KIRKBAMPTON PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Cllr. J Alexander Acting Clerk: Sarah Kyle, Hill House, Walton, Brampton, Cumbria, CA8 2DY Phone: 01228 231124 Email: [email protected] 12 May 2020 A virtual meeting of Kirkbampton Parish Council will be held on: Monday 18 May 2020 at 7.30pm The meeting is accessible with the attached link or by logging into www.zoom.us and using Meeting ID 833 2525 1891 with the password 587145. The meeting can also be joined using a telephone by dialling one of the following numbers (0131 460 1196 or 0203 051 2874 or 0203 481 5237 or 0203 481 5240). Please aim to arrive at the meeting by 7.20pm in case of connectivity problems. The meeting will be recorded in accordance with our policy on filming. Yours faithfully Sarah Kyle Acting Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer Agenda 1. Apologies for absence: to receive apologies and approve reasons for absence 2. Declarations of Interest and Request for Dispensations 2.1 The Clerk to report any requests received since the previous meeting for dispensations to speak and\or vote on any matter where a member has a disclosable pecuniary interest 2.2 Receive declarations by members of interests in respect of items on this agenda 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 9 March 2020 To approve the accuracy of the minutes. Minutes to signed at a later date - attached 4. Public Participation In accordance with Standing Order 3e the Chairman will, at her discretion: 4.1 Invite members of the public to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted at this meeting 4.2 Receive reports from Borough and County Councillors 5. Administrative Matters 5.1 To adopt an addendum to the Standing Orders to enable virtual meetings as attached 5.2 To approve the policy on pandemic working arrangements as attached 5.3 To consider an update with the Community Led Plan 5.4 To consider progress with defibrillator cabinet repair 6. Finance Matters 6.1 To ratify payment of invoices and to note the bank reconciliation as listed in Appendix A - attached 6.2 To note the receipt of the first half of the precept from Allerdale Borough Council of £4375 6.3 To consider the hosting of grant award scheme 7. Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20 7.1 To consider accepting the end of year internal auditors report for the financial year 2019/20 – attached 7.2 To resolve that the Parish Council wish to certify themselves as exempt from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and to authorise the Chairman to sign and the RFO to submit a Certificate of Exemption to the External Auditor following confirmation that gross income or gross expenditure did not exceed £25,000 in the year of account ended 31 March 2020 - attached 7.3 To approve the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 and authorise the Chairman to sign the Annual return – attached 7.4 To approve Accounting Statements 2019/20 and authorise the Chairman to sign the annual return – attached 8. Clerk's Report: To note the update from the Clerk as detailed in Appendix B – attached 9. Councillor Matters: an opportunity for Councillors to raise issues on behalf of residents 10. Date of Next Meeting: To confirm that the next virtual meeting will be called at a date, to be confirmed by electronic summons KIRKBAMPTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting of Kirkbampton Parish Council held on Monday 9th March 2020 in Kirkbampton Village Hall at 7:30p.m. Present: Cllr J Alexander (Chairwoman). Cllrs M Cunliffe, P S Heggie, S Ekins-Parnell and E Newstead. In Attendance: Allerdale Borough Councillor V Hodgson (arrived 8.14pm). Acting Clerk S Kyle. ACTION 78/03/20 Apologies for Absence No apologies for absence were received. 79/02/20 Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held on 13th January 2020 Resolved to authorise the Chairwoman to sign, as a true and accurate record, the minutes of the last meeting of the Council. 80/03/20 Requests for Dispensations No requests for dispensations were received. 81/03/20 Declarations of Interest No declarations of interest were made. 82/03/20 Public Participation No members of the public were in attendance. 83/03/20 Administration and Governance 83.1 Policies Resolved to adopt updated Standing Orders, Code of Conduct, GDPR Policies, Public Participation Policy, Disciplinary Policy, Grievance Policy and Press & Media Policy. 83.2 Website Maintenance Resolved to approve the use of Rocketsites for website maintenance for the year 2020/21 at a cost of £75 plus VAT. 83.3 VE Day Consideration was given to commemorating the above on 8th May. Resolved that the Kirkbampton Facebook page will be requested to gather SK public opinion and a working group of Cllrs will be arranged by email to coordinate any matters required. 84/03/20 Finance Matters 84.1 Bank Account It was noted that the Cumberland Building Society would not allow the Council to upgrade to a paid account with internet banking facilities. Resolved to move the Council’s banking arrangements to Unity Bank, at a SK cost of £6 per month. 16 84.2 Expenditure Resolved to approve payments detailed in the schedule as follows: Sarah Kyle, March salary, £233.32 HMRC, March PAYE £58.40 Rocketsites, website plus missed 2018 invoice, £109.14 ICO, Data protection registration, £35.00 Opening Balance at 1st April 2019 £10,099.50 Total Receipts to 29th February 2020 £8,865.00 Total Expenditure to 29th February 2020 £12,734.86 Balance 29th February 20202 £6,229.64 The balance at bank was £6,643.76 as four cheques remain outstanding. 84.3 Internal Audit Documents Resolved to adopt the updated documents and to accept the review the effectiveness of the internal audit as adequate: . internal audit checklist . internal audit plan . internal auditor terms of reference . asset register (updated for 2019/20) . risk assessment 84.4 Internal Auditor Resolved to continue the appointment of Mrs P Cronin as internal auditor for the financial year 2019/20 and until further notice. 84.5 Fidelity Insurance Guarantee Resolved to accept the adequacy of the above. 85/03/20 Planning Matters 85.1 Resolved to Note Permission Notices Received FUL/2019/0260 West Croft Kirkbampton Carlisle - Change of use of external store into residential annex/holiday accommodation 85.2 New Applications FUL/2019/0033 Holly Croft Kirkbampton Carlisle - Demolition of dwelling and garage buildings and erection of 5no terraced dwellings SK Resolved to respond with “no representations”. HOU/2020/0042 Hewson House Oughterby Carlisle - Demolition of attached barn and erection of attached single storey extension Resolved to question whether the extension will be for domestic or business purposes and object to the application should any commercial SK plans be evident. Also, to request that conditioning is put in place to protect the adjacent telephone box that belongs to the Parish Council. 86/03/20 Police Matters No update was available. 87/03/20 Highways Matters 87.1 Updates Illuminated Speed Signage No update regarding availability was available. 17 Resolved: The Chair and Cllr Ekins-Parnell are to undertake a site visit to JA/ determine the best site for location. SE-P White line repainting Resolved that the Clerk will write to Highways to thank them for a well- SK done job. 30mph location on the road to Watchtree No update was available although the Clerk had requested the matter be re-raised due to the time taken for response. Drainage Issues between Kirkbampton and Oughterby The water is now flowing correctly therefore the issue appears to be resolved. Road Works on U2012 Works on the above remaining ongoing. A variety of potholes were also noted although these are all listed on the Highways portal. 87.2 Footway Lighting Confirmation of the costs of the above had been received from Allerdale Borough Council, totalling £1541.11 annually. It was agreed that this will be added into the budgetary calculations at precept setting time in November, ready for its implementation in April 2021. Borough Councillor V Hodgson entered the meeting at 8.14pm. 88/03/20 Village Matters 88.1 Community Defibrillators Ongoing issues with the electricity supply to the phone boxes in Oughterby and Little Bampton were noted. A visit from the Community Heartbeat Trust is anticipated and Borough Cllr Hodgson offered to investigate the issue with Electricity North West. It was also agreed that the Chair along with Cllrs Ekins-Parnell and Heggie will act as the defibrillator guardians to undertake the weekly checks. 88.2 Community Plan The Chair and Cllr Ekins-Parnell had met and agreed changes to the previous questionnaire. A draft was circulated, and it was agreed to proceed with distribution with a £25 prize draw as incentive to return. Resolved that the Clerk will forward details of the Council printers to Cllr Ekins-Parnell and to agree expenditure of £25 on a suitable gift card for SE-P the draw. 88.3 Notice Boards The matter will be further considered at the May meeting. 88.4 Oughterby Village Green Trees Resolved to proceed with tree coppicing prior to the end of March at a cost of £136.00. 88.5 Wheelie Bin Stickers It was noted that some stickers were not displayed therefore it was agreed 18 that a reminder will be placed in the next parish magazine. The Chairwoman stated that she would establish which waste bins did not have the stickers displayed and then attach a sticker to the Waste Bins that still JA need them.
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