CHAPTER VII The Heroic Death of R.icaurte. Victorj of Carabobo and Defeat of La Puerta (1814) Boyes had retreated from La Victoria, but after reorganizing bis arrny he was again ready to attack. Bolívar had very few men, for the country was nearly exhausted. With thern he waited the dreaded royalist in a place called San Mateo, where he was attacked by an arrny at least four times as large as bis. He had but one advantage, having selected a hilly ground where tite cavalry of tite enerny could not easily maneuver. The batile began on the 28th of February. It lasted all that day, and at the end of ten and one-half hours of constant fighting, Bolívar was master of tite situation, not without having lost sorne of bis best men, among them the valiant Campo-Ellas, who died a few days later. Boyes, wounded also, withdrew and waited for reinforcements, which arrived in great numbers from the plains; while Bolívar had to reduce the defenders of San Mateo in order to send sorne rnen to protect Caracas, which was being threatened on the southeast by Rosete. Boyes attacked again on the 20th of March and was once more repulsed. Being informed that Rosete had been defeated at Ocumare by the independents and that Mariño was approacbing to the reief of Bolívar, he decided to make a desperate effort to take San Mateo. Qn the 25th of March he rnade a third atternpt, and that day marks the occurrence of one of the heroic deeds of the ages. 64 The supplies and te hospital of te insurgents were at a house built on a hill, while the fight developed down below on te farm of San Mateo, owned by Bolívar. Antonio Ricaurte, a native of Santa Fe (Nueva Granada) was in command of the house. Bo yes decided to take this position and, in te middle of te combat, te independents on te plain discovered that a large colunm of royalists had stolen towards te a.mrnunition depot from te opposite side of te hill. All felt that te war material was lost. Ricaurte was known as a brave man, but he could do little with te very few men in bis command. The young man had te wounded men taken down to te plain, then he ordered bis own soldiers to follow, and he remained alone. The enemies continued to advance, and finaily entered te house. Suddenly tere was heard a terrific explosion, and, when te smoke had cleared, it could be seen that te house had been partially destroyed. Ricaurte had blown up te amrnunition, and with it himself and te enemy. Thus Bolívars army was saved. Boyes, who had attacked thirty times, retreated imrnediately, leaving nearly 1,000 men dead on te fleid of battle. The loss of te patriots had been as big, or bigger, tan tat of Boyes, but success remained with them. Ricaurte took bis place among men who, hice Leonidas, deemed life of little value as compared wit te salvadon of teir country. Furter to te west, Ceballos, te former governor of Coro, had obliged te patriots to retreat towards Valencia, where tey were besieged by him wit reinforcements brought by Bo yes, who, after bis defeat at San Mateo, had fought Mariño, meeting again wit disaster. In spite of te reinforcements, te royalists were forced to retreat when te garrison of Valencia was reduced to less tan half of lis former size. Mariño and Bolívar met in La Victoria. The former, wit an army made up of bis men and sorne given by Bolívar, proceeded to te west to fight against Ceballos, while Bolívar went to Puerto Cabello, intending to take te city by storrn. By an imprudent move on bis own part, Mariño was forced to meet an army superior to bis own, and he was defeated. File ten witdrew to Valencia, where Bolívar hastened to rneet bini, once 65 more leaving te city of Puerto Cabello. There he learned that Ceballos liad received reinforcements, and went to Caracas to recruit mote men from a city which by now was bled wbite. Nevertheless, he did obtain a few more men, and diese he sent to Valencia under Ribas, following shortly lii order to take personal command of te army in te battle. The contending armies met on a plain called Carabobo, the royalists with many more men than there were patriots. Desertions from te forces of te Repúblicans were frequent. This caused Bolívar much concern, as did te news that Boyes was advancing from te south with a great body of cavalry. With Marino and Ribas to help Hm, and with his most trusted officers at the head of te different secfions, he advanced against te enemy, commanded at tat lime by te Spanish field-marshal, D. Juan Manuel Cagigal. This first battle of Carabobo, fought on te 28th of May, was one of te swiftest and most complete victories of te Liberator. Three hours were enough to destroy te royalist army and to force its commander to flee to te southwest with sorne of his men. Many offícers were killed, great masses of infantrymen surrendered, 4,000 horses were seized, as well as a great quanhty of ammunition, provisions, documents and money. But te batile of Carabobo was not decisive. Boyes was coming to avenge Cagigal. The Liberator distributed bis officers with such soldiers as he could gather at different points. Marino advanced against Boyes. Bolívar and Ribas returned to Caracas, sdll on te endless quest for mote resources with which to fight. When complimented upon his victory at Carabobo, Bolívar remarked: "Let us not be dazzled by te victories Fate gives us; let us prepare ourselves for greater struggles; let us employ all te resource our good or bad condition, based on te principle that nothing is accomplished when there is someting more to do; and we have much still to do." 66 He was thinking of Boyes, Boyes who had a large army, all the resources of the plains, and the support of public opinion, while he had neither men flor resources, nor te invigorating approval of bis fellow cittzens. Mariño established bimself in La Puerta, a place of 111-ornen for the patriots, and bis position was disadvantageous. When Bolívar arrived to take charge of the anny, it was too late to change die place, for Boyes was to the front, with tbree times as rnany men as there were patriots. It was necessary to fight and it was impossible to conquer. All was lost. A patriot general (Antonio María Freites) killed bimself in despair; sorne officers who had been with Bolívar since the beginning of bis glorious career died on the field of batfle. Boyes killed all the wounded men and prisoners who feil jato bis hands. He invited a prisoner colonel (Jalón) to cEne with blm, and at the end of the rneal he ordered bim to be hanged and bis head sent as a present to bis friends at Calabozo. Mariño escaped in one direction, and Ribas and Bolívar went to Caracas, not without first taking áll possible steps to hinder the advance of Boyes towards the city. Bolívar was always fuil of enthusiasm. At that time bis most frequent rernark was: "The art of conquering is learned through defeats." This battle of La Puerta took place on June 15, 1814. Boyes entered te city of La Victoria and ten besieged Valencia, wbich resisted until every rneans of defense was gone and the defenders were dying of tbirst and hunger. Boyes proposed capitulation of te besieged and, it being accepted, entered te city on te lOth of July. The treaty provided for te inviolability of te life of all te inhabitants of te city, either military or civilian. Boyes had sworn that he would fulfil this convenfion, but as soon as he had te city in bis power he violated bis own oath and, with bis usual ferocity, put to te sword te governor, te officers, sorne hundreds 67 of the army, and about ninety of the most prominent inhabitants. His officers forced the young ladies of the faniillles of those who had died to attend a reception in honor of Boyes. Meanwhile, Bolívar was endeavoring to keep enthusiasm alive in Caracas. He even intended to resist the advance of the enemy but, being convinced that the defense of the town would mean a useless sacrifice, he decided to leave it and went east to Barcelona. The inhabitants of Caracas, realizing the monster Boyes was, decided to leave their bornes, and a painflul pilgrim2ge ensued. The emigration from Caracas is one of the saddest episodes of the War of Independence. Many emigrants met death on their way east, but they preferred it to the tortures that Boyes knew very well how to inffict upon die life and honor of the population of the cities he took. He entered the capital on the 16th of July, and the crimes started. Cagigal, who was a real soldier and a man of honor, saw bis authority ignored by Boyes. In giving an account of this fact to the government of Spain, the only answer he obtained was that Boyes' conduct was approved by Madrid with a vote of thanks for bis important services and his great valor. Leaving bis lleutenant, Quero, in command of the city, Boyes followed Bolívar. Quero was a native American and was so bad that Boyes' rule was preferable to his. With the few men obtained in Caracas, Bolívar organi2ed a small anny with which he protected the emigrants.
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