..... Per 0 I Cardiff-Wales Barry Alrport Weston-supe -·N Bu 0 "1� EXMOO East .._ Myne Greenateigti Sand ,.,.., � thy Greenale1gh Farm ) on Burgundy Chapel Combe th ton Legend • Flood zone 3 Wydon Flood zone 2 Allotment Bratton Ball Wy<Jon Exmoor National Park Farrn Vyooqcombl! Somerset West and "l'Tanlat1on Hindon Taunton Boundary Selworthy Conages Br �rtr,n • Wood E,:;1st Lynch Cottage M.ipleridge ,rea� Bratton Vood Headon Cott.age " Blackford Cottage C • �I Great Headori t'l<.1r1lctl1m Penton Cornbl' Higher �- ---Per.. -on ..,i.ju Hopcott ��A .. l=llaotat1on r,vingt on T1vington• Plant t on Common -•��ip � :1\WI,e, , _ ;.c:) �., c� Blue A chor Bay c:, �¼0 �.g}1; Tethingstone <if. CottJgc: Ellicom NOTES: The West Somerset CLIMATE CHANGE · WHERE MODELLED CLIMATE CHANGE Community College Farm RESULTS ARE AVAILABLE, THESE ARE SHOWN ON THE MAPS. � IN OTHER AREAS, THE EXTENT OF PRESENT DAY FLOOD D,:,er Conyg,J Holt ZONE 2 SHOULD BE USED AS THE INDICATIVE EXTENT OF Easter Pennywood Wood Farm FUTURE FLOOD ZONE 3 FOR THE 2080S (2070 • 2115). Hopcott Common S unton It P ntat1on Alcombe REQUIREMENTS FOR MORE DETAILED ASSESSMENTS OF II --IL Common CLIMATE CHANGE AS PART OF SITE SPECIFIC FLOOD RISK Huntscott ASSESSMENTS SHOULD BE AGREED WITH THE RELEVANT Griffith·s Quarrv STAKEHOLDERS THROUGH PRE·APPLICATION DISCUSSIONS. • Wootton Ruller * Common •.. Cros3 MAPS SH OULD BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE JOINT LEVEL 1 STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT. Hurlypool Wootton Wootton THE EXMOOR NATIONAL PARK IS OUT OF SCOPE FOR THIS Quarry • Courtenay Plantatlo1 SFRA - A STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT FOR EXMOOR The WAS COMPLETED IN 2014 AND IS HELD BY THE EXMOOR Luwns NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Hensley wood /Jridge Dun�ter Park: Brockwell '==------ A 28108/19 SG FIRSTISSLE FJH 08 < lue Rev OATE: ORW DESCRIPTION CHK APP 0 nchor 1 -:> FOR INFORMATION ONLY '9 • Ge-offrevs Ford South Dunster Oa� View Bonniton Park 1¥1&11 Somerset West Totterdown Ban and Taunton Cowbndge Farm Plantat on King, Deane House. Belverdere Road. Kings Orchard. 1 Queen Street, 69 Taunton, Somerset, Bristol, 8S2 OHO Hedqe Car • Coppu:e TA11HE Tel: +44 (0) 117 930 2000 Fa1rgarderi Nutcombe ' Farm Atl,er www.somersetwestandtaunton.gov.uk www.wsp.com Nurcombe Farm Bottom CllENT: Burrow SOMERSET WEST AND TAUNTON J"j Stile Well PROJECT: Down Farm Windwhrstle Aller Briddicott £/�worthy Bickham Hill JOINT LEVEL 1 STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK Allotment Farm ' J Hur Wood ASSESSMENT Timberscombe El�worthy Common TIT1..E: <. Broadwood FLOOD MAP FOR PLANNING AND CLIMATE Farm Wlthycombc­ CHANGE • FLOOD ZONES 2 3 fast HMwood Wood & Cottage Tlmber'5combe • Wood DRAWN: CHECKED: APPROVED: Withycombe SG FJH Hill Withycom e 89 DB 0 2 3 km QGIS FILE: SCALE @A 1; DATE: 1 1 f H19her � LE EL 1 SFRAModels ---------="'--------------I- V -FZ 'J1o.-tdwoi;>d -! 1: 15000 2B/06/2019 ga Dumbledeer Contains Environment Agency information © Environment Agency and/or 2 & 3 FOR PLOTTING.qgs - Plantation lower PROJECT No: ORA.WING Nq,: REV; nd �----------------------.,., .,- ,... .,. ,- .,-----,-------------------------------� � Oumbledeer database rights 2019 Har wood ✓ Contains OS data© Crown copyright and database right (2019) 70049028 WS_2003 A Gu worth KEY PLAN Cardiff-Wales Airport Weston-super Bur 0 thy on Bu,yonJy Ch 1pdCombc Legend • Somerset West and Taunton Boundary Wyd n Allotment Bratton Ball Exmoor National Park � Fluvial 3b (Assumed) - lino .n Hi er own o Fluvial 3a Selworthy ouaqes ·;..o'-'� � 1 ; I 'r..�c:'1� � "? mr'fr]IM•<ii¼� C O JI bfi "' ,1 ';_ 0 'I::. Woodcom (� ��-"'1 ' ., "o;,� �"f � - .� E.a�t t.yn h tan• V ./4:,.<"3"!� r-ouag f.�· Bratton '-=-< I j,� .. -� HeaOori Conagr- ' � Cl "i�-- �:,;;;�_;� ac .:, � - 'OnliilRo opco'tt-,:,., Blarkford ,,..,,1age- Q .,- 'tQ West , '6 mbe Close -,_,;:.,...��,o--;:oo"'-J'// ..,�,l"'•:,"�·v T,vington PL'rilOl'l Coinbt: (J Higher Hopcott Trvlngton Common BI u e Anchor Bay T thms,tor,c r:ottag G1llhams I � 'c.: 'Somerset munt ro!lege Farm [ r Holl P riri v ud I Hopcot Common ,, i\l omb I Common NOTES: Huntscott MAPS SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE JOINT l LEVEL 1 STRATEGIC FLOOD RJSK ASSESSMENT. Wootton (oinmn,i FLUVIAL 3b (ASSUMED)HAS THE SAME EXTENTS AS 3a AND Dunster IS USED IN PLACES OF INSUFICIENT MODELLING DATA. Wootton THE EXMOOR NATIONAL PARK IS OUT OF SCOPE FOR THIS Courtenay SFRA - A STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT FOR EXMOOR WAS COMPLETED IN 2014 AND IS HELD BY THE EXMOOR Blue Anchor" I wn NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY~ �() I I Av1II * Brockwed r , r1 I\ 01#07'19 SG f!RST ISSI.E Knowl(' farm FJH DB I Bung low (" REV DATE ORW DESCRIPTION CHK APP 0 STAllJS: ., FOR INFORMATION ONLY .J;) Ford I 111 1 Somerset West lotterdow, and Taunton Cowbridge t-arm Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, Kings Orchard, 1 Queen Street, Somerset. 8rislol, 6S2 OHQ TA11HE Tel: +44 (0) 117 930 2000 F rqard n T1rnberscombe Nut omb� www.somersetwestandtaunton.gov.uk Farrn I r www.wsp.com NUtCC'lrf'lbl.' I rn bt)ttom CLIENT: Bu,row SOMERSET WEST AND TAUNTON PROJECT: u hi rt Aller 7 rl,;wor liy Hill JOINT LEVEL 1 STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK Allmmen ASSESSMENT T1mberscombe Comrnon Brr dw ,m FLUVIAL FLOOD ZONE 3a & 3b .v, H rw ori Cott 1J " w DRAWN: i3ougam CHECKED; W1thycomhP APPROVED: DB t-1rrn ,89 SG FJH Hill OGIS FILE; SCALE@At; 1 0 1 2 3 km �----------'""'--------------- t,qr'll.'i --1 LEVEL 1 SFRAModels -3a 1: 15000 1g,1t Q11mhh!Clrr, Contains Environment Agency information© Environment Agency and/or & 3b FOR PLOTTING.qgs 08/07/2019 l W<I PROJECTNo: REV: nd umbl >r.!e,.,, database rights 2019 DRAWING No: �-----------------------,"' ,-- -="' ,--------------------------------------� , ,r wn od Contains OS data© Crown copyright and database right (2019) 70049028 ws 2103 A \I ,Ml II KEY PLAN Pen 0 Cardiff-Wales Barry � T Airport Weston-super N Bu 7 or 0 thy Grrv,naJ ,,9h r •m '.) on urgundy Ch p l Comb• uth lton Legend ... Spatial flood defences Wvdan Beach Al:otmC'ot Bratton .. ,, Cliff Ball Wyl'1nn Dunes f1rm Embankment M1ndon Flood Gate Selworthy Cottagec; High Ground Th• Wall Strand Flow control structures ,••'\__ . r.,. Flap valve ..... a_r,LO OC _ .-L ■ ■ ■ er_;,,� .. ...� . _____0 __ .. •• Beach • �•• ; .. E11lyt1h " Outfall ��"" • •• Ct:illdQ• • Penstock Ill Screen Bratton • Iii Sluice ., ,, • Stoplogs ,; "' Tilting Weir ---- t�"'. - Weir HC>ador, Co\t.1qe •. � Areas benefitting from defences - Environment Agency .-s,;. "r "'!t>i· ' main rivers - Ordinary Watercourses We<iit Close Exmoor National Park T1vfngton Somerset West and Taunton J (J, Higher District Boundary Hopcott Ivin9ton common .. Blue Anchor Bay fething!.ton� Coltagr Gillhams J. Deer ast "f Holt rennvwood F,um It pn1tt COffll"flOr, It Al ombe NOTES: Ii Lnmn,on Huntscott MAPS SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE JOINT LEVEL 1 STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT. woouon * G.l Co111mr111 FLUVIAL 3b (ASSUMED)HAS THE SAME EXTENTS AS 3a AND ( ··� IS USED IN PLACES OF INSUFICIENT MODELLING DATA. Dunster I Wootton Hwlvpo J THE EXMOOR NATIONAL PARK IS OUT OF SCOPE FOR THIS Quarry 11 --�w.�ai;i-1 SFRA - A STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT FOR EXMOOR Courtenay ;:;;;_;• � ,.. ers :- 2� □ -�1 WAS COMPLETED IN 2014 AND IS HELD BY THE EXMOOR a Blue Anchor NATIONAL PARK AUTHORJTYN 53 �Q t ,, JI 1 II l Brockwell ·'n • I I "-- I A Oll/0 S S S S F O B ' \ t ------- f--------�ro�fltt � -- --t Knowtr- F rm � --y -.'::,,_ Tlf-::- - l- -+- 711 t-9 G+- -+- --l _ _ - ------'-'R_T_I _UE____ __+ -CHKJH APP Bung.ilow REV DATE ORW DESCRIPTION ;; FOR INFORMATION ONLY ._p _/r f I V I Ford ,t'iultl K1tswatl 0.JP'.ih!' v,r.,_ farru lo• P.;irl<. q Somerset West Boo �-'-.. • 0 @:flEII J0Lterd1Jwr1 J - and Taunton > '?'-.-<"I ''' Cowbndge 1-.nm ,:-a I Deane House, Belvedere Road, � Kings Orchard, 1 Queen Street, 0 Taunton, Somerset. Bristol, 8S2 OHQ CarhajTipton Tel: +44 (0) 117 930 2000 TA1 1HE ,rg,ird n Tirnberscombe N1..1tt:ombt: harm A.lk•r www.somersetwestandtaunton.gov.uk www.1NSp.com N1drrunh,� farm Ootlonl CLIENT: Burrow SOMERSET WEST AND TAUNTON St.te / PROJECT: Down /Vlm1wh1!;.t!, Aller 11,;.wridhy Bridd1cott I 8 d:.ham Hill �Mm JOINT LEVEL 1 STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK AUotmt>n' ,, farni ASSESSMENT Tlmberscombe Co1nrno11 TITLE: Wlthtcombe AREAS BENEFITTING FROM FLOOD DEFENCES Wood DRAWN: CHECKED: APPROVED: BCJugam Withvcombe , fll B9 SG FJH DB Hill 1 OGJS F!l.E:: 3CALE@A1: OAT£: 1 0 2 3 krn ,-----------""'-------------"-----! LEVEL 1 SFRAModels - 1:15000 08/07/2019 IQ I Contains Environment Agency information© Environment Agency and/or abfd FOR PLOTT1NG.q9s ' l PROJECT No; 0RAWINGNo: REV: ,d r I t 1 database rights 2019 �--------------.;F,;:;;:.---------------------� OS (2019) 70049028 WS_2203 A •• Contains data© Crown copyright and database right KEY PLAN Pei Cardiff-Wales0 Barry � Airport Weston-supe N ­ 39 East A Q Myne Willlton thy GrC'c11alC'1gh fMm on Burgund ChJ�ICombc Legend • Tidal flood zone 3a Wydon • Tidal flood zone 3b Allotmt'nt Bratton Ball Wydon Exmoor National Park Fi'lrrri Somerset West and - � " i1ndon i her To Taunton Boundary Selworthy Cott11gcs :co "' 1r}1ich The $ Slmnd ' I! of/ b b '/;£;�� :v.,1:>;;,, l' a:-; I � . 0 E:ast lynch � Cott.1ga =:....'i11\l tit _ P.:,tefl i, l--H1e- ������ ,f �"""'·""-- ,_..,..,_;::� f - 0er Oi:- q_ > I • D ,{ 99 � Hcadon Cott.:igc- · Periton �-���[]JH�.c �Road;•--'l""!'•-'"'""""'""'Hopco'f Blackford Cottage 0 o· West • , cAlcombe Close T1vington Pcolon Cor11b<.1 Higher Hopcott I "i,<:Jia '(1 g T1vington p Common = •1�PJ��,�o (>;<:>-$? J�0 e {>� BI u e IL'.i�'q' °'<> Anchor Bay c:, � �-,SJ Teth1ngstonP 'I. o.✓• J Cott.lge Ellico G1llhams Dl'<'r t.aster Holt Pcnnvwood Farm Hopcott Common It Al:-ombc> II Common ') "· ti.
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