6 - 223540 - Americas 06/11/02 1:53 Side 272 North America and the Caribbean Recent Developments North America remains an important region of asylum and of resettlement for refugees. In Canada, the number of asylum-seekers dropped in the first eight months of 2002 by 29 per cent compared Antigua and Barbuda with 2001 (partly as a consequence of new visa Bahamas requirements). However, it is expected that the Barbados number of refugees who find a durable solution in Canada Canada will remain roughly the same in 2002 as in Cuba 2001. This figure will include those who gain Dominica recognition as refugees within Canada’s asylum Dominican Republic procedure, those selected for resettlement from Grenada abroad, and close relatives of refugees (admitted Haiti for family reunification). In the United States, the Jamaica average number of asylum-seekers submitting St. Kitts and Nevis asylum claims will also remain the same in 2002 as St. Vincent and the Grenadines in 2001. St. Lucia Trinidad and Tobago The events of 11 September 2001 continued to United States of America have a wide range of impacts on North America’s 6 - 223540 - Americas 06/11/02 1:53 Side 273 immigration and refugee policies. In October 2001, In Canada, immigration and refugee policies have the US Congress passed anti-terrorism legislation long been intertwined. A new Immigration and (USA PATRIOT Act), which included several provi- Refugee Protection Act entered into force at the sions affecting asylum-seekers and refugees in the end of June 2002 to respond to heightened secu- United States, including an expansion of the rity concerns. The Act includes front-end security restrictions on asylum, and the possible detention screening of asylum-seekers, measures aimed at of spouses and children of suspected terrorists. In preventing the abuse of the asylum procedure, as May 2002, the US Congress passed a Border well as combating human smuggling and traffick- Security Bill, which required a study of the feasibility ing. It also establishes a consolidated procedure of expanding pre-inspection at foreign airports to for assessing protection needs under the 1951 include persons travelling to Canada and Mexico. Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the In June 2002, the President of the United States of Convention against Torture, and other international America proposed a re-organisation of the Federal instruments related to human rights. The Act was Government by merging the Immigration and to have introduced the right of appeal based on Naturalisation Service (INS) and 22 other federal the merits of Canada’s RSD system, and a agencies into a new Department of Homeland Refugee Appeals Division was to have been created Security. There is, however, some unease over the within the Immigration and Refugee Board to North America and the Caribbean possible incorporation of the INS (the agency handle such appeals. However, the Government responsible for the reception of asylum-seekers postponed the implementation of this section of and refugees) within a department devoted to the Act. domestic security issues. UNHCR Global Appeal 2003 273 6 - 223540 - Americas 06/11/02 1:53 Side 274 The relationship between Canada and the United seek to ensure that they do not cause any lowering States in the area of immigration and refugee policy of refugee protection standards. has also taken on renewed importance. In August 2002, Canada and the United States initialled the In the Caribbean, UNHCR will focus on building final text of the Agreement for Co-operation in the state and civil society capacity to deal with refugee Examination of Refugee Status Claims from protection challenges by: promoting accession to Nationals of Third Countries, a “safe third country” international refugee and statelessness instruments, arrangement, which is expected to enter into force assisting States to put in place the necessary imple- at the beginning of 2003. This agreement will create menting legislation and procedures, as well as new monitoring responsibilities for UNHCR on the ensuring adequate facilities for the reception of border between Canada and the United States. asylum-seekers. The events of 11 September 2001 in the United States, led to several delays in the resettlement Operations programme in 2002. These delays were mainly due to the implementation of new security proce- In both Canada and the United States, UNHCR dures, marking, by the end of the year, the lowest will concentrate on monitoring state practices, and level of resettlement (28,000 refugees) in a quarter providing comments and advice to the authorities of a century. However, the United States expressed on those practices, as well as on relevant laws and its commitment to raise the number of refugee regulations. Particular attention will be paid to moni- admissions to 70,000 in 2003. In Canada, resettle- toring the implementation of the United States- ment continued as planned and the target for Canada “safe third country” arrangement and the government-sponsored resettlement admissions detention centres where refugees and asylum- increased by 200 places, to 7,500 for 2003. seekers may be held. UNHCR will work with its part- ners to strengthen the protection afforded to particu- In Canada, the media and the public demonstrated larly vulnerable asylum-seekers, such as separated a high level of interest in humanitarian affairs. As a children and persons with mental disabilities. The consequence, and as part of the broader effort urged Office will intervene when appropriate in precedent- by the Executive Committee to diversify its sources of setting cases in the courts, organise and participate in funding, UNHCR extended its private sector fund conferences and training events, and publish posi- raising programme to Canada. During 2002, UNHCR tion papers on relevant refugee protection issues. launched its first direct mail campaign, which will con- tinue in 2003. In the United States, USA for UNHCR In the United States, UNHCR will continue to call for through direct mail campaigns and donations from the reform of detention policies, especially the individuals, corporations and foundations yielded Government’s use of detention as a deterrent, the some USD 1.1 million in 2002. inconsistency in policies amongst the various INS offices concerning the release of asylum-seekers from detention, and the limited use of alternatives to Strategic Objectives detention. It will also focus on policies and laws that affect access to asylum, such as expedited removal, UNHCR’s presence in North America serves three interdiction and statutory restrictions to asylum and main purposes: to advocate the highest possible non-refoulement. UNHCR will closely monitor the re- standard of refugee protection in asylum policy organisation of INS and its possible inclusion within and practice; to support and promote resettlement the Department of Homeland Security. programmes which respond to the protection needs of refugees overseas; and to build govern- In order to maximise the availability of resettlement North America and the Caribbean mental and public awareness and general support opportunities for refugees in need of resettlement, for refugees and UNHCR, including mobilising UNHCR will increase the public’s awareness of the financial support from governmental and non- Office’s resettlement criteria, and of the character- governmental sources. While recognising the legi- istic of flexibility in US and Canadian resettlement timate goals of anti-terrorism efforts, UNHCR will policy. The Office will focus on maintaining the 274 UNHCR Global Appeal 2003 6 - 223540 - Americas 06/11/02 1:53 Side 275 region’s receptivity to refugees of all nationalities. Both Canada and the United States increasingly look to UNHCR to identify refugees in need of resettlement, and in order to support this, the United States is providing additional resources to enhance UNHCR’s identification and referral of cases. Canada’s new Immigration and Refugee Protection Act designates UNHCR as the principal Canada: Refugees in a language class in Montreal. UNHCR / S. Colvey “referral agent” for the Canadian resettlement pro- gramme. These developments call for closer co- ing, guidance and the inclusion of more protection operation between UNHCR and the authorities in elements in the terms of reference of partners in the both countries. The offices in Washington and region. UNHCR will work with the Government of Ottawa will provide support to other UNHCR the Dominican Republic to reduce the backlog of offices around the world to ensure that an ade- undecided claims, mainly Haitian asylum-seekers. quate number of resettlement submissions are The Office will continue to discuss responses to made to Canada and the United States in a timely potential population movements and monitor inter- manner. UNHCR will hold seminars and training diction and interception practices in the region, sessions with NGOs and government counterparts while providing protection to asylum-seekers in to guide them on how to promote UNHCR’s reset- accordance with international standards. In Cuba, tlement priorities. The Office will advise NGOs and UNHCR will continue to provide assistance to individuals in Canada on resettlement and family refugees and vulnerable asylum-seekers, while reunification matters to ensure the full implementa- negotiating the gradual establishment of national tion of Canada’s unique mechanism of offering pri- structures to offer protection to asylum-seekers and vate sponsorships for the resettlement of refugees. refugees. In the short term, resettlement will remain the only effective durable solution for refugees in In both Canada and the United States, UNHCR will Cuba. UNHCR will also continue to encourage the undertake a range of activities to reinforce govern- remaining non-signatory countries – Barbados, mental and public understanding of refugee Cuba, Grenada and St. Lucia – to accede to the issues, to create a more sympathetic environment 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of for refugees, and to generate political and financial Refugees. UNHCR’s strategy for the Caribbean will support for UNHCR’s work.
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