AUTOMOBILES, ETC STATE, WASHINGTON, D. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY IT, 1925. ROOMS. ETC. 30 THE EVENING C. t APARTMENTS—FURNISHED FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES IN —Encore!! , —By ALBERTINE RANDALL ((ontlnnrd) RABBITBORO 4 Continued.) LlvTNii KOOMTST EKPING R(T(m. KIT< HKN LUXE,coupe, new. ~~uaed hath, first one-half CHEVROLET DE week; ruliy floor: within block Tivoli one month; must he Hold thin Theater; $65. Address Box 191 V, .star office. equipped with Awmperx front mid \onr. »*p«»»* meter tire, windshield wilier, mirror, motor WANTKJ) A YOr\G LAI)T TO SHAKE 2- and bar. nickel radiator, look stearlnf ' A. / \ ( WOULD ( PUMW ) room. for $«->: *»»* Y6O MtSSED PoREYEI DIPNT kitchen and bath apt. 1619 It sf. n.w. * tr.; coat $875; will saertUce ,T No. 464 12* ia bi*r barf a m for a - : a saving of $250 and a °°« ft be U you ( . 1620 ST. N —FR(7nt7~<>NE oar that . au’t told from a new one. ) . N. VV.. APT. 631 ( VSfU! room, $299 and bnIdnee TSJStfJ 4 v kitchenette pnd bath completely fur- haren’t nil cash will accept mT XT mahogany: tan i*e seen at my home. HUU ai- nished in unusually attractive and monthly. any reasonable, fall evenings Sunday. gonne Terrace n.w. rol. 872 time. and Phone Pot. 1900. 17* late CLBVBlXxi>"'»sl*AN. 1»—'• balam e. PLYMOUTH, -- TWO ROOMS’, tton all through. Term*. *B*o 'Utah. i OItNER. tom. » Tr kitchen, bath, south and west exposures; now $42.50 monthly. N _986». I<-*T : * 1022; vacant; S6O North 1352 W. CIJCVELAND SPORT TOURING. «J*r- I*3o K hauled repainted. Perm a. cash. »-*¦ • ST. VW.. WILLHOXIA. APT. 504 and t onn. j One room, kitchenette, and $28.97. N 9890. I«2« aye. bath sleeping balance. _ pen ?o party buying furniture, «» dv»'- h all or part of CI.BVra.ANO TOURING. MM*; uaed renl $50.06 • oni.tr*tor; condition lerm*. moutlily. N. 9800. THE 921 19th 81 N.W ONE »•* sli; balance, *3H.»3 CAMBRIDGE. 1727 Conn. ave. room, dining al*ore, kitchen and bath, $75. 1448 Girard st. nw. -One room. dining DODGE SEDAN. 1923 DM* alcove, kitchen and 9.800 tailer. SBOO. Main bath. S6O equipped; driven GKO. W I.INKINS. 1719 K ST. 6620. Apt. 810 **__ 2 ROOMS RE< EPTION HALL IIODGE SEDAN. 1922: print* reasonable. KITCHEN foall. M. 53,>4. Jr™* and bath, very well fnrnt«hed. in first-Ha** if desired. G. H apartment house, all outside rooms. Phone ii e. _ Potomac 1906 Apt. 340 ll* and runs ~ DODGE TOURING. lut, '2l: looks 3425 HOLM f;AI* PI N.W TW(» WELL most now. Torn.*. *lf*t» rush. balance. a 1 like > < heated, newly decorated rooms: T-T outside adult* $22 .10 monthly. X. »*<*>¦ only: 1.h.k.; phone service. Adams 1723. l*y owner: per FORD Tontixo. 1824; driven fU)7~N extras. Col. 1*143. *- 1262 COLUMBIA W fort condition: Two rooms and bath, complete for hon«e. buys Ford *'*r FORDS Several stood ju . A ,n keepmg: adults. oars are in excellent condition and will Those terms ami at 1227 GIRARD -TWO NICELY FURNISHED bo sold to any one on reasonable exposure; bedroom, kitchen, dining trade, if "*rT southern the ritrht priro; for i sedan, room. sink, gas range, dec., gas. phone; $45 ,ng. $17.1; roup.', $221: sedan. >22,», and aI'I i'o., I. st. n.w. ATTRACTIVE 1 AND 2 late. $321. Wallace Motor UOO APARTMENTS. Slain 7012. FOR FOB FOR SALE—AUTO TRUCKS KENT ROOMS—FURNISHED !!KENT ROOMS—FUR. OR UNFUR. rooms, kitche e and bath. 1811 G st and SALE—AUTOMOBILES- SALE—AUTOMOBILES. 2006 ‘1 st.. all depts.; improve 24: cash or term". FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES , *;« n modern FORD TOCHIXO I AH.. FORD LIGHT DELIVERY. 1923: *l3«. terms'. (r«ntlou«d.) 1311 P ST. N.W 1 ri<.r with running wat«r, menta; adults, i'll!Frank. 7133 Hailey’s t.arafe, 1828 1* at. n.w*. _u j Lin, 644 ar» n.e . open evening*. electririty; suitable for professional or 1 .OOK!! READ!!' c K ¦ REAL BARGAINS. jj 6440. Md 11l EN w Two or thw conduct ing bonne * Jht 1120 COLUMBIA RD TWO ATTRACTIVE amt paint perfect: ex- STOP! 7 Fwrd up kffpitiK rcaMinabb*; pri office; reasonable. Kiris COUPE AHotly ft touring touring*, «*dan* and coup** SSO | GAS TANK like new; nwiinn; \v* 11 hffatwl: ' large room*, kitchenette, bath, pantry, .Ollent condition; seat covers, lock Ccltimbta llifht s‘29o Dept. IPiM Studebaker 275 < FORD TRUCK. 191*4 • tnink mechanical Buirk touring, light 8. like new 375 Used Car special A touring $495; cost term**. 645 M«i. ave. n.e.. vate family 3426 13th N W Corner, first floor, for l.h h.. room: electricity. wheel, parkins: light: *IBO. Hartman A How- 1922 Studeluker special touring 823 ; or fine physician at. n.e. Ruick roadster, light 6. 1-5 open eeenlngi. Lip, 9440 1820 EYE ST N W Attractive double room, location for _ HE ard. Ford dealers. K. 1. ave. at sth up ltL.*l tord worm-drive truck, atarter and heat, 1 AVONDALE. Buirk touriuga, 5 76 Think That FORD TON CHASSIS. IRM model; motor hot and cold running water; steam eler P Repainted, mechanical late models 75 up Why We This light* 225 1 14* 1734 sr. n.w. LORD SEDAN rebuilt Ford M'dacs. 3. i'lohf* ti* niMHou; p**rf»*<*l condi- trlctty couple «»r getith-man ROOMSAND BOARD and bath . to Also up Patg«' touring; good shape.. nuintter nine f» room* ... s2o*’ iv In our shop: retuly sto: *3OO. one Ford tourlnge. 4. with starter* 50 Is a To 1920 aport 175 1 tion; $l5O. Ac Houard. It. I. ave. & dealers, Good Time 1918 Rtutx touring. 175 Hartman 15th and firm N w The Shernian. 4025 KOA!) room CAVANAf i’.li COCRTS. Ford •• up 5 pa** ii •• a 1332 COUMBIA Large double for sl7l. Hartman Howard, Font deliveries. 8 50 at sth Nt. .. Kuril <l*• I*•r-. Double room. bath; a.m.1.; family. 1526 17th «t. n.w ave, at st. a 1919 Dodge coupe; good paint And tire*. 350 1 til«* private for two adulti*: continuous hot wnt«-r home R. 1, Ith n.e. _____ Oldtmobilc roadster 50 Buv -ton, 1921; !!• breads] J 1 rm and h«tli 547.50 and $Mi light 1920 Buick touring, A-l shape 175 1 CHEVROLET, one % panel hod? cooking; fresh vegetable*; homemade I FORI) roriTi *si: demonstrations. Main Paige 6 chassis Term* or II at. F. 3683. truck; price, S44H) < ON rakes; transients. DUMBARTON COURTS. 0 M* Na«h light 0 touring, good 150 USED CAR. trade. 60 62 n.e. COLUMBIA BOAD, oppoaite Wyoming Apt and 0260, between suit 1:80. * away 12* One \ -ton. Dodge with canopy top Large 1657 31st at. n.w. linden coupe 1. With Spring only f*w we*ks and private bath, dinner and break 1948 rSI -x h oltj 18th and ( 4 I*h? h and . 00 TOt'BINUS & LIGHT DELIVERIES: $9 season .lu»t around the corner, body truck. S3OO. fa*». Feb. b North 5904. 12^ CALVES rm-. porch... S9O FORD to.. 92» Hupnoblle touring 75 the automobile 1023—Hudson Sedan *»1l> 1 161 bia road)— ni<*ely furnished front room .Kl-day guarantee. Northeast Motor will !*» the usual demand for both used 47*0 One Ford touring, good running condition, cooking. RUTLAND COURTS. Packard twin ft tnoriag. there 1921- -Nash Sedan tOO H si N W 2nd-floor fronL nicely fur twin beds: modern home earefill home 1725 17th st. n.w. Bladensbnrg car* $60.00. $H rd. .; (.handler touring and new. 1923—4’hevrolet Ked«n 350 !iiali«‘d. iwin Ijeda. ele#*trl**itT: |>er wreck. 1 rm. and bath $45 and *4O condition; W 3: 2. Price* o* ears, either new or old. never One 1 ton yellow <ab demonstrator chassi*: FRONT, next bath. 20 minutes to Treasury: FORir roriuNti. 11*22: good Plenty other* on h*nd *t lowe*t price*. Rob- 1922 i’keerolet Touring 100 ll* private family; Apt 416. 2 large rm* . kit., bath After 1 :;t>. I'otontac 2340. 12 l) at*, drop lower with the coming of Spring. If any price on request suitable for two; reasonable terms. ert Exchange. l*t and WM.'. .1 reception ... Heraon** Auto thing, they go up. YORK STERRETT A UO 2129 lHth 8T NW . APT 6 Comfortable Col. 12* «tnd hall sllO it- sli: IN Ike ri»w. 93(13. 12* generally GARAGE. room, <O. IN* FOI L H l 1*24 model n.w. Lino. cars were never bet Main 7H02 Frank. 57^S. suitable for two, next t#. bath, kltehen 3105 \ W tlveJj fui ALLAN K WALKKR A many extras: for 3 Our price* on owed 19th s i iwo mini 813 tuyv any tat $4lO privilege* s*-. ' Main 2696 demons t dm: to St. 12* __ 1 51 * ter, *ikl bare ample time in which dem- 1815 L N.W. 11; Janitor. r***tns with board n-r sale. Plume TO we ‘ 8-TON SERVICE Dl*MPT~~rebui new car nitdied excellent table quick i r 4012. * REDUCED sio S2OO. machine* for you. UIBARD n.w 2 large i ns, *'->»» Adams 5673 cash, take off $l6O onstrate our guamntee. 120# ST. i EYE in condition; Touring, was $550; ** ' plctelv for l.h.k. ga> 1732 N.WT S4O Hupp ** S'J. FORD SEDAN stood Co., 850; 60 CH EVROLETS. furnished sink. I 1363 MINTWUOI# PLA< K Attractive m-im- Ford Coupe, was ” Exceptional appointment*. easy payments. Handley Motor ** these worth looking Wood’s electricity, • balance Tou-lng.
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