MtClwesf Conference- Blast Local Scores Bowen Tells Governor u Hi9h 27, Harth Des MeIMt • JohMton 13 all owon W.-t.. C........ 21 , R..... Igers Education Plans Lag Seromg the State Universit~ of Iowa and the People of Iowa City The only other Detruit threa ts MI EAPOLIS, Min n. - dents being educated - students Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto 10 II City, Iowa, Saturday, pt mber U. 19&4 in the filth and seventh in· IIigher education has entered a who would otherwise hllve to be educated by (he states. when Lhey put two runners dynamiC phase of growth and In other conference activity Fri· base. But Downing got out or change without firmly estab­ day the governors moved toward jam without allowing a ball lished machinery for state·wide solving common problems in the mental health fie ld. to be hit ouL oC the infield. planning, SUI President How­ N.w Vork ..... 300 000 2_5 '0 The governors took the first steps Detroll 000 200 000-12 5 0 ard ,R. Bowen declared here toward setting up a uniform legal Downln" .nd Howard; Agulrr., Gild. Friday. code to deal with mentally disord· ding (7), Rakow (8) .nd Fr.ehan. W - ered offenders and also setting up Hughes 'No DownIng, (12"). L - Aguirre, (5·9) . Has Apology' The new SUI preSident spoke a sta ndardized training proeram Hom. runs - New Vork, Howard (13), Pepitone (22). Detroll, K.llne (14). before the Midwest Governor's Con· (or ward aides in menial institu­ ference. tions. Baltimore Orioles who played a As an example of what has been ON A MOTION by Nebraska Gov. night game at Washington. done in some states, Bowen de· Frank Morrison, the conference au· Hansen Lagged a 3·0 pitch 360 feet scribed a two· level system of gov­ thorized its Interstate Workshop over the left field fence with two erning boards in which one board on the Mentally Disordered Offend· out in the loth handing Jim Kaat is responsible fo r comprehensive er to draw up in the coming year his eighth loss against 16 victories. state· wide planning while other the proposed code. For Use Of Borrowed boards govern inst/tulions or Car Kaat and Chicago's Joet Horlen The code would be presented to were locked in a tight pitcher's groups of institutions. This system, the next governor's conference with duel over the first eight innings. is complex, he said, but it has the aim of having the governors Chicago pushed across a run in the advantage of reconciling the take it to their legislatures for the third on singles by Mike need for over·all planning with possible approval in an interstate Sen. Humphrey GOP Criticism Hershberger and Floyd Robinson the need for institutional autonomy. compact. after Horlen had reached on a BOWEN stressed the importance Also approved Friday was a of in lilutional autonomy, noting resolution setting up an advisory l fielder's choice. Visits Familiar Kaat tied it in the sixlh by Lhat a danger of external control committee to study the standard· is that controllers tend Lo give ization of training programs for I Called IRidiculous punching his third home run o[ undue weight in their decisions to ward aides. Eventual aim of the the year over the right field fence DES \tOl T S ( P) - Drmocratic Cov. Harold Hughes on a two strike pitch. quantitative measures of education plan is to have the 12 states ap· Political Area Chicago ......... 001 000 000 1-2 • 1 although "the important things in prove a standard certificate which id Frida llighl he lH1S "no apology 10 m. k .. ( r th u e of Mlnnesot. 000 001 000 0-1 4 0 education are not reducible to num· ward aides would be required 10 c. r Irlll him hy u m('mi>er of the tnt Ilighw y mmi, Ion. I Horl.n, Wilhelm (') .nd Correon, bers- or quantities." possess before they could practice He Returns Home 'I Martin (f); Klat and Battoy. W - WII. helm, ('''). L - Kalt, (1'''). "In successful ed ucation, some· in any of the states . li e' ,aid in a statrment that Repuhlican criticism of his II e of , Home runs - Minnesota, Kaat (3). To Minnesota To Talk ! Chlc.go, H.n ..n (17). thin g is happening 10 motives, val· GOV. WILLIAM GUY of North the ('ar mean· that ~th(' oppoition has not only looped to th ues, aspirations, insights, social Dakota presided over the session. Vs. Goldwater's Record lo\\e\t lev I bllt to Ihl' ridiculoll. as well." sensitivity, "he said." We are try· George Morris, director of the De· ing to do sometll illg analogous to partment of Mental Institutions for HURON S.D. (.4'1 - Sen. Hubert How '\C'I, Hught'S loki nl'W~Il1('n Ih t '']'m not ur y t OO what happens in the family or the Nebraska, presented the work· Humphrey winged into his native when ked if h would use (he 1964 Ford thunderbird IcCt him 10 t church , rather than to what ap· shop's report. state Friday for a sentimental jour­ dreomed or running lor pollth:01 pens on the assembly line or the Joseph H. Hays, general counsel Monday in place of a 1964 Ford sta· ney through his old s tom pin g oCCIce. Th Republican politico I feed lot." of the Association of American tion wagon h ho. had the u e of Jead rship didn't h ve to conduct Bowen also told the governors Railroads told the conference that grounds to gain political mileage ince I t January. a costly inve tlgatlon at the tax- that "it would seem to be wise public funds should be invested in against Republican presidential Th cars bt>long to Robert Barry p y rs' expe to find (hi ollt." Friday, Seplember 11, 1964 state policy to encourage and railroad grade crossi ng separations candidate, Barry Goldwater. of Danbury, a cor dealer ond Demo­ Hughes said h used the car In crat who wa oppolnted to the 8:00 Morning Show strengthen private education." to cut the 1,200 deaths a year from Humphrey, the Democratic vice· the primary election campalin and 8:01 News HE POINTED out that in most vehicle· train accidents. Railroads Highway Comml. Ion by Hughes In reported it to (he secretary oC 9:30 Bookshelf presidential nominee, lashed at July of 1963. 9:55 News states private instilutions serve a could not undertake such a pro· Goldwaler's record on farm legis­ state's office. 10:00 Music third to two·thirds of all the stu· gram because of the cost, he said. HUGHES' OPPONENT in (he Borry, In t tlmony Thursday ot 1J:00 Great Recording. or the Past lation and economics. race for governor, R publican Atty. II :59 News HeadUnes a Legl lollve Int rim Committee 12:00 Rhythm Rambles SPEAKING to a crowd that po­ Gen . Evan Hultman, hud aid ear­ hearilll about a Highway Comm 12:30 News lice estimated at 5,000 to 7,000 in lier Friday thlJt the use or the car 12:45 New. Background ion pavlnl d . ion, h d not elf· 1:00 Music Medicare Program Watertown, S.D., Humphrey said Some Changes Made by Hughes was "poor Judgment at scribed the loan of the car as a 2:00 Music rrom Gennany the nation is enjoying unprecedent­ best. I don't (hink any public em­ campaiifl donotion but said h con­ 2:30 New. T his recently remodel,d .,ction of Univ.rsity the Fi,ld Hou .. wh.r. stud,n'. will .Iso rtctlve 2:S5 SIGN OFF ed prosperity. He added: ploye in the state hould be turn­ sidered it a loan to 8 rri nd, Hall is the location at which upptrgradu.tts mUlt "And I don't believe when you their rellstratlon c.rtlflcat. and courst schedul. ishing - I t alone th governor ac­ "We did not discuss what I WDlI Rapped by Miller are winning (he game and gaining now pick up their eourst .elMdule booklet •. Reg· card. cepting - . uch contributlons." to use the cor Cor," Hughes 1IB1d. "( the victory that you change signals. Istration fets, however, are paid In the lobby of -Photo by John Anderton Th iovernor i Ued a 1,000 word filured I could u it during the IIAnTFORD, Conn. 1.4'1 - Rep. hilling out at the Democrats as a Surely we don't want to hand t~e statem nl about an hOur atter be campaign. I probably Clrst decided William E. Miller told an overflow party of recklessness, a party that ball to a player who runs back­ returned trom Minneapoli, and to u. e it wh n lhe we ther w bad • crowd in the nalion's insurance "led this nation into war four ward." lh n m t with newsm n in a hastily and I couldn't ny, and m), WI! tn capital Friday that a program of times in lhis ce ntury and has failed Makarios SUI Registration coil d conf renee. wanted our car." medicare would lead to "the social· to stem corruption in government Earlier at an airport hangar Hughes wa driven to the n ws SOME REPUBLICANS have said ization or private insurance in this or lawlessness in (he streets." news conference, Humphrey was confcr nee at the Stat hou. in (he lhat th loon or the cor to HUih I I nation." Goldwater's stand in these areas asked about the Republican nom· Warning official tate car, a 1964 Lincoln.
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