike Alexander, chairman of assist culturally deprived in- PSI, defended his party's tac- Stude nt Patro l Proposal dividuals to gain a college tics and its convention. "It is degree in his third main area, obvious," Alexander said , according to the plan. Two patrolmen education. "that any candidate who wants Proposes Education Changes By GLENN KRANZLEY tions, , unarmed and not uniformed, would be assigned Collegian Staff Writer to each section. Unless immediate changes It is impossible to rate a school office. Union officials * * * are implemented in the present teacher on competence operat- interpreted the reassignment Recent attacks on students on campus have The patrolmen would carry some form of American educational system, ing under those conditions," he as dismissal. McCoy said. The sparked varied student response, including identification, such as a card or an armband. black, Puerto Rican and other sa id. resulting UFT strike brought charges of Campus Patrol inefficiency and pro- Their two-way radios would be set to the Announces minority child ren will "remain McCoy said New York City out New York police along with posals to organize vigilante groups.
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