F. No. 37-7l2O1a-IS-9 Government of India Ministry of Humal Resource Dcvclopment Dcpartmcnt of School Education & Literacy IS-9 Scction Dated the 13th Aug, 2018 Subject: Samagra Shiksha - 14tt Dleethg of thc Project Approrral Board (PAB) held on 21* June 2OLa - Circulation of Minutes in respect of Karnataka The 14tt meeting of the Project Approval Board of Samagra Shiksha was held on 21s June 2018 in Conference Room, No. 112,'C' Wing, Shastri Bhawar, New Delhi to consider thc Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) 2018 19 of Karnataka. I 2. A copy of the PAB rninutcs duly approved by the Secretarlz (SE&L) in respect of the AWP&B, 20i8- 19 for Karnataka under Samagra Shiksha is enclosed. (K. J. Singh) Undcr Secretary to the Go\-t. of India Tcl No. 23388030 To 1 Sh. Rakesh Srivastava, Secretar5r, Ministry of Womcn & Child Development 2 Shri Hccralal Samariya Secrctary, Ministry of Labour & Employment Smt. Nilam Sawhney, Secretary, Department of Socia,l Justice & Empowerment, Ministry of Socia1 Justice & Empowerment 4 Sh. Deepak Khandekar, Secretaqr, Ministry of Tribal AIIairs 5 Shri. Parame swa-ran lyer, Secreta4/, Ministry of Drinking Watcr & Sanitation 6 Shri Ameising Luikham, Secretarlr, Ministry of Minority AIIairs 7 Ms. Shakuntala D. Gamlin, Secreta-ry, Department of Empowerment of Pcrsons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment 8 Dr. Punam Srivastava, Dy. Adviser (Education), Niti Aayog 9 Prof. Hrushikcsh Scnapaty, Director, NCERT 10 Prof. N.V. Varghcse Vice Chalrcellor, NIEPA 11 Smt. Anita Karwal, Chairperson, NCTE, Hans Bhawan, Wing II, 1 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 11OOO2. t2 Prof Nagcshwar Rao, Vicc Chancellor, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 13 Ms. Geeta Narayan, Member Secretary, NCPCR, 5,h floor, Chanderlok Bui.lding, Janpath, Ncw Delhi - 110001 14. Sh. Sanj ay Kumar, JS (SE.II Bureau) 15. Sh. Shashank Shckhar, JS (EE.1) 16. Sh. Sachin Sinha, JS(AE & Coord.) 17 . Ms. Darshala M Dabral, JS & FA, MHRD 18 Dr. Shalini Rajncesh, Principal Secrctary, Education Department, Gort. of Karnata-ka, 6th Floor, Gate No. 2 M. S. Building, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru - 560 OO I Copy to: 1. A11 Divisrona.l Hcads of ISSE Bureau 2. A11 Under Secretaries of ISSE Bureau 3. Shri Rajeev Mehra, Chicf Consultant (appraisal) for circulation among the appraisal Tcam for thc Statc of Karnataka. 4. NIC- wit1" a requcst to upload minutes on thc Shagun portal. Copy for information to: PPS to Secy(SE&L) PPS to JS(SE.l) E"-ff (K. J. Singh) Undcr Secretaqr to the Gort. of India Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Departmcnt of School Education and Literacy ***** Minutes of thc meeting of the Projcct Approval Board held on 21't June, 2018 to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) 2018-19 of Samagra Shiksha for the State of Karnataka r. INTRODUCTION The meeting of the Project Approval Board (PAB) for considering the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) 2018-19 under Samagra Shiksha for the State of Kamataka was held on 2l-06-2018. The list of participants who attended the meeting is attached at Annexure-1. Sh Maneesh Garg, Joint Secretary (SE-l) welcomed the participants and the State representatives led by Dr. Shalini Rajneesh, Additional Chief Secretary, Gort- of Kamataka and invited them to briefon the initiatives undertaken by thc Statc. 2. INI'TIATIVES OF THE STATE State of Kamataka has taken various measures and brought in reforms that show its commitment towards promoting equity and quality in education. Among them, it is worth mentioning the following: ) Organized the largest ever census-based student assessment survey in 2017, covering around 36 lakh children, and using nearly 900 question papers. ) Rolled out choice-based in-service training programme (Guru Chetana) lor leachers, the first of its kind in the country. ) Decision to introduce NCERT tcxtbooks (Mathematics and Science) under State board for Class VI to X. 1, ) Convergence with NGOs to roll out various programmes that address leaming gaps. ) Worked with the Centre for e-Govemance to facilitate scholarship portal. ) The Student Achievement Tracking System (SATS) is in place with information of about 120 lakh children, making it to easy to track their progress. ) Brought in reforms to ensure safety and security of children in schools. ) Brought in reforms to make the education regulations more transparent and non- obtrusive. ) Enabled reimbursement of fees to schools (r-r/s 12(2) of the RTE Act) through an IT system. ) Developed a comprehensive IT system to conduct recruitment examinations ) Designed and developcd a system to track health status ol children (as part ofSATS), which is expected to be rolled out in the next academic year. ) Developed a system to capture teacher/student attendance, to be rolled out next year. ) Rolled out a system to track the distribution of incentives (as part of SATS), which will be stabilized next year. ) Learning Enhanccment Programmes Nali-Kali 2.0 Nali-Kali for English pilot tested in 100 schools Math kits along with training for teachers (Class 4 & 5) Ganitha Kalika Andolana supported by Akshara Foundation in 12 districts covering around 4 lakh children 60 day programme to develop basic reading skills (Class 4 & 5) Odu Kamataka supported by Pratham in 13 districts, showing promising results Census-bascd survcy ofall students (Class 4 to 9) L Motivation programme for students (Class 4 to 9) ) Post NAS activities - Awareness, Training and Handbook on pedagogical practices ) Secondary level - readiness programme, teacher exchange, aptitude tests, training for NTSEA.,IMMS exams ) Mobile planetariums,and remedial teaching of others 3 ACTION TAKEN ON COMMITMENTS GIVEN BY TIIE STATE FOR 2017- 18 The progress made in implementing the commitments given by the State in 2017-18 was reviewed. The status in respect of some of the major commitments are as follows:- PAB Commitments Action Taken State would document their best practices Complied and initiatives and subsequently upload it on the SSA Shagun portal. This would enable the State lo showcase its successes and would provide a platform for all States to leam from each other. tl. State would update the progress in implementation of the approved activities under the AWP&B on the SSA Shagun portal. A hard copy of the Summary State Complied. SSA Kamataka is updating the progress Tables I and II on the Shagun portal, duly of implementation of the approved activities under the signed by the State Project Director, would AWP&B regulary in the SSA Shagun portal. be submitted at the time of the request for release of funds under SSA. This would be in addition to the already prescribed documents under the GFR. llr. For the year 2017-18, Statc has identil-red For the year 2017- l8 Statc has identified 42480 under 42000 Out of School Children (OoSC) and OOSC. Out of this 25475 children directly enrolled to 3 it has committed that at least 90% children 1tt Standard and are mainstreamed. Against the total out of these will be enrolled in schools of 17005 children target, 13136 children are during 2017- 18. mainslreamed during 201 7- I 8. The following interventions were undertaken (continued from the previous year interventions) to mainstream the children: l. 3 months Residential and Non-residential Special Training (RST & NRST) For never enrolled and dropout children. 2. 12 months Residential and Non-residential Special Training (RSTINRST) - For older children who need longer duration of special training. 3. Tent Schools - For children of Migratory family. 4. Madarasa Children not receiving formal education. 5. School based Special Training (SBT) To fill the leaming gaps through special teaching in schools. 6. Transit Homes - For urban deprived children. (UDC) 7. Home based Education (HBE) for the children with special needs, who are severely and partially disabled. 8. School Readiness Programme (SRP) 9. Hostels and Residential schools Most disadvantaged category of children are accommodated in these hostels run by the education department and also hostels run by department of Social Welfare, BCM and Minority Welfare. Ll In this regard Chinnara Angala Special Training has been initiated at Bangalore North, Bangalore South, Bidar, Gadag, Gulbarga, Ilaveri and Ramnagara from 17 .04.2017 . The below details indicate the number of children planned to be mainstreamed under the above mentioned intcrventions: 3 months RST 232, 3 months NRST - 812, 6 months Special Residential Training- 205, 6 months Non-Residential Special Training-40, 6 months Tent Schools -341, Previous year Tent Schools 1906,6 months School Based Training(with EV's)- 1433,6 months School Based Training(without EY's)- 4686, 6 months Seasonal Rcsidential Special training- 4634, 12 months Special Residential Training - 36, Prcvious year 12 months Special Rcsidential Training 20,12 months Special Training for Urban Deprived Children(UDC)- 344, Previous year-3O, 12 months Special Training for Urban Deprived Children(UDC)- 9 months Madarasa -28, continued from previous year Madarasa -2097, CWSN- I 6, Hostel Facility - 145. tv Average Dropout rate will be reduced from During 2017-18, dropout rate of Primary is 1.62. As 0.7% (in 2016-17) to 0% (in 2017-18) in Studcnt Achievement Tracking System introduced to respect of Primary schools and from 3.4%o collect data from the school level, duplicate entries, (in 2016-17) to 2%o (in 2017- l8) in Upper double entries are removcd. Due to this Dropout rate Primary schools. has increased from 2016- 17. Upper primary dropout reduced ftom 3.4Y:o to 2.560/o in 2017-18. State should create a Child wise database Out of 1,01,49,660 elementary enrolment, 8915806 (using Aadhaar wherever available or any students Aadhar collected through Student other unique Id for every child) by June, Achievement Tracking System (87.84%).
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