Deployment and Maintenance of Europeana DSI core services - SMART 2017/1136 CONTRACT NUMBER - LC - 00822914 DELIVERABLE B.2 Periodic report M8 Revision 1.0 Date of submission 30 April 2019 Author(s) Julia Schellenberg, Victor-Jan Vos, Europeana Foundation Dissemination Level Public REVISION HISTORY AND STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY Revision History Revision Date Author Organisation Description No. 0.1 19-04-2019 Henning Scholz, Valentine Charles, Europeana First draft Antoine Isaac, Julia Fallon, Ash Foundation Marriott, Hugo Manguinhas, Milena Popova, Nienke van Schaverbeke, Zuzana Malicherova, Shadi Ardalan, Aleksandra Strzelichowska, Emily D’Alterio 0.2 26-04-2019 Julia Schellenberg Europeana Draft Foundation 1.0 30-04-2019 Victor-Jan Vos, Julia Schellenberg Europeana Final version Foundation Europeana DSI-4 is funded by the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility. It is operated by a consortium led by the Europeana Foundation, under a service contract with the European Commission, contract number LC - 00822914. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information in this document. Neither the European Commission, nor any person acting on the European Commission’s behalf, is responsible or liable for the accuracy or use of the information in this document. This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate citation, quotation or both. Europeana DSI-4 B.2 Periodic report M8 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations 5 Introduction 6 Highlights 7 Work package 1: Operating, maintaining and developing Europeana DSI as the pan-European online cultural platform 8 Work package 2: Quality assured content supply 11 Work Package 3: Fostering reuse of digital cultural heritage resources 17 Work Package 4: Communication and Dissemination 26 Work Package 5: Animate and further enlarge the Europeana Network Association 31 Work Package 6: Studying the impact of digitisation and reuse of cultural heritage 35 Work Package 7: Governance 36 Work Package 8: Phasing-in and phasing-out periods 36 Work Package 9: Project and Programme Management 36 Europeana DSI-4 B.2 Periodic report M8 3 Abbreviations Consortium participants EF Europeana Foundation (Coordinator), The Netherlands AIT-Graz AIT Angewandte Informationstechnik Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Austria AIT-Vienna AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria APEF Archives Portal Europe Foundation, The Netherlands AthenaRC Athena Research and Innovation Center in Information Communication and Knowledge Technologies, Greece BL The British Library Board, United Kingdom CARARE Connecting Archaeology and Architecture in Europe, Ireland CLARIN CLARIN ERIC, The Netherlands DEN Stichting Digitaal Erfgoed Nederland, The Netherlands DIF Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V., Germany DNB Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Germany eFashion European Fashion Heritage Association, Italy EUN EUN Partnership AISBL, Belgium Euroclio Euroclio European Association of History Educators, The Netherlands F&F Facts & Files Historisches Forschungsinstitut Berlin Drauschke Schreiber Partnerschaftsgesellschaft Archiv-, Geschichts- und Literaturwissenschaftler, Germany INESC-ID INESC-ID, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores - Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Portugal KL Stichting Nederland Kennisland, The Netherlands Lovegrove James Lovegrove SPRL, Belgium MCA Michael Culture AISBL, Belgium NISV Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid, The Netherlands NTUA National Technical University of Athens, Greece Photocons International Consortium for Photographic Heritage Photoconsortium, Italy PSNC Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk - Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe, Poland SPK Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Germany Other CHIs Cultural Heritage Institutions CH Cultural Heritage DC Dublin Core DPS Data Partner Services EDM Europeana Data Model ELF Europeana Licensing Framework ENA Europeana Network Association EPF Europeana Publishing Framework IIIF International Image Interoperability Framework R&D Research & Development Europeana DSI-4 B.2 Periodic report M8 4 Introduction The periodic report describes the work carried out under Europeana DSI-4 from 1 March 2019 until 31 March 2019, according to the implementation plan (B.1 deliverable, M6). The work is organised in nine work packages (WP): - WP 1: Operating, maintaining and developing Europeana DSI as the pan-European online cultural platform - WP 2: Quality assured content supply - WP 3: Fostering reuse of digital cultural heritage resources - WP 4: Communication and Dissemination - WP 5: Animate and further enlarge the Europeana Network Association - WP 6: Studying the impact of digitisation and reuse of cultural heritage - WP 7: Governance - WP 8: Phasing-in and phasing-out periods - WP 9: Project and Programme Management Europeana DSI-4 B.2 Periodic report M8 5 Highlights Metis 1.2 and eCloud V1.3 was released on 27 March. It includes the redesigned version of the Link Checking service on the data ingestion side, as part of other efforts towards resolving broken links. To evaluate the use of eTranslation for multilingual support a report was delivered about the experiment on applying eTranslation to translate selected exhibitions from the Rise of Literacy and Migration in the Arts and Sciences projects. To make Europeana Collections more discoverable by Google we worked on updating our existing Schema.org mapping, including full support for organisation entities. In March 2019 we published almost 1 million records in Europeana Collections. The majority of the data was contributions for the Generic Services projects Rise of Literacy and Migration in the Arts and Sciences. Work on the metadata component of the Europeana Publishing Framework continued and we concluded the refined definition of the metadata tiers. On 15 March 2019, EUscreen partners met at the Annual EUscreen Network Meeting in Luxembourg where the value of being part of the Europeana Initiative was part of several of the presentations given. A few (new) EUscreen partners expressed interest in aggregation for Europeana (Kosovo, Luxembourg, UK), and some to update their data already on Europeana. EF created a persona for aggregators to understand their needs, motivations and behaviors for delivering data to Europeana. Over the course of March 2019, 131 User Group teachers from 15 countries were accepted to work with the 13 Europeana Teachers Ambassadors on the publication of Europeana learning scenarios and stories of implementation. The ‘Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competencies with digital cultural heritage (Rerun)’1 run in January/February 2019. In March, EUN carried out an evaluation including these results: all 98% rated the overall value of the course as “Good” or “Very good”; all 95% would recommend the course to a colleague or a friend; all 93% agreed that they now know how copyright works and how to use digital cultural heritage. The MOOC was translated to Portuguese and Spanish. The translated courses started on the 18 M arch and will run until the beginning of May. On 25 March we launched the Europeana STEM Challenge2 which offers 20.000 EUR for the best educational videos using Europeana openly licensed content to teach STEM (science/technology/engineering/math) topics. In March we ran the Women’s Season and featured on our social media a snippet of a story concerning women everyday. We told these stories using cultural heritage content from 80 institutions from over 20 countries around the world. With over 27,000 visits to our Women’s History Month blogs, the traffic on the Europeana Collections blog was 138% 1 https://www.europeanschoolnetacademy.eu/web/europeana-in-your-classroom-building-21st-century-compete nces-with-digital-cultural-heritage-rerun- 2 https://pro.europeana.eu/post/europeana-stem-challenge Europeana DSI-4 B.2 Periodic report M8 6 higher in March than in February. On International Women’s Day (March 8) we published the final chapter (the story of Dora Gabe3) of Pioneers: Trailblazing women in the arts, sciences and society4. On Europeana Pro we published a series of professionally focused interviews and profiles around ‘Women in culture and technology’ - designed to complement the Women’s History month series. Our Women’s Season also received significant press coverage with 19 news publications from 10 different countries. The first 2019 meeting of the Members Council took place on 5-6 March 2019 in The Hague with 30 attending Councillors. The meeting welcomed many new Councillors (16 present). 3 https://www.europeana.eu/portal/en/exhibitions/pioneers/dora-gabe 4 https://www.europeana.eu/portal/en/exhibitions/pioneers Europeana DSI-4 B.2 Periodic report M8 7 Work package 1: Operating, maintaining and developing Europeana DSI as the pan-European online cultural platform WP1 maintains and continuously improves Europeana DSI’s main services and functionality. WP1 is focused on an easy and rewarding data publishing process, a satisfying collections experience for our users, and a sustainable and high performing platform infrastructure. Task 1.1. Easy and rewarding data publishing Partners: EF, PSNC, and INESC-ID Europeana DSI-4 offers a fully functional data and aggregation infrastructure through Metis, which allows EF to import, transform, validate
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