A Newspaper Devoted Complete News,. Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full 'Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week VOL. XVI—NO. 42 FORDS, N. X, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1954 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Sweetness School Children Re-Enact the First Thanksgiving ' and Light By CHARLES E. GREGORY There are those—for rea- sons which elude me—who think of us New Englanders as just a trifle stuffy because And You Have Troubles? we consider Thanksgiving Day to be a kind of proud, Husband in Jail, Mother and Brood of 4 are Of Ratab] personal possession. Without Even Barest Home Necessities * * H= * WOODBRIDGE—One half of for growing children. ary We are happy, naturally, the world just does not know If you have any beds, mat- how the other half lives. WOODBRIDGE — Industry is that the significance of this tresses, springs or bedding you being called in again by the muni- One case was brought to our wish, to donate, will you ^please 1 tradition which we have attention today. It concerns a call The Independent-Leader cipality in what apparent ' IV ' the Town Committee's mam ' \ - safeguarded so well for more woman and four children, whose Office, Woodbridge 8-1710 and 1 husband has been sentenced to we will see to it that your dona- cession for the present, to tb" 'i - than 300 years, is so widely the workhouse, as a drunk and tions are picked up. oessity for overhauling tlv 1' 1 disorderly person. The family could also use assessment system. recognized now and that i^ When questioned about B°i - Investigation of the case re- practically anything in the way r has attained the stature vealed that the family has no of furniture, particularly chairs mor that officials of the -i > beds, mattresses or springs and and tables. plants in the Township m r * i which warrants a Presiden- the Town Committee Aicn absolutely no sheets and pillow The welfare department also 1 tial proclamation. - The ob- eases and no blankets worthy of informs us that they would like night, Mayor Hugh B Ct servance which we originated the name. They have all been to get a studio couch for another verified it and said "they ai sleeping on folding cots, which family which is forced to use the called in to equalize some of has been among the good are all right for camping but living room of a very small assessments." gifts which we have been able ' hardly the proper resting place apartment for sleeping quarters. "We will try to get industry to take its part in the program, to spread abroad through our which is as it should be. Busi- land, and we are privileged Youngsters at Colonia School ness, too, must pay its share. We are trying to get a general pic- to share all of its feeling, all 16 reenacted the first Thanks- ture of the whole situation," ffos of its humility and all of its giving: when Indians and Pil- mayor said. deep faith with those who grims sat down together to Continuing he stated: "We ciori'i; thank God for His goodness and WOODBRIDGE—Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. feel it is going to be too much of will come with us.' bounty. Above, dressed in Indian In all likelihood you and your family will sit down at a festive a burden to industry for we feel * * * * table laden with turkey and all the good things that go with it to in a great many cases the assess- headdresses and Puritan caps, ments on industrial and commer- are pupils of Miss Diane Enoch's make a perfect Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving Day is truly But in other homes in the Township—too many homes—there will cial property are too low." third grade and Mrs. Peggy be no turkey, no big meal. In these homes, there will be no cheer or The mayor also said that ".some a New England institution. Flemmingr's first grade. Left, say- laughter for the very simple reason of the homes ought to be brought It seems to be only • there ing a Thanksgiving prayer, are that they are too poor. These are up to a more true valuation." where the crisp mornings, six youngsters from Miss Enoch's folks who live in your own home "I realize," he said, "that v-s own. Some may be your neigh- N. Y. Girl have many problems to face in the when the frost lays white class, James Silver, Janice Dors. future. There will be schools to over the hills, signal the com- Ablonczy, Gloria Swedo, Donald The same situation will exist at build and bonded indebtedness to Menk, John Larson, William Christmas time unless our readers meet. Everybody has a certain re- ing of a time when hearts in Petty. ontinue their generosity and con- sponsibility. I don't want to pe- unison pour out love and de- tribute as much as they can spare EDISON — Miss Jean Davis, nalize industry for after all indus- votion and confidant hope. to the ninth annual Independent- daughter of Mrs. Townsend King try is our bread basket. But thRe- Leader Christmas Fund. Our in- assessments are low and should be. Davis, New .York City, was mar-brought up." The parsnips are still in the vestigators have found that this ried Saturday in the chapel of All ground, and through the year there will be more cases to Asked whether the Town Com- take care of than in previous years. Souls Unitarian Church, New York, mittee will conduct an all-in cm- fields pumpkins which could There are more cases on the relief to Andrew Gandek, son of Mr. and sive revaluation survey, the mayor not meet the rigid test of a rolls and each day letters are re- Mrs. Stanley Gandek, Nixon." replied: ;eived pointing out needy cases to The ceremony was performed by "There will be no out-of-toivn perfectionist glisten in the Olsen Again Heads Frelinghuysen Announces League Discusses us. We will need at least $2,500 to Rev. Dr. Lauranee'Neale. The bride firm brought in at the present moon's glow—boldly defiant take care of 70 families this year escorted by her mother, wore a time. The opinion of the com- —we will be able to take care of waltz-length gown of white silk mittee is that it is not necessary of a fate which will return Fire Company Here New PO Building for Nixon Eight Questions more if the donation's are received. taffeta with a shoulder-length and they do not wish it." them to the soil from whence We hope that no family will go tulle veil. She carried white tiger Interrogated as to the amoun'j EDISON — Rep..Peter Frelihg-' feet in the present Nixon Branch EDISON—Eight questions, deal- lilies and carnations. they came. WOODBRIDGE — Edward Ol- huyseh, Jr., announced this' week Post Office quarters. without a Christmas dinner and of the boost hi industry's assess- t ing with planning, housing and no child be without toys or cloth- Mrs. Brian Skinner was the ment, the mayor said: "I can"!; sen was reelected president ol that he has been, informed by the j The Post Office Department wilt zoning, formulated during unit * * * * Post Office Department that a new ing on Christmas Day: bride's only attendant. John Kirk- tell you until next week. So far Woodbridge Fire Company 1 at the take a 15-year lease on the new meetings, were discussed at Mon- patrick was best man and the our meetings with representatives The shadows have grown annual election held at the fire building will be erected • for the'building and added that the con- day's general membership meet- To date a total of $666.18 has of industry have been congenial Nixon Branch of the New Bruns- tract calls for the completion and been received. Donors this week ushers were Stanley Gandek, longer now—at the same house on Sehoorstreet. wick Post Office. ing of the Edison League of are as follows: brother of the bridegroom, and (Continued on Page 6) occupancy of the structure within Women Voters, held in the Ro"bert Barclay. season they are just as long Others elected were: George A cohtract has been awarded to four months. Community Presbyterian Church, S25.00 Charge of Wife-Beati113' elsewhere, but they are not Van- Tassel, vice .president; Mei- Thomas Swales, Jr., for the con- In addition to the 3,000 square Nixon, with Mrs. Harry Hooley A Colonia Friend. The bride is a graduate of the nert Hunt, treasurer; Stanley J. struction of the new building which feet of floor space, the contract presiding. $20.00 Riverside Country School for Jails Man for 6 Months so vivid, I think—and even Cheslak, recording secretary; Har- will be. leased to the Post Office Ladies' Auxiliary of Port Read- Girls, New York, and Mount Holy- provisions provide for the same The membership meeting was this late there is carried on old Crowe, financial secretary; Department. amount of space in the building's ing Fire Company. oke College. She received her mas- WOODBRIDGE — John Kor- trustees, Charles Parr, Francis The building will be of one- divided into five separate discus- $15.00 ter's degree from Columbia Uni- kowski, 693 Rahway Avenue, was the tips of the wind's wings Bader, John Prekop; wardens, basement. sion groups, each of which con- versity. story cinder block construction In a separate development con- Friends at First Bank and Trust sentenced to the county workhouse the smell of the apples which William Prion, John Kellner, Jo- with a brick front and will be lo- sidered the eight questions in- Company, Perth.
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