• ' . DIRECTORY.] SUSSEX. LANCI~G. 227~ register dates from th'e year 1875· 'fhe living ts a vicarage, Plaistow letters through Billingshurst arrive at 8.20 a.m. net yearly value [113, with residence and three-quarters of WALL LETTER Box cleared week days 5 p.m. snndays, an acre of glebe, in the p!l.tronage of Lord Leconfield and II.3o a.m John Peachey esq. alternatelyi and held since 1889 by the Rev. Edward Samuel Webb Watson. The population in SCHOOLS:-- . 1881 was 304. National (mixed), built in x819, for 120 children; average Parish Clerk, William Spooner, Ebernoe. attendance, 8x ; Ernest Phillips, master ; Mrs. Phillips, PosT OFFICE.-George Ford, postmaster. Letters arrive mistress through Rillingshurst R.S.O. at 7.30 a.m. & 1.45 p.m. ; National (mixed), Plaistow, built in 1863, for x2ochildren; dispatched at 5.50 p.m. except sundays, wlien they are avera~e attendance, 8o; Henry Falkner, maste't' ; Mrs. dispatched at 12.15 p. m. The nearest money order office Ed wards, mistress is at Wisborough Green & telegraph office at Petworth. National (mixe:l), Ebernoe, built in I857. for 75 children; Postal orders are issued here, but not paid average attendance, 50 ; Mrs. Remnant, mistress PosT OFFICE, Balls Cross.-Thomas Payne, receiver. Letters received from Petworth at 8.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.20 CARRIERS:- p.m.:; sundays at 1 p.m. The nearest money order & Stemp, to Godalming & Guildford, on mon. & thurs. re­ telegraph office is at Petworth turning tues. & fri Ebernoe letters through Petworth arrive at 9 a.m. WALL Benjamin Hill, of Wisb:>rough Gre.3n, calls here we:!. re­ LETTI'.lR Box <'leared week days 5.30 p.m. ; sundays, turning same day 8 a.m Coles, to Guildford, calls here tues. & fri • PRIVATE RESIDENl'i!. Cooper Thomas (Mrs.), farmer, Chils- Pennicard Walter, grocr. &drpr. Plaistow {Persons residing in Kirdford & Plaistow fold, Plaistow Pullen Harriet (Mrs.), Sun inn, & receive letters through Billingsburst; Cooper Wm. wheelwright, Balls Cross farmer, Plaistow those residing in Balls Cross, Ebernoe & Denyer James, farrier, Plaistow Rapley Wm. farmer, Eastend, Plaistow Shillinglee park, through Petworth.] Downer Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Marshalls Rugman David, farmer, Barberry Winterton Earl of n.L., J.P. Shillinglee Durrant James, carpenter, Plaistow Smith Alfred, wheelwright, Hawkhurst park; & Arthur's & Carlton clubs, Eede John, farmer, Battlehurst Smith George, farmer, Brownings London sw Edwards Edward, farmer, Langhurst, Spooner James, shoe maker, Balls Cross .Barwell . Captain Osborne Nathaniel Balls Cross Stemp Ephraim, carrier, Black Bear fm Henry J.P. Barkfold Elliott Benjamin, carter, Ebernoe Stamp Mechach, farmer, Slifehurst, Birrell Rev. Erskine Alex. M. A. Vicarage ElliottJ as. shop keeper&farmr. Balls Cross Balls Cross Constable Lionel L. Hold house Elliott rhos. farmer, Shorts, Plaistow Stenning Thos. shopkeeper & farmer Hildebraude Rev. Clonard Hatton Enticknspp Charles, blacksmith Stevens William, grocer, Strooi green [ curate-in-char~e ], Plaistow Fell Jsph. Tbornburn,farmer,Parsonage Taylor M. & J. millers(water& steam), Dsmaston John, Hawkhurst court Ford George, shoe maker, stationer & Massell mtll & Shillinglee Park mill Peachey John, Ebernoe house seedsman, & post office Thayre Eli, general smith PenfoldCapt.Robt.Round wyck,Ebernoe Gander William, farmer, lt,rithfold Thompson Alfred Jas. grocer & draper .Porter Ross, Sladelands farm, Balls Cross Tickner Alfred, carpenter, Plaistow Watson Rev. Edward Samuel Webb, Gardner Robert Watts, grocer & draper Tobitt Walter, farmer, Barkfold Vicarage, Ebernoe Greenough Geo. beer retailer, Axsmith Tobitt Wesley, farmer, Hill's green Gumbrell John, beer retailer, Plaistow Tubbs Joseph, shopkeeper, Plaistow · COMMERCIAL. Holden Alfd. farmr. Sparks, Balls Cross Tucker Jas. farmer, Idehurst & Linfold Arnold Stephen, farmer, Strood green Hook Charles, farm bailiff to Henry Wadey Henry, wheelwright Bagley James, farmer, Bellchambers Thompson esq. J<'oxbridge, Plaistow Wakeford John, farmer, Crimbourn Baker Edwd. farmer, Shotters, Ebernoe Horn Silas, chimney sweeper Wakeford David, farmer, High Noon's Baker George, farmer,Neals,BallsCros~ Hunt Harvey, carpenter, Strood green farm, Balls Cross BakerJohn,farmer ,Scratchings, Ebernoe Killner Michael, farmer, Laneland Wakeford John, farmer,. Butcherland, , Baker John, grocer Lawrence Arthur, relieving officer for Balls Cross Baker Moses,frmr.Roundwyck,Ebernoe the Northern district of Pet worth Wakeford Thomas, farmer, Herons Baker Thos. farmer, Slifhurst, Balls Cross union, & oversear, The Limes Walder s~rah (Mrs.), farmer, Holla.nds Baverstock George, farmer, Wild Bark- Manu Charles, farm bailiff to Capt. heath & Fountain farms, Plaistow fold, Plaistow Barwell J.P Weeks John, Stag inn, Balls Cross Brooks Waiter, farmer, Gownfold farm Maxwell John, land steward to the Earl WellenThos.farmr.Qnennel ho.Plaistow Chalcraft Jaspar, farmer, Boxalland of Winterton, Park frm.Shilling-lee pk Whittington Wm. farmr .Calebs, Plaistow Charles John, smith, Balls Cross Miles James, boot maker, Plaistow Widden George, farmer, Blackhouse Childs John (Mrs.), farmer, Todhurst, Mills Geo.farmer,Streeters fm.Plaistow Wooldridge Ephra.im, farmer, Allfields, Plaistow MitchenerHarriett(Mrs. ),HalfMoon P.H Balls Cross Cooper Edwd.farmr.Sparwood, Plaistow Nightingale Richd. farmer, Plaistow pl Wooldridge Est her (Mrs.), bldr.Plaistow Cooper Geo.farmr. Bealhouse, BallsCross Payne Thomas, timber dealer, Post Wooldridge Frederick, brick maker, Cooper George, farmer, Palfrey farm office, Balls Cross Foxbridge, Plaistow LAMBERHURST, partly in this county and partly in Kent will be found fully de3cribed in Kelly's D:r ~ctory of Kent • • LANCING is a pleasant village and parish on the sea­ from tithe rent charge [140; net income [136, with resi· eoast, with a station at Lower Lancing on the London, dence and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Lon­ Brighton and South Coast railway, 58! miles from London, don, and held since x883 by the Rev. Eclmund Peel M.A. of 2 west from Shoreham and 2 east from Worthing, on the road Trinity College, Cambridge. There is a Wesleyan chapel between the two towns, in the Mid division of the county, at South Lancing and almshouses were erected in 1882 by Brightford hundred, Bramber rape, Steyning union and certain members of the Penfold family, for the poor of this petty sessional division, Worthing county court district, parish. The Convalescent Home for women and children, rural deanery of Storrington (fourth division) and arch­ also called the Maria Wenman Home of Rest, contains 70 deaconry and diocese of Chichester. The parish is bounded beds and is principally supported by voluntary contributions. on the east by the river Adur and on the south by Shoreham Lancing Manor, the seat of James Martin Carr-Lloyd esq. harbour. It has been conjectured that the parish owes its J.P. who is lord of the manor and chief landowner, is at name to Wlencing,one of the sons of Ella,founder of the South Upper LancinJ. The soil is loam; subsoil, gravel. The Saxon kingdom; it is certainly a place of high antiquity, and chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips and mangold some remains of a building were discovered near Lancing wurtzel. The area is 2,505 acres of land and 521 of water Ring in 1828, in which British and Roman objects, including and foreshore; rateable value, £9,640; and the population ilt coins from A.D. 41 to A. D. 26o were found. The church of 1871 was r,o6g, including 96 at the two coast guard stations; St. James is a structure of flint in the Early En!!liSh and and in r88r was r,34r. Later styles, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles Parish Clerk, Charles Stringer. and a central tower containing 3 bells, dated 1633 and 166o: • there are several memorial windows, and in the north wall SS. MARY AND NICOLAS COLLEGE of the chancel is au Eastern sepulchre of stone, the upper Was founie1 in t8+8, the first stone of the C'.entral building slab of which, bearing a large incised cross, was found near being laid M1rch 21, r86{, by the founder, Dr. Woodard; its present position: there are also many monuments of the colleJ3 is situated in an estate of about 230 acres and is modern date and sittings for 410 persons. The register of built of dressed flint with enrichments of stone ; in plan it marriages and burials dates from the year i559 ; baptisms forms three sides of a square, with a surroun:lin_g corridor, a from 1574. The living is a vicarage, average yearly value ehapal and m"lster's housa completing th& quadrangle~ the •• ' K. ~. & ~. 144*_, • .
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