Vision Research 41 (2001) 1277–1281 PET/SPECT: functional imaging beyond flow Adriaan A. Lammertsma * PET Centre, Uni6ersity Hospital, Vrije Uni6ersiteit, PO Box 7057, 1022 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands Received 10 May 2000; received in revised form 22 September 2000 Abstract In this review, first principles of positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission tomography (SPECT) are discussed together with the relative strengths and weaknesses of both techniques. With both modalities it is possible to image and, especially with PET, to measure regional tissue function, the particular function being interrogated depending on the actual tracer being used. In the second part, the use of PET for neuroactivation studies is presented, illustrated with some key examples from the literature using both perfusion and metabolism tracers. It is argued that the future of PET (and SPECT) neuroactivation studies lies in the use of ligands. Possible approaches for performing ligand activation studies are discussed. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Functional imaging; Positron emission tomography; Single photon emission tomography 1. Introduction measured. These include blood flow (perfusion), blood volume (vascularity), oxygen utilisation, glucose At present, there is such an interest in neuroactiva- metabolism, pre- and post-synaptic receptor density tion studies that the term ‘functional imaging’ is often and affinity, neurotransmitter release, enzyme activity, equated with imaging the change in cerebral activity drug delivery and uptake, gene expression, etc. This following the presentation of a stimulus. This terminol- flexibility is a result of the fact that, in principle, nearly ogy is probably, at least in part, due to the use of the all biological molecules can be labelled with positron term ‘functional MRI’ (fMRI), which is used to distin- emitters such as carbon-11, nitrogen-13 and oxygen-15. guish it from ‘standard (structural) MRI’. However, for In addition, fluorine-18 is often used as a substitute of two of the first techniques being able to image neuroac- hydrogen, which itself does not have an isotope suitable tivation tomographically, positron emission tomogra- for in-vivo use. phy (PET) and single photon emission tomography Apart from flexibility, PET is also characterised by (SPECT), the use of the term ‘functional imaging’ the ability to measure regional tissue tracer concentra- solely for imaging flow and/or oxygenation changes is a tions with high degrees of accuracy and sensitivity. This severe underestimation of their potential. is based on the decay characteristics of positron emit- ters. In tissue, the emission of a positron effectively results in the simultaneous emission of two gamma 2. Positron emission tomography rays, each with a fixed energy of 511 keV. These two annihilation photons are emitted in opposite directions PET is a tomographic imaging technique that allows and are recorded by coincidence detection (i.e. simulta- for accurate non-invasive in-vivo measurements of a neous detection by two opposing detectors). These two whole range of regional tissue functions in man. By detectors define the line of response along which the using different tracers, a multitude of physiological, original annihilation took place. In other words, no biochemical and pharmacokinetic parameters can be lead collimators are needed, thereby providing for opti- mal sensitivity. As the total path length of both annihi- lation photons together is also known, accurate * Tel.: +31-20-444-4214; fax: +31-20-444-3090. correction for tissue attenuation can be made using a E-mail address: [email protected] (A.A. Lammertsma). separate transmission scan. 0042-6989/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0042-6989(00)00262-5 1278 A.A. Lammertsma / Vision Research 41 (2001) 1277–1281 At present, PET represents the most selective and 4. Neuroactivation studies sensitive (pico- to nano-molar range) method for mea- suring molecular pathways and interactions in vivo Functional brain imaging using radioactive inert (Jones, 1996). Apart from its capacity to provide new gases was pioneered by Lassen and coworkers in the pathophysiological information on human disease, PET late 1950s. A few years later, a quantitative method for is also important for the objective assessment of thera- the determination of regional cerebral blood flow was peutic efficacy and plays an ever increasing role in the described (Ingvar & Lassen, 1961). The method was development of new drugs (Comar, 1995). Finally, in developed further to a tomographic technique using those cases where it is difficult to determine whether a SPECT and Xe-133. This method was subsequently change is due to progression of disease or to side-effects applied to initial investigations of the visual system in of (chronic) medication, studies can be performed in normal controls (Henriksen, Paulson, & Lassen, 1981). animal models of disease (Lammertsma et al., 1995). During the 1970s, PET emerged as an accurate method for measuring regional cerebral blood flow and metabolism. In the early 1980s, studies were performed 3. Single photon emission tomography to demonstrate regional changes in both perfusion and metabolism following a stimulus. Initially, analysis con- SPECT differs from PET in that use is made of sisted of subtracting a stimulus from a baseline image. gamma (single photon) emitters. This mode of detection Later, sophisticated statistical packages (e.g. Statistical suffers from a number of disadvantages compared with Parametric Mapping) were developed (Friston et al., PET. Firstly, when a detector registers an event, there is 1995). These packages are now in regular use not only no information about the direction of the incoming for PET, but also for fMRI studies. The early studies photon. To obtain positional information, use is made clearly demonstrated two important issues. Firstly, the of lead collimators. The collimator guarantees that only change in perfusion was associated with a similar photons from a predefined direction are accepted. The change in glucose metabolism, but there was an uncou- lead collimator, however, results in a significant reduc- pling with oxygen utilisation, which increased to a tion in sensitivity. Further disadvantages are that both much smaller extent (Fox & Raichle, 1986). Even now, sensitivity and spatial resolution are position-depen- the mechanism of this uncoupling is a matter of debate. dent, that is they both decrease with increasing depth in Secondly, it was realised early on that control of the the body. As the path length through tissue is not stimulus was of vital importance for interpreting sig- known, attenuation correction methods are more cum- nals. A classical example was the difference in activa- bersome than in PET. Finally, there are no single tion seen in normal controls and professional musicians photon emitting isotopes of the basic biological ele- when listening to a piece of music (Mazziotta, Phelps, ments. Therefore, use is made of radionuclides, such as Carson, & Kuhl, 1982). Tc-99m, that are uncommon to the human body. The Measurement of glucose metabolism using 18FDG fate of a tracer labelled with Tc-99m is not necessarily can be useful in assessing whether a certain treatment the same as that of the native molecule, resulting in has had any effect on global and regional metabolism. potential interpretation problems. For example, there It can also be used for comparing patients with normal are no satisfactory SPECT tracers for oxygen and controls and for comparing different conditions in the glucose metabolism (PET tracers can be used with same subject as images with a high statistical quality SPECT, but are not ideal due to the relatively high can be acquired. The relatively long half-life of fluorine- energy of the annihilation photons). 18 (2 h) precludes repeat measurements in one scan- Of course, SPECT also has some advantages. Firstly, ning session and results in a somewhat higher radiation both equipment and radionuclides are readily available burden to the subject. Similar drawbacks apply to in every nuclear medicine department. Radionuclides studies with SPECT flow tracers. Nevertheless, usually have such a long half-life that they can be metabolic studies using 18FDG have significantly con- bought commercially or can be eluted from a generator. tributed to the development of neuroactivation studies This is in contrast to PET where, due to the (very) short in PET. Mapping of visual cortex metabolism following half-life, radionuclides usually have to be produced visual stimulation was one of the first studies to be with an on-site cyclotron. In other words, SPECT is reported in this new field of research (Phelps, Kuhl, & much cheaper and, therefore, more widely available Mazziotta, 1981; see Fig. 1). than PET. A potentially important advantage of The method of choice for repeat measurements in the 15 SPECT receptor ligands is that, in general, specific same subject is the use of H2 O due to its short half-life activities are much higher than those obtained with of 2 min. Initially, studies were performed in a quanti- carbon-11 ligands, which cannot be made carrier-free. tative manner, i.e. regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) This can have consequences for low-density receptor was measured on a pixel-by-pixel level. Quantification studies. of perfusion, however, requires measurement of the A.A. Lammertsma / Vision Research 41 (2001) 1277–1281 1279 input function (i.e. arterial cannulation; Lammertsma et al., 1990), which is cumbersome, especially in normal controls. A detailed knowledge of the tracer kinetics of 15 H2 O indicated that studies could also be performed on a qualitative basis, as there was a predictable relation- 15 ship between uptake of H2 O and actual perfusion. It should be noted, however, that ‘qualitative’ activation studies require reproducible tracer injections (i.e. tim- ing, duration, volume), preferably using an infusion pump. In addition, similar to most other ‘functional imaging’ techniques, it is not possible to detect any global changes with this qualitative implementation.
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