OCTOBER 1951 • Vol. 9 • No. 10 NEWS 1/£THf s u n s h /n e O F V o “ * s m i l e MV PRAYER AMERICA'S NO. 1 BAND mholy Rhapsody tetij Eqed Babq Faithfully Yours CAPITOL N E W S PAGE 3 \ Bud Freeman's Anthony Voted Top Band dissonance % In the annual Billboard .. Disk Jockey Survey Ray Anthony was chosen top keeping adult deli band quents ofF the street. W hile this is an end not necessarily of the year. Ray led to be desired it still remains that characters who would he voting with 990 points beat- never recognize the inside of a parlor if the furniture pg out Ralph Flanagan w ho weren't carved by Brunswicke-Balke-Collender have lately scored 939. Les Brown to o k the been observed spending an evening at home—some ever ¡|,ow spot and Stan Kenton was in th e ir o w n —g lim m ing h a lf nelsons and necklines of tv, fourth by the deejays. When Seeley Quaver, Pentup Miller and Moosejov Jockeys were asked to rate Stayle gather in the loges arranged before Mrs. Pizatz'i their preference by answ e rin g the 16" screen a dramatic contest is in the making. Seeley question, "Which band on records Quaver was once technical advisor on the Hades Grove Jo you like most—y o u r current a ll Garden Club production of "Three Men on a Horse, ¡round favorite." First choice W hen the channel is tuned, Seeley focuses. For fifty set rated five points, each succeeding onds he concentrates, then he flays the audience with his ¡pot getting one p o in t less. know ledge o f sta g e craft. An e xpe rt conversationalist b In the specific categories Benny does not make a simple statement! He probes! "Seedol? Goodman took top honors in Seedat? Why lyask, does she not enter from left? Why wing bands w ith Flanagan sec­ does sheyenter from right?" As the lighting, camera move ond. Anthony followed in third ment, direction and script unfold, Seeley's comment spot a small 17 points behind grows more substantial in volume and gesture. flanagan. Les Brown and Stan Ray Anthony, center, accepts enthusiastic congrats of Debbie Rey­ O rd in a rily Seeley's b eh a viou r m ight be annoying, bit Kenton trailed in fourth and fifth. nolds and disc jockey Johnny Grant on being elected country's Pentup Miller has his own point of view to expound, Ratings in the "sweet" division number one band. A lm ost—b ut not q u ite —to him self he asks the profound put Sammy Kaye in the number questions for the musician. "How many ways can you one slot with Anthony placing picture a girl singer? How long can anyone look at ill You photograph her through a doily; through a picket second. Guy Lombardo follow ed High" Tops Poll Nat Takes fence; through a Cadillac grille . for a payoff you Ray. Flanagan and Paul W eston get an intimate glimpse of her adenoids. This is entertain lined up in fourth and fifth. Billboard's poll of Disc ment? Who needs it? * In two years everyone will ho!- Following his S eptem ber en­ Jockeys placed Les Paul and Single Route girl singers. Do they deserve this, I ask you?" gagement at the Hollywood Pal­ M ary Ford's "How High the The N at "K in g " Cole Trio w ill To M oosejaw the stage w hispers which Pentup intrude! ladium Ray will do a series of Moon" as the number one be dissolved after current book­ upon the viewing company would prove more irritating "pop" record of the year. ane nighters through C a lifo rn ia ings and Nat will be presented than Seeley's monologue except that Moosejaw himself N at "King" Cole's "Too working his w a y up to O a klan d as a single his m anagem ent an­ is stimulated to express himself. A buck, to Moosejov Young" was the second choice and then back south to San Ber­ nounced. Switch is due to as­ is a lw a ys a buck. There is no fo rm o f entertainmer1 with "Be My Love" by Mario nardino. On the 11 October, the sociation with backings other w hich w ill d iv e rt him fro m the grim , unsuccessful pursu' Lanza third and Patti Page's Anthony crew opens at the Thun- of same. As the chanteuse in view continues to interpret! "Tennessee Waltz" fourth. than trio. Nat's big recorded hits derbird Hotel in Las V egas fo r Moosejaw progresses to inspiration. "This is visual? Tliis Western Disc Jockeys se­ of late have been, for the most o two week stand. He w ill con- Inactive in the music business you gotta have tv for? Look, I just thought of a grec; lected Tennessee Ernie's "Shot­ part, with full band. for the past year, Rita Barnet, bnue his one nighters through gim m ick. W h a t d 'y a th in k o f this? It's a gimmick for! gun Boogie" as the topper in A type of trio similar to that lovely wife of bandleader Charlie, November and early December. panel show. Visual! Strictly visual! In this panel $ho' the Hillbilly and Western field. composed of Irving Ashby, gui­ will resume her singing and New York City's Statler Hotel w ill instead of a monitor asking the questions these off tar; Joe Comfort, bass; and John dancing career next month. 9reet Ray and the boys at what spelled out by the University of California card section Constanza, bongo will be used When color vision comes in the card section can holdup bas almost become fhe home port by Nat on personal appearance. of the Anthony crew. E dited By red cards as the contestants get warmer and shades of Neighbors Moves BUD FREEMAN blue of he gets cooler. This has never been done.. By the time Seeley, Pentup and Moosejaw have flippy Paul Neighbors moves into Satch Emotes Whiting Shuttles West Houston's Shamrock Hotel for six through every channel on the dial hundreds of unor Louis Armstrong, without band, Following her Shamrock Hotel, weeks opening 4 December. On swered questions have piled up. And what show do they is set fo r a featured role in finally spend the evening watching? Wrestling, which“ Houston, engagement, M argaret the road for nearly two years "Glory Alley" at Metro. Satch okay with Mrs. Pizatz who has found the grunt ana Whiting returns to Hollywood to Neighbors returns to the West Published Monthly by just finished "Here Comes the groaners have a great advantage. It's one program net make two tv pilot . films then Coast for an indefinite stay at CAPITOL PUBLICATIONS, INC. Groom" and "The Strip." In these moves to Chase H otel, St. Louis, the Claremont, Berkeley, Cal. Sunset ond Vine, Hollywood 28, Calif disturbed by the lousy conversation of her guests. ^ October. after his Shamrock engagement. pix he played himself. Printed In U. S. A. PAGE 4 CAPITOL NEW! CAPITOL N E W S PAGE 5 < b "Too Young’’ Shrine For vm e English Smash Dixieland In A ll time record for sale of ¡1» sunset music w as set by "Too In England. Tune hit the L. A. Bash one spot less than a month Ifl, Astaire's next dancing partner For the fourth consecu­ Latest entry in the flour­ it w as introduced. Sale of 73,(( . Newest comedy team is Bob tive year Disc Jockers ishing filmusical business copies topped previous leads Hope and Alan Young at Para­ Gene Norman and Frank Bull pre­ is "The Lady and the Rocket." "Now Is the Hour," by 5,004 m ount . D avid Rose has d e d i­ sent their "Dixieland Jubilee" at Pic features six numbers, stars Just as it w as in Stateside, (1 cated his new work, "Parade of Los A ngeles' Shrine A uditorium , Jean Ruth, Bill Lechner and a line N a t " K in g " Cole version is I the Clowns" to Red Skelton . Friday, O ctober 5. of Oldsmobiles. Auto manufac­ big seller in Britain. Irving Hoffman tells this in the turers are also tossing in a speak­ Lining up the biggest roster of Hollywood Reporter, "Back in ing cast o f 14. (No under w a te r two-beat stars ever to jam on 1929 Carl Laemmle made 'Show ballet reported to date) . one stage, Norman and Bull an­ Rosemary Clooney Is getting Boat' with Laura La Plante. In Don't Cali Us, Danny Kaye and Gene Kelly will Mario Lanza's new leading nounced a reunion of the big Bob the rush from Hollywood. The 1936 Universal remade the film |gdy, Doretta Morrow. Miss M is team in a blackface routine for Crosby band with Bob at the pretty songstress is being tested with Irene Dunne. Before they We'll Call You -rently featured in the Broad­ Metro Goldwyn Mayer's "Huck helm of the original Bobcats who at Paramount and if the studio started shooting a Broadway ly musical, "The King and I." will allow her freedom of the tv Finn" . That studio believes it A ccording to U. S. government made this band one of the greats character advised against using has a combination Judy Garland tome "The Occupational Outlool Mario is in Oregon whittling range it's a deal.
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